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-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - AME 2.0 -Auto Media Embedding for posts, blogs, visitor and group messsages (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=189267)

entertain 08-28-2008 02:24 PM

Oh guys, I'm crazy. :D

Here is my "small" german translation. :D (Language File)

@Geek: You can upload it in your first post. ;)


popular 08-28-2008 05:28 PM

does this mod work with signatures? hmmm doesn't work for sigs and daily motion doesnt seem supported =(

webcosmo 08-28-2008 06:29 PM

Just installed on our forum http://www.webcosmoForums.com
Good job.

GrandHolyKing 08-28-2008 07:51 PM

What about some popular sites such as the following

Members on my forum regularly use these sites when ordering stuff so it would be great to have them on the list.

As it stands, this is one beautiful mod that trumps all others! Good job!

nick-harper 08-28-2008 11:15 PM

I have installed this and I chose to exempt unregistered and banned users but they still can see :(


Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

GrandHolyKing 08-29-2008 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by nick-harper (Post 1609440)
I have installed this and I chose to exempt unregistered and banned users but they still can see :(


Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Hmm, I'm the same. Just tried it myself to see and it's just the same


I'll have a poke around and see whats up.

GrandHolyKing 08-29-2008 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by nick-harper (Post 1609440)
I have installed this and I chose to exempt unregistered and banned users but they still can see :(


Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

It would seem that the exclusion list is only for stopping users from a certain usergroup from having THEIR urls parsed.

For example, if you check it for administrators then none of your own posts will be converted. It's not a way of blocking unregistered users, simply a way to stop their posts being converted should you have guest posting on.

At least, that's what I make of it anyway. ;)

The Geek 08-29-2008 05:34 AM

You can't prevent certain usergroups from seeing the videos, just AME automatically converting them.

The reason is down to the postcache. Once a post gets parsed, it gets saved for x amount of days. Therefore when your admin first views the post, it gets cached from the 'admin' perspective. If the cache expires and a guest is the next to view it, it then gets cached from the guests perspective.

There are a couple of solutions I am playing with, but I am not 100% sold on either yet.
One would be to swap out the URL with javascript after processing, the other would be check posts during display time. The first would be the least server intensive, but not ideal. The latter simply means more server processing.

Leave it with me, I am working on a couple ideas. But if you really need a mod that will only display for certain usergroups right now then try checking out passivevid as I am pretty sure that supports the option.


Doctor Death 08-29-2008 09:42 AM

Thanks for this great mod.

I updated on my board and then had all previous AME codes removed using the TOOLS section. When I then tried to reconstruct posts, no videos showed up, only hyperlinks.

What am I doing wrong to make it rebuild those links?

The Geek 08-29-2008 10:28 AM

Try running in test mode and verbose mode. This will show the processing in action. If you are not seeing ame tags converted when they really should, make sure the system is not disabled (admincp->AME CP->settings). Let me know.

The Geek 08-29-2008 11:29 AM

Just as an FYI:

I have completed the alpha of the next version which includes a lot more functionality based on user requests.
  • It prevents HTML entities within the title (i.e. &)
  • It supports signatures
  • It uses templates instead of the open and close setting. The templates can be specified per zone (i.e. signature, blog, posts, etc...) and obviously customised per style. Remember though; because of vB's postcache, using conditionals will not always produce anticipated results (i.e. a conditional display based on usergroup).
  • It supports sizing based on what zone you are in (i.e. one size for signatures and one size for posts)
  • It has an option to file cache the definitions for faster processing (especially with sites that have A LOT of definitions)

What I have left to do:
  • Add the new features into the admincp for easier controlling
  • I may add a key column to the definitions to prevent duplication of definitions and for easier updating of defaults.

Though this version will still support all the existing definitions, some changes will have to be made to support the new areas of functionality. Namely the ability to adjust the size of the media. Right now, the width and height attribute is included in the embed code. While this is fine, it means that you can't specify the size of the media with the new features. To support the new sizing options, the width and height attributes within the embed code will need to be changed from width="xxx" and height="xxx" to $ameinfo[width] and $ameinfo[height] respectively in both the object tag and the embed tag. I may also do a tool to try and automate this for users, we will just have to see how much time I have :)

Anyhooo... I have spent a great deal of my vacation time retooling this mod so I am going to go take a break and catch some sun with an ice cold beer for awhile (vacation is almost over!). I may get some time later today or tomorrow morning to release a beta, but then again, I may not :D


Sunsetdriver 08-29-2008 12:34 PM

Page keeps loading during installation.
My post table has more than 1,2 millions records. How much would it take to add the index?:confused:

Digital Jedi 08-29-2008 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by popular (Post 1609231)
does this mod work with signatures? hmmm doesn't work for sigs and daily motion doesnt seem supported =(

Sig functionality, if you read just a few posts between yours and mine, will be added by The Geek in the next version. Sounds like pretty soon.

Daily Motion is indeed supported, including all it's foreign language counterparts and 150+ other sites. You just need to get the definitions from the Add-On to this thread.


Originally Posted by GrandHolyKing (Post 1609318)
What about some popular sites such as the following

Members on my forum regularly use these sites when ordering stuff so it would be great to have them on the list.

As it stands, this is one beautiful mod that trumps all others! Good job!

I can add them to the list for the next update cycle, but I'll have to make sure they can convert before making any promises. That said, keep on eye on the Add-On thread for the next update.


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1609809)
Just as an FYI:

I have completed the alpha of the next version which includes a lot more functionality based on user requests.
  • It prevents HTML entities within the title (i.e. &)
  • It supports signatures
  • It uses templates instead of the open and close setting. The templates can be specified per zone (i.e. signature, blog, posts, etc...) and obviously customised per style. Remember though; because of vB's postcache, using conditionals will not always produce anticipated results (i.e. a conditional display based on usergroup).
  • It supports sizing based on what zone you are in (i.e. one size for signatures and one size for posts)
  • It has an option to file cache the definitions for faster processing (especially with sites that have A LOT of definitions)

What I have left to do:
  • Add the new features into the admincp for easier controlling
  • I may add a key column to the definitions to prevent duplication of definitions and for easier updating of defaults.
Though this version will still support all the existing definitions, some changes will have to be made to support the new areas of functionality. Namely the ability to adjust the size of the media. Right now, the width and height attribute is included in the embed code. While this is fine, it means that you can't specify the size of the media with the new features. To support the new sizing options, the width and height attributes within the embed code will need to be changed from width="xxx" and height="xxx" to $ameinfo[width] and $ameinfo[height] respectively in both the object tag and the embed tag. I may also do a tool to try and automate this for users, we will just have to see how much time I have :)

Anyhooo... I have spent a great deal of my vacation time retooling this mod so I am going to go take a break and catch some sun with an ice cold beer for awhile (vacation is almost over!). I may get some time later today or tomorrow morning to release a beta, but then again, I may not :D


You have a strange way of vacationing, but I like it. Rest up dude.

That's size variable sounds like a major dream come true to me.

popular 08-29-2008 12:50 PM

niceeee sounds awesome (Y)

Mikhal 08-29-2008 01:29 PM

On line 82 of the automediaembed_admin, it would be very helpful if you used the long php tag' <?php' instead of '<?' in future releases. My webserver has problems displaying php files with the short tags. Also, that's the only place where you use the short tag.

Besides that, the mod is working great. Thanks for updating it!

MindStar 08-29-2008 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by MindStar (Post 1608892)

Would you consider using cURL instead of file_get_contents to get the title of the video file?

* we have disabled file_get_contents on our server due to the security risks with using file_get_contents.

Here's a link to an example of using cURL to replace a call to file_get_contents



Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1608910)
Ill look into it :)

FYI, I just tried replacing the call to file_get_contents with a call to the curl_get_file_contents and copy&pasted the function from the above php.net webpage and it worked :)

The Geek 08-29-2008 02:23 PM

@Mindstar - Ill add the option to curl or fetch for you :)

@Mikhal - I updated the next version with the php tag for :)

@DJ - if you can update your XML work with the size changes, Ill happily send you a pre-release to do so. That will save me the time of writing a conversion tool :)

@Sunset - If the page is just reloading the first, it usually means it is on test mode. If it isnt and it is taking ages... make sure you turn off the extraction method as that means each match will be trying to fetch the destination title (which can take some time)

Hope that is everyone :D

soulface 08-29-2008 03:03 PM

When I post any youtube link in any profile's visitor messege, It's shows double...


Darat 08-29-2008 03:11 PM

Anyone got some HTML code handy that I could use to put the videos in a collapsible box?

The Geek 08-29-2008 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by soulface (Post 1609934)
When I post any youtube link in any profile's visitor messege, It's shows double...

You have more than 1 of the same definition (i.e. 2 youtube definitions). Delete one :)

The Geek 08-29-2008 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Darat (Post 1609944)
Anyone got some HTML code handy that I could use to put the videos in a collapsible box?

If you can hang on until next release, It will support templates which will be easy to add collapse support (heck, I might even do it for you ;) )

Digital Jedi 08-29-2008 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1609920)
@DJ - if you can update your XML work with the size changes, Ill happily send you a pre-release to do so. That will save me the time of writing a conversion tool :)

Sure, I can do that. How soon would you need it?

The Geek 08-29-2008 04:59 PM

Last day of holiday... how bout tomorrow? :)

Obviously it doesn't need to be released, but just get it ready as I am looking to release 2.5 tomorrow :)

To do so... replace all instances of
HTML Code:

width="xxx" (or) width='xxx'
HTML Code:

height="xxx" (or) height='xxx'

PHP Code:



PHP Code:


respectively :)

note the lack of quotes in [height] and [width]

preprules 08-29-2008 06:39 PM

Added to 3.7.2, worked superbly!
Installed vBlog and it (blog) had database errors.

First support reply was is an AME installed? Hmmm, Uninstalled AME and blog worked fine??
Any thoughts on this?

preprules 08-29-2008 06:54 PM

uninstalled, reinstalled and all seems well.
Thanks for this!

Skavenger 08-30-2008 04:30 AM

I have URLs like this:


[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beKgeNShJxY&fmt=18"]YouTube - House - Season 5 - Promo 2[/url]
And when I run "Rebuild Groups" option I get this: http://i33.tinypic.com/24y5qmf.png

How can I fix it?


The Geek 08-30-2008 06:47 AM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1608156&postcount=2" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showp...56&postcount=2</a>

Skavenger 08-30-2008 07:33 AM

Oh, I never saw the FAQ, sorry and thanks :)

Skavenger 08-30-2008 05:20 PM

I have another problem. A long time ago I was using this mod that requires to use a [MEDIA] tag, how can I delete all those tags? Without them then I could convert URLs to AME's

Edit: I fixed it with "\1".

Creative Liquid 08-31-2008 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek (Post 1608909)
Works for me in FF3 :)

I'm having the same problem. It works with Ie but not FF. Not sure what could be causing this.

Creative Liquid 08-31-2008 05:51 AM

never mind, figured it out. You may have to reinstall your flash plugin.

Greenskull 08-31-2008 06:11 AM

I'm having a problem...it was working great until a few days ago. For some reason, when I post a link it either A: Doesn't work or B: Makes it just a bunch of HTML. Help!

The Geek 08-31-2008 08:22 AM

Can you provide an example?

Lizard King 08-31-2008 08:10 PM

It is nice to see you back online Sam :)

The Geek 09-01-2008 01:52 PM

Hey Lizard, nice to see you still about too :)

FYI all:

I am now back from my vacation and gearing up to head out on a business trip to Athens. I have finished the first beta of what will now be 2.5 and it is being tested while I find time to do some code clean up. To whet your whistle and give you an idea as to why I have gone from version 2 to 2.5 in a couple weeks time... here is a smackle of what is included in the next version:

New in 2.5:
  • Ability to prevent non authorised usergroups from viewing media (see limitations below)
  • Full usergroup permissions support (edit user group to adjust edit/view permissions per zone)
  • Template driven system which uses templates now instead of 1 master replacement (see note on conditionals below)
  • New zone: Signatures!
  • Different sizes and templates for each supported zone (posts, blogs, groups, visitor messages and signatures). That means that AME's in signatures can have no container table around the media and be small, but those in posts can have special ones with larger size videos
  • A couple new hooks. This is to support an AME add on for profiles I prototyped.
  • Notification system (similar to vB's that check for configuration errors, duplicates and other items that could cause unexpected behaviour)
  • definition keys for easier updating of definitions. This will also allow you to use conditionals in the templates if maybe you wanted media logos or a different look to the videos.
  • File caching system which radically reduces processing. This saves the definition query and array building. Ideal if you have a LOT of definitions.
  • And more that I cant think of off the top of my head!

Limitations with usergroup viewing permissions

The new system uses javascript to attempt to 'hide' the embedded media and 'show' a default URL. If the user doesn't have javascript enabled or places an embedded video in their post via the quick reply box, it will appear to them until they refresh the page. Of course, if the person doesn't have permission to view, I doubt they would have permission to embed anyway!

Another limitation with permissions will be that if someone with permission to post URLs edits someones who doesnt... well.. . it will appear!

Note on template conditionals

vBulletin caches the contents of posts after it has been parsed to save processing time. This means that if you put a condition into one of AMEs templates that will somehow alter the contents based on who is viewing it... you will get unexpected results. Say for example, in AMEs template you used the following conditional:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo['userid']==1">Hi Bob!</if>

If someone other than userid #1 created the post (and hence the cache), it won't appear, even when user #1 views it! Obviously the opposite is also true.

The only way to get around this is to turn off vBulletins post cache, but I wouldn't recommend it!

Changes to definitions

Stop using width and height tags in your object and embed tags. Instead, use $ameinfo[height] and $ameinfo[width] respectively. This is so that users can specify the dimensions in their settings and use the same definition in different areas of the site. Although pre 2.5 definitions will work, It will look pants if you can't tweak the size for a signature!

Start putting the ameid tag in your exported items. This is a unique identifier similar to vB's productid that can contain only alphanumeric characters and an underscore (basically any combination of letters, numbers and the _ character. No spaces permitted). This tag will help prevent duplicate imports and also give the template the option of knowing what type of media it is.


calldaffer 09-01-2008 05:56 PM

installed with no problems, thanks for that. I am wondering how to display the videos you mentioned in your first post: yahoo, youtube, myspace, google and Amazon

I can get youtube to display no problem but any other video I try and put in it simply displays the URL?

The Geek 09-01-2008 07:50 PM

can you post some examples that arent working?

kpa4941 09-02-2008 08:28 PM

Can you make a video link to your own site(http://www.domain.com/video.mpg). Will it still embed the video into a post?

Skavenger 09-02-2008 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by kpa4941 (Post 1613075)
Can you make a video link to your own site(http://www.domain.com/video.mpg). Will it still embed the video into a post?

Check this: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=175378

kpa4941 09-02-2008 08:55 PM

Thanks for posting the link. It helped.

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