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Sam Wiltshire 06-05-2009 12:43 AM

Doesn't work for me :S

Fangs404 06-05-2009 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Wiltshire (Post 1823670)
Doesn't work for me :S

Just so you know, YouTube's been having massive problems the last 2 days. Try again soon.

xTerMn8R 06-05-2009 12:49 PM

You Tubes been having massive problems for Years...Last week my videos looked great and were rendered in HQ, this week NO HQ vids look like crap. Both made the exact same way @ 780x480 NTSC. Exactly why I stopped using it a year ago. Whats with the BIG Love for Flash? It sucks...


AndrewRich 06-06-2009 07:09 PM

Installed. Thanks!

ski diva 06-09-2009 10:59 AM

Simple and works great! Thanks!

DNG 06-12-2009 10:16 PM

thanks for this !

Shadow09 06-13-2009 09:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
How to solve this position problem?

Fangs404 06-14-2009 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Shadow09 (Post 1828864)
How to solve this position problem?

You'll need to edit your theme or use a larger resolution. The size of the video is hardcoded. Your theme determines where to put the video.

LieuR 06-18-2009 12:04 PM

Can anyone please explain were to put the code ?

Little unsure thanks

mickknutson 06-19-2009 12:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I want to be able to wrap text around the video. How can I modify the bbcode to allow for this?

mickknutson 06-19-2009 12:41 PM

I actually found the solution:

<div style="float:left;margin:0 10px 5px 0;"><object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/{param}"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/{param}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object></div>
However, I want to add an optional option {option} for justifying left or right.

By default, it would be nice to justify left, but allow to override to justify right with the {option} tag.

How do I accomplish this? where {option} defaults to left. but can be set to right


<div style="float:{option};margin:0 10px 5px 0;"><object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/{param}"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/{param}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object></div>
example uses:


With optional justification:


Fangs404 06-23-2009 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by LieuR (Post 1831852)
Can anyone please explain were to put the code ?

Little unsure thanks

Open up your admin panel and then go to Custom BB Codes.

Sirb13 06-25-2009 02:20 PM

Having the little icon is very professional!

Thank you!! installed on my site!

kiwinz 07-02-2009 05:47 AM

Works Perfect Thanks :)

Suiram 07-18-2009 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Tannerman (Post 1776887)
Has anyone noticed in the last week or so while using this modification that HQ videos are no longer defaulting in HQ mode when embedded? The HQ button is there, but it's no longer the default when the video starts. Did something change on the parameter level?

i too just noticed that on my site hd videos now play in standard quality. the hd button is available on the video and once pressed, it plays the video in hd. but this is not how i want it. if i use the hd code i want to force the showing of hd video. is this a temporary youtube screw up or a permanent change from youtube?

the regular quality plays as it should in regular quality, and the hq stays/plays in hq. it seems only the hd got screwed up fairly recently. :mad:

DrkEgl 07-20-2009 05:12 PM

Thank you

massi64 07-22-2009 02:35 AM

thanks works perfectly , there is anyway to set the code for a default center ?

Fangs404 07-24-2009 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by massi64 (Post 1853299)
thanks works perfectly , there is anyway to set the code for a default center ?

Try simply adding <center> and </center> around the rest of the code.

massi64 07-29-2009 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Fangs404 (Post 1854546)
Try simply adding <center> and </center> around the rest of the code.

thanks , a work perfectly

ricardoNJ 08-05-2009 05:11 PM

I have AME CP, it could be any problem with it?

kmohamed 08-07-2009 06:21 AM

great codes installed ... but if u can add those feature it will be even better for me and i think for others

1.just like u add the images and urls in vb i want the same option for youtube ..
2.how can i elimnate the view of any Related Videos after i finished watching the videos (please_)

ricardoNJ 08-08-2009 11:02 PM

Installed!... thanks!

Fangs404 08-12-2009 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by kmohamed (Post 1862951)
great codes installed ... but if u can add those feature it will be even better for me and i think for others

1.just like u add the images and urls in vb i want the same option for youtube ..
2.how can i elimnate the view of any Related Videos after i finished watching the videos (please_)

I don't understand your first question. As for your second question, I don't think that's possible (but I may be wrong).

Unfortunately, it appears that YouTube has removed the ability to embed HQ and HD videos using the &fmt=22 trick. As a result, I'm going to remove the youtubehd tag from my script.

Fangs404 08-17-2009 08:05 PM

OK, HD videos will work again. I had to change &fmt=22 to &hd=1.

Faizan 08-19-2009 02:49 AM

Thank you....

Abbsta 08-19-2009 08:39 AM

Thank you.

segwayon 08-30-2009 02:18 PM

I noticed that when viewing a thread with this BBcode embedded YouTube video that the "Thread Tools"/"Search this Thread"/"Rate Thread"/"Display Mode" drop-down menus get covered up by the video when those menus are clicked on. All I can see are the first two menu drop-down options. (Most of our embedded videos are contained in their own threads, so the videos are always in post #1 of each of the video-forum threads. If the videos were only within posts #2 or greater then this issue wouldn't happen, since the thread menu links are immediately above post #1.)

Is there a way to make sure that the YouTube video doesn't get placed on the top-most layer of the thread?

Fangs404 09-08-2009 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by segwayon (Post 1876823)
I noticed that when viewing a thread with this BBcode embedded YouTube video that the "Thread Tools"/"Search this Thread"/"Rate Thread"/"Display Mode" drop-down menus get covered up by the video when those menus are clicked on. All I can see are the first two menu drop-down options. (Most of our embedded videos are contained in their own threads, so the videos are always in post #1 of each of the video-forum threads. If the videos were only within posts #2 or greater then this issue wouldn't happen, since the thread menu links are immediately above post #1.)

Is there a way to make sure that the YouTube video doesn't get placed on the top-most layer of the thread?

Hm, good question. I don't know how this would be done offhand. The JavaScript for the pop-up menu would probably have to be altered to make sure it stays on top. I don't know what changes you'd need to make offhand.

segwayon 09-08-2009 12:41 AM

Does the same behavior happen on your forum? We do use a custom skin.

Fangs404 09-10-2009 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by segwayon (Post 1881374)
Does the same behavior happen on your forum? We do use a custom skin.

Yes, it does, but I never even noticed it because my resolution is set to 1920x1200.

phonexpo 10-10-2009 12:13 PM

Installed, working perfectly.



manofphat 02-18-2010 02:33 AM

I'm looking for a way to convert the YouTube posts generated by this mod on my 3.8.0 forum to the new vBulletin 4.0 media embedding system. Any suggestions?

Fangs404 02-23-2010 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by manofphat (Post 1985223)
I'm looking for a way to convert the YouTube posts generated by this mod on my 3.8.0 forum to the new vBulletin 4.0 media embedding system. Any suggestions?

I don't have vB4, so I'm afraid I can't help you right now.

salvador21 02-23-2010 06:01 AM

I think you would do a search (in the database?) for [YOUTUBE] tags, replace with [VIDEO] and aff the youtube full URL.

Not something I would like to try.

cayne 02-25-2010 11:35 PM

Installed the code and it works like a charm. Thanks for your work!

But I got a question, it has only partly something to do with your code, but I'm sure you can point me into the right direction.

You gracefully included the YouTube buttons, but I don't know how I can make them appear on my forum, when I go to "advance reply" like it is done on this board:


What option do I have to edit in order to make the button show up there?

Thanks in advance!

Fangs404 02-28-2010 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by cayne (Post 1991642)
Installed the code and it works like a charm. Thanks for your work!

But I got a question, it has only partly something to do with your code, but I'm sure you can point me into the right direction.

You gracefully included the YouTube buttons, but I don't know how I can make them appear on my forum, when I go to "advance reply" like it is done on this board:


What option do I have to edit in order to make the button show up there?

Thanks in advance!

When you add the BB Code, just make sure "Button Image" is set to the correct path.

AllinJac 04-01-2010 06:47 PM

I think you guys were referring about this:

When you have a video and you have other Javascript items there is an issue because the window for the video will appear OVER the window of any other item you have on the page and it looks off...

I know exactly how to fix it if you use HTML... I also know for sure that we could create some kind of CSS addition that would allow for this to be done across the board as apposed to having to change the code each and every time...


<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/afktJyLhO7Y&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/afktJyLhO7Y&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340" wmode="transparent"></embed></object>
The key is wmode="transparent and that if used as HTML will make it go behind the page or be transparent behind other we items...

If anyone is capable of doing a CSS addition that we could have this wmode="transparent automatically work with the [youtube] video embed that would be just awesome!!!


AllinJac 04-02-2010 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by segwayon (Post 1876823)
I noticed that when viewing a thread with this BBcode embedded YouTube video that the "Thread Tools"/"Search this Thread"/"Rate Thread"/"Display Mode" drop-down menus get covered up by the video when those menus are clicked on. All I can see are the first two menu drop-down options. (Most of our embedded videos are contained in their own threads, so the videos are always in post #1 of each of the video-forum threads. If the videos were only within posts #2 or greater then this issue wouldn't happen, since the thread menu links are immediately above post #1.)

Is there a way to make sure that the YouTube video doesn't get placed on the top-most layer of the thread?

YES I got it fixed I had the exact same issue and I was trying to figure out where to put the code to take care of it globaly... And silly me did not think of looking in the BB Code in the ADMIN CP

So for sure this works

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JFwCCL0Vh6U"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JFwCCL0Vh6U" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent"></embed></object>

Just go to the BB Code in Admin CP and edit the page...

Place the above text in there and you are GOLDEN!

Wow this is cool this is the first time I have actually helped someone fix something rather then crying and looking for someone to repair my bad fixes LOL!!!

Hope this helps!!!

LOKIN510051 12-17-2010 02:54 AM

muy bueno gracias

Suiram 12-27-2010 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Fangs404 (Post 1869369)
OK, HD videos will work again. I had to change &fmt=22 to &hd=1.

cool, so i can finally (again) have youtube clips that are high-def, automatically play @720. but is there a specific code that plays the clip @1080? (yes, obviously the clip would have that resolution). just for kicks, i tried &hd=0 & &hd=2 and that just plays them @360.

in fact, is there a specific number or code for all available resolutions? ie: is there one for 480?


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