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manchu_fire 06-12-2009 02:07 PM

Hello all...
New to the vBulletin and I'm currently using v3.8.2 and wanted to use this mod for Active Directory Authentication, using Win 2003 Server.
Reading this thread from start to finish I'm getting confused on the install??? Any thoughts of posting an updated install process that is working with v3.8.x here or maybe in the v3.8.x mod thread?

RoCF 06-15-2009 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by manchu_fire (Post 1828296)
Hello all...
Reading this thread from start to finish I'm getting confused on the install??? Any thoughts of posting an updated install process that is working with v3.8.x here or maybe in the v3.8.x mod thread?

I've got it running on a Windows 2003 Server with the installation notes given in the description. Try that step by step.

Thank you Haqa for the programming. Great Work!

My situation was a bit unique, because I our websites are programmed in Cold Fusion. Some time ago I programmed a database with users that have access to a secured website. The user data is held in a mssql database.

So I added some extra code to your script to authenticate those users against my "coldfusion" database too. When success it adds the user to the vBulletin. And I have both internal users user LDAP and external users using my other database.

It also handles password changes aswell, although either LDAP oder my SQL Database is the master.

Now if there were a method where I could pass the ColdFusion login crecedentials to the vBulletin Board, so it would be single sign-on, this would be my perfect szenerio ;)

But thank you again. This is already great enough.


Blinker 06-29-2009 02:07 PM

I want to allow some external users, but only the first one comes in. The others gets a bad username/password message. Any ideas?



john.parlane 07-06-2009 03:29 AM

Hi Haqa

Great job on this plugin. I have got it working great on our 3.8.2 test vB installation with Active Directory no bother at all. :up:

I have a challenge in production however. Effectively we will need to search two 'Search Base DNs' as our users are split between two high level DN nodes. Is there any way I can tell the plugin to search two DNs? The admin panel appears to allow only one.

I don't want to set the Search Base DN to the level above the two DNs as this is effectively the root and will include masses of nodes that we are not interested in.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

Thanks again

Johnny G 07-07-2009 01:58 PM

Hi - first post, newbie alert, etc.
I've taken over running a forum which has around 5000 members. Now, we've got an online shop (which isn't quite live yet) running on OSCommerce and I'm just in the process of putting Joomla! on the site.

Now, I know LDAP from work, but there's a wondering I've got about how this works.

Firstly, if I install this mod on a clean LDAP database, how can I import the 5000 usernames from the vBulletin installation?

Would I be correct in assuming that when a user logs in to the forum, the LDAP would be checked, then report no such user. Then vB would be queried and report a success - with the LDAP then taking in the information from vB.

... or have I got this completely wrong. If so, any pointers on how to get the users in the LDAP DB?

Thanks in advance!

Blinker 07-16-2009 10:34 AM


What could be the reason for this "creating/updating user" - error? Two of 1500 users get it after some weeks of normal use. I can?t find any special configuration ....


Blinker 07-20-2009 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Blinker (Post 1849846)

What could be the reason for this "creating/updating user" - error? Two of 1500 users get it after some weeks of normal use. I can?t find any special configuration ....


I found the difference: the user gets a new e-mailadress in our user-management-system ...

paul41598 07-28-2009 03:31 PM

So I've finally gotten this to work! :) It took adding the OU to the search DN. Anyways, one issue I've noticed is that if I changed my testusers AD password or reset it from the AD Users & Computers my testuser can log in with both the OLD password and the NEW password.

So for some reason it still takes the old password and he's able to log in. So weird...

nsidcwww 08-17-2009 08:35 PM

I am stuck with getting this MOD to work with 3.8.4. I have done the following:

1) Uploaded the hooks_ldap_auth.xml to the includes/xml directory.

2) Uploaded the hooks_ldap.xml (from the previous LDAPAuth for creating a hook in the /login.php file) to the includes/xml directory.

3) Imported this product via the Manage Product option in the vBulletin admin interface

4) Added the following line in the login.php file as instructed in the previous LDAPAuth module for creating a hook...

($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ldap_login_hook')) ? eval($hook) : false;

after the following codes:

if ($vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'] == '')
eval(standard_error(fetch_error('badlogin', $vbulletin->options['bburl'], $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'], $strikes)));

5) Changed the following line in the global.php file....

$show['nopasswordempty'] = defined('DISABLE_PASSWORD_CLEARING') ? 1 : 0; // this nees to be an int for the templates

to the following codes:

$show['nopasswordempty'] = defined('DISABLE_PASSWORD_CLEARING') ? 0 : 1; // this nees to be an int for the templates

The main configuration in the LDAP Authorization window that I am most confused about the LDAPBase DN, which I have configured as follows:


Any assistance with getting this to work would be great!

kamalrij 08-18-2009 02:40 AM

We're using this plugin along with Full Name support for LDAP Auth plugin to connect to our corporate LDAP directory.

The official email ID of people in our company is to change from handle@company.com to firstname.lastname@company.com.

When people try to login after their email ID has changed they get the following error

vBulletin Message
Error creating/updating user

Once the email ID updated to firstname.lastname@company.com from the admin control panel they are able to login.

Is there a way to be dynamically updated every time everytime a user logs in through this plugin OR for the user to be allowed to login with his ldap credentials but reflecting his handle@company.com ID (i.e. for the authentication to work without the error mentioned earlier).
handle@company.com would be set as an alias to firstname.lastname@company.com on the mail servers so the email notifications would continue to work.

Thanks you in advance

nsidcwww 08-18-2009 04:48 PM

Okay, so I got it working, somewhat...I basically added uid into the Naming Attribute field and now LDAP users are able to login, however, I get the following error message....

Error creating/updating user

Now, what I did was the following:

1) Removed the hooks_ldap.xml

2) Removed the codes in the login.php file

3) Left the codes in the global.php file

4) Using the following LDAP settings:

HOST: My LDAP Server
BIND DN: [Blank]
SEARCH BASE DN: dc=colorado,dc=edu
LDAP ATTRIBUTES: cn=nsidc,ou=group,ou=people

I am so close, if anyone can assist me with overcoming this latest error, I would greatly appreciate it. :)

nsidcwww 08-18-2009 05:40 PM

Okay, so I fixed it by changing the following setting:


to the followng:


But I would like to username/uid instead.

Any thoughts of getting that to work correctly?

Abe Koenghiem 08-26-2009 04:35 PM


If you use a sniffer on the client's network port you see this.

POST /forum/login.php?do=login HTTP/1.1 (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

vb_login_username=abek&vb_login_password=ThePlainT extPasswordOfAbeK&s=&securityt oken=guest&do=login&vb_login_md5password=dbfe6013c 281e40468727267d7441951&vb_log in_md5password_utf=dbfe6013c281e40468727267d744195 1

Is there anyway to stop the contents of vb_login_password from being sent as plain text from the client PC to the server?

Other than this issue, this is a great mod.


The answer to my question seems to be to serve the pages from a https server.

I have it working, vB3.8.4

brandon515 09-08-2009 09:02 PM

I just spent hours trying to get this mod to work. For anyone that is having problems, follow the directions for the mod, then:

Disable vBulletin Users: YES

Teamghost 09-11-2009 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by kamalrij (Post 1817800)
This quick fix resolved the issue related to the error around first login for the user.

:up: Yeap - this is missing for 3.8.4

great work

Thank you both

Abe Koenghiem 09-21-2009 04:43 PM

I cannot delete a few users using admincp under vB3.8.4, PHP 5.2.9, MySQL 5.0.84
I receive no error, instead I always receive a 'Deleted User Successfully' message.
And the user is always still there.

The user does not show as banned, has no threads or posts, is not a moderator.
The pattern is: users created by admincp or through vB registration can be deleted.
Users created by logging in with LDAP authentication cannot be deleted. even after the LDAP mod is disabled, uninstalled, files removed and config.php changed back. These users also seem to be uneditable.

The only other mod is vBGallery.
And I am serving https pages to protect the LDAP passwords.
I have looked at the code and the XXXXXuser table without seeing anything.
My searches on un-deletable vB users do not turn up any clues.
The funny thing is other users delete just fine.
Any thoughts?

cschroeder1 09-28-2009 06:34 PM

I have this plugin working beautifully with our active directory. my only objection is that since we do not allow anonymous BIND, in the LDAP options control panel after setup it continues to display the BIND password in plain text. We have more than one vBulletin admin, but they do not need to know the LDAP setup, and as far as I can tell, I can't restrict the LDAP Authentication options by individual admin, nor can I figure out how to have the LDAP control panel just display a blank box or dots, rather than the actual value for that parameter. Ideas anyone?

Praxis 10-02-2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by nsidcwww (Post 1869968)
Okay, so I fixed it by changing the following setting:


to the followng:


But I would like to username/uid instead.

Any thoughts of getting that to work correctly?

If no one told you it should work using sAMAccountName that gives you your Windows login account. If you have an account like john.smith LDAP will see it as john smith, sAMAccountName tosses in the dot.

cvcheart 10-17-2009 11:29 PM

After installing this product as listed in the instructions I don't belive it is working properly. The odd part is I receive no error messages. Everything looks to be correct in the LDAP settings. Anyone run into this before?

Do users still have to register or does it create the user automatically?

bkoeppel 11-02-2009 04:09 AM


I'm using this Addon with vBulletin 3.8.4. It basically works, but:
- I had to add another ldap_bind, because I can only fetch data with a proxy user. After the ldap_auth_start-Hook:
PHP Code:

// re-bind with the proxy user, because the normal user has no access
// Bind (authenticate or anonymous depending on settings
if ($vbulletin->options['ldap_anon_bind']) {
$ldap_bind ldap_bind($ldapConnection);
} else {
$ldap_bind ldap_bind($ldapConnection$vbulletin->options['ldap_bind_dn'], $vbulletin->options['ldap_bind_password']);

// ldap bind did not succeed, wrong Bind DN/Password combination in configuration
if ($ldap_bind != 1) {
 if (
$vbulletin->options['ldap_disable_internal_users']) {
standard_error("Failed to bind to LDAP directory (Initial bind)"));

- whenever a user comes for the first time, or the first time after he changed his password in the LDAP database, he has no access. He sees: "You have entered an invalid username or password. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again.".
When he tries right again, the login works.
How could I fix that?

Anyway, great mod! Thanks.

Haqa 11-07-2009 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by kamalrij (Post 1869519)
We're using this plugin along with Full Name support for LDAP Auth plugin to connect to our corporate LDAP directory.

The official email ID of people in our company is to change from handle@company.com to firstname.lastname@company.com.

When people try to login after their email ID has changed they get the following error

vBulletin Message
Error creating/updating user

Once the email ID updated to firstname.lastname@company.com from the admin control panel they are able to login.

Is there a way to be dynamically updated every time everytime a user logs in through this plugin OR for the user to be allowed to login with his ldap credentials but reflecting his handle@company.com ID (i.e. for the authentication to work without the error mentioned earlier).
handle@company.com would be set as an alias to firstname.lastname@company.com on the mail servers so the email notifications would continue to work.

Thanks you in advance

The issue here is that the one thing which must not change is the users' email addresses.

You will have to manually update the email address for each account, I'm afraid...


ysam 12-28-2009 07:12 PM

Hi guyz,

Any chance of getting this to work in vb4?

ysam 12-29-2009 09:07 PM

Ok so I am the first to report it works in vb4pl1.

Only problem is


Error creating/updating user
but works ok if you do remove the mysql_real_escape_string() function in

WHERE LOWER(email) = LOWER('".mysql_real_escape_string($userData[0]['mail'][0])."')");
Will Test Further....

Nice work and congrats.

chri55555 12-31-2009 01:15 PM

Hi Ho, this is Chris.

I am also implementing this in VBB4 right now .....

let's get dirty :)

UPDATE: Ldap_Auth is woring now BUT:

If a user is NOT in the LDAP it will not get generated :(
Is there a way to generate Users in LDAP from Existing Account data in VBB?
We want LDAP for Moodle and OTRS Integration SingleSignOn - so we need all Usernames with PWDs in LDAP.
( I wanted to export the UserPasswords direct via batch in LDIF BUT the salting prevents me from doing so ... )

Please give me a hint on the right direction,


Haqa 01-04-2010 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by ysam (Post 1941898)
Ok so I am the first to report it works in vb4pl1.

Only problem is

but works ok if you do remove the mysql_real_escape_string() function in

Will Test Further....

Nice work and congrats.

Removing that will bite you the first time someone has a character in their email which PHP or MySQL consider significant. We, for example, had a user whos email address contained a single quote (Their name was something like Fred O'Flintstone or something, so the brain-dead windows AD made their email address fred.o'flintstone or something disturbingly similar!!).


Many thanks to all who have taken this and made such progress including getting it to work on 4.0, I'd expected that not to be possible... Well done all!


FFSBC 03-15-2010 07:35 PM

Installed as directed and worked first try without modification. Authenticating against server 2003 AD. :)

john.parlane 04-01-2010 12:04 AM

We're finding that the 'remember me' tick box is not working. The cookie is not being set correctly so that when the user comes back they have to re-enter their login each time.

Is anybody else gettings this?

Currently working on a fix...

cowbert 05-21-2010 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Haqa (Post 1946828)
Removing that will bite you the first time someone has a character in their email which PHP or MySQL consider significant. We, for example, had a user whos email address contained a single quote (Their name was something like Fred O'Flintstone or something, so the brain-dead windows AD made their email address fred.o'flintstone or something disturbingly similar!!).


Many thanks to all who have taken this and made such progress including getting it to work on 4.0, I'd expected that not to be possible... Well done all!


Here is the fixup:

You need to use the new-style object call to escape the chars, don't use the php external function(s) (particularly because people may be using mysqli and so forth)

Replace all instances of "mysql_real_escape_string()" with:


This is how functions_login.php makes the call, so should you...

john.parlane 05-21-2010 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by john.parlane (Post 2013763)
We're finding that the 'remember me' tick box is not working. The cookie is not being set correctly so that when the user comes back they have to re-enter their login each time.

Is anybody else gettings this?

Currently working on a fix...

Have implemented fix for this, as shown below. The code expands on the "if ($newuser->errors)" statement right at the end.

The problem was that after the user is saved with "$newuser->save()" the cookie salt is changed and the password rehashed in the database. The cookie then doesnt match it. Fix is to simply recreate the cookie by getting and rehashing the db password.

Have also implemented jaikumarm's fix for the first time login issue here.


if ($newuser->errors) {
  eval(standard_error("Error creating/updating user<br/>".$newuser->errors));
 } else {
  $newuserid = $newuser->save();
  // Saving the user (above) rehashes the password on the DB so now need to update cookie password also, or 'remember me' login optoin will fail.
  $dbuserinfo = $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("SELECT password FROM vbull.user WHERE username = '$username'");
  if ($dbuserinfo) {
    $db_hashed_pwd = $dbuserinfo['password'];
    $cookie_hashed_pwd = md5($db_hashed_pwd.COOKIE_SALT);
    vbsetcookie('password', $cookie_hashed_pwd);
  // Following code is necessary to fix a hook timing issue with this plugin that results in users being told their login credentials are wrong the first time they login with LDAP credentials
  verify_authentication($username, $passwd, $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_md5password'], $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_md5password_utf'], $vbulletin->GPC['cookieuser'], true);
  process_new_login($vbulletin->GPC['logintype'], $vbulletin->GPC['cookieuser'], $vbulletin->GPC['cssprefs']);


Note that $username needs to be set a the top top of the script, along with $passwd, with:

$username = $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'];
$passwd = $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_password'];

And I removed the following line (118) which doesnt seem to do anything useful:

$vbulletin->GPC['cookieuser'] = $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'];

cowbert 05-21-2010 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by john.parlane (Post 2040946)
Have implemented fix for this, as shown below. The code expands on the "if ($newuser->errors)" statement right at the end.

The problem was that after the user is saved with "$newuser->save()" the cookie salt is changed and the password rehashed in the database. The cookie then doesnt match it. Fix is to simply recreate the cookie by getting and rehashing the db password.

Have also implemented jaikumarm's fix for the first time login issue here.


if ($newuser->errors) {
  eval(standard_error("Error creating/updating user<br/>".$newuser->errors));
 } else {
  $newuserid = $newuser->save();
  // Saving the user (above) rehashes the password on the DB so now need to update cookie password also, or 'remember me' login optoin will fail.
  $dbuserinfo = $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("SELECT password FROM vbull.user WHERE username = '$username'");
  if ($dbuserinfo) {
    $db_hashed_pwd = $dbuserinfo['password'];
    $cookie_hashed_pwd = md5($db_hashed_pwd.COOKIE_SALT);
    vbsetcookie('password', $cookie_hashed_pwd);
  // Following code is necessary to fix a hook timing issue with this plugin that results in users being told their login credentials are wrong the first time they login with LDAP credentials
  verify_authentication($username, $passwd, $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_md5password'], $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_md5password_utf'], $vbulletin->GPC['cookieuser'], true);
  process_new_login($vbulletin->GPC['logintype'], $vbulletin->GPC['cookieuser'], $vbulletin->GPC['cssprefs']);


Note that $username and $passwd need to be set up at top of script with:

$username = $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'];
$passwd = $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_password'];

And I removed the following line (118) which doesnt seem to do anything useful:

$vbulletin->GPC['cookieuser'] = $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'];

Remember to use the generic TABLE_PREFIX consts. I would recommend against setting new aliased variables; it only saves typing, and then you have to add additional doco like you do. Just stick with $vbulletin->GPC[]. (Btw $passwd is already assigned on line 30, and $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_password'] is cleared for safety). And don't forget to $vbulletin->db->escape_string either...

john.parlane 05-23-2010 10:07 PM

Yep agreed, these are all things you could do to make it more robust.

Teamghost 06-23-2010 09:01 AM

My user try to get the password - I thought this is disabled with the
PHP Code:


in the config file. How can I disable this function for Ldap User?

'Disable vBulletin Users' is No - I think this is related to this problem.

I'm using 3.8.4 and ldap 1.5 with the 'first logIn' fix

fth 07-16-2010 04:54 PM

thanks for such a great plugin easy to use is there anyone try to transfer dateof birth and avatar from ldap to vbulletin? its because this plugin is only transfer email username and password


fth 07-17-2010 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Haqa (Post 1911415)
The issue here is that the one thing which must not change is the users' email addresses.

You will have to manually update the email address for each account, I'm afraid...


Anyone fix this problem? if ldap user change their email address from ldap and then try to login again it says
Error creating/updating user

vb 4.02

fth 07-28-2010 08:54 AM

is there anyone help me how can i set language for this plugin some non english characters on the location doesnt appear properly if not english at all thanks

jjuarez 09-24-2010 03:36 PM

Hi, Does anyone has make ldap work on vb 4.0.7?

I follow install instructions, but when I try to login with a AD valid user, display error "500 Internal Server Error" page.

Please help me...

Tanks a Lot.


ginab143 09-28-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by jjuarez (Post 2102737)
Hi, Does anyone has make ldap work on vb 4.0.7?

I follow install instructions, but when I try to login with a AD valid user, display error "500 Internal Server Error" page.

Please help me...

Tanks a Lot.


I really need help as well. All I get is a blank page with this in the address field: http://hostname/login.php?do=login

No errors or anything else. I know I have the LDAP connections setup properly because I have other apps that I connect with LDAP that use the same parameters.

I haven't made any mods to the code that I see others talking about. If someone could provide a little direction I can figure it out from there.


Abe Koenghiem 09-28-2010 06:30 PM


I really need help as well. All I get is a blank page with this in the address field: http://hostname/login.php?do=login
When I get blank pages it is usually caused by permissions problems. If you are using apache then the user you configured in the httpd.conf file (usually apache) must have permission to read the vBulletin files. There may be a better explaination of this on the board somewhere, if someone knows, please post a link.

If this is the cause; then it is just a webserver configuration problem and not a problem with LDAP or this mod.

Good luck ginab143

ginab143 09-29-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Abe Koenghiem (Post 2104334)
When I get blank pages it is usually caused by permissions problems. If you are using apache then the user you configured in the httpd.conf file (usually apache) must have permission to read the vBulletin files. There may be a better explaination of this on the board somewhere, if someone knows, please post a link.

If this is the cause; then it is just a webserver configuration problem and not a problem with LDAP or this mod.

Good luck ginab143

Thanks for the suggestion Abe. I played with this all day yesterday and couldn't get it to work. I get the 500 error on IE and blank on FF. I'm hosting this on an in-house 2003 IIS server to 2003 AD. I tried adding full permissions on the files, playing around with the IIS security, tried the mods from some of these posts... Nada. If there is anywhere else I should look at permissions I would love to know.

I can also connect over ldap from the command line using the same credentials so I know it is not a host connection issue. I just don't get it. I was really hoping to use ldap because I want to use VB as the front end for my end users. If they have to remember another password I may be in trouble. :eek:

If anyone else has any ideas I'm all ears.


jjuarez 10-01-2010 01:48 PM

Hi, the error 500 is because I don´t have Ldap support on Php installation.

Just install or reinstall PHP with LDAP Support and this resolve the Blank page.

Now, there are some way to debug the Ldap connection, because I configure the LDAP Settings and when I try authenticate with an Active ¿Directory valid user, only say thar I entered an invalid username or password.

Tanks a Lot

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