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DarkGizmo 08-02-2008 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by xXLeighXx2008 (Post 1589512)
In all fairness, I don't believe you are supporting your mod as coders do. Its a simple question about YOUR mod. I dont have time to be doing this and that.

Not installed, due to POOR SUPPORT

In all fairness, He is supporting the mod, he's telling you how to get the page back, it isn't HIS fault you edited your User CP the way you did. It's yours.

He did support your question, with a solution, If you can't take 3 minutes out of your time to do what he suggested, then you shouldn't be running a forum in the first place.

Chachacha 08-02-2008 05:53 AM

Any way we can get this to work for 3.6.4?

emtee 08-02-2008 09:02 AM

Instead of ban certain user from using this, can we have allow only certain user to use this?

DarkGizmo 08-02-2008 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by emtee (Post 1589744)
Instead of ban certain user from using this, can we have allow only certain user to use this?

Yep, it's all done under usergroup management.

Opserty 08-02-2008 08:36 PM

------------------------------ RANT ------------------------------

Originally Posted by xXLeighXx2008 (Post 1589512)
In all fairness, I don't believe you are supporting your mod as coders do. Its a simple question about YOUR mod. I dont have time to be doing this and that.

Not installed, due to POOR SUPPORT

:mad: :mad: It is people like you that really do anger me... :mad: :mad:

Its not like I haven't put enough effort into creating the thing in the first place? Maybe you don't feel as though you should put in the same amount of effort because you are just a user or something? (I really don't know...). My modification works fine with default vBulletin, if you want to modify your vBulletin you need to learn at least small things like this! It isn't rocket science and I've even provided guidelines, frankly its disgusting that you come back to say I give Poor Support when I spent more then 2 whole days coding this and you can't even give 3 minutes of your own time...

Frankly I'd rather not waste my time on such people.


Answering one good question is like feeding a hungry person one meal, but teaching them research skills by example is teaching them to grow food for a lifetime.
A quote I stole from someone... somewhere, I advise you read it. :)

------------------------------ END RANT ------------------------------

Instead of ban certain user from using this, can we have allow only certain user to use this?
As previously stated, you can enable/disable usergroups from using the modification by visiting the default usergroup Permissions page.


Any way we can get this to work for 3.6.4?
It might work with 3.6.4, I personally haven't tried it. Or ever will unfortunately, I'd rather develop the mod forwards then to add in extra backward compatibility, as it is extra headache and also makes including new features more difficult as I have to make sure they work across all versions. I have tested it on 3.6.8 and it functions, only the colour picker does not work.

Chachacha 08-03-2008 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Opserty (Post 1590128)
It might work with 3.6.4, I personally haven't tried it. Or ever will unfortunately, I'd rather develop the mod forwards then to add in extra backward compatibility, as it is extra headache and also makes including new features more difficult as I have to make sure they work across all versions. I have tested it on 3.6.8 and it functions, only the colour picker does not work.

No, it doesn't work with 3.6.4. :down:

dadoc 08-03-2008 09:41 AM

Great mod Opserty,


and Thank you for the great support ;)

Lady Azriel 08-03-2008 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Opserty
I've tested this with being a guest and viewing the "Who's Online" page and I can see the markup just fine?

Yeah, I recently browsed my forum with Opera and it works perfectly. With Firefox 3, however (perhaps 2 as well, I'm just not sure enough) it will only displays set markup for only you when you're logged in (that is, as far as online.php and the index online stats go). Markup in profile view and thread view work fine.

DarkGizmo 08-03-2008 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lady Azriel (Post 1590686)
Yeah, I recently browsed my forum with Opera and it works perfectly. With Firefox 3, however (perhaps 2 as well, I'm just not sure enough) it will only displays set markup for only you when you're logged in (that is, as far as online.php and the index online stats go). Markup in profile view and thread view work fine.

For me it's just browsing online.php. I see the other's usercolors fine on the INDEX online list, but not while viewing online.php

lurkerx 08-03-2008 09:20 PM

Great mod

Opserty 08-03-2008 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Chachacha (Post 1590343)
No, it doesn't work with 3.6.4. :down:

Sorry then, there is nothing I can do. :o

DarkGizmo 08-04-2008 12:45 AM

Dude, not to bug ya, but any stats on when the next update will be? It's been almost a month. :D

Opserty 08-04-2008 09:22 AM

Nope, been busy so I can't give you any promise on an update date. Hence why I posted the quick-fix for the strikethrough bug :p

DarkGizmo 08-04-2008 05:27 PM

Ahh okay gotcha. :p

Leon44 08-10-2008 04:07 AM

will this work with 3.6.x?

safakuygur 08-10-2008 05:11 AM

very very nice thanks

DarkGizmo 08-10-2008 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Leon44 (Post 1595190)
will this work with 3.6.x?

This has been asked and answered numerous times.

Opserty 08-10-2008 05:34 PM

Calm down Ant. :D


Originally Posted by Leon44 (Post 1595190)
will this work with 3.6.x?

Please see the end of my post on the previous page: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....8&postcount=85

DarkGizmo 08-10-2008 09:10 PM

Sorry man, I'm just sick of seeing the same question. :p

s810car 08-10-2008 11:26 PM

Works great! :D only thing I don't like is I got this for a few people that I was going to edit their color myself from Admin CP, couldn't do it. Tested as a user though and it's all good, I'll just make them do it themselves lol

Nominated since this saved me from losing a few picky members :D

DarkGizmo 08-11-2008 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by s810car (Post 1595841)
Works great! :D only thing I don't like is I got this for a few people that I was going to edit their color myself from Admin CP, couldn't do it. Tested as a user though and it's all good, I'll just make them do it themselves lol

Nominated since this saved me from losing a few picky members :D

You can make it so they can't edit it themselves, but you can.

For the usergroup set "Can use username html markup?" Yes, and set the rest to No, it will prevent THEM from using the markup, but you will be able to edit theirs for them via admin CP. :)

s810car 08-11-2008 03:42 AM

I tried, set it but it keep erasing :( i dont get it

Leon44 08-12-2008 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by NegativeSmoke (Post 1595783)
Sorry man, I'm just sick of seeing the same question. :p

If you tired of it then simply dont look!

Anyways thanks.

se_p800 08-12-2008 08:50 PM

I install this but get this error when I go to usercp>edit options:

Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_op_user_html_markup.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/profile.php(1836) : eval()'d code on line 1

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/customi5/public_html/forums/includes/functions_op_user_html_markup.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/customi5/public_html/forums/profile.php(1836) : eval()'d code on line 1

DarkGizmo 08-13-2008 02:07 AM

Make sure functions_op_user_html_markup.php is uploaded to your includes directory. ;) That's what that error means.

Leon: No, read the thread next time before replying to ask a question.

se_p800 08-13-2008 09:59 AM

Thanks -smoke. The thin is there is a functions_op_user_html_markup.php in the includes folder but it is 48 bytes smaller than it should be, no matter how many times I try and overwrite it..I guess its a problem with the server not the mod.


EDIT: Everything is fine now,marked as installed :)

DarkGizmo 08-13-2008 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by se_p800 (Post 1597637)
Thanks -smoke. The thin is there is a functions_op_user_html_markup.php in the includes folder but it is 48 bytes smaller than it should be, no matter how many times I try and overwrite it..I guess its a problem with the server not the mod.


EDIT: Everything is fine now,marked as installed :)

Very good. Glad ya got it fixed up bro. :)

If ya need any further assistance with the mod or anything in general feel free to drop me a PM. :)

infernow 08-14-2008 01:59 AM

Sounds good will deffo try this

haxcommunity 08-15-2008 05:17 AM

Is There A Way, Where I Can Make It So Only Administrators Can Adjust The Markup For Other Users? Like...Where The User Can't Adjust It, But I Can Change It For Them?

Edit: I Found The Solution Already, simply add

<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6, 11, 5)">
To the beginning of :
(sub 6, 11, 5 for the usergroups you want to allow to edit their own markup)
add </if> to the end as well.

Now....New Problem.
I've Made A Hidden Profile Field That I Want To Function As Permission For Editing Your Own Markup.
I.E. I Want To Give SOME Users The Ability To Edit Their Markup, But Not Others

Opserty 08-15-2008 09:14 AM

There is no need to edit the code, you can set all permissions under AdminCP > Usergroups > Edit Usergroup.

To only allow Administrators to set the code, set "Can use Markup" to "Yes" and the rest of the functions to "No"

If you only want to allow some users to edit the MarkUp simply but them in their own usergroup and then set the permissions in the "Edit Usergroup" page.

(You can see all the usergroup Options listed in the 2nd screenshot).

ccole513 08-15-2008 12:09 PM

I’m having an issue with functionality.

Whether it’s through the UCP or Admin Control Panel customizations made do not become visible. I’ve tried disabling all other products/modifications, several reinstalls and the end result is still the same. I thought my custom skin may be at fault, but this issue is apparent on the default vbulletin theme as well.

I’m running the latest version of the vBulletin software (3.7.2 Patch Level 1 ). Are there any notions of what may be wrong?

The product is also labeled as out of date though I have downloaded the most current release.

DarkGizmo 08-15-2008 03:21 PM

version 1.0.1 is out with some bug fixes, use that one. :)

ccole513 08-15-2008 04:35 PM

I've downloaded and installed said version, but the Product Manager states the release is still out of date. If view the actual xml file enclosed, the version number is 1.0.

DarkGizmo 08-15-2008 05:13 PM

That's why you're getting the error, Opserty didn't edit the 1.0 in the XML to 1.0.1, it's up to date, mine says its out of date too, you're running the proper version, don't worry about it.

ccole513 08-15-2008 05:55 PM

That's what I figured, but thought it was worth mentioning.

Opserty 08-16-2008 09:07 AM

Oh, yeah I messed that bit up a bit. I corrected it all in the next version. Its only my second modification so sushhhh. :p

HaYLaZ 08-16-2008 09:23 AM

I will wait next version for this.

Good job;)

apiasto 08-19-2008 12:54 PM

great hack love it,one question though is it possible to move this option in edit your details rather than edit option.since there is nno option for font size in this hack and i have that profile field in there.it will be great help from you.thnx

haxcommunity 08-19-2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Opserty (Post 1599112)
There is no need to edit the code, you can set all permissions under AdminCP > Usergroups > Edit Usergroup.

To only allow Administrators to set the code, set "Can use Markup" to "Yes" and the rest of the functions to "No"

If you only want to allow some users to edit the MarkUp simply but them in their own usergroup and then set the permissions in the "Edit Usergroup" page.

(You can see all the usergroup Options listed in the 2nd screenshot).

Meh...My Option Is Better....
And No Thanks On The Making Special Usergroups Thing, Sounds Like You Don't Have That All The Way Worked Out....

DarkGizmo 08-20-2008 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by haxcommunity (Post 1602603)
Meh...My Option Is Better....
And No Thanks On The Making Special Usergroups Thing, Sounds Like You Don't Have That All The Way Worked Out....

It is only the first version, with a minor revision, I'm sure he's working on fixing all the shortcomings for the next release, hence why it's taking so long.

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