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Nadeemjp 12-01-2008 10:38 PM

oh ok. i thought u were offering a turkey sandwich:D
look forward to the updates:)

TheLastSuperman 12-02-2008 03:33 PM

Ok, now remember I do not have a 3.7 Board and most 3.7 users have no problems but some of you do.

TRY the newly upload file above named --> ranksPHPfix.zip

Just upload the NEW ranks.php into your forum Root folder and test it out!

Also the original one is included for reference although it has a OEM prefix in it.

Let me know if that fixes your problem!!!!


psychosiis 12-02-2008 08:38 PM

Nope still didn't work for my forums (www.ViciousArmy.com/forums)

Things I noticed on your forum is

Avy for your Rank
Shows Rank in Profile (Doesn't on mine)
www.YourDomain.com/forums/ranks.php shows a list of ranks doesn't work on mine.

I run 3.7.4

psychosiis 12-02-2008 08:39 PM

Thanks for the great work I hope this mod will work its a really nice Mod!

Nadeemjp 12-02-2008 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by psychosiis (Post 1677310)
Nope still didn't work for my forums (www.ViciousArmy.com/forums)

Things I noticed on your forum is

Avy for your Rank
Shows Rank in Profile (Doesn't on mine)
www.YourDomain.com/forums/ranks.php shows a list of ranks doesn't work on mine.

I run 3.7.4

hey bro
in order to show these in postbit and member list, profile etc, you will have to do the edits manually (see for 5 manual edits in the very first post of this thread).

I am also having problems because a warning comes up when i try to give some user a rank or try to visit profile of any user who has ranks.

nonetheless, i shall try it out again with the new fix:)

TheLastSuperman 12-03-2008 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1677378)
hey bro
in order to show these in postbit and member list, profile etc, you will have to do the edits manually (see for 5 manual edits in the very first post of this thread).

I am also having problems because a warning comes up when i try to give some user a rank or try to visit profile of any user who has ranks.

nonetheless, i shall try it out again with the new fix:)

Try it and let me know! I'm going to start on one more fix this Thursday, I think the problem is simple to fix.. just some minor differences from 3.6.x to 3.7.x so bare w/ me as we fix the issue!

Thanks all for the recent help in solving the problem and looking forward to that fix just as much as you :D


Matt P 12-04-2008 10:38 AM

I uploaded your new ranks.php but I still have the same error as before. Not sure if I missed a step in the installation or what is wrong.

TheLastSuperman 12-04-2008 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Matt P (Post 1678362)
I uploaded your new ranks.php but I still have the same error as before. Not sure if I missed a step in the installation or what is wrong.

It was a test fix ;)

I hope to have this sorted out by this weekend, I have two testers will you be willing to help squish this bug once and for all? :D

Let me know, next ranks.php will not be hosted from here to keep confusion down, I will provide a link for DL off my server for the test and once it's all worked out then I upload to vB.org :D

Basically I believe it will require similar changes as Xalamin did w/ his conversion of the Yet Another Awards Mod when he converted it form Hancho's 3.6 to a 3.7 ver. I remember him stating there were some slight changes required but my initial tester on 3.7.3 PL1 was fine but some others are not so time to adjust w/ similar changes and then we should be good :D.

Thanks ALL ;)


Nadeemjp 12-04-2008 10:05 PM

i think that would be a good idea to keep it off to a separate server so that majority doesnt get confused.

look forward to the fix man, i love thism odification and would wanna use it:)

one thing is bothering me though, when 3.8 gold comes out, i intend to install it. would this cause problems for this modification?

TheLastSuperman 12-05-2008 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1678702)
i think that would be a good idea to keep it off to a separate server so that majority doesnt get confused.

look forward to the fix man, i love thism odification and would wanna use it:)

one thing is bothering me though, when 3.8 gold comes out, i intend to install it. would this cause problems for this modification?

Agreed... 3.8 is slightly different so I will let someone TEST but I know there will be some issues. I'm trying to squeeze this in but I have 4 comp's to fix this weekend and one of em' has some nasty virus's so it's down to manually checking the registry now :( (I hate that part lol) and also replacing several .dll's!

Bare w/ me everyone, I should have the new rank.php for testing by tomorrow and also we shall try your memberlist NadeemJP :D


TheLastSuperman 12-07-2008 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1678702)
i think that would be a good idea to keep it off to a separate server so that majority doesnt get confused.

look forward to the fix man, i love thism odification and would wanna use it:)

one thing is bothering me though, when 3.8 gold comes out, i intend to install it. would this cause problems for this modification?

Ok... the computers slowed my progress this weekend as one was very bad off :(

Long story short... I have talked w/ a friend who has a 3.7.4 board - he is giving me access to test and work out all the bugs and that saves you volunteers from having to test plus allows me to do it quicker and solve ALL the display problems! SO bare w/ me as it will be next weekend before I get started ;).

Also on the 3.8 question NadeemJP... well that same friend said he would be upgrading too so I have been given permission to test it then (have to help them setup the new install but easy ;)).

So, sorry for the late reply this weekend but I have been busy :erm:. I'll see you guys regarding YARS next weekend!


Nadeemjp 12-07-2008 09:36 PM

ok sounds perfect.
by the way should u need access for testing, you can ask me as well:). i wont be able to assist you since i am not a coder or programmer, but sure u can test on my boards:)

look forward to the fix.

TheLastSuperman 12-07-2008 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1680532)
ok sounds perfect.
by the way should u need access for testing, you can ask me as well:). i wont be able to assist you since i am not a coder or programmer, but sure u can test on my boards:)

look forward to the fix.

Well thanks for the offer NadeemJP, sometimes you have to trust people for help but IMO giving access out to someone can be dangerous as well ;) just keep that in mind :D and also this way it's me and a friend allowing me to take my time to test etc w/o worries and also the ability for me to see results ASAP instead of waiting on Screenshots/Posts w/ details etc you know what I mean? :cool:

I'll be getting started on the fix and testing next weekend as promised. Then hopefully a release for 3.8!!!


TheLastSuperman 12-07-2008 09:45 PM

Ohh and just to clarify for members browsing... this works fine on 3.7.3 but 3.7.4 has some issues so bare w/ me, as you can see above a fix/update for 3.7.4 users and a release for 3.8 should be less than 2 weeks away ;).

TheLastSuperman 12-16-2008 12:51 AM

Everyone, I have taken on a Paid Request in which I plan to make them very satisfied w/ the job so please bare w/ me as I work on this... unfortunately on the side but it is still supported I'm just letting all the installers know what's going on instead of seeing me online here w/ a client and not helping them as I said! You know that feeling of well he logged in yesterday but has not posted in his thread for 3 mos lol... Don't you just hate that ;)

Stand by for an update, I appreciate install #36 :D but please be aware per my post above it fully works in 3.7.3 PL1 per previous installers but has a bug in 3.7.4 until fixed.

Thanks again for the installs, I'll see you all soon!


Chrakker 01-13-2009 07:07 PM

HOW TO MAKE IT WORK IN vBulletin 3.7.5 ;)

First of all guys, you need to check, if you set everything up, for example, as i do, let them request an Award and letting it post in a Thread.
The Thing was, that for soemr eason the URLw as corrupted and said "Please complete requested Fields" so I fixed it with Help OF TheLastSuperman ;)


Install the Thingy normally how the Instructions stated above and in the readme file!

Search in templates: "ranks_request_formanswers" > Open the template


PHP Code:

$vbphrase[rank_request_recipient_name] : [b][url=$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$user_recp_id[userid]] $rank_request_recipient_name [/url] [/b


PHP Code:

$vbphrase[rank_request_recipient_name] : [b][url=$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$rank_request_recipient_name$rank_request_recipient_name [/url] [/b


PHP Code:



PHP Code:


SO! -> the URL in your Thread will be displayed and all required Fields will be filled out, so it will delete the post and approve the Rank with one time, without having the time to give a Error ;D

Recipient Username -> INSERT USER-ID!!! REMEMBER

Have fun with a Running Rank Mod on 3.7.5 ;)
great Mod In My opinion, nice work mate ^^

TheLastSuperman 01-13-2009 07:08 PM

I LOVE YOU CHRAKKER!!!! I was waiting on that post and sorry I was blabbing tooo much in Teamspeak!

TheLastSuperman 01-13-2009 07:09 PM

And he lies... he fixed it himself not w/ my help... he does not give himself enough credit imo.... up and coming talent on VB Chrakker is :D

TheLastSuperman 01-13-2009 07:33 PM

Ok, I tested on your site Chrakker... well you know that lol as your on there now but works perfect (I had to see this myself lol) so THANKS AGAIN!

TheLastSuperman 01-13-2009 07:43 PM

WAIT...ermph.... not 100% yet so you browsers by keep browsing until I post back, it's still not official until I use the update notice feature!!!!! So best to mark as installed.... 138 DL's only 39 installs...

OK Chrakker here ya go!

PHP Code:

[color=blue][b]Sender Information[/b][/color]
$vbphrase[username]: [url=$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$bbuserinfo[userid]]$bbuserinfo[username][/url]
color=red][b]Request Information:[/b][/color]
$vbphrase[rank_name]: [b][url=$vboptions[bburl]/ranks.php#rank$rank[rank_id]]$rank[rank_name][/url][/b]
$vbphrase[rank_description]: [b]$rank[rank_desc][/b]
$vbphrase[rank_request_recipient_name] : [b][url=$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$user_recp_id[userid]] $rank_request_recipient_name [/url] [/b]
APPROVE by pressing the following link:[b][urlself=approve_rank.php?do=approverank&rank_id=$rank[rank_id]&rank_name=$rank[rank_name]&rank_img_url=$rank[rank_img_url]&rankuserid=$user_recp_id[userid]&issue_reason=$rank_request_reason&rank_sendpm=0&rank_sendemail=0&thread=$threadinfo[threadid]&post=$newpost[postid]] CLICK HERE TO APPROVE [/urlself] [/b

Chrakker 01-13-2009 08:39 PM

Fixed everything in the Thread above...got a headache now matey, going to bed and getting some sleep ;)
Its good to see it fixed btw ^^
Everthing will work how i stated above ^^

TheLastSuperman 01-13-2009 09:09 PM

Thanks Chrakker! I will update the entire mod by this weekend including auto install of this via the new templates.

Next... any 3.8 users browsing? Tempted to test? PM me if so ;).


apiasto 01-14-2009 10:51 AM

intereting hack,i am confused though if i wanna do a fresh install which files should i use for 3.7.3.thanks

Chrakker 01-14-2009 10:54 AM

Please use to isntall the YAAS File and its content.
If you need Rank Images, please download the UnBranded Ranks Images YAASRANKS.ZIP and put these into the specific folder via FTP Opload ;)

Iny my opinion there will be a new Version coming out soon with everything fixed and you should wait with isntall 2 more days ;)

Hope i could help ya matey ^^

Chrakker 01-14-2009 11:47 AM


Here comes the New Updated Version for a Fresh and Clean install where you DO NOT have to make any of the Fixes stated above.
please follow the readme and the template Edits in the Install file and the readme file to get it fully working.

If you download this, upload the new .xml file to your Prodcts and let it overwrite everything.
This will Fix the URL appreance AND the Box in the Request Form where it now says "Recipient User ID" instead of the old "Recipient Username" and its a bit smaller for letting you know :)

Hope you enjoy, file is attatched :D

Chrakker Out!

Any Problems, please let me know.

PS: This mod is viewed best in light and fresh styles, than in Dark or Black ones ;)

apiasto 01-14-2009 12:20 PM

thanks for the fast reply

Chrakker 01-14-2009 12:47 PM

No Problem mate, pelase try this out if it works fine for you, if not, pelase get back here and post your issue.
I might have forgot some entries in the XML, but that can be fixed easily ^^

Anyway, if it works: have fun ;)

apiasto 01-14-2009 08:42 PM

it looks ok thanks man,onething i wanna ask you is let say if i wanna show award icon somewhere on the forum instead of image.how can i do it?if it is possible

TheLastSuperman 01-14-2009 09:04 PM

You can hard code it if your just wanting the icon or you wanted to display someones awrd in another location?

TheLastSuperman 01-14-2009 09:07 PM

Updated the original mod post, download and install the xml again and copy files if you wish, it's the entire package again not a patch as there were beginning to be too many downloads and that would lead to confusion.

This version is for 3.7.+ and is no longer compatible with 3.6.x but the same mod is available using username instead of ID # in the 3.6 mods found here --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=193822

Thanks for the assist once again Chrakker!


apiasto 01-14-2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 1712558)
You can hard code it if your just wanting the icon or you wanted to display someones awrd in another location?

not so good with codes mate:confused:if you dont mind explaining it,will appreciate it

TheLastSuperman 01-14-2009 09:33 PM

no problem, after a while you'll catch on ;)

Now what sis you want? Based on what you want to do... it can take different forms of coding it in so before we play I spy lol... what exactly do you want it to do?

apiasto 01-14-2009 09:39 PM

ok according to default right now it shows icon in the postbit and the image in member profile,let say i wanna reverse it

TheLastSuperman 01-14-2009 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by apiasto (Post 1712615)
ok according to default right now it shows icon in the postbit and the image in member profile,let say i wanna reverse it

Well think about it.... make the normal icon a larger image and the normal image a small icon size and your done, that's called tricking it to do what you want it to do.


TheLastSuperman 01-14-2009 10:32 PM

And per your PM apiasto...

The info is already included for that, just read --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....2&postcount=16


Ohh and use it anyway you want! I use about 1/4 of the mods I download for their intended purpose and I usually alter them dramatically to suit my needs but always leave or keep any branding i.e. links to the authors site or his name if it was already there and in this case I have no branding in it as sometimes that takes the appeal out if it plain and simple.


Nadeemjp 01-14-2009 10:49 PM

i am using 3.8 now. but the older version is still working with the same old problem:)
should i update as i used to?

Matt P 01-15-2009 06:26 AM

I followed the update provided but am still getting the same no thread specified error? Running 3.7.4, I'll go over it all again in case I missed a step

TheLastSuperman 01-15-2009 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Matt P (Post 1713044)
I followed the update provided but am still getting the same no thread specified error? Running 3.7.4, I'll go over it all again in case I missed a step

When you have time Matt, another thing too everyone is... if you have the request posting in an admin only forum etc for approval then make the forum permissions reflect such so yes to follow moderation rules and allowed to post BUT not to view, that way it will work 100%!!

apiasto 01-15-2009 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 1712647)
Well think about it.... make the normal icon a larger image and the normal image a small icon size and your done, that's called tricking it to do what you want it to do.


ok i got it thanks for your help :up:

TheLastSuperman 01-15-2009 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1712671)
i am using 3.8 now. but the older version is still working with the same old problem:)
should i update as i used to?

Yes please NadeemJP and post if that error is still occuring!

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