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Yellow Slider 01-21-2009 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1720021)
Only thing I can think of is some sort of mod conflict. This system isnt even invoked on member.php

after reinstalling 2.0.2 version, all of my url are messed up, I've upgraded again to 2.5.1 and converted the posts but now all of the urls have "?????" as anchor text, what can I do to solve it?

I think that this
is the reason for all of the "?????" my board is in Hebrew, maybe the modification doesn't work good with Hebrew.

entertain 01-21-2009 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1720026)
Get me the URL of the video and Ill look into it


BBF 01-21-2009 12:39 PM

<a href="http://root.co.il/forums/showthread.php?p=336738" target="_blank">http://root.co.il/forums/showthread.php?p=336738</a>

something wrong here..
i updated from 2.0.2 to 2.5.1 and now it's duplicate my videos

tkam 01-21-2009 12:41 PM

Check your definitions if you didn't clear them out before upgrading there are probably some duplicates.

Del_Boy 01-21-2009 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1719942)
Hi. First off, make sure you click install on this mod please :)
Second, Make sure you are importing the definitions using AME's import system (not vBulletin's product importer)
Otherwise, you need to ask in the thread you downloaded the definition from.



DO i not need to install the actual product on the forums first before i add the definitions?

Sorry if im being a noob here but i am one :P

The Geek 01-21-2009 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Yellow Slider (Post 1720054)
after reinstalling 2.0.2 version, all of my url are messed up, I've upgraded again to 2.5.1 and converted the posts but now all of the urls have "?????" as anchor text, what can I do to solve it?

I think that this
is the reason for all of the "?????" my board is in Hebrew, maybe the modification doesn't work good with Hebrew.

Not sure why you would go from 2.5.1 to 2.0.2 back to 2.0.1. Ive seen the system work fine with arabic, so I can only assume it works with other language sets. Again, I suggest that if you are having problems with a definition, that you post in the definitions thread so they can look into it.

The Geek 01-21-2009 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Del_Boy (Post 1720093)

DO i not need to install the actual product on the forums first before i add the definitions?

Sorry if im being a noob here but i am one :P

Yes, if you do not install the product, there will be no ame adnimcp to import the definitions into. :)

Del_Boy 01-21-2009 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1720119)
Yes, if you do not install the product, there will be no ame adnimcp to import the definitions into. :)

Hi there,

Thanks for getting back to me so soon its greatly appreciated!

What is the name of the product file i need to import...is it not this one "Djs Master XML (Delta)"?

I tried to import that one but i think that is the wrong file...


The Geek 01-21-2009 02:23 PM

You need to install this product before you try to import AME definitions into the AME Import system.

Del_Boy 01-21-2009 02:52 PM

Where can i get the product file from?

Del_Boy 01-21-2009 02:53 PM

OMG sorry for being such a noob!

Ive found it now!


Del_Boy 01-21-2009 03:11 PM

Got it working and i have tested it out...i love it!

Thanks very much for being so patient and helping me out!

BlackJacket 01-21-2009 04:23 PM

Great mod. Thanks!

*Install's and does the train Solo...*

BBF 01-21-2009 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by tkam (Post 1720069)
Check your definitions if you didn't clear them out before upgrading there are probably some duplicates.

Thank you!
it works great now!

GlamRockTalk 01-21-2009 06:29 PM

* tagged *

I have to read through to make sure what I should do to upgrade to the "official" AME 2.5 :D

I'll hopefully do that this evening. Thanks for the release! :up:

Fabikus 01-21-2009 09:23 PM


Validation ability. This will help prevent media being embedded that can not be embedded (i.e. youtube videos that the author has stipulated can not be shown off of youtube). This option requires the extraction option to be turned on and a valid validation regexp. I have included one in the default youtube version. When a video on you tube gets embedded, but the author doesnt allow embedding, a link (with icon) is shown instead.
How can i use that for YouTube? I imported DJ's AME definitions but i can't see a link for theese videos but normal embed!

Manic Mechanic 01-21-2009 09:43 PM

How do I enlarge the videos in the posts? I tried changing the default settings and that did nothing. Since I installed this update all videos are showing up too small.

talkncaasports 01-21-2009 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1719918)
Keep in mind, many media sites change their formats frequently. Also, many definitions will need updating for this version.

I will look into the changes when I get home from work. Forgot all about that. Thanks.

If it does work, I'll let ya now. If not, I will let ya now. :D

Great job on this btw. I grew tired of making custom BB Codes for every freaking piece of media out there. :up:

KURTZ 01-22-2009 06:46 AM

hi Greek, i've just upgraded your superb hack, but i saw in the ACP that is still 2.5.0 and not 2.5.1 ...

The Geek 01-22-2009 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Fabikus (Post 1720537)
How can i use that for YouTube? I imported DJ's AME definitions but i can't see a link for theese videos but normal embed!

Hmm... Im not sure about DJ's definitions but the default youtube does have this... or... rather did. I just looked to let you know hoe to tell and noticed some dweeby gremlin stole the validation code from the latest version. Ill release an update that will fix that (and a couple other minor issues) later today.

The Geek 01-22-2009 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Manic Mechanic (Post 1720558)
How do I enlarge the videos in the posts? I tried changing the default settings and that did nothing. Since I installed this update all videos are showing up too small.

Check your AME AdminCP settings. That is where all of the sizes are set. However note that is a new feature in 2.5 and older definitions may not support it yet.


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1720939)
hi Greek, i've just upgraded your superb hack, but i saw in the ACP that is still 2.5.0 and not 2.5.1 ...

Thanks. That will be fixed for next release.

The Geek 01-22-2009 11:02 AM

Updated package to address:
  • Version number :)
  • $ameinfo[title] was showing wrong title (was showing definition title instead of page title)
  • The default amazon link was updated to use $ameinfo variables.
  • Fixes for additional character sets

Follow standard upgrade instructions found in first post.


Digital Jedi 01-22-2009 11:27 AM

Thanks Geek! Will test it out right now and start working on the next set of defs if all is well. :up:


Originally Posted by buileminh (Post 1719820)
I prefer a mod that create a BB code like this:

[BBCODE=YouTuBe/GoogleVideo/.....]Video ID[/BBCODE]

You like having to give your users special instructions on how to use BBCode and then make them extract a set of numbers from the URL everytime, rather then just have them post the URL to the video and not even have to let them think about it? Okay. Just keep in mind, there's more then 20 to 30 sites that BBCode wouldn't even work with, because their videos have no video ID and AME converts them without having to even tell your users that it's going to embed.


Originally Posted by sensimilla (Post 1719823)
imeem does not work for me.. it just a link in my post, any ideas ?

Post the link to the Imeem URL that's not converting, but post it in the thread you downloaded my definitions from if you haven't already. I haven't checked those threads as of this post.


Originally Posted by Fabikus (Post 1720537)
How can i use that for YouTube? I imported DJ's AME definitions but i can't see a link for theese videos but normal embed!

If you're using mine, then I haven't implemented that yet. Mainly because I didn't know how to use it. Now that I see the The Geek has one in his default install, I can reverse engineer what he did and I'll have it ready for the next 2.5 Defs update.


Originally Posted by Manic Mechanic (Post 1720558)
How do I enlarge the videos in the posts? I tried changing the default settings and that did nothing. Since I installed this update all videos are showing up too small.

Make sure your using my set of definitions for 2.5 (Delta) and not the set for 2.0 (Third Time's the Charm).

M.C. 01-22-2009 02:17 PM

Hi! Could you explain more about users permissions? There is 2 groups of permissions and if I understand second (can view) but first one harder :)
What is non specific zones?

Digital Jedi 01-22-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by M.C. (Post 1721223)
Hi! Could you explain more about users permissions? There is 2 groups of permissions and if I understand second (can view) but first one harder :)
What is non specific zones?

The first is creation permissions: Who's allowed to have their posted media convert and who's allowed to edit it.
The second is viewing permission: Who's allowed to see the embedded media.

I believe Non-Specific is the same as Default Zone Settings under Settings. Areas that are not specifically posts, visitor messages, signatures, vBlog or social groups.

The Geek 01-22-2009 02:40 PM

DJ's right, the default Zone (or non specified zone) is for additional mods that hook into AME's system. For instance, I had a prototype add on for creating user profile blocks using AME. Just don't know where the hell I put it :D That system uses AMEs hooks to embed media in users profiles.

Digital Jedi 01-22-2009 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1721259)
DJ's right, the default Zone (or non specified zone) is for additional mods that hook into AME's system. For instance, I had a prototype add on for creating user profile blocks using AME. Just don't know where the hell I put it :D That system uses AMEs hooks to embed media in users profiles.

You do realize that people will go bananas once you release the profile add-on, right? :D

Maybe you can teach me how that works so I can try an avatar version I've been thinking on. [whistles innocently]

The Geek 01-22-2009 03:29 PM

hehe, like I said, I don't even know where the hell it is anymore :)

The basic gist is: Create a custom field and when it is saved or edited, use hooks to call the relevant ame functions (i.e. prep_text to 'ameify' it). Putting the results into profle blocks was pretty straight forward stuff.

lowlight 01-22-2009 03:42 PM

It freezes for me when I try to import the xml.

It just says

"Adding index to post table. Please standy by.... this bit can take a few..."

And then does nothing

lowlight 01-22-2009 04:05 PM

Uh oh, my db server just crashed. I hope the tables are OK

lowlight 01-22-2009 04:12 PM



Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:

Invalid SQL:

                SELECT  post.pagetext AS preview,
                        thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.forumid, pollid, open, postusername, postuserid, thread.iconid AS threadiconid,
                        thread.dateline, notes, thread.visible, sticky, votetotal, thread.attach, thread.lastpost, thread.lastposter, thread.lastpostid, thread.replycount, IF(thread.views<=thread.replycount, thread.replycount+1, thread.views) AS views,
                        thread.prefixid, thread.taglist, hiddencount, deletedcount
                        , deletionlog.userid AS del_userid, deletionlog.username AS del_username, deletionlog.reason AS del_reason
                        , threadredirect.expires
                FROM thread AS thread
                        LEFT JOIN deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid AND deletionlog.type = 'thread')
                        LEFT JOIN post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.firstpostid)
                        LEFT JOIN threadredirect AS threadredirect ON(thread.open = 10 AND thread.threadid = threadredirect.threadid)
                WHERE thread.threadid IN (0,561526,561494,561489,561003,561397,559250,515169,561119,561538,561570,561304,561585,561569,561537,558188,558844,454901,252422,561428,561353,561307,404513,561440,561346,560992,561305,540074,561373,560259,561361,561272,520470,544968,560070,559741,560750,560187,560238,561162,559411,342583,490038)
                ORDER BY sticky DESC, lastpost DESC;

MySQL Error  : Can't open file: 'post.MYI' (errno: 144)
Error Number  : 1016
Referrer      :
MySQL Version : 4.1.20

lowlight 01-22-2009 04:15 PM

I ran a database table repair from the VB admin, it seems to be working now.

Anyway to check to make sure?

tintructo 01-22-2009 05:26 PM


if you can actually browse your topics, the repair worked fine. your table got messed up before.

@The Geek

any news on the ksort problem with the XML with all the sites ? :)

lowlight 01-22-2009 05:31 PM

The table is totally messed up. Trying to repair it now with myisamchk

lowlight 01-22-2009 05:55 PM

Wow, many tables are messed up. Our database is huge, this is going to take hours.

What does the plugin attempt to do when you install it? Whatever it was, it was pretty serious.

thunderclap82 01-22-2009 08:15 PM

Out of curiosity, what is the legality of embedding video clips from sites such as Hulu or The WB (CW?)?

Digital Jedi 01-22-2009 08:24 PM

Well, I can't speak to the CW, but if there was a legal problem with embedding videos from Hulu, then I doubt they'd put that Embed link beside every video that takes you to a block that says Copy this code to your website or blog which then gives you explicit directions on how to adjust the start and end time to your liking. :)

thunderclap82 01-22-2009 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 1721537)
Well, I can't speak to the CW, but if there was a legal problem with embedding videos from Hulu, then I doubt they'd put that Embed link beside every video that takes you to a block that says Copy this code to your website or blog which then gives you explicit directions on how to adjust the start and end time to your liking. :)

Ah. I hadn't looked that closely at Hulu yet. :)

One other question: how does one create definition for a site you'd like to embed videos from?

TCB 01-22-2009 08:29 PM

hi Geek! Great to see you back (y)

Thanks for this fantastic mod. How's gars and gal going currently?

Digital Jedi 01-22-2009 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by thunderclap82 (Post 1721541)
Ah. I hadn't looked that closely at Hulu yet. :)

One other question: how does one create definition for a site you'd like to embed videos from?

You can find out here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....05&postcount=5

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