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gamerfu 09-22-2008 04:48 PM

I like the Social Networking features... :cool: Why are people complaining? Isn't Social Networking the goal of forums? :confused:

Why would you pay $60 a year for less features?I do admit User Privacy and Full Admin Control should be the Administrator's call. :)

Digital Jedi 09-22-2008 05:42 PM

Seems like vBulletin is in a Kobayashi Maru (no-win situation) with some of their customers. When new features are added, on the one hand you have those that think the addition of those features are useless or just not necessary. And on the other you have those that think vB is stealing the good ideas of mod developers (because I guess they think they're in competition with them or something).

Taragon 09-23-2008 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1626778)
I assume by that you mean final release. Given that vb.com is already running the Alpha, I would expect the first beta in something like 2/3 weeks.

we thought that about the blog as well ;)

axi 09-23-2008 03:03 PM

speaking of upgrades, howcome vbulletin.org is still using 3.6x ?

Kaelon 09-23-2008 04:08 PM

The challenge for a sizable segment of vBulletin Customers are those of us who run "Big Boards" (which I define as more than 1,000,000 posts, and thousands of users, with hundreds of concurrent connections at peak), because the addition of optional features often are done at a premium cost of depreciating overall performance. With a sub-par search system that lags the competition badly, vBulletin should make it a priority to invest in a completely redesigned, scalable, high-performance search solution for its forum software. When free solutions, like phpBB, have a fully supported Sphinx Search integration, but the best that vBulletin can hope for is a patchwork of guesstimates by its (very loyal) userbase, there is a huge problem of scalability that makes vBulletin a less-than-ideal solution for sites that are beginning to outgrow dual-server configurations. It becomes a real client value proposition at that point: why stick with vBulletin over the competition?

Having been with vBulletin for the past decade, I am holding on to the hope that they will rise to the challenge that matches performance and scalability with new features and functionality the way that CommunityBulletin, OpenTopic, and LiquidFusion do.

King Kovifor 09-23-2008 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by axi (Post 1628621)
speaking of upgrades, howcome vbulletin.org is still using 3.6x ?

Search the site feedback forum.

Orakk 09-24-2008 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Wayne Luke (Post 1625220)
Actually there are over 30 new features in vBulletin 3.8.0. The developers will post more on them as they are able to.

What a nightmare for those of us just want a solid, basic & secure forum. We don't use, reputation, ratings, infractions, social groups, tags, reason for edit message, advertising etc. A global 'feature rich' on/off button or a script to revert to 36 would be the go. Great forum, don't need the rest.

Digital Jedi 09-24-2008 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Orakk (Post 1628969)
What a nightmare for those of us just want a solid, basic & secure forum. We don't use, reputation, ratings, infractions, social groups, tags, reason for edit message, advertising etc. A global 'feature rich' on/off button or a script to revert to 36 would be the go. Great forum, don't need the rest.

Being that everyone's needs are going to particular and specific, it would impossible to choose which features to group as "feature rich". That's kind of the point of having a feature rich forum to begin with. You get to decide what you don't want and what you do based on your specific needs.

basilrath 09-24-2008 08:55 AM

does this mean we as customers dont recieve the 3.8?

Why demonstrate the product?

Marco van Herwaarden 09-24-2008 09:01 AM

Customers will not get an Alpha version, but will probably be able t download beta versions.

We are not demonstrating the product on vB.com but Alpha testing.

nexialys 09-24-2008 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by basilrath (Post 1629116)
does this mean we as customers dont recieve the 3.8?

Why demonstrate the product?

the goal is to tease the client... if you are more frustrated than teased, your best shot would be to not visit the site too much often...

Ky Kiske 09-24-2008 11:37 AM

<-- Is Exclusively waiting for vBulletin 4.0.0 BETA

GoTTi 09-24-2008 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ky Kiske (Post 1629189)
<-- Is Exclusively waiting for vBulletin 4.0.0 BETA

why? its just gunna be the same as what you already have, just with more addons and ideas they get from vb.org coders preinstalled with a vb touch.

there isnt really anything else major they can do to the forum yet. no new technology is out.

sensimilla 09-25-2008 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by GoTTi (Post 1629372)
why? its just gunna be the same as what you already have, just with more addons and ideas they get from vb.org coders preinstalled with a vb touch.

there isnt really anything else major they can do to the forum yet. no new technology is out.

I agree, additionaly 3.8 changes are really unnoticable, dunno what for waiting 2 months.
Probably just to keep the old customers updating accounts.

Kinneas 09-25-2008 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by GoTTi (Post 1629372)
why? its just gunna be the same as what you already have, just with more addons and ideas they get from vb.org coders preinstalled with a vb touch.

there isnt really anything else major they can do to the forum yet. no new technology is out.

Lol. I seem to recall vB saying their developers tended not to go on the vborg for that very reason. Not enough to stop you still, obviously.

"no new technology is out" is a nonsensical sweeping statement. A lot of things have changed since vb3 was first released.

I suppose you and sensimilla would be happier if they just didn't bother updating it anymore and just left it to rot? Clearly a better idea than trying to keep it updated and relevant to the times.

I just love the cynical negativity lol. As if everyone is just out to take your money and has no interest in making the product better. Damned either way.

Eikinskjaldi 09-26-2008 02:25 AM

I really think some of the larger feature sets like social groups, albums, and things like that should be opt-out. Additionally, there are a lot of things just added to the datastore that, under heavy usage, result in using a ridiculous amount of memory per script site-wide, when alleviating the mysql/disk usage from querying that information isn't worth it.

Nadeemjp 09-26-2008 03:17 AM

hey team. thanx for the new version:).
but could i know that all the add ons or mods or hacks that i installed on 3.7.3, would they all be null and void and i will have to re-do everything again by searching for the compatible ones?

Or all the add ons for 3.7.3 would work with 3.8?

Digital Jedi 09-26-2008 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nadeemjp (Post 1630574)
hey team. thanx for the new version:).
but could i know that all the add ons or mods or hacks that i installed on 3.7.3, would they all be null and void and i will have to re-do everything again by searching for the compatible ones?

Or all the add ons for 3.7.3 would work with 3.8?

As with any update, we would just have to wait and see by checking with the individual authors of the modifications.

Alfa1 09-26-2008 12:43 PM

The vb 3.8 bug tracker in project tools shows that all 3.8 bugs thusfar have been fixed. It seems as if it can't be long before 3.8 will be in beta. Hopefully more functionality will be added along the way.

gamerfu 09-26-2008 04:51 PM

I always feel Jelsoft (vBulletin) is Microsoft because they update often and they are a slow turtle to gain new features. The only problem is the updates act like Microsoft, you never know when exactly to do an upgrade because a patch might come out a week later. I am happy for the schedule (patch Tuesday = M$), but I am affraid my forum is going to break everytime I upgrade. :(

The little vB releases scare me. Like 3.7.2 to 3.7.3 with all the changes, isn't the 3rd digit suppose to be a minor change, not a major change? I don't know, but the minor releases scare me just as much as the major releases. Jelsoft acts like M$, do not modify our product or buy 3rd party, just stick to the standard default templates and code we give you. A style is considered a modification, that is like saying a background I downloaded off the internet in Windows is conidered a moficiation and it isn't supported. Then what am i suppose to do? Leave the boring white style and hope Jelsoft makes 100 styles for me to choose from? :confused:

Then I feel like IP.Board is like Apple (Mac). They make few updates, yet it uses standardize hardware. They have all these cool little gadgets and cost a lot of money for upgrades. Apples are more expensive than PCs, but ppl don't realize it. Anyways, the whole point is IP.Board looks stylish and feels flexible. :cool:

And lastly, phpBB is like Linux to me. They are free and community based. A ton of nice features, but the techical support is by the community. If the community doesn't fix it, it stays broken until someone fixes it. But, those types of software/codes are open-sources and much can be accomplished. But, not much can be fixed quickly until a member of the community fixes it. So a fix can be anywhere from 1 hour to whenever. :erm:

Bottom-line: I pay for the upgrades at Jelsoft and I expect not to be scared to upgrade. And when I have a custom template, I shouldn't be scared that it might break in the future releases. :)


Originally Posted by Orakk (Post 1628969)
What a nightmare for those of us just want a solid, basic & secure forum. We don't use, reputation, ratings, infractions, social groups, tags, reason for edit message, advertising etc. A global 'feature rich' on/off button or a script to revert to 36 would be the go. Great forum, don't need the rest.


Originally Posted by Eikinskjaldi (Post 1630554)
I really think some of the larger feature sets like social groups, albums, and things like that should be opt-out. Additionally, there are a lot of things just added to the datastore that, under heavy usage, result in using a ridiculous amount of memory per script site-wide, when alleviating the mysql/disk usage from querying that information isn't worth it.

Turn off the features and read the change logs... simple

GoTTi 09-26-2008 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Kinneas (Post 1629911)
Lol. I seem to recall vB saying their developers tended not to go on the vborg for that very reason. Not enough to stop you still, obviously.

"no new technology is out" is a nonsensical sweeping statement. A lot of things have changed since vb3 was first released.

I suppose you and sensimilla would be happier if they just didn't bother updating it anymore and just left it to rot? Clearly a better idea than trying to keep it updated and relevant to the times.

I just love the cynical negativity lol. As if everyone is just out to take your money and has no interest in making the product better. Damned either way.

hey im not knockin the sofrware, i love vbulletin and i push this forum software to all my clients. but whats just foolish is that every other week or month we have this new version, like gamerfu says, that alot of us feel should just be small releaes, but more as patches. but its all good. i dont renew my license unless i need to, and i tell my clients to do the same, but i have just renew it when its time to so i get the latest version. i never mentioned anything about trying to get peoples money or whatever, i just said there really is no changes. now, i did think differently a LONG time ago, but someone on vb.com i think posted a thread talking about how upset they were spending money on the forum and upgrades, and just feels there is nothing really new or worth it to keep making versions numbers and having us get renewals. once i saw this guys point, i considered it and he was kinda right. thats all im sayin.

and ofcourse vb.org developers come here. they know whats going on here. watching vbulletin grow over the years, and working with almost every version number since the 1.x days, we've all seen the software expand itself, and those noticing know that the add features are always coming after a coder here makes it. nothing wrong with making stuff here default items in the forum software, but ive always said if its gunna be done atleast give the people releasing the hacks credit for it in the credits like we see when we go into the admincp, and you see the

vBulletin Developers & Contributors

Xtrato 09-26-2008 07:40 PM

vB Should consider alot more CSS... its getting a little(VERY) old with the whole table stuff and as well as its design , they aren't getting innovative... They need to push that much more than what its currently capable of.

Pixel-Peeps 09-26-2008 07:56 PM

Is Profile Privacy in usercp new because i dont have that on my forum?

Alfa1 09-26-2008 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Xtrato (Post 1631177)
vB Should consider alot more CSS... its getting a little(VERY) old with the whole table stuff and as well as its design , they aren't getting innovative... They need to push that much more than what its currently capable of.

That should be added to vb4 if I understand correctly.

hydn 09-27-2008 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by rootnik (Post 1625270)
Please, take your time developers. I'm just now getting comfortable with the changes made in 3.7.

I'm so glad we didn't move from 3.6.11 to 3.7 lol

It was 3.6.8 when we noticed 3.7

Think we'll wait for 3.8 release to be stable at which point im sure there will be 3.9 or 4.0

basilrath 09-27-2008 11:43 AM

With a view to........... ?

imported_pmay68 09-29-2008 12:41 PM

Would love to see the rsv'p function added to the calendar.. I have a scooter riding website and we use this often to see who is going on one of our planned rides.. :)

gamerfu 09-29-2008 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by imported_pmay68 (Post 1633029)
Would love to see the rsv'p function added to the calendar.. I have a scooter riding website and we use this often to see who is going on one of our planned rides.. :)

This would help for online gaming, as well. :cool:

+1! :up:

siliconfinance 09-29-2008 04:31 PM

how about a feature that allows members to search PMs ;) This SHOULD be coded as a usergroup feature so we can give to our donating members since they support the site and searching PMs would increase server load. We NEED that. I have already told vBulletin.com but we need more active members to get the message across.

King Kovifor 09-29-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by siliconfinance (Post 1633193)
how about a feature that allows members to search PMs ;) This SHOULD be coded as a usergroup feature so we can give to our donating members since they support the site and searching PMs would increase server load. We NEED that. I have already told vBulletin.com but we need more active members to get the message across.

3.8.0 Has search functionality for PMs.

SEOvB 09-29-2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by siliconfinance (Post 1633193)
how about a feature that allows members to search PMs ;) This SHOULD be coded as a usergroup feature so we can give to our donating members since they support the site and searching PMs would increase server load. We NEED that. I have already told vBulletin.com but we need more active members to get the message across.

You'll be happy to hear, that i do beleive a pretty big list of PM improvements are in 3.8 and thats one of them.

Shazz 09-29-2008 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by FRDS (Post 1633386)
You'll be happy to hear, that i do beleive a pretty big list of PM improvements are in 3.8 and thats one of them.

IMO thats still a minor change, they could just make a 3.7.4

GoTTi 10-05-2008 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by King Kovifor (Post 1633385)
3.8.0 Has search functionality for PMs.


now THAT is incredible

Fungsten 10-07-2008 06:28 PM

so you don't have to scroll down after you've reached eight (?) titles. I'll get a screen shot if I can.

flOid 10-09-2008 08:11 AM

vbulletin.com just went to vbulletin 3.8.0 Beta 1! I guess a downloadable release is on the way. :)

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