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Sorky 06-02-2009 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by stamos2003 (Post 1821877)
I downgraded to 1.6.2 and it works fine :)

I'm still interested to know why it is a problem for you and if it will be a problem for others... Do you have a test system I can access? Or just PM me your site URL (without any access) so I can see if there is anything obvious.

Budweiser 06-04-2009 05:30 PM

Hey Sorky.
I have a problem since I upgraded to the latest version. After logging in I get forced off at random. I first thought it was the browser being buggy or a new style I installed but it seems to only fail when the mod is enabled.

I use Firefox mostly but also tried IE. I cleared cookies and cache, rebooted, and also tried two different computers. I searched vbulletin.com and set the cookie setting back to defaults with the tools.php file. I disabled version 1.7.1 and had no issues so I downloaded and installed it again (without an uninstall first) but the problem returned after enabling the mod.

I haven't tried to uninstall or to install an earlier version yet. Can you take a look?


Sorky 06-05-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Budweiser (Post 1823452)
Can you take a look?

Sure - I did but nothing jumps out at me...I see you have made good use of the expand/collapse for different forums and the different widths - looks excellent ;-)

When you say you get forced off, I'm assuming you are talking about being logged off. I can't see how the heck that could happen. If you turn on the debug option, I can look at the settings. How was 1.7.0? I can look at the code diffs, but nothing jumps out at me.

Budweiser 06-05-2009 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1823839)
How was 1.7.0?

I went from 1.6.0 to 1.7.1
After this weekend I should have a little time to experiment. I will load a few of the other versions to see what difference it makes.

Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1823839)
When you say you get forced off, I'm assuming you are talking about being logged off.

Yes, I get logged off...

Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1823839)
If you turn on the debug option, I can look at the settings.

I turned it on

If you want to log in, I have a test login.... username: "testuser" pass: "test"
It usually doesnt take long to get kicked off...

Sorky 06-06-2009 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Budweiser (Post 1823895)
If you want to log in, I have a test login.... username: "testuser" pass: "test"
It usually doesnt take long to get kicked off...

It seems to behave in IE for me, but in FF I see what you mean!!! The settings and the page source all look correct and nothing strange that I can see... Very odd.

I've tested my own sites and have never seen anything like this no matter what browser or server and I have never had anything like this reported either. I'm guessing there must be an interaction issue somewhere.

From here it is the normal routine of debugging...
1) Disable all PlugIns and then enable mine (one hook at a time if necessary) then all the others to see where the problem comes from.

2) If it is only due to my Mod, then have to look at any template changes (try the default style)

3) If it still happens with the default style, then you'd have to check any manual changes to the installed PHP.

4) Try the previous versions of my Mod to see when the problem started and look at the changes
I you want to PM me an admin login I will be happy to run through that routine

Budweiser 06-09-2009 04:56 PM

Ok. I did some work yesterday and was able to get site to stop forcing a log off. The bottom line: I had to load version 1.5.2

I started by removing all styles except for the default vbulletin style. I then disabled all plugins (except for yours) and was still being logged off. I then uninstalled v1.7.1 and installed the most recent prior version. The problem continued through all of the versions except or 1.5.2 (which I originally had installed)

The site isnt open yet so there hasnt been much activity. I originally installed vb3.8.1 and have since upgraded to 3.8.2. I have made a couple edits to php but nothing major. I kept a short list of any of the changes. Here is the list I kept:


Email Que Cron add-on: Cron based e-mail sending
Edited admincp/email.php and includes/functions.php

Log in as user add-on: Admin Log In As User
Made template edit so the link is visabe on the members profile page
Added text to MEMBERINFO

Welcome Headers add-on: Welcome headers - Improve community registration rates
Removed the existing forumhome header info from the "FORUMHOME" template

Banned members log add-on: Banned Members Log
Added line to /includes/config.php
Other than these edits there was nothing changed from the base vbulletin 3.8.2. No styles, or plugins and the other versions still didn't work. I am ok with using version 1.5.2 but thought the feature with the cookies was nice. Do you think something above may be in conflict?

Sorky 06-09-2009 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Budweiser (Post 1826510)
Other than these edits there was nothing changed from the base vbulletin 3.8.2. No styles, or plugins and the other versions still didn't work. I am ok with using version 1.5.2 but thought the feature with the cookies was nice. Do you think something above may be in conflict?

The fact that 1.5.2 works and it starts to cause issues after that pretty much has to be the cookies as that was the change from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0 and it was pretty small.

I ran 3.8.2 [clean] on my system and no probs, so I guess there is something in those changes you mentioned - Do any of them change the fetch_cookie or set_cookie functions? I guess the only way to be 100% sure is to run without them as well.

Another way to see if it is the cookies would be to remove lines 583, 576, 568 and 564 from the 1.7.1 version XML file (Note: the reverse order for deleting to not re-number the lines). Expand/Collapse will break, but at least we'll know it is the cookies - why becomes the next question

PS: Had a quick look at those other modifications and the "Admin Log In As User" plays with cookies, so it may be the place to start if cookies are the issue

abrecher 06-10-2009 05:54 PM

When I use the latest version (1.7.1) my forum doesn't load. When I revert to versioon Version: 1.5.1 everything works ok. Any ideas ?

Sorky 06-11-2009 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by abrecher (Post 1827109)
When I use the latest version (1.7.1) my forum doesn't load. When I revert to versioon Version: 1.5.1 everything works ok. Any ideas ?

PM me you URL and I'll look at it. If you can give me admin access and to a test site or do not mind if I add/remove the plugins I'll test it out.

Sorky 06-11-2009 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by abrecher (Post 1827109)
When I use the latest version (1.7.1) my forum doesn't load. When I revert to versioon Version: 1.5.1 everything works ok. Any ideas ?

Thanks for the link & login. Couldn't login but looking at your site was enough to show me you were using the 3.7.x version. To upgrade to the 3.8.x version you have to make sure you uninstall the old one after recording your settings as the 3.8 version uses a different product ID

abrecher 06-11-2009 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1827926)
Thanks for the link & login. Couldn't login but looking at your site was enough to show me you were using the 3.7.x version. To upgrade to the 3.8.x version you have to make sure you uninstall the old one after recording your settings as the 3.8 version uses a different product ID

I never installed any version on the site before I installed the 3.8 version. I had to uninstall it when the index page wouldn't load. Then I went ahead and installed the 3.7 version and it worked fine.

I'm sorry about the login issue, you should be able to log in now.

Sorky 06-12-2009 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by abrecher (Post 1827944)
I never installed any version on the site before I installed the 3.8 version. I had to uninstall it when the index page wouldn't load. Then I went ahead and installed the 3.7 version and it worked fine.

I'm sorry about the login issue, you should be able to log in now.

Latest installed and seems AOK.

timallen82 06-15-2009 03:50 AM

I have installed this mod and I really wish I could get it to work!

I am confused as to how you set up Forums and Subforums.

Right now, I have several Categories. Within each category, I have forums.

Two of my Categories have a lot of forums. I want to use this mod on those two categories only! The rest of my forum list, I want left alone.

For example, One of my categories is for my sponsors and in that category, I have a forum for each sponsor.

Do I need to change the category to act as a forum? If I do that, then I won't have the category heading that I like.

Please help a confused vBulletin noob!


Sorky 06-15-2009 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by timallen82 (Post 1829919)
Do I need to change the category to act as a forum? If I do that, then I won't have the category heading that I like.

In a nutshell, if your forum displays "SubForums: ...", this mod can be used to improve that display.

At Club-R I do not see that. You need to have child forums that are deep enough (eg: If there was a "regions" category inside the "communities" that contained NE, SE, etc, then it would likely do what you are after).

What option or Mod do you use to have each Category appear in its own table? If that was off and the forum home sub-forum depth is 1, then you may also see my Mod in action.

PS: Yes it does work for categories as well.

timallen82 06-15-2009 05:33 AM

Thanks for the help. I will try your suggestions. I think I understand what you mean.

Sorky 06-15-2009 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by timallen82 (Post 1829937)
Thanks for the help. I will try your suggestions. I think I understand what you mean.

I see you figured it out - Hope it gives you what you want ;-)

PS: What option or Mod do you use to have each Category appear in its own table?

Alfa1 06-16-2009 09:26 AM

If a forum is set to not show sub-forums, it still shows the text 'sub-forums:'

Sorky 06-16-2009 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1830570)
If a forum is set to not show sub-forums, it still shows the text 'sub-forums:'

They were never really linked, but it does make sense. I'll have a look at it.

Sorky 06-17-2009 12:49 AM

Removed as this was a small change and I did another so I simply combined them in the next version

Sorky 06-17-2009 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Il Pompa (Post 1802496)
Great job!! Can you add the "alt code" on post counts when the mouse is over?

I finally guessed what you meant... You wanted it to say "Threads/Posts" when you hover over the numbers.

PS: It was a span title rather than an alt code ;)

Sorky 06-17-2009 10:39 AM

<u>Change Log</u>

1. Hiding SubForums now hides the SubForums: prefix as well
2. Hover over the counts to see what they are (added title to the count span)
3. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments

Alfa1 06-19-2009 01:06 AM

If you hide a sub-forum, that is actually a sub-sub-forum, then it will be hidden on the display of its parent. But it will not be hidden on the main forum index/ FORUMHOME.


- Forum A
- Forum B
-- subforum1
-- subforum2
--- subsubforum1
--- subsubforum2
--- subsubforum3
--- subsubforum4
- Forum C
- Forum D

If you hide the children of subforum2, then subsubforum1,2,3,4 will not show on the forumdisplay of Forum B. But they will still show on the main forum index.php while they should be hidden on the main forum index as well.

Sorky 06-19-2009 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1832361)
If you hide a sub-forum, that is actually a sub-sub-forum, then it will be hidden on the display of its parent. But it will not be hidden on the main forum index/ FORUMHOME.

The option is designed to hide the SubForum display for a specified forum, not to specify a Forum that would not be visible (ie: you specify the parent). Hiding particular forums completely would be better served using forum permissions. Note also that the Forum-Jump-Menu would have them listed.

Although I do somewhat understand what you are asking, this Mod is more about cosmetics than security.

Alfa1 06-19-2009 11:48 PM

For cosmetic reasons I would like to hide some subsubforums from index.php (forum index) while showing its parent subforum. Could you add this function?

Sorky 06-21-2009 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1833000)
For cosmetic reasons I would like to hide some subsubforums from index.php (forum index) while showing its parent subforum. Could you add this function?

Would you not simply use the "Forum is Active" option in the actual subsubforums configuration? That hides it from view in all the displays (including the jump menu).

Alfa1 06-21-2009 07:12 PM

I want them to be visible when viewing in its parent or its children. I only want to hide it from forum index (forum/index.php)

acanuck 06-21-2009 09:50 PM

Thanks for the awesome mod :-)

I was wondering how I can still have the Last Post, Threads and Posts Counts show for the subforums as done here:

Sorky 06-21-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by acanuck (Post 1834363)
I was wondering how I can still have the Last Post, Threads and Posts Counts show for the subforums as done here:

There are options that lets you display the counts

acanuck 06-21-2009 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1834370)
There are options that lets you display the counts

Thanks for your reply Sorky. I know I can have the counts display in brackets next to the forum title. But what I mean is, how does http://www.weusecoupons.com/upload/ show 3 more columns (including Last Post) to the right of the subforums columns?

Which option enables that?

Thanks :)

Sorky 06-22-2009 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by acanuck (Post 1834400)
Which option enables that?

Those come from the standard vBulletin displays for a Forum... You are probably using a Category - In the Forum Manager, set the forums "Act as Forum" to Yes ;-)

trotskid 06-22-2009 11:21 AM

Hi. I wondering how can I hide a subforum from the forumhome to only appears inside the forum (when you?re inside the forum).

Thx ;)


Sorky 06-22-2009 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1834274)
I want them to be visible when viewing in its parent or its children. I only want to hide it from forum index (forum/index.php)

Ok - I believe I have what you want ;)


Originally Posted by trotskid (Post 1834683)
Hi. I wondering how can I hide a subforum from the forumhome to only appears inside the forum (when you?re inside the forum).

May be related to the new feature I just did (see above), or may simply be the use of the existing "Forums to not show any SubForums" option

Outbackmark 06-22-2009 01:55 PM

Set that in VB Options/Forum Listings Display Options and if I remember correctly set the 1st setting for forum home display to 1 and the subs will only show when the forum is opened.

Sorky 06-22-2009 01:58 PM

Change Log

1. Extra option added to allow specific forums to not show up in the SubForum list
2. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments

More detail

For change 1 see...
vBulletin Options
Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.7.4
Miscellaneous Options (combines with all previous settings)
Forums that should NOT be listed in the SubForum

Outbackmark 06-22-2009 02:03 PM

Cool Sorky, thanks - OBM updates!

trotskid 06-22-2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Sorky (Post 1834762)
or may simply be the use of the existing "Forums to not show any SubForums" option

Thank you Sorky :up:

Alfa1 06-26-2009 12:55 AM

Thank you!

MentaL 07-28-2009 06:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Since ive installed this I had some issues, when i disabled it , it automatically put my forum in to columns regardless of it being disabled... how do I resolve this?

Sorky 07-28-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by MentaL (Post 1857355)
Since ive installed this I had some issues, when i disabled it , it automatically put my forum in to columns regardless of it being disabled... how do I resolve this?

PM me your URL and an admincp login and I'll check your settings and the styles.

MentaL 07-28-2009 11:42 PM

I can give you the forum url and thats about it sorry :(

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