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Paul M 03-08-2009 03:03 PM

It will affect any other mods that happen to use that hook.

snake-boy 03-08-2009 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1763228)
It will affect any other mods that happen to use that hook.

Thank you, but does that mean it can't be moved without causing a potential issue?

Surely there must be a way I can paste the required code above/below the hook (at it's original location)? But I don't know enough about PHP to know what I should put where to make it work.

I would appreciate a solution or at least a suggestion to perhaps some alternate way I could move it?

Paul M 03-09-2009 10:19 AM

That hook is brand new, so I doubt any other mod uses it atm, unless you encounter a problem in the future i wouldnt worry about it.

GSMir 03-15-2009 11:47 AM

for vBulletin 3.8.0 Beta 3) not installed

pls realease new!!!

Paul M 03-15-2009 01:12 PM


This will not install on beta versions by design, you should not be running a live forum on a beta version.

AteNa 04-01-2009 01:51 PM

Thanks a lot :)

GraphiX2004 04-07-2009 02:35 PM

hey Paul i'm glad you have really kept up with the updates since v3.5 etc...
just tried this on 3.8.1 patch level 1 and 3.8.2 and it doesn't work or i cant see it working
the plugin says installed correctly the options are available in the settings menu option.
but when i set everything to 0 so in theory all members can see who's read a post
while im on the post it says GraphiX2004 currently viewing this thread.

if i get another member to come view the thread/post at the same time it says

Currently active users viewing this thread GraphiX2004 / testmembername
once test member name leaves the page or the thread there i no mention of
myself or testmembername ever reading or visiting this thread.

i know when we had this on 3.6.7 it said "Current members who read the threat is.
then it listed the members who read/clicked the thread.

am i doing something wrong? is it working on 3.8.1 patch level 1 or 3.8.2?
if not could you maybe please look at getting this working? it's one of the most
essentials mods of vbulletin and should be included as a default option.

let me know how i can get this working please.

Paul M 04-07-2009 07:56 PM

I would imagine you need to read the brown note in the main post.

GraphiX2004 04-08-2009 01:49 AM

Paul i did read that but i've checked v3.8.x templates and it does not have that brown hook.
i really appreciate your work and i had this working on v3.6.7 i paid to upgrade to v3.8
thinking this plugin would continue to work but it doesn't

i'm wondering where this hook is, if it's not in the default stock files template.
then how can i add this hook into the template without breaking everything

i would really appreciate your help here and anyone else who reads this might
find the same problems i'm having but to scared to post and say so.

for this to work on 3.8 you must have the same stock files as me so unless this
does not work for v3.8.1 patch level 1 then it's not working on 3.8.x

i understand it doesn't work in beta but 3.8.1 is not beta is it?
and were not all coders we may mess with code alter or edit a little here and there
but how do you expect us to code in a whole template hook.

saying to us all btw if your template does not have this hook it wont work
doesn't actually help anyone out who wants it to work so how do we add this hook?

Paul M 04-08-2009 11:09 AM

It works in all versions of 3.8, my test forum is always up to date.

What help exactly is it you want ?

GraphiX2004 04-08-2009 12:12 PM

hello paul,

if this plugin works in all versions of 3.8 which i'm not doubting you
i'm just not getting this working i followed your instructions to the letter

i have installed alot of plugins / mods for years on vbulletin boards granted
i've never coded one myself so i'm familiar with how to install them.

i install the plugin it says installed fine on both stylevar templates the default
vbulletin 1 and the custom battlegear skin from vbvision.

in the vbulletin settings i go down to the bottom option which is yours.
i see the config page where you edit it to turn on/off and all the other options.
but even if i set 0 to all options or the ID of actual usergroups

there is nothing in the legend that says users has viewed this thread.
all that shows is the default vbulletin one that says

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 3 (2 members and 1 guests)
GraphiX2004, Candostum

but say i stop viewing this thread or candostum does there's no mention
that these people have viewed my post/thread

with this being v3.8.1 and the stock files it should contain this template hook.
i can't see it but maybe i'm looking in the wrong place but either way if it is there
then the plugin has installed and i can edit the options of the plugin

why is nothing showing on my forum about users who's viewed the thread?
i'll be honest paul i thought this was a standard feature of vbulletin thats why i bought it.

if i would of known this was not a standard thing i'd of gone with ipb or some other software
i need this working , due to the content of the post i need to know which of my members has read it.

can you shed any light on why it's not working ?

Paul M 04-08-2009 05:11 PM

If the template hook is missing (because you have a custom template) then this wont show.

There is nothing I can tell you without admin access.

Lonely Heart 04-08-2009 06:49 PM


I'm unable to install this Add-ons it's showing the following error message


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM product WHERE productid = 'paulm_wrt_38';

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Wednesday, April 8th 2009 @ 02:45:48 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, April 8th 2009 @ 02:45:54 PM
Script : http://www.mysite.com/forum/admincp/...=productimport
Referrer : http://www.mysite.com/forum/admincp/...?do=productadd
IP Address : ********
Username : Lonely
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :


Paul M 04-08-2009 07:27 PM

Thats a mysql error.

FYI, that query seems a bit odd if you are installing it, since its deleting the product. There is no such query in the mods install code.

Lonely Heart 04-11-2009 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1786853)
Thats a mysql error.

FYI, that query seems a bit odd if you are installing it, since its deleting the product. There is no such query in the mods install code.

I installed the same add-on when my forum was 3.6.7 i upgrade my forum then i download the latest version of this add-on and marked "Yes" on overwrite product but this message appear.


Eq4bits 04-12-2009 03:32 PM

*installed* and working perfectly :D
love all the added extras this version has over the earlier one I had installed on my old vB :D

Hornstar 04-15-2009 02:05 AM

I just had an idea from this mod. MAybe you could create a new mod called "who has downloaded an attachment" and that way you can see which members have downloaded the attachment. Might be useful to know that info.

warezwaldo 04-20-2009 01:24 AM

thanks it works like a charm :)

samouri 04-21-2009 08:40 AM


Template Hook

Please note that this modification uses the following template hook in the SHOWTHREAD template ;


This must be present in any customised template/style you are using, otherwise this modification will not display.
Sorry, but I'm at a loss.

I'm a complete new website builder and don't know what I have to do here.

Can anyone explain where I can get the above and once I obtain it, what do I do with it?

many thanks in advance.

nonspin 04-25-2009 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Lonely Heart (Post 1786817)

I'm unable to install this Add-ons it's showing the following error message


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM product WHERE productid = 'paulm_wrt_38';

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Wednesday, April 8th 2009 @ 02:45:48 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, April 8th 2009 @ 02:45:54 PM
Script : http://www.mysite.com/forum/admincp/...=productimport
Referrer : http://www.mysite.com/forum/admincp/...?do=productadd
IP Address : ********
Username : Lonely
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :


same problem here. reason:

old version only has
PHP Code:

$oldpid 'paulm_20050716'


while the new has
PHP Code:

// Start v3.8.003 //
$pidlist = array(

now if the initial check finds one pid -> it tries to update (delete) both ("array<-"


There is no such query in the mods install code
... but in 'wrtcleanup' it is .. i guess is part of the update procedure

AndyCr15 04-25-2009 07:57 AM

Where am I supposed to see the results of this plugin? I've added it, no errors, says it's all on in the options, but I don't see any extra's in a thread?

Paul M 04-25-2009 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by nonspin (Post 1798568)
old version only has
PHP Code:

$oldpid 'paulm_20050716'


while the new has
PHP Code:

// Start v3.8.003 //
$pidlist = array(

Erm, where did you get that code from ?

This does not contain that code, it has the following ;

PHP Code:

$pidlist = array(

Note that it is wrt_37, not wrt_38.

paulm_wrt_38 is this product, if it tried to delete itself on installation, I have no idea what would happen, but I doubt it would be good. Download the proper version from the first post, and install it.

nonspin 04-25-2009 02:05 PM

sorry, it was a typo on my side.
Anyway, upon install it removes the existing one.

Like i said, because the update proicedure checks a list of pids
to cover older and newser versions..

PHP Code:

$pidlist = array( 

.. since 'foreach' is used it processes the complete $pidlist.
if 'paulm_20050716' is found, the whole pidlist will be processed.
-> 'foreach'

.. Now .. to me trying the DELETE a not existing productid from the db might cause
some errors, -> Error Number : 2006 to be exact.

... but then again, what do i know.

Paul M 04-25-2009 05:41 PM


.. since 'foreach' is used it processes the complete $pidlist.
if 'paulm_20050716' is found, the whole pidlist will be processed.
Yes, the whole list will be processed, but if you actually read the code, you would see that each product is checked to see if its installed, and only deleted if it exists.


.. Now .. to me trying the DELETE a not existing productid from the db might cause
some errors, -> Error Number : 2006 to be exact.
Nope, a record not existing will not cause that error.


... but then again, what do i know.

nanaimobar 04-27-2009 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1791465)
I just had an idea from this mod. MAybe you could create a new mod called "who has downloaded an attachment" and that way you can see which members have downloaded the attachment. Might be useful to know that info.

There is an older mod for what you want, and which allows you to freely copy his code and reuse it as long as it is for free, and works on 3.8.

Mod and my comments on it are here.

TheeMadame 05-13-2009 09:04 PM

I just downloaded this to my computer to upload to my message board.
Upon my attempt to install it as a plug in, it gives me this message: XML Error: empty document at line one.
I apologize, but I don't know what this means, can anyone help?

odln018 05-15-2009 02:58 PM

Just got this upon attempting to import.

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
(userid, threadid, dateline, ipaddress)
VALUES (1, 367, 1242237395, '');

MySQL Error : DELAYED option not supported for table 'whoread'
Error Number : 1616
Request Date : Friday, May 15th 2009 @ 10:54:22 AM

Paul M 05-15-2009 07:15 PM

That probably means your table is not MYISAM format - which is the normal default.

TheeMadame 05-16-2009 01:02 AM

Finally got it installed, works good, thanks. :)

odln018 05-16-2009 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1811417)
That probably means your table is not MYISAM format - which is the normal default.

How would I fix this? Ok, I resolved this.

How do I get the mod to actually appear? I'm not sure of how this works: showthread_after_activeusers

marshal_ramdev 05-16-2009 04:32 AM


tehPARADOX 05-21-2009 12:01 AM

Hi Paul,

for very large forums, is there anyway to use this modification without having to enable
'Show Users Browsing Threads'?

EDIT: I'm sorry, I did not see this:

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1716758)
Actually, thats not the correct option, so you can turn it off.

The actual option is in "Thread Display Options (showthread)" - but its no longer necessary for this to be turned on anyway (in the 3.8 version). I have removed that note from the main post.

nonspin 05-25-2009 10:30 AM

The "Invalid SQL" issue described here is fixed ...

The ServerAdmin was obviously mysql-bored and set -> wait_timeout=1
causing a battery of weird displays ..

It took me 2 weeks of reasoning to get him to set at least "180" ...

.. my appologies

Paul M 05-25-2009 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by nonspin (Post 1816765)
The ServerAdmin was obviously mysql-bored and set -> wait_timeout=1

Eeeek ..... Im amazed anything worked with that setting ...... :erm:

teou 06-01-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by odln018 (Post 1811587)
How would I fix this? Ok, I resolved this.

How do I get the mod to actually appear? I'm not sure of how this works: showthread_after_activeusers

how did you fix it? i iave the same sql error?

ALHGR 06-05-2009 10:56 PM

Thank you , Installed ..

socalsoccer 06-08-2009 04:05 AM

Exactly where do you ad $template_hook[showthread_after_activeusers] ? And in what template? it is not working for me. 3.8.1 here

Paul M 06-08-2009 08:13 AM

As the main post says ;


Please note that this modification uses the following template hook in the SHOWTHREAD template ;
Look at the default template to see where it is located.

socalsoccer 06-08-2009 10:54 PM

I added the hook and still nothing. doe is conflict with this mod:Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread

Paul M 06-09-2009 07:04 AM

Users viewing a thread is part of VB, not a mod.

This does not conflict with anything I am aware of.

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