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-   -   BB Code Enhancements - Innovative Small MP3 Player BB Code (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=199440)

TheLastSuperman 07-18-2009 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by kent_lkc (Post 1850490)
Simple UI and just nice for vB discussion site.

Glad you like it however be sure to check for other mp3 players on here too, I have found a few while browsing so make sure it's the one you REALLY want ;).


themikefrancesa 07-22-2009 07:13 PM

This is still not working for me. Running 3.8.3.

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
data="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" width="200" height="20" />
<param name="movie" value="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">

Was the code I added and the swf player is in the root folder.

Help! :(

TheLastSuperman 07-23-2009 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by themikefrancesa (Post 1853710)
This is still not working for me. Running 3.8.3.

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
data="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" width="200" height="20" />
<param name="movie" value="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">

Was the code I added and the swf player is in the root folder.

Help! :(

If you feel ok w/ it, make a temp admin account, all I need is access to the bb codes, nothing more. I can redo the url to pull from my site, if it works we know it's something conflicting on your site. I would like to verify it is in the proper folder in the FTP but you don't need to give out access to everyone if you know what I mean , practice safe habits eh?

Let me know by PM and if you wish for me to check your site PM the temp details. If it is something and I have to host it myself it's only a $5 donation via the support developer on the right in one of my mod descriptions.

Sorry it did not work, double check everything again just to make sure, your code however matches the code in the top post above so until I see behind the scenes I'm stumped too :p.


themikefrancesa 07-23-2009 01:53 PM

Ok, sent you a PM!

ricardoNJ 07-29-2009 01:28 AM

Hi. When I press play, another window appear with the same mp3.
Any idea?

TheLastSuperman 07-29-2009 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by ricardoNJ (Post 1857577)
Hi. When I press play, another window appear with the same mp3.
Any idea?

That's new to me... if you wish I can take a look at it, if so admicp access to bb codes most importantly and FTP access to verify files were uploaded correctly. Send via PM if so and I'll check this thread in about 10-15 mins I have to make a quick trip to the store for the wife some coffee creamer to use in the morning and well honestly for me to use tonight :p


ricardoNJ 07-29-2009 01:37 AM

<a href="http://www.arteforos.com/showthread.php?p=3345#post3345" target="_blank">http://www.arteforos.com/showthread.php?p=3345#post3345</a>

Look the first mp3.

TheLastSuperman 07-29-2009 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by ricardoNJ (Post 1857584)

Redo the BB Code, checking the code it seems you might have pasted twice or perhaps you tinkered w/ the code a bit?

TheLastSuperman 07-29-2009 02:23 AM

Yeah.. redo it and make sure all info matches because it's not supposed to have two players as you pointed out but also when you click play/pause it opens the songs in a new window too, not made to do that ;). Let me know if you want me to take a look in the morning, about to get off the computer for the night, had enough of it today :p.


ricardoNJ 07-29-2009 03:01 AM


<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
data="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" width="200" height="20" />
<param name="movie" value="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
Is it not the code?

TheLastSuperman 07-29-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by ricardoNJ (Post 1857619)
Is it not the code?

That's it, it has to be something else simple... Let me know what you figure out, I can't check and fix as I don't have access but it should not be doing that ;)... have you tried another site to pull the .mp3 song from?


NTMID8 08-30-2009 01:25 AM

Not working for me... if I use a full http:// address the player does not show up. If I put the full URL in quotes, the player shows up but doesn't play. However, if I just use a relative path on my server, it seems to work just fine.

Any ideas?

Fungsten 08-30-2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by NTMID8 (Post 1876626)
Not working for me... if I use a full http:// address the player does not show up. If I put the full URL in quotes, the player shows up but doesn't play. However, if I just use a relative path on my server, it seems to work just fine.

Any ideas?

I'm getting the same thing. (VB 3.8.3)

Jon Tolzien 09-05-2009 08:54 PM

Great idea for a hack, but can I legally play some song that i don't have copyrights too.. doesn't that just open up the door for legal issues? I really don't write songs very much LOL. So what could i play then?

kmohamed 09-09-2009 08:56 PM

i like this mod but is there anyway to adjust the volume from the mp3 player

Matrixthestar 09-11-2009 02:17 AM

not working
i followed the instructions
but nothing shows up

TheLastSuperman 09-11-2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by NTMID8 (Post 1876626)
Not working for me... if I use a full http:// address the player does not show up. If I put the full URL in quotes, the player shows up but doesn't play. However, if I just use a relative path on my server, it seems to work just fine.

Any ideas?

See below, if you have the AME mod installed it will conflict and check your htaccess, if neither of those work PM me when you see this ;).


Originally Posted by Fungsten (Post 1876979)
I'm getting the same thing. (VB 3.8.3)

(Copy/Paste :p) See below, if you have the AME mod installed it will conflict and check your htaccess, if neither of those work PM me when you see this ;).


Originally Posted by Jon Tolzien (Post 1880277)
Great idea for a hack, but can I legally play some song that i don't have copyrights too.. doesn't that just open up the door for legal issues? I really don't write songs very much LOL. So what could i play then?

I've commented on this before and I too do not like illegal activities etc, you can use this at your own risk, I use songs that I have purchased online via Itunes and other online stores so I feel it is my right to play them but again think of it this way... if you find a url of a song perhaps off somewhere like beemp3.com and you find a DL link with a .mp3 extension just give that as the URL and guess what your just hotlinking to a song off another site, you won't be hosting one single song ;) There's always more than one way to skin a cat! (I would never, LOVE cats :p)


Originally Posted by kmohamed (Post 1882256)
i like this mod but is there anyway to adjust the volume from the mp3 player

No, unfortuantely there is not... I won't be silly and say use the volume control on your speakers ROFL but instead try this mod...


I use it and love it too, nice little player

Use the search on here guys & gals :p


Originally Posted by Matrixthestar (Post 1882935)
not working
i followed the instructions
but nothing shows up

See directly below ;) and PM me if nothing works!

AND FYI for everyone, HostGator uses many more mod securities than some other hosts so if your having multiple problems with this, or other modifications specifically vBa CMPS and vBa Links you should have them temp disable to test and confirm that is in fact the problem.


Originally Posted by brandonroy (Post 1868092)
That doesn't seem to work either. Hmmm. I'm using hostgator - I don't know what the problem is.

Oh well!

Ahh HostGator, I bet it's the mod securities they have enabled on your server, if you have had other problems (specifically with vBa CMPS or vBa Links etc) then you must have them disable the mod securities. This mod also will not work if you have DJ's AME Mod installed.

For some who cannot get the mod to work etc, it is usally the AME mod, a Mod Security enabled on your server per your host OR something in your .htaccess file.

If you have an htaccess file add this to it:


RewriteEngine On
# Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?yoururl.com/.*$ [NC]

Replace the yoururl with your url, note I left the .com so if you are .net or .org change that, also leave the www as-is unless you have something setup like forums.yoursite.com etc etc.

Hope that helps some, and remember to always PM me if I do not reply promptly to your posts.


choccyclaire 09-21-2009 02:30 PM

I can't get this to work in internet explorer. The player shows up fine but when you click play nothing plays. I know it's working because I use firefox and there are no problems there.

Also it is not my internet explorer as I tried with your demo and that works fine too.

EDIT: Got this working now. :)

Fungsten 09-23-2009 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by choccyclaire (Post 1888457)
I can't get this to work in internet explorer. The player shows up fine but when you click play nothing plays. I know it's working because I use firefox and there are no problems there.

Also it is not my internet explorer as I tried with your demo and that works fine too.

EDIT: Got this working now. :)

How did you fix it?

legion! 09-24-2009 06:40 AM

im still tryna figure this one out :( i got everything to show up...jus cant get it to play i do have the AME hack installed also i did the htacess thingy and still nothing...

TheLastSuperman 09-24-2009 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by legion! (Post 1889811)
im still tryna figure this one out :( i got everything to show up...jus cant get it to play i do have the AME hack installed also i did the htacess thingy and still nothing...

AME installed = This will not play, at least that's what EVERYONE with the AME mod has told me in regards to this mod working and it won't :( but personally I would keep AME hands down vs just a MP3 player :p HOWEVER check the post above... ok wait here's the link, try this mp3 player and see if it will work with the AME mod, I use this one too and love it especially the volume control and description! https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=170794


TheChaosFactor 09-25-2009 06:05 AM

Hey, this is awesome, thank you! :)

Is there a way to make it only work in one forum and sigs though?

TheLastSuperman 09-29-2009 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by TheChaosFactor (Post 1890294)
Hey, this is awesome, thank you! :)

Is there a way to make it only work in one forum and sigs though?

Sure ;)

You can WRAP the code with...


<if condition="$forum[forumid] == #">
Replacement Code here!



<if condition="$forum[forumid] == #">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
        data="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" width="200" height="20" />
  <param name="movie" value="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" />
  <param name="wmode" value="transparent">

Where # is replaced by the forum ID you wish to display it in :D

And sigs... did you mean... Show this ONLY in signatures AND in a certain forum OR each different? - Let me know and I'll point you in the right direction with that too ;).


raporia 03-06-2010 06:27 PM

followed all the instruction in this and still no joy

raporia 03-08-2010 05:53 AM

im a plonker it was me doing it all wrong lol anyways serious request for you how do i create a button so that when you go to make a post you click the button it inserts the code into the post for you then you just add the url of the track into the middle of it? just some of my members aint used to vb so this would make it 10x easier

marshal_ramdev 11-29-2010 05:09 PM

thanks let me try out :)

Max Taxable 02-11-2011 02:54 PM

Got it. Installed it. Works like a champ.


TheLastSuperman 02-11-2011 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2161386)
Got it. Installed it. Works like a champ.


Your welcome :D

ShawneyJ 03-08-2011 06:37 AM

this is orsm, but plainly does not work, i uploaded a mp3 to my server, just comes up blank.
and yes uploaded everything perfect, checked over it then.

ShawneyJ 03-08-2011 07:21 AM


No, unfortuantely there is not... I won't be silly and say use the volume control on your speakers ROFL but instead try this mod...


I use it and love it too, nice little player

thanks that worked a charm ;)

Max Taxable 03-08-2011 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by jaycob (Post 2170821)
this is orsm, but plainly does not work, i uploaded a mp3 to my server, just comes up blank.
and yes uploaded everything perfect, checked over it then.

This hack works wonderfully on my board.

ShawneyJ 03-08-2011 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2170863)
This hack works wonderfully on my board.

well thats great to know mate. well done, 5 stars to you!

ChiNa 08-19-2012 04:47 PM

Thanks a lot, I have a few problems with it, hopefully when I am done and it is installed, I will click installed!
WTGO amazing,,

testerv 11-25-2012 07:39 PM

Does anyone have a sample of this mod at work? I happen to notice that the DEMO from the developer doesn't seem to be working.


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