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Bl4ckfly 01-04-2009 04:38 PM

Okay, so now I also see a number in the title when I add a dropdown menu. Is there a way to get the text that is chosen from a dropdown menu or behind a radio button? Or am I doing something wrong?

Question 14 is radio button with 2 choices A and B and no matter what I chosse the title only displays 1 or 2 instead of A or B...

bananalive 01-04-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bl4ckfly (Post 1701483)
Okay, so now I also see a number in the title when I add a dropdown menu. Is there a way to get the text that is chosen from a dropdown menu or behind a radio button? Or am I doing something wrong?

Question 14 is radio button with 2 choices A and B and no matter what I chosse the title only displays 1 or 2 instead of A or B...

Its working for my form with dropdown in the form displaying in title. Try importing attached product file.

Bl4ckfly 01-04-2009 06:32 PM

Thanks, its working now ;) Great job. :up::up::up:

siveriano 01-04-2009 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1701299)

use {username} in thread pm title

woot woot:D

bananalive 01-04-2009 07:22 PM

Attached is beta version of Easy Forms with polls

SageStone 01-04-2009 07:25 PM

I think it would be nice to have permission-based forms. For example, I would be able to have staff members see a "Staff Request" form, while members could not see it, based on group ids.

Haenk 01-05-2009 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1701597)
Attached is beta version of Easy Forms with polls

how can i see the new very interesting function "with polls"

bananalive 01-05-2009 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Haenk (Post 1702047)
how can i see the new very interesting function "with polls"

Its part of this example form which outputs a thread like this

To add it to your own form enter some poll options in Edit Form and that will enable poll

bananalive 01-05-2009 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1701426)
Very nice forum constructor. Tested at my debug site.

Could you consider some extentions?
  1. Optional preg_match (or ereg) rule for single line text. Very useful to check email, birthday format and so on, prior to send.

Added in v1.7

Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1701426)
  1. Customizable groups permissions for each form. For example, if user have no enougth privilegies, hi sould not disturb tech stuff with some questions.

Added in v1.7

Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1701426)
  1. Custom error message (for each form), if user have no permissions to access it. Sometime, links to form is publik, but user don't understand why he is not allowed to use form.

I think an appropriate title would cover this, i.e. Suggestion form for public.

Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1701426)
  1. Extention to (2). Some form (for example, for advertisers), should be also available without any registration. Just with additional contact fields. To simplify process for regustered users, we can define "redirect rule to simplified form" in form parameters, if user is logged in.

User permissions per question might be going over the top.

Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1701426)
  1. Option to (4) - request default captcha for guests, if necessary.

I'm not sure if vBulletin captcha is easily accessible via modifications. If it is I'll add it.

Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1701426)
  1. It would be nice to have option to send form to email. (new post / new thread / pm to user / email to user). Some feedback questions can be confidential, and it's not a goot idea to keep such info at forum.

I'll add this soon.

Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1701426)
  1. Add link to forms list in product settings. A bit annoying to remember URL :)


Gleedo 01-05-2009 11:19 AM

Could a link to the forms be added in the 'quick links' drop down menu (if you have permission to see the forms)?

Forum Lover 01-05-2009 11:48 AM

Now, If I go for upgrade, the forms I created, will be there? I dont wanna loose forms that I created already. sound a stupid question eh.. :p

bananalive 01-05-2009 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Gleedo (Post 1702223)
Could a link to the forms be added in the 'quick links' drop down menu (if you have permission to see the forms)?

I'll add it as vboption in next version

bananalive 01-05-2009 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Forum Lover (Post 1702228)
Now, If I go for upgrade, the forms I created, will be there? I dont wanna loose forms that I created already. sound a stupid question eh.. :p


Brittany 01-05-2009 01:45 PM

Working Great Banana!!!

Nzo 01-05-2009 03:26 PM

Very nice hack Bananalive ! :)

- Is it possible to have "Username of User to PM" get from the answer of one of the question.

ie : It would be interesting to have : Username of User to PM : {q_1} (in edit form)
Where {q_1} is the answer, for example, of a drop down menu with some valid usernames.

Vitaly 01-05-2009 03:54 PM

hi, bananalive, i hope, you've got my preliminary respects :)

Tested 1.7.

1. It would be nice to replace groups selection with multibox, at least in mod settings. Product code looks like this:


<settinggroup name="general"  displayorder="30">
<setting varname="usergroupsexample"  displayorder="10">

Blank selection can meen "All groups" or "No Groups", depending on setting type. I don't know, if it's possible to use the same selection interface in form editor, but that would be very user-friendly - less time & less mistakes during setup.

2. It would be nice to have template editor for each form. For example, if standard template doesn't saticfy custom needs.

I don't think, that complicated editor is necessary, just a simple text area, where one can enter any bbcode & marcoses with variable names and values. If none entered - then standard one is used.

(*) Please, list available macroses in product description.

3. About custom error messages and additional contact fields for the guests. I think, in my case, that's essention feature for user-friendly forms. But i don't insist. Anyway, nobody prevent me to add necessary modifications, when your product will be stable, without frequent changes. Of cause, will send you all changes to consider.

I apologise, that can't help with coding right now, because all my efforts are spent to my own mods, which will be available soon. But if additional donations can help, that's not a problem. Your product is one of "everybody must have".

ssslippy 01-05-2009 07:34 PM

So is it possible to be able to allow attachments?

cygy2k 01-05-2009 09:58 PM

Question - does it allow you to setup a form where a usergroup has access to submit it (i.e. to a new post in a thread) but have it submit into a forum they don't have usergroup access to (i.e. a mod-only forum)?

Also - amazing mod, this is quickly going to be one of my favorites.

bananalive 01-06-2009 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by cygy2k (Post 1702682)
Question - does it allow you to setup a form where a usergroup has access to submit it (i.e. to a new post in a thread) but have it submit into a forum they don't have usergroup access to (i.e. a mod-only forum)?

Also - amazing mod, this is quickly going to be one of my favorites.


bananalive 01-06-2009 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1702584)
So is it possible to be able to allow attachments?

No yet...

Vinyljunky 01-06-2009 09:51 AM

Very nice



bananalive 01-06-2009 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1702395)
hi, bananalive, i hope, you've got my preliminary respects :)

Tested 1.7.

1. It would be nice to replace groups selection with multibox, at least in mod settings. Product code looks like this:


<settinggroup name="general"  displayorder="30">
<setting varname="usergroupsexample"  displayorder="10">

Blank selection can meen "All groups" or "No Groups", depending on setting type. I don't know, if it's possible to use the same selection interface in form editor, but that would be very user-friendly - less time & less mistakes during setup.

That is very very useful - never seen it before. Two questions though: is it compatible with v3.6 and how can I use the array it outputs?

Its possible to do it on 'edit form' via custom query to do it quite easily - I'll add that soon.

Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1702395)
2. It would be nice to have template editor for each form. For example, if standard template doesn't saticfy custom needs.

I don't think, that complicated editor is necessary, just a simple text area, where one can enter any bbcode & marcoses with variable names and values. If none entered - then standard one is used.

I like this idea :D.

Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1702395)
(*) Please, list available macroses in product description.

Pardon my ignorance, but what are macroses?

Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1702395)
3. About custom error messages and additional contact fields for the guests. I think, in my case, that's essention feature for user-friendly forms. But i don't insist. Anyway, nobody prevent me to add necessary modifications, when your product will be stable, without frequent changes. Of cause, will send you all changes to consider.

I apologise, that can't help with coding right now, because all my efforts are spent to my own mods, which will be available soon. But if additional donations can help, that's not a problem. Your product is one of "everybody must have".

p.s. thanks for all your help :D

Vitaly 01-06-2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1703171)
That is very very useful - never seen it before. Two questions though: is it compatible with v3.6 and how can I use the array it outputs?

No ideas about 3.6.

Output of that multiselection box (when you store settings in ACP) is a serialised array with selected groups IDs. Unserialise variable and enjoy :)

:5 (in example) = number of lines in box (if groups count is more, then scrolled)


Pardon my ignorance, but what are macroses?
{username}, {q_1}, ...

That's my bad english :) .

Mike-D 01-06-2009 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive

It'd be very helpful to provide a link without registering in that Forum!!!

bananalive 01-06-2009 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Vitaly (Post 1703429)
No ideas about 3.6.

Output of that multiselection box (when you store settings in ACP) is a serialised array with selected groups IDs. Unserialise variable and enjoy :)

:5 (in example) = number of lines in box (if groups count is more, then scrolled)

{username}, {q_1}, ...

That's my bad english :) .

Cheers :D, I'll add that in tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Mike-D (Post 1703484)
It'd be very helpful to provide a link without registering in that Forum!!!

There are very recent screenshots in first post if you don't want to register.

EyeintheSky57 01-06-2009 10:00 PM

Is there any way to customize the Post Submit message?

Right now, after the form is submitted, a message comes up with a link to the thread where the data is posted.

That thread has restricted access so I would rather change the message to say something else.


bananalive 01-07-2009 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by EyeintheSky57 (Post 1703671)
Is there any way to customize the Post Submit message?

Right now, after the form is submitted, a message comes up with a link to the thread where the data is posted.

That thread has restricted access so I would rather change the message to say something else.


This will be available with the next release.

abdelghani68 01-07-2009 03:04 PM

Can you made for the widh is 100% of the page please and there is a font with a color for the question...? thanks

bananalive 01-07-2009 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by abdelghani68 (Post 1704257)
Can you made for the widh is 100% of the page please and there is a font with a color for the question...? thanks

To change the width of form to 100%:
  1. Open template form_view
  2. Find:
    HTML Code:

    <div style="width:640px" align="left">
  3. Replace with:
    HTML Code:

    <div style="width:100%" align="left">
You can use bbcode in question to make them coloured:
  • Example Code:
    HTML Code:

  • Example Output:

ssslippy 01-07-2009 11:08 PM

The * and : are linked together. So if the question is not mandatory it removes the :. Also note that when you put a ? proper grammar says you should not have a : after it. I would totally remove the : and the person creating the form can add it.

Also I tried using the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+$ which i use to restrict on user names of people who register on my forum. This only allows normal english and numbers.

I get this error


Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: No ending delimiter '^' found in [path]/misc.php(97) : eval()'d code on line 596

bananalive 01-08-2009 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1704607)
The * and : are linked together. So if the question is not mandatory it removes the :. Also note that when you put a ? proper grammar says you should not have a : after it. I would totally remove the : and the person creating the form can add it.

I'd noticed that as well and have already changed it for the next release.

If you wish to remove the ':' from the questions:
Find and remove in the product file this line:
PHP Code:

$formbit['question'] = $formbit['question'] . ":"

$formbit['question'] = $formbit['question'] . ":";

Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1704607)
Also I tried using the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+$ which i use to restrict on user names of people who register on my forum. This only allows normal english and numbers.

I get this error


Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: No ending delimiter '^' found in [path]/misc.php(97) : eval()'d code on line 596

You need to add / to beginning and end of the code.


ShMilO 01-08-2009 03:49 PM

first i have to say good work
i really liked this form mod

my question is this

is there a way for non registered users ( default group 2 )
to fill forms ???
now it asks to login

in my forum i want a form for guests to fill so they can ask for an invite

bananalive 01-08-2009 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by ShMilO (Post 1705259)
first i have to say good work
i really liked this form mod

my question is this

is there a way for non registered users ( default group 2 )
to fill forms ???
now it asks to login

in my forum i want a form for guests to fill so they can ask for an invite

There was one line prohibiting guests posting new thread which I've replaced now and will be in the next release. In the next release will also be human verification option to reduce spam.

bananalive 01-08-2009 04:29 PM

Has anyone tested this on vb 3.8? I'll upgrade to it today/ tomorrow, hopefully it will work.

bananalive 01-08-2009 04:31 PM

Here's pre-release v1.8 - should all be working

Note: You will need to select the usergroups allowed to view/edit forms

- Forumid/threadid/username can be specified by input via {value=X} in dropdown, single line input or radio buttons
- Human verification question
- Multiple dropdown select for form usergroup permissions (still optional - leave blank to not use)
- Option to show link to form list in navbar and quick links (separate options)
- Form can be emailed

Gleedo 01-08-2009 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1705298)
Here's pre-release v1.8 - should all be working

Hi Banana, Just installed this new pre-release and noticed that when your configure EasyForms in the vBulletin options - there is an option that I think should not be there lol:

Option = Auto insert link to tournaments in navbar?

I think that must have accidentaly made it in by mistake from the tournaments mod :p

EDIT: Also just noticed that on a 3.7.3 PL1 system, the quick links option is not displaying like it does on my 3.7.4 system. Although on my 3.7.4 system, i do have the tournaments mod installed, but not on my 3.7.3.

ShMilO 01-08-2009 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 1705286)
There was one line prohibiting guests posting new thread which I've replaced now and will be in the next release. In the next release will also be human verification option to reduce spam.


is there an ETA on the next release ?

or maybe you can write the line that allows guests to post the form

bananalive 01-08-2009 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Gleedo (Post 1705323)
Hi Banana, Just installed this new pre-release and noticed that when your configure EasyForms in the vBulletin options - there is an option that I think should not be there lol:

Option = Auto insert link to tournaments in navbar?

I think that must have accidentaly made it in by mistake from the tournaments mod :p

Yes i copied the code from tournaments mod to save re-typing it out and forgot to rename that bit. Fixed in attached file.

Also if the question ends with a '?' then the form will not add a ':' on the end of it.

bananalive 01-08-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by ShMilO (Post 1705328)

is there an ETA on the next release ?

or maybe you can write the line that allows guests to post the form

I would post the line here but a lot of the code has changed in v1.8

You can download v1.8 here - I don't think anything major will be added (if anything at all) before I release it properly in the first post of the thread

bananalive 01-08-2009 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Gleedo (Post 1705323)
EDIT: Also just noticed that on a 3.7.3 PL1 system, the quick links option is not displaying like it does on my 3.7.4 system. Although on my 3.7.4 system, i do have the tournaments mod installed, but not on my 3.7.3.

Just checked and it works fine on vbulletin v3.7.5 with tournament mod installed and both display. also tested it with tournament mod disabled and the links still displayed.

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