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-   -   Mini Mods - Corner Peeler {2} (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=183554)

vbboarder 08-28-2008 01:04 AM

Bug Report: There's a difference in required user interaction in Firefox2 vs. IE7. In Firefox 2, the user just needs to mouse over to get the corners to peel. In IE7 on the 1st peel, the user must double click each corner to peel, and then on subsequent peels, the user just has to mouse over. It would be great if the user can perform the same action on every peel (1st & subsequent) in both Firefox & IE7, preferably a mouse drag event to peel.

Deepdog009 08-28-2008 01:52 AM

I'm still having some error issues folks...

I didn't wont to release the update until most errors gone,,, but I may release it N-E-ways...:eek:

Please bare with me a bit longer...

Defkalion 08-29-2008 01:15 PM

This is a great module, but today I found a problem. It breaks the forum when viewing from Linux (with Firefox). Yeah I know, not many users come from Linux, but should that be happening?

Any ideas what might be causing this?

I placed the $peelmycorner1 code in the end of the header template, and now the vbadvanced page breaks and when you visit any other vb page, you only get the header of the site displayed.

I repeat this happens only in Linux.

PHILLYFAN 08-30-2008 06:40 PM

hmm its not working for me

i uploaded all the files to my forum root which was a total of 29 files

then i uploaded the xml to me admin cp

am i missing a step?

PHILLYFAN 08-30-2008 06:41 PM

does this work with anny skin also?

dirtyfeast 09-01-2008 02:29 AM

Works very well. Thank you for the mod.

Deepdog009 09-01-2008 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1600920)
Features request:
Thanks for this great mod! I have 2 requests:
1. Can you provide at least 2 more peelers?
2. Currently, the peelers peel with mouse over. Can you change that to require a mouse drag to peel?


Originally Posted by abrecher (Post 1606794)
Is there a planned update for this mod in the near future ? I installed it when it was released but ran into too many issues, seems like I wasn't the only one. It's a great concept and I'd really LOVE to use it on my forums soon.


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1608623)
Bug Report: There's a difference in required user interaction in Firefox2 vs. IE7. In Firefox 2, the user just needs to mouse over to get the corners to peel. In IE7 on the 1st peel, the user must double click each corner to peel, and then on subsequent peels, the user just has to mouse over. It would be great if the user can perform the same action on every peel (1st & subsequent) in both Firefox & IE7, preferably a mouse drag event to peel.


Originally Posted by Defkalion (Post 1609882)
This is a great module, but today I found a problem. It breaks the forum when viewing from Linux (with Firefox). Yeah I know, not many users come from Linux, but should that be happening?

Any ideas what might be causing this?

I placed the $peelmycorner1 code in the end of the header template, and now the vbadvanced page breaks and when you visit any other vb page, you only get the header of the site displayed.

I repeat this happens only in Linux.


Originally Posted by PHILLYFAN (Post 1610740)
hmm its not working for me

i uploaded all the files to my forum root which was a total of 29 files

then i uploaded the xml to me admin cp

am i missing a step?

************************************************** *****
Yes I have an update with more peelers and other stuff coming...
Mouseover issues? UPdate to newest FF... This mod is to much work to fix on all platforms...
************************************************** *****
Yes I'm currently working on getting the bugs out,,, almost there...
************************************************** *****
I don't use Linux... Can't support what I don't use... I suggest checking on FLASH and LINUX forums...
************************************************** *****
FOLKS when using in multi-pages... Place $var in footer template... CMPS use in main globals... View TUTORIAL 4 more on this...
************************************************** *****
Download Tutorial 4 more help...
Also make sure to upload PEELERS2 folder to frontpage and forums root folder...
Install xml plugin and setup in vbulletin options...
Folder paths are important if you want this to work...
Some forums may have different paths...>>> forums/ or forum/
Some forums may have different paths...>>> http://forums.yoursite.com or http://forum.yoursite.com
************************************************** *****
Because it uses a third party flash files I can't make modifications to the flash files without permission... Most of the issues come from the flash files...

What I can do is get rid of most errors,,, add more peelers and add more options to make it easier for vbulletin forum users...

If anybody wants to make it better or can do better with this mod,,, U have my permission to go 4 it...

************************************************** *****

xyzmary2001 09-01-2008 06:32 AM

Thank you for the colors, but it still didn't work. I am not sure what to do and I want to add it on CMPS, not on the forums. Can somebody please help me? Is this mod supported? It is trie, I don't have as much experience, but I think I should receive the same attention as anyone else. If there is someone who can tell me exactly where I should replace the color and where I should write a code for working with CMPS only, please do.

Thank you!

PHILLYFAN 09-02-2008 10:34 PM


Download Tutorial 4 more help...
Also make sure to upload PEELERS2 folder to frontpage and forums root folder...
Install xml plugin and setup in vbulletin options...
Folder paths are important if you want this to work...
Some forums may have different paths...>>> forums/ or forum/
Some forums may have different paths...>>> http://forums.yoursite.com or http://forum.yoursite.com
************************************************** *****
I added $var in my cmps main options

my cmps is in the same root and my forum so I would only need to upload the files once and that is in my "forum" root.

I made a new folder called "peelers2" in side my main root.

I uploaded the XML and still nothing

this would be my path http://www.nationalsocomleague.com/forum/peelers2

still nothing


PHILLYFAN 09-04-2008 02:34 PM


velias 09-08-2008 05:21 PM

I am sorry but I can not put the mod in CMPS, I do not know how to do it!

orcasea 09-29-2008 07:30 AM

Awesome! Thank you, great job..will install shortly.

FReeSTER 09-30-2008 01:34 PM

For some reason I cant get this to work using IE. mmm
Firefox works great and thank you for these great release!!!

Any Ideas?

blind-eddie 09-30-2008 11:22 PM

I have no issues with this working with IE.

Jenkins 10-01-2008 02:57 AM

I had to uninstall this on all of my forums, it was causing page load errors, a lot of users said they just got a blank white page. Also didn't work for MAC users.

rob01 10-01-2008 04:50 AM

i cant make the cms peel to work.. i need to add something else besides $peelmycorner1 ?


ryancooper 10-02-2008 04:33 PM

Off topic here but how can I make this work on non php and VB pages? Can I embed it into HTML somehow?

yinyang 10-04-2008 04:00 AM

great mod.

is there a way for this to detect mac and shut it down for mac users, this way at least the site can be seen? right now, nothing comes up for mac users.... i don't mind if the peeler doesn't work for them, but it'd be cool if at least the site came up.

newwayforum 10-04-2008 04:53 PM

I love this mod but I found it doesn't work for mac as mentioned. Any chance at a fix?

Defkalion 10-05-2008 04:55 AM

I'm looking the same thing for Linux.

Deepdog009 10-05-2008 06:15 AM

Folks,,, I've been busy with work and family...

If time and my wife permits,,, I will post and update more...

************************************************** *******

I've had an update on the back burner because many want this mod to work with all platforms and browsers... Only one problem?

This is an third party ware with add-on modifications to work with vbulletin...
Thee author wont allow changes to flash code...:eek:

Unfortunely I don't have the free time to invest in checking all platforms and browsers,,, but what I will do is release my latest update next week... It uses more peelers and has image height/width option,,, plus updated code with 60% less errors...

************************************************** *******

Some guys complaining about errors?
Well folks,,, I validated my code down to less than 4 error's per peeler... Those error's are caused by that dog gone <embed> tag:mad: When I have more time I will eliminate them all...;)

By the way Folk's before Installing Mod's,,, allows validate your page's that will output mod,,, before and after... WHY???

Because you want to know if the Mod you're installing has mega error's, minor error's or NONE...

Use this to VALIDATE your site pages

Start by checking { Google.com } { Yahoo.com } { MSN.com }

Check this to see who's on the ball with less ERROR's...
{ vbulletin.org } { vbulletin.com } { vbadvanced.com }

************************************************** *******
Mac & Linux users

These links my help you resolve your issues

Troubleshoot {1}

Troubleshoot {2}

Troubleshoot {3}

Troubleshoot {4}

jaffaman 10-05-2008 01:41 PM

Installed on test site will cick install if we install on main site :)

Deepdog009 10-06-2008 03:13 AM

To all experiencing issues with CMPS???

Goto admincp CMPS,,, open template group and find ...>>> ad_portal_footer <<< template and add peelers2 $var... SAVE and refresh page... Beauts:o


Folk's I updated this mod to 4 peelers,,, with image h/w setup...
I also cleaned up flash code to lower than 8 ERROR's per page... Before clean-up, it was over [50] plus error's...


Please dowload and view Tutorial before updating this mod,,, also UNINSTALL older version and RE-INSTALL new xml file,,, next upload peelers2 folder with new files to forumroot & domainroot = cmps...


Mac & Linux users
please check in Tutorial or recent post about how-to resolve ADOBE FLASH update issue's...

I verified this mod is working with browser's...>>>
  • Safari 2.0, 3.0 *** Mac user's check plugin setup
  • Opera with on click
  • IE, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0
  • Firefox 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 has scroll issue
  • Flock 2.0
  • AOL browser
  • ATT browser


Next update bottom peelers ??? Don't hold your breath...

Good luck 2 ya!

yinyang 10-06-2008 04:04 AM

THANKS! You've totally gone out of your way and I greatly appreciate it.

vbboarder 10-06-2008 04:48 AM

Thanks for the update - I luv this mod! Any luck on an update for your balloon tooltips mod sometime soon?

OsideRida06 10-09-2008 10:24 AM

This is a crazy nice app. Thanks for the product. I am not going to install it just yet. But I have some plans for it here in the near future, for sure.

Evil Chris 10-10-2008 02:53 PM

I'd like to install this but the instructions are somewhat... erratic.
I'm unsure which of the following to download.

CP2.zip (499.1 KB, 716 downloads)
Corner Peeler 2 Tutorial.zip (480.3 KB, 625 downloads)
CP2_Updated_Tutorial.zip (411.8 KB, 23 downloads)
CP2 Updated-88%.zip (247.3 KB, 31 downloads)


XtremeOffroad 12-31-2008 06:21 PM

is there no support for this anymore?
What do we install, the CP2.zip or the CP2 Updated-88%?

Went with the updated file, What an easy install,

bulldog71169 01-02-2009 07:24 PM

I love it but is there a way to make this click activated instead of a mouse over?

bisbos 01-29-2009 06:49 PM


i installed ... very cool !!!!!!

jl255 02-18-2009 07:30 AM

can some of you share the results, i.e. CTR of using this system? looks great, but wondering about effectiveness. tks!

AzzidReign 04-06-2009 10:58 PM

I'm on vb3.8 and it looks like it is working fine until you go to peel it. Then it moved part way down the screen and then it peels. So it's not staying in the upper right corner.

I figured it out...sort of. It only happens when I change the dimensions. I made the larger image height and width to 500x500 and that's when it starts moving on me when I go to peel it. Anyone know why?

SuperTaz 04-16-2009 02:52 AM

3.8.2 compatible?

crazymilk 08-04-2009 06:11 PM

works great love it. One problem works great on all my windows PCs but not on my mac pro?
I have done troubleshooter 1 - 4 and it still did not help has anyone managed to sort this out for the mac?

crazymilk 08-23-2009 04:42 PM

I`m guessing that a no

mgcom 08-28-2009 08:05 AM

everytime i go to upload an xml file i get

No file uploaded and no local file found.

I could have to click import 100 times before for some strange reason it just works


mgcom 08-28-2009 08:38 AM

does nothing

tutorials are all dead links


YLP1 08-29-2009 06:39 PM

Hi all, I am using vb3.8 and the only peel I can get to work is the right top corner.

I have the correct variables in the correct areas of the template and the graphic size is correct.

Any ideas on what could be preventing all but the top right corner from working?


Edited to add...is there a way to use an animated gif for the graphic so that I can put more than one advert in a single corner?

saxahan 08-30-2009 02:13 AM

I've finded, and you did it. Thank you.INSTALLED.

Mike_K 09-03-2009 12:50 PM

I've installed the mod at vb 3.7... and now it works fine also with vb 3.8.4.

But.... all members using a Mac system get troubles. The content of the forum isn't shown if the mod is activated.

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