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sweede 09-26-2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by nazguluk (Post 1631201)
Nice... thanks for the tip. I created a basic html page

<a href="http://www.wowhead.com/widgets/power.js>Download</a>

right clicked on the text and did a save as and replaced my power.js file in the root of my forums directory and that fixed it for me

They must have fixed it on their end.

Bumpaneer 09-29-2008 03:45 PM

First off, thanks for the addon, it works great for just about everything.

The one problem I am having is with an RSS feed import. Pulling from wowinsider, they have had lots of items pulled from wotlk.wowhead.com Whenever these items are parsed, it comes back Item #XXXXX not found! (XXXXX replaced for item number). Is there any way to correct this behaviour? It seems it is trying to find the item at www.wowhead.com instead of the correct wotlk.wowhead.com.


Above is an example of one of the stories I recently imported. The link for the Mammoth was incorrectly replaced.


mikeylikesitz 09-29-2008 04:29 PM

i have a feeling that it will be fixed when wowhead moves the wotlk db to the main db

CtrlAltDel 09-30-2008 05:51 AM

So if I simply just paste a WH link, ie http://www.wowhead.com/?item=37828

The site breaks, but if i use item tags and the name it works. I had your old version installed, then removed it and installed this one.

sweede 09-30-2008 11:32 AM

Right now, as the mod sits,

http://wotlk.wowhead.com/?item=16243 will not work (it shouldn't break the site though). Instead it -should- default to
http://www.wowhead.com/?item=16243 (notice the sub-domain prefix change).

If you posted an item that doesnt exist in live, you should get an item not found message instead.

So, nothing really should "break". I do however, have a temporary hack fix (hax!) in mind, but i won't be able to write and test it until tomorrow morning (working 12hrs/day sucks!). I need to sleep sometime :)

Also, "the site breaks", tells me nothing about your problem. A link to the actual post, a php error message or something would give me an idea of whats going on.

CtrlAltDel 09-30-2008 02:39 PM

Here is how the site 'breaks'.

From Quick Reply or from the Reply page, i type the following.
Submit the form

It just takes me to a white page.

If I use the item tags and the item name, it works fine.

I even updated my power.js and updated the md5sum also
also tried using the external power.js too

Things seem really strange with your install file now. Post the old version please, that one worked, or add it back in the old post.

This one has two database tables added, wowitemstats and itemstat_cache, nothing is in the former and the later has some entries and a ton of empty entries

Danoxth 10-01-2008 12:09 PM

It all works and dandy, but for some reason it's causing an error message when just a WoWhead URL is used on it's own.

[ url ] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=32325 [ /url ] works fine.

http://www.wowhead.com/?item=32325 on it's own causes this error:


Fatal error: Call to private method wowhead_item::getHTTP() from context '' in xxxxxxxxxxxxx\includes\functions_newpost.php(175) : eval()'d code on line 35
Regular links work fine, and the forum automatically pops the [ url ] tags on them no problem, It's only for WoWhead ones that it throws a bit of a hissy fit.

Any ideas?

hunteds911 10-01-2008 01:32 PM


Anyone get this error when installing on Vbulletin Version: 3.7.3 Patch Level 1?

"The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.4.9 of PHP. (Compatible starting with 5.0)"

Ok so I am like duh... But here is the issue I am showing 4.4.9 how do I get to 5.0 to run the hack? Or is there a version of this that will work with 4.4.9

sweede 10-01-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Danoxth (Post 1634649)
It all works and dandy, but for some reason it's causing an error message when just a WoWhead URL is used on it's own.

[ url ] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=32325 [ /url ] works fine.

http://www.wowhead.com/?item=32325 on it's own causes this error:

Regular links work fine, and the forum automatically pops the [ url ] tags on them no problem, It's only for WoWhead ones that it throws a bit of a hissy fit.

Any ideas?

Thats so weird, i thought i fixed that problem with the 0.5.6...


Originally Posted by hunteds911 (Post 1634674)
Ok so I am like duh... But here is the issue I am showing 4.4.9 how do I get to 5.0 to run the hack? Or is there a version of this that will work with 4.4.9

Tell your host to upgrade to php 5 , it has been marked stable for 4 years now ( http://news.php.net/php.announce/50 ).

Danoxth 10-01-2008 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1634850)
Thats so weird, i thought i fixed that problem with the 0.5.6...

I've just double checked and it's definitely the 0.5.6 version I'm using =/

sweede 10-01-2008 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Danoxth (Post 1634851)
I've just double checked and it's definitely the 0.5.6 version I'm using =/

it should be fixed for real this time :)

for some reason i had marked the method getHTTP as a private class, meaning you can't call it directly (i.e. $obj = new wowhead_item(); $x = $obj->getHTTP() ).

I thought i fixed that like.. 3 versions ago but thats what i get for working until 6am 3-4 days week :(

CtrlAltDel 10-01-2008 06:50 PM

Great making that method public fixed my problems!

Thanks for checking on this sweede!

istvan 10-08-2008 08:54 AM

I've gotten some questions if it would be possible to get spell-id's also working as a mouseover like the item-id's

Elbulus 10-14-2008 11:06 AM

Any news on the Wotlk.wowhead.com haxxor ? ;p

DeathSoul 10-15-2008 01:06 PM

hmz - I have a problem when trying to link items;

linking items with just;
for eksample works.

But using
[item]Sword Breaker's Bulwark[/item]
Does not work;
here's what a url shows when i try mouseover after posting with the [item] codes;

Any idea what's wrong?

(oh and if i try and edit the post - the links will not work anymore, as they stand as html in the edit window, and not as or http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34185

squidsoup 10-30-2008 06:25 AM

Hi Sweede, this is awesome - thank you so much! Much easier to install than itemstats and way less code. Brilliant!

Rhyseh 11-17-2008 10:42 PM

Absolutely brilliant addon. I'm looking around for spell mouseovers atm. It would be great if we could get this addon to do it.

forumrunt 11-19-2008 12:30 AM

Works like a charm thanks

OblivionMage 11-23-2008 12:49 AM


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/mmoqqcom/public_html/guidewiki/forums/includes/class_core.php on line 408
In pages with a lot of <item></item> links (takes longer the more there are until it gives that error). I tried about 450-500 tags to get that error.

Any ideas on how to optimize?

sweede 11-23-2008 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by OblivionMage (Post 1670926)

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/mmoqqcom/public_html/guidewiki/forums/includes/class_core.php on line 408
In pages with a lot of <item></item> links (takes longer the more there are until it gives that error). I tried about 450-500 tags to get that error.

Any ideas on how to optimize?

umm.. don't make a single post with 450-500 items ?

Each item is looked up in your local cache for the item ID (wowhead requires item ID to create the tooltip).

If it is not found, it will make a request to wowhead.com (example; http://www.wowhead.com/?item=Netherweave&xml ) to get the XML data w/the item ID.

I cache most of the information in the XML for future use.

vbulletin then creates the item link that the wowheads power.js will process.

The largest time spent is the http request to wowhead.com. if each request took just 1/10th of a second, 450 requests would still take 45s or longer, since each request is sequential.

OblivionMage 11-23-2008 10:38 PM

Does using <item=(ID)></item> make it any more efficient?

retrofade 11-24-2008 06:21 PM

any solutions for those of us who are running older versions of PHP?

Nevermind, just read the stupid "upgrade" comment from the developer.

sweede 11-24-2008 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by OblivionMage (Post 1671626)
Does using <item=(ID)></item> make it any more efficient?

I beleive that right now it still looks up the name from wowhead.

if you did

[item=12345]Item Name[/item] , it should bypass the http get.

What i have done in the past on my own server is download a list of item id -> item name from wowhead.com itself. I can do that again at regular intervals and have those available. That will prevent the http get completly.

Noxious 11-30-2008 10:14 AM

just an idea, but could you add something like [spell] tags so it does the same thing with spells as it does with items?

smokejax 12-05-2008 06:11 PM

removed - just noticed the post above mine..

^^^ SEE ABOVE ^^^


OblivionMage 12-08-2008 01:37 AM

It seems to load all of the links on loading the page.

If you go to, say:
(This is just an example)
It seems to load the item tooltips once you hover over the items, rather then do it all in advance, although I suppose this could be achived with adding the item id / link.


just an idea, but could you add something like [spell] tags so it does the same thing with spells as it does with items?
WoWHead doesn't have spell tags, but if you link the text to the URL of the spell, it should come up as a tooltip (for example: http://guidewiki.com/forums/world-wa...ide-wotlk.html). If you want it to look just like an item link, just add font/color tags inside of the URL tag.

sweede 12-10-2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by OblivionMage (Post 1680662)
It seems to load all of the links on loading the page.

If you go to, say:
(This is just an example)
It seems to load the item tooltips once you hover over the items, rather then do it all in advance, although I suppose this could be achived with adding the item id / link.

WoWHead doesn't have spell tags, but if you link the text to the URL of the spell, it should come up as a tooltip (for example: http://guidewiki.com/forums/world-wa...ide-wotlk.html). If you want it to look just like an item link, just add font/color tags inside of the URL tag.

The tooltip display and information is pulled from wowhead servers in real time. the only overhead it adds to your rendered page is changing Runic Mana Potion to <a href="wowheadlink" style=whatever>runic mana potion</a>

Wowhead supports spell tooltips, the problem is that it doesnt have XML data of the spell so you would have to know the spell ID. it would be easy to do [spell]133[/spell] and have that turn into a link for wowhead (Mage fireball Rank 1) , but i don't expect everyone to know the spell ID of every spell , nor do i want to create some type of database of information linking spell names with spell IDs (since many spell IDs could have the same name).

smokejax 12-12-2008 01:00 PM

Isn't this the xml feed information?

HolyKiller 02-04-2009 07:44 PM

I'm using this MOD on my forum, but if user use a LOT of [item] tags (one of my user wrote a nice Druid guide and use 33 tags in one post), the page get loading TOOOO SLOOOOOOOOW (more than 30sec).

What's wrong? I thing, if the items are cached in my DB, the mod should never connect to wowhead again due to collecting information about items, right? Because they are already cached in DB.

BTW: After 14 days my item_cache table have about 12MB

Forum is hosted on professional hosting company with excelent servers. Database is really fast and some friend using the same hosting for so HUGE database with HIGH BW and the don't have problems like i have.

So, any ideas what's wrong?


Is there any way to integrate some function for LIMINT numbers of [item] TAGs in one post?

Thanks a lot for help


sweede 02-04-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by HolyKiller (Post 1734571)
I'm using this MOD on my forum, but if user use a LOT of [item] tags (one of my user wrote a nice Druid guide and use 33 tags in one post), the page get loading TOOOO SLOOOOOOOOW (more than 30sec).

What's wrong? I thing, if the items are cached in my DB, the mod should never connect to wowhead again due to collecting information about items, right? Because they are already cached in DB.

BTW: After 14 days my item_cache table have about 12MB

Forum is hosted on professional hosting company with excelent servers. Database is really fast and some friend using the same hosting for so HUGE database with HIGH BW and the don't have problems like i have.

So, any ideas what's wrong?


Is there any way to integrate some function for LIMINT numbers of [item] TAGs in one post?

Thanks a lot for help


I've explained in this thread what happens.

when you first make a post with an item that hasnt been seen before, the product will have to hit wowhead.com for each item and the new item info (mainly the itemid).

After which, it performs a rather quick and light query to get the itemid.

typically, the post with an item that isnt seen yet will take a few seconds longer because of the wowhead query (which i need to capture and gracefully exit in case of a timeout).

After which, responses will be far faster.

For example this page.

No items in the table and the initial post
* Page Generation 1.21796 seconds
* Memory Usage 5,730KB
* Queries Executed 145 (?)

going back to the main forums then clicking on the post i just made.
* Page Generation 0.51620 seconds
* Memory Usage 5,032KB
* Queries Executed 11 (?)

When vbulletin updates the post cache, it re-queries the database for the items but it wont (shouldnt) hit wowhead.com again, since the only thing i need is the itemID.

One thing that it does do though that I will have to remove, is that it also gets the translations from wowhead.com

Didzi 02-05-2009 11:28 AM

There is a problem with the last object [/item] [item] version no longer works...

sweede 02-05-2009 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Didzi (Post 1735053)
There is a problem with the last object [/item] [item] version no longer works...

I'm sorry, but that makes no sense at all, but I did fix it.

0.5.7a wont give you a SQL error when viewing a post.

Didzi 02-05-2009 03:43 PM

The BBCODE tags still doesn't work...

Michad 02-05-2009 05:40 PM

Figured it out. 5-7a doesn't have the full code in the xml since its more of an update than anything.

Actually 5-7a is missing alot of code. You might want to fix that.

sweede 02-05-2009 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Michad (Post 1735387)
Figured it out. 5-7a doesn't have the full code in the xml since its more of an update than anything.

Actually 5-7a is missing alot of code. You might want to fix that.


fixed for real this time i think

Didzi 02-05-2009 10:34 PM


A bug still remains with the french version. When the base sql accents are properly put, but in messages the accents utf8 format dont properly display cf image


sweede 02-06-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Didzi (Post 1735599)

A bug still remains with the french version. When the base sql accents are properly put, but in messages the accents utf8 format dont properly display cf image


That's really odd..

I don't generate tooltips with this code.

the only thing I do is make the item linking look pretty, like actual wow item links.

you can take a wowhead.com URL and paste it into a post, the URL that is created will be wowhead tooltip enabled.

I just add the [] and change the text color to the item quality color. Sometimes i fix/correct the name but thats only on rare occasions.

THe problem you're having doesnt seem to be a vublletin issue at all, but ive been wrong often in this thread ( :0 ) and i'm not ashamed to say i could be wrong here..e.

Michad 02-07-2009 01:33 PM

Any chance of getting an update to this that would query spells as well? I swear ive seen this in action on the Elitist Jerks forums.

HolyKiller 02-07-2009 06:22 PM

2 Michad: I don't know what Elitist Jerks forum is, but on my old forum based on phpBB i have mod for wowhead tooltips and users can use [item] for items, [spell] for spells or [quest] for quests.

So i thing, it IS possible to do it :)

EDIT: Finally, i found homepage for that mod: HERE

EDIT2: LoL, new version can link achievements, crafts, and itemsets ...

So, maybe this can help you for make new version :)

sweede 02-07-2009 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by HolyKiller (Post 1737215)
2 Michad: I don't know what Elitist Jerks forum is, but on my old forum based on phpBB i have mod for wowhead tooltips and users can use [item] for items, [spell] for spells or [quest] for quests.

you can do
HTML Code:

[url=http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=48782]Holy Light[/url]
and get spell, quest, anything as a tooltip that wowhead will provide.

I'm not sure how that addon you linked gets spells (go to wowhead.com and search for holy light and look how many things it returns), but i'll look and what its doing.

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