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parseforum 07-31-2008 06:55 AM


Please uninstall and re-install to re-create kbank tables
I can not go to the forum https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/07/3.gif

mrpaint 07-31-2008 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by parseforum (Post 1588090)
I can not go to the forum http://qsmile.com/qsimages/54.gif

Please run these queries manually:


CREATE TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "kbank_donations` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`from` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,
`to` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,
`amount` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,
`tax` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,
`time` int(11) NOT NULL,
`comment` TEXT NOT NULL,
`postid` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`time` int(11) NOT NULL,
`days` int (11) NOT NULL,
`reason` text NOT NULL,
`adminid` int (10) unsigned NOT NULL,

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`itemname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`itemtype` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`amount` int(11) NOT NULL,
`time` int(11) NOT NULL,
`userid` int (10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL default 0,

INSERT INTO `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "kbank_banklogs`
(1,'post','money',0," . TIMENOW . ",0),
(2,'register','money',0," . TIMENOW . ",0),
(3,'referer','money',0," . TIMENOW . ",0),
(4,'admindonate','money',0," . TIMENOW . ",0),
(5,'items','money',0," . TIMENOW . ",0),
(6,'other','money',0," . TIMENOW . ",0)
(7,'tax','money',0," . TIMENOW . ",0);

`itemid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`type` varchar(100) default NULL,
`name` varchar(200) default NULL,
`description` varchar(200) default NULL,
`price` int(11) default 0,
`userid` int(10) default 0,
`creator` int(10) default 0,
`create_time` int(11) default 0,
`expire_time` int(11) default 0,
`options` text,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`itemid`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "kbank_itemtypes` (
`itemtypeid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(100) default NULL,
`filename` varchar(100) default NULL,
`userid` text,
`description` text,
`price` int(11) default 0,
`options` text,
PRIMARY KEY (`itemtypeid`)

`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`type` int(4) default '1',
`userid` int(11) default NULL,
`timeline` int(11) default NULL,
`text1` text,
`int1` int(11) default NULL,
`detail` text,

Gud luck

PGAmerica 07-31-2008 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1587994)
With Item System, member can gift to other member (with short message and anonymous option)

OK, what about converting points from vbcredits to kbank?

mrpaint 07-31-2008 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by PGAmerica (Post 1588436)
OK, what about converting points from vbcredits to kbank?

You can change table field of kBank into "credits" to use dirrectly points from vbcredits. If you want to uninstall vbcredits, you must run a query manually (after installing kbank)


SET money = credits
Replace [TABLE_PREFIX] with your table prefix!

So now, you can uninstall vbcredits (but you should disable instead of uninstall vbcredits, after a few days if everything is okie then you can uninstall it safely). I will create an automatic convert tool in the next version of kBank

Skyrider 07-31-2008 04:01 PM

I seem to have a lot of problems importing this plugin. It is using massive cpu usage on our forums and it is being stuck at:


Rename donation, ban & bank log table (need to run because productid changed)
Any advice?

mrpaint 07-31-2008 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1588460)
I seem to have a lot of problems importing this plugin. It is using massive cpu usage on our forums and it is being stuck at:

Any advice?

Live support via Y!M now :D

Skyrider 07-31-2008 07:01 PM

Thanks for helping out mrpaint, you've been really helpful! I do have some features that I think that should be added though:

1), Able to hide thanks/awards within the small profiles in posts.
2), Able to hide the credits you have and of others also in the small profiles of posts.
3), Create a new item so you can buy a forum style for you to choose! (new forum theme)
4), When you select that you can buy 5 of an item, I saw a whole list of names of that item. Possible it can be 1 item, but can be sold 5x? For example:


Test Item! 1: Costs - Credits: 50.0000
Test Item! 2: Costs - Credits: 50.0000
Test Item! 3: Costs - Credits: 50.0000
Test Item! 4: Costs - Credits: 50.0000
Test Item! 5: Costs - Credits: 50.0000
Test power! 1: Costs - Credits: 240.000
Test power! 2: Costs - Credits: 240.000
Test power! 3: Costs - Credits: 240.000
I think it should be:

Test Item! 5: Costs - Credits: 50.0000 (Quantity: 5x)
Test power! 3: Costs - Credits: 240.000 (Quantity: 3x)
This way, it won't spam up the whole shop list :).

5), When you change your nickname, you should see an example how it will look AND once changed, you should not be able to change again! I noticed I could keep changing my nickname all the time, which should not happen! :).

6), Able to select ID's of forum sections which are not supposed to gain credits when posting replies or new threads. Off-topic for example.

7), You should be able to select ID's where you can gain bonus credits, or create new usergroups or forums where you can add / edit your own what should be bonused. Example:

Usergroup: Administrator - gets 4 credits per thread and 8 credits per reply.
Usergroup: Super Moderator - Gets 19 credits per thread and 30 credits per reply.

Do remember that the "Credits" I added is the money value with this plugin.

Fraxter 07-31-2008 11:09 PM

How is the direct link to the kbank shop? Can´t find it.

regards and thanks for this great Addon!


Skyrider 08-01-2008 12:11 AM

<a href="http://feelxthexlife.com/products/kbank/Download" target="_blank">http://feelxthexlife.com/products/kbank/Download</a>

Fraxter 08-01-2008 12:16 AM

I don?t mean the download link (i don?t said that!) i mean the link to the shop in vbulletin.

Like www.example.com/kshop.php (false link) i need the correct link to integrate a link in my navbar.

mrpaint 08-01-2008 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Pander23 (Post 1588795)
I don?t mean the download link (i don?t said that!) i mean the link to the shop in vbulletin.

Like www.example.com/kshop.php (false link) i need the correct link to integrate a link in my navbar.

Navbar item has been added automatically if you are using vBB 3.7.x
In case you use vBB 3.6.x, please read the readme file, there is a detail instruction inside :D

mrpaint 08-01-2008 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1588596)
Thanks for helping out mrpaint, you've been really helpful! I do have some features that I think that should be added though:

You are welcome :D


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1588596)
3), Create a new item so you can buy a forum style for you to choose! (new forum theme)

I don't understand this item type. Please give more description :P


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1588596)
5), When you change your nickname, you should see an example how it will look AND once changed, you should not be able to change again! I noticed I could keep changing my nickname all the time, which should not happen! :).

Member can change username to what ever he want (umlimited times) until item expired. I will add new setting to specify number of change allowed


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1588596)
6), Able to select ID's of forum sections which are not supposed to gain credits when posting replies or new threads. Off-topic for example.

Go to Forum Manager and you will see thread/post/character value for each forum


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1588596)
7), You should be able to select ID's where you can gain bonus credits, or create new usergroups or forums where you can add / edit your own what should be bonused. Example:

Usergroup: Administrator - gets 4 credits per thread and 8 credits per reply.
Usergroup: Super Moderator - Gets 19 credits per thread and 30 credits per reply

I don't understand this one, too :P

Thank you for your suggestion :D

yingzhou 08-01-2008 09:55 AM

compare with vbCredit, what script do better?

Fraxter 08-01-2008 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1589062)
Navbar item has been added automatically if you are using vBB 3.7.x
In case you use vBB 3.6.x, please read the readme file, there is a detail instruction inside :D

Yes, i now that. But it don?t work on my other styles (only on the default vbulletin style). And if i go on the shop link, i get the following vbulletin message:


No Results Matched Your Query
Anyone nows why i get this message?



KURTZ 08-01-2008 12:36 PM

news about a ibproarcade compatibility ?

Skyrider 08-01-2008 04:30 PM


I don't understand this item type. Please give more description :P
On a forum, if it has themes and styles, you can go to the bottom of the forums and select a style (check attachment). Maybe you can add a way for people to buy the styles for them to use rather that they can choose it freely.

As for my #7 suggestion, this is where you select the forum/sections where you can change how much money you deserve:


General talk Section -> 4 money per post and 8 money per thread
Offtopic -> 1 money per post & 7 money per thread.

And so on. But I think when you said this:

Go to Forum Manager and you will see thread/post/character value for each forum
It'll solve everything. What about my other suggestions?

mrpaint 08-01-2008 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by yingzhou (Post 1589079)
compare with vbCredit, what script do better?

Sorry, I can't answer your question :P


Originally Posted by Pander23 (Post 1589102)
Yes, i now that. But it don?t work on my other styles (only on the default vbulletin style). And if i go on the shop link, i get the following vbulletin message:

Anyone nows why i get this message?



You get that message because you have no item in shop :D
To add navbar item (with popup menu) to your style, try the way in the readme file. If it doesn't work, I will check it out :D


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1589140)
news about a ibproarcade compatibility ?

Not yet :P Sorry


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1589303)
On a forum, if it has themes and styles, you can go to the bottom of the forums and select a style (check attachment). Maybe you can add a way for people to buy the styles for them to use rather that they can choose it freely.

It'll solve everything. What about my other suggestions?

About style request I think it is not common at all :P Low periority than other suggestion :D I will add them in new version as much as I can :D

Fraxter 08-01-2008 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1589338)
To add navbar item (with popup menu) to your style, try the way in the readme file. If it doesn't work, I will check it out :D

I?ve tryed, but this: $template_hook[navbar_buttons_left] is used from another modification and not working. ;)

And it?s possible to deactivate the auto template changes? I don?t like that i can?t disable the modifications manuelly.



manutdvn 08-03-2008 03:34 PM

Does it work with vbookie?

Skyrider 08-04-2008 12:06 PM

I'm going on vacation, I hope this great plugin is updated by the time I get back :D. I hope then there is a way that:

1), Fixes the quantity so the whole shop list won't be filled with the same items, but will only show 1 but can be sold multiple times.
2), Able to hide the thank u / money amount from the mini profiles when posting replies. (left or top profile)
3), Unlimited days when buying an item! :D

mrpaint 08-04-2008 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pander23 (Post 1589473)
I?ve tryed, but this: $template_hook[navbar_buttons_left] is used from another modification and not working. ;)

And it?s possible to deactivate the auto template changes? I don?t like that i can?t disable the modifications manuelly.



Okie, please open template kbank_navbar_button and copy/paste it's content into template navbar (or header, depending on your style)


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1591128)
I'm going on vacation, I hope this great plugin is updated by the time I get back :D. I hope then there is a way that:

1), Fixes the quantity so the whole shop list won't be filled with the same items, but will only show 1 but can be sold multiple times.
2), Able to hide the thank u / money amount from the mini profiles when posting replies. (left or top profile)
3), Unlimited days when buying an item! :D

I will try my best :P

Kiint 08-04-2008 01:01 PM

I've just had a look at this mod and my first question is "what is it"?

The page loaded and I saw:


kBank 2.0.1 Money System

with a list of features for something that I don't have a clue what it is.

Just a suggestion, before your Main Feature part on your introduction, maybe have something like this:

[About Kbank]
KBank is a module that will allow your users to xxxxx and your admins can xxxxxx, this will help you build up your community by xxxxxxx and getting people to interact by xxxxxx etc etc

replace xxxxxx with your own description.

It would allow users like myself to get an instant idea on what your module is and what it does and maybe even make me want to install it. I had a look on your help page and this gave me a general idea but it still didn't make me want to spend time on installing it as i don't really know what it is yet.

Please don't take this as criticism, I'm only making a suggestion to help you get more people interested in what looks like a good module.

Shishir 08-04-2008 01:31 PM

Hi mrpaint, how about a Signup bonus. Currently there is a referral and new signup bonus but that is per post, which is a bit difficult to manage. So if it were a simple one time paid points, then it would have been better. Can it be done?

BTW, good mod, not been disappointed so far.


mrpaint 08-05-2008 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Shishir (Post 1591168)
Hi mrpaint, how about a Signup bonus. Currently there is a referral and new signup bonus but that is per post, which is a bit difficult to manage. So if it were a simple one time paid points, then it would have been better. Can it be done?

BTW, good mod, not been disappointed so far.


If there is one-time bonus for new registration, old members just need to register several new nicknames and transfer money to their account :D That's why signup bonus is given through posts

mrpaint 08-05-2008 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Kiint (Post 1591156)
I've just had a look at this mod and my first question is "what is it"?

The page loaded and I saw:

with a list of features for something that I don't have a clue what it is.

Just a suggestion, before your Main Feature part on your introduction, maybe have something like this:

[About Kbank]
KBank is a module that will allow your users to xxxxx and your admins can xxxxxx, this will help you build up your community by xxxxxxx and getting people to interact by xxxxxx etc etc

replace xxxxxx with your own description.

It would allow users like myself to get an instant idea on what your module is and what it does and maybe even make me want to install it. I had a look on your help page and this gave me a general idea but it still didn't make me want to spend time on installing it as i don't really know what it is yet.

Please don't take this as criticism, I'm only making a suggestion to help you get more people interested in what looks like a good module.

Thank you for your suggestion, I'm going to update it :D

Shishir 08-05-2008 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1591579)
If there is one-time bonus for new registration, old members just need to register several new nicknames and transfer money to their account :D That's why signup bonus is given through posts

I guess that is even managable if we check for IP and use some measures. Although its your call in the end. This is one area where currently I am facing problem. I have to give all my members points manually. So have to look for new registrants all the time. It has actually become boring for me. :D

Anyway, thanks for the mod though.

mrpaint 08-05-2008 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Shishir (Post 1591581)
I guess that is even managable if we check for IP and use some measures. Although its your call in the end. This is one area where currently I am facing problem. I have to give all my members points manually. So have to look for new registrants all the time. It has actually become boring for me. :D

Anyway, thanks for the mod though.

With one click, you can give point to ALL your member. Just go to AdminCP > kBank > Donate To Members, choose Usergroup, enter amount of point and... done :D

Momin 08-05-2008 03:33 AM

Is there any option to give some points after registration ??? I mean i want to give some member when his registration complete not when he made some new post.

btw gr8 mod.

Shishir 08-05-2008 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1591585)
With one click, you can give point to ALL your member. Just go to AdminCP > kBank > Donate To Members, choose Usergroup, enter amount of point and... done :D

That would mean some user will get over and over and over each time I give point. So that is not the solution for my problem.


manutdvn 08-05-2008 07:14 AM

Hey mrpaint , did you forget my question?

mrpaint 08-05-2008 11:27 AM

Nope, vbookie is currently not supported

StokoE 08-08-2008 08:30 PM

Wont be installing this.

curse-1 08-08-2008 08:49 PM

Is it possible these beautiful Hack, with this Hack HERE to combine. If no, that could try someone? pls pls pls

mrpaint 08-09-2008 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by StokoE (Post 1594294)
Wont be installing this.

Going to support you via email ;)


Originally Posted by curse-1 (Post 1594305)
Is it possible these beautiful Hack, with this Hack HERE to combine. If no, that could try someone? pls pls pls

With Stock Trader, just go to AdminCP, Stock Trader Options > Money Row and Change it to the same as kBank Settings > Money row

Everything is done!

leeman 08-10-2008 07:31 AM

After i have installed this I get this error when I try to delete a spammer and spam posts.

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0:

Invalid SQL:

                        SELECT kbank,
                        FROM vb3_post
                        WHERE post.postid = 460543;

MySQL Error  : Unknown table 'post' in where clause
Error Number  : 1109
Request Date  : Sunday, August 10th 2008 @ 10:23:05 AM
Error Date    : Sunday, August 10th 2008 @ 10:23:05 AM
Script        : http://www.insanetrain.com/forums/inlinemod.php?do=dodeletespam
Referrer      : http://www.insanetrain.com/forums/inlinemod.php?do=spamconfirm
IP Address    : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username      : leeman
Classname    : vb_database
MySQL Version : 4.1.21

mrpaint 08-10-2008 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by leeman (Post 1595262)
After i have installed this I get this error when I try to delete a spammer and spam posts.

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0:

Invalid SQL:

                        SELECT kbank,
                        FROM vb3_post
                        WHERE post.postid = 460543;

MySQL Error  : Unknown table 'post' in where clause
Error Number  : 1109
Request Date  : Sunday, August 10th 2008 @ 10:23:05 AM
Error Date    : Sunday, August 10th 2008 @ 10:23:05 AM
Script        : http://www.insanetrain.com/forums/inlinemod.php?do=dodeletespam
Referrer      : http://www.insanetrain.com/forums/inlinemod.php?do=spamconfirm
IP Address    : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username      : leeman
Classname    : vb_database
MySQL Version : 4.1.21

My mistake +_+
Checkin'... Sorry :(

KSMatic 08-10-2008 11:10 PM

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/admincontrol/kbankadmin.php on line 859

i'm on Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.7.2

This is in admin section, trying to add Item.

MissKalunji 08-11-2008 02:22 AM

yeah getting the same on my test board

mrpaint 08-11-2008 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by KSMatic (Post 1595839)
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/admincontrol/kbankadmin.php on line 859

i'm on Powered by vBulletin? Version 3.7.2

This is in admin section, trying to add Item.

You have to add itemtype before adding an item ;)
Take a look at this: http://hskl.net/f/kbank.php?do=help&page=install

leeman 08-11-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by mrpaint (Post 1595290)
My mistake +_+
Checkin'... Sorry :(

Any go on this ???

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