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So basically instead of improving web coding skills, users would rather block people from their site. I don't know if anyone noticed, but FireFox has some rendering issues different from IE and many web designers made the minor adjustments including myself as the product became more popular. FireFox, based on my web stats is 46% of my 1.2 Million page views. My stats also show Safari as 12% of my users. So now that Google Chrome is out, you can expect those statistics to rise.
Perhaps blocking has minimal impact at the moment, but eventually you all are going to have to own up on some better coding skills and utilize what is more universal for all browsers. Chrome will overtime grow to be a major player and it will only hurt you in the end. I have been testing Chrome myself lately and my site looks exactly the same as it does in IE and FF. Most likely is due to my choice in code design to ensure all users have a good experience. It's the web developers responsibility to ensure browser compatibility. If you don't want to do that, then its your loss and ignorance in the ever changing world wide web. |
OMG... this is a joke? haha.
that was the license used for the search Engine, they just copy and paste that... They fix that already... haha Oh god this is F... Funny haha. google bot spiders should be block too?? hahaha. Oh look! im on google!!! (scary music) jeje im kidding... But, this mod have not sence. |
<font color="Red">* Milad wouldn't install such a mod.</font>
Chrome, in BETA form is already replacing firefox in my house. I've been using it since day 1 and I love it. I've only had to open FF3 a couple times to access sites that use plugins that Chrome doesn't support just yet. Other than that, it's perfect and it's only a BETA
That said, this mod is useless.. why in the hell would you want to block users in the first place? |
Another reason is because they can. Another is because they want to. Another reason is maybe they hate Google, maybe they dont want to allow people who use Googles data mining products to access their site. Maybe they just dont want to hear people cry about how features don't work in a beta browser? Should i keep going? |
Related to the post above:
... Another reason that Google still refuses where what data is safed ... That you know Gmail users Mail's getting scanned and after some time you loose the "Copyright" of your Mails - that's US law - and still nowhere is written if and when data is deleted if you delete your Mails. ... Well - and yes - there're still sites out there who don't want to be indexed by any Search Engine, doing it server side is much more easy anyways ;) And if you're concerned about Chrome - install it, then a Sniffer and browser a little bit while capturing in Background what is sent to which location ;) |
Very interesting thread...
I have used Googles Chrome and on technical merit alone its very good indeed, but after thousands of complaints about their initial EULA 'mistake' the issue of privacy is obviously important to many people, we use a browser to view our bank accounts, secure information, anything we want... but i wouldn't want that scanned or shared in any way by any program ( I have already sacrificed that with another product of Googles 'Gmail' ) - Chrome may be nice and shiny on the outside with all the right bells & whistles but if the back end spews out your info in any way it's not worth anything...to us. It's a tool, but who does it really benefit? - Think about this, 5 years from now will you be subservient to the the international fascism of Googles domination of the Internet? - using Gmail for your email (which is scanned) chrome for your viewing habits, google.com for your searching or any other legalized Trojan horse tool bar widget with the words 'google - trust us!' written on it... because it's not about making the web a better place, it's about control...in as fewer hands as possible, if you cannot grasp this then you must be living in the land of the free, home of the brave! :) Your welcome to research online for computer related privacy issues using any browser you wish :) - please be my guest, you won't have to look for too long, by which time using chrome they would have a screenshot of the site, your ip, your search data, sites visited and an advert saying "Worried about privacy? - Visit - IBelieve.org" |
That's like saying when you watch House MD on your Sony TV, that episode of House MD becomes the intellectual property of Sony Corp. Come on, use your common sense! Quote:
tagged for installation when I update. I have to agree, we put up with a few of their product's already and now we have to sell our soul completely? I think not
Down with g! |
How exactly are YOU selling your soul? The people who will be using (or rather, the lost members who will no longer be able to use) your site are the ones who chose to install it.
Why force your personal politics on people who don't care what you think by actually BLOCKING someone based on their own personal preferences? You guys crack me up. The fact that a single company is able to produce (or acquire and sustain companies that produce) superior products automatically makes them EVIL. "ZOMG GOOGLE HAS A BROWZUR NOW LETS BLOCK THEM B4 THEY STEEL OUR INTERNETS!" I have a section of my site devoted to conspiracy theory discussion, and you guys still totally take the cake here. /golf clap Oh well, more users for me. Enjoy your paranoia. |
There are sites for families, for children, and for everyone in-between that are private because they don't want their personal information or discussions stored by google or other search engines or accessed by someone with questionable intentions.
Introducing a browser that has the ability to add information of any nature to an already huge collection of information on you in order to deliver ads more tailored to the user of that browser (and charge a higher premium for I would suspect) would not be welcomed by owners of sites offering privacy for families, children, battered women, people with aids, etc. Some sites, such as the ones I operate, do not use google ads or google analytics or allow search engines and do not allow Chrome for the simple reason that the members want some privacy and security while using my sites. Until the privacy of data collected by Chrome has been tested in court it is banned from the sites I run that offer members a level of privacy and security not normally found on the net. And no, there is no adult material on my sites. Other contributors to this thread welcome Chrome as it serves the purpose of their site. Other site owners don't because it serves the purposes of their site. |
thanks for such a lovely quote google is always been evil... |
You did more research on your own, right? |
I'm just wondering - and please feel free to correct me... but doesn't chrome offer an incognito mode which is supposed to track nothing? Now I understand as much as the next person, that Google is simply the Umbrella Corporation in the making ( Resident Evil come to life? ). :D
At this rate in 5 years will surf the net with Chrome, search with Google, mail with gmail, use Gwindows as operating sistem and have credit cards Gfinancial ... just for the sake of having better ads :)
Is admirable what the founders did with Google but growing to be a multinational corporation can change the original intention of the founders (to help you find stuff on the net) to the more prozaic and understandable goal of making more money. Stripping of the moral values could led to nasty stuff in the future so I will better stop a good product than have the suspicion that can lead to unwanted control over my info. I am from a former comunist party and from stories I have heared from my father comunism has landed smoothly in the minds of simple people untill it was tool late. And just another comment: How many of your forum users know more than just clicking links in a browser already installed? Let along find a setting or know about it. May it is a good adition to this mod a less violent aproach: Detect the browser and just display a warning notice (and let him browse): You are using XXXXX a potential unsafe browser please see here more details... For safer browsing experience we recomend ... So you show concern about your users browsing safety. Stopping him will just piss him off because he will not understand the reason. As second option you can buy Google and change the aproach :D |
Indeed, a message would be great instead.
Yes they cover themselfs that adding other ingredients give antiinflamatory efect of the herbal advertised. So they more or less deliver the benefits advertised but lie about it. And for ... with propolis product they cover just antiinflamatory efect out of many other benefits of real propolis. This is just a small example from a company in the spot light and with a very strong moral culture. Note; I quit for a better job not for moral grounds :D Imagine guns, ammo, pharmaceutical companies .... Let me give other imaginative examples: Imagine you make research in your company for a cure treatment of a chronical disease. You found both , a cure and a treatment for the simptoms. Do the math if you release both: 1. Cure. One treatment = patient cured no need to buy more. 2. Treatment for simptoms = patient makes repeted purchase of your product :D Shure you launch first the treatment ... Imagine you make guns .... Would you promote peace ! I am not saying is valid for all but bigger the company less likely moral grounds to be avoided. Again is not a rule but is likely. And thumbs up for the founders of Google just open eyes for corporation Google :D Ontopic: You can develop more the mod to display specific messages for different browsers. This way you can warn users if security problems appear using that specific browser. Or just notify some functionality of your site will not work with the browser visitor has. Maybe to notify scripts are disabled, so ajaks is not working ... @ nerofix Go for positive approach : Free beer for Firefox users :D |
What good would sending a message to a multi-billion dollar conglomerate do? They'd just laugh.
I think the mod's pretty awesome. I don't care how great a browser is. I'm tired of big brother spying on me. |
I'm not installing this, but would like to make a comment.
I've seen comments about people moaning about this hack. Ridiculous! I mean, no one is forcing you to use this. |
Well you are wright, but the impact of small company is far less harmfull that one of a big one gowing wrong.
And yes nobody is forcing you to use this mod. Usp sorry for offtopic. |
OK...I just installed Chrome yesterday and it lasted for only three hours!
I found out that it doesn't support WYSIWYG editor so, that was that and it's now gone. Other than that everything on it worked just fine as far as displaying my two sites flawlessly. Yes, I realize that this is not what the discussion is really about so let me get to another more pertinent point here. It's a well known fact that Google is a powerful entity and will continue to be so. Hell, stop and think about your Firefox (which I have used for years)! Google is and has been a very integral part of FF for sometime now! Now consider this. The top two browsers as of now are I.E. and FF. Knowing the track record of Google I would not at all be surprised that in the years to come that the Google browser, albeit it may not be called "Chrome", may very well become one of the top browser's. I think that this paranoia of Google is getting a bit absurd and akin to the McCarthy era of having a Communist under every bed sheet! For those that firmly believe Google is an evil entity then by all means continue doing so. If that is true than in all honesty I would have to lump in Microsoft with them! The simple point being is that one of the hardest things in getting a forum site started and off the ground is in gaining members! Granted, and it has been pointed out many times here, that if one does not wish to install this mod is to simply....not install it! Most, if not many here, know more than the average "potential" member who may happen upon your site and become curious as to it's content are more technically oriented than they. If they should happen to do so and see that they are not allowed in because of the browser they are using (Google Chrome) I can most emphatically assure you they will not return! They will not understand why and will simply move on with a possible exiting utterance of "screw you"! I know for a fact I would do the same. What happens if indeed Google "Chrome" or, whatever it may be called in the future, becomes the number one, two or three browser on the Internet! Thanks.....but no thanks. I think the mod is a tad ridiculous and a premature thing to install on ones forum but, that's just my opinion. I'll be damned if I'm going to take the chance of even losing one potential member when more than likely they will in no way understand as to why they are being turned away! ~Phil ;) |
Lamest mod ever. :down:
Excellent idea.
Thanks very much, excellent mod.. Perfect for private websites, why all the whining ?
<a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/project.php?issueid=26408" target="_blank">Google Chrome browser allows members to give reputation to the same person as often as they like.</a>
"Paranoia strikes deep.....into your heat it will creep"! Jeez....give me a freaking break! Like someone else posted, why not just turn your damn computer off and get it over with! Maybe go back to snail mail for doing all of our transactions or possibly carrier pigeons! Nah...then again we'd have to be afraid of the mail man reading our mail or the possibility of the pigeon's being bred and trained by evil and monstrous Google man! :rolleyes: Everyone, lock all of your doors, hide under the bed and be very,very afraid! The Google man is hungry and out to devour all of us! I don't have Chrome simply because I don't care for it...yet. Not because I'm afraid of it although I am deathly afraid of kittens, puppies and butterflies! :o ~Phil ;) |
1 Attachment(s)
LOL @Skitty :D
Google still haven't secretly destroyed this mod yet? Wow.
Here's a thought: What if this mod was made BY Google to investigate all who don't like their browser. Then in a few months time, early on a Sunday morning, men in black suits and sunglasses will come to your house and take you to a mental conditioning facility. |
A German Site translated in English |
i would install this if i could make it so it was only for certain forums, i got a few hidden ones
Maybe I offer the rights of this AddOn to Google, they pay 1.000.000$ for it and then can delete it here :D btw I will do a v2.0 with custom text and maybe some "global / per forum" switch ... we'll see |
this will make happy many ppl especially who get baned from adsense :D
Is there anychance I could twist your arm and get you to include one for the opera browser? Thanks again, Nice work. :)
:eek: What's the fuss with Chrome and data collection or rights ?
They amended the EULA days after it was released. Chrome is not collecting any more data than a browser that has the Google toolbar installed with the default options and cookies set to allow. Remember that Chrome is still Beta. Why deny people access to your site via ANY browser ? When Google launch their operating system, is everyone going to block that as well . LMAO EDIT** Should have mentioned that anyone can circumvent this MOD by changing the useragent string in Chrome. Yes it's possible. |
I just saw this and am not going to read all 8 pages, but I do have one question.
Why would you block this browser if the privacy is the end-user's concern, and therefore personal choice? They're the ones using the browser not you (forum owner). Unless it was already mentioned/clarified in one of the 8 pages, someone please enlighten me. This mod appears to be nothing but senseless paranoia. |
Google Chrome is a joint project between Google and the National Security Agency. It's part of the Bush administration's war on terror.
If the word "jihad" should ever come up in your Google Chrome browser, it immediately sends a page off to the Super-NOC at the NSA, where a joint task force including members of the NSA, DOD, SS, and WalMart store security, will review your browsing history in detail. They then take that browsing history and cross reference it with every Al Queda tape that was ever submitted to Al Jazeera television. Then they cross reference that information with re-runs of "Married with Children" as part of an ongoing investigation against Al Bundy, and whether or not he is related to Al Queda, or Al Jazeera. For more information, see "chrometruth.org" ...or, it could just be a new friggen browser with a typo in the first release of the license agreement. :erm: I spent 20 minutes reading this thread, and typing this response. These are minutes of my life that I will never, ever get back. I will now have a moment of silence in remembrance of those 20 minutes, and their unfortunate demise. Poor minutes, they never had a chance. |
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