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TimberFloorAu 06-08-2008 05:41 AM

Just to say Attilitus,

Of all the hacks we have installed, this very un-obscure, un offending hack has caused the most conversation and debate for our users.

Good Onya

Love it !

pete_brady 06-08-2008 07:09 AM

is it possible to remove the username from the start of the status display line? The user's status is shown directly under their username, so having it there again a little bit redundant.

Attilitus 06-08-2008 07:15 AM


is it possible to remove the username from the start of the status display line? The user's status is shown directly under their username, so having it there again a little bit redundant.
This was a design decision, I like it better the way it is. But you can edit it manually VERY easily.

You can edit the template code. Find the vBstatus sections of the templates postbit and MEMBERINFO (you manually editted them before). Remove $post[username] from the postbit template and remove $userinfo[username] from the memberinfo template.

pete_brady 06-08-2008 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1543855)
This was a design decision, I like it better the way it is. But you can edit it manually VERY easily.

You can edit the template code. Find the vBstatus sections of the templates postbit and MEMBERINFO (you manually editted them before). Remove $post[username] from the postbit template and remove $userinfo[username] from the memberinfo template.

ah, of course

thanks attilitus

CP, 06-08-2008 02:09 PM

Where else does this appear on postbit legacy? What about near the private messaging notification area?

Julie 06-08-2008 03:57 PM

Awesome mod :D Works like a charm! :)

Just wondering, is there any way you can add in so that if people hit enter when in the text field, it'll.. edit? Now you have to click on the edit link, which might be a bit confusing :) Thanks!

Edit: Perhaps you could also add something like Facebook has, where it says how long ago people changed their status? Like 3 secs ago, 3 days ago... etc...

Julie 06-08-2008 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by hastyhost (Post 1538969)
Just found a small bug. As for the DB errors, I fixed that with your new instructions, and the script itself works fine.

However, it seems to be having an issue with a secondary script which is the "current activity" which shows what the user is doing at the moment.

When you edit your status, then go to your public profile and see what the current activitly is, it gives you this message:

Current Activity: Unknown Location /vbstatus/vbstatus_ajax.php?userid=1&postid=1

Then of course when you refresh your browser, it goes to Current Activity: viewing profile

So that's just a small issue I found. Not a biggie but just so you know.

Was there a fix for this one? Thanks :)

Attilitus 06-08-2008 05:16 PM


However, it seems to be having an issue with a secondary script which is the "current activity" which shows what the user is doing at the moment.
This really isn't so much of a bug as it is a lack of a feature. I will add it in the next release. :)

PinkLiquorice 06-08-2008 06:05 PM

Brill thanks! x

Roxie 06-08-2008 07:56 PM

I love this so much better with the inline editing!

Attilitus 06-08-2008 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Roxie (Post 1544395)
I love this so much better with the inline editing!

Yea, so do I actually. That is why once I made the change, I had it set to in-line editting by default.

hdrmut 06-08-2008 09:55 PM

Thanx but this not support arabic Character


Can you fix ?

Attilitus 06-08-2008 10:15 PM


Thanx but this not support arabic Character


Can you fix ?
I haven't a clue how to fix it. Perhaps someone who has experience dealing with foriegn character sets can send me a PM?

TimberFloorAu 06-08-2008 10:20 PM

We have found an issue.
If we view the USER PROFILE of one of our users, in the current activity, we get:


Current Activity: Unknown Location /forum/vbstatus/vbstatus_ajax.php?postid=9&doupdate=1&userid=9&sta tusupdate=havin%20a%20bit%20of %20toast

Any suggestions what could be causing this please?

TimberFloorAu 06-08-2008 10:30 PM

I have reset the Status hack, using the previous version without the (is) in.

All seems to be working now.


Attilitus 06-08-2008 10:30 PM

This issue has already brought up. This hack does not update a user's Last Activity location. The next version of the hack will, and thus this "problem" won't occur. Until then, don't worry too much about it. It will appear as "Unknown Location" for all non-admin usergroups on your forum. (Thus regular users are not seeing the URL as you see it)


I have reset the Status hack, using the previous version without the (is) in.

All seems to be working now.

That is a bad idea, and will not in any way fix your "problem" haha...

TimberFloorAu 06-08-2008 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1544502)
This issue has already brought up. This hack does not update a user's Last Activity location. The next version of the hack will, and thus this "problem" won't occur. Until then, don't worry too much about it. It will appear as "Unknown Location" for all non-admin usergroups on your forum. (Thus regular users are not seeing the URL as you see it)

That is a bad idea, and will not in any way fix your "problem" haha...



Seeing as you are such a smart bugger ;) fancy doing a weather module lol.
We have lots of requests for it, have found one on vbcpms, but not on vb.

Be cool to just have a weather temp thing, in users postbit.

Temp: 32c
Current: Sunny

Gonna have a look , see what I can do. :)

Brill work mate

snake-boy 06-08-2008 11:40 PM

This is awesome, it's just what I was looking for!

Is there any way that status updates could be sent to the shoutbox? (inferno's shoutbox) as they are updated? If not, could I request that as a feature for an upcoming version?

Clicked "installed" - thank you ! :)

Attilitus 06-08-2008 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by snake-boy (Post 1544530)
This is awesome, it's just what I was looking for!

Is there any way that status updates could be sent to the shoutbox? (inferno's shoutbox) as they are updated? If not, could I request that as a feature for an upcoming version?

Clicked "installed" - thank you ! :)

I'm afraid that I won't integrate this into other third party modifications. It is too much of a hassle, and would require modifying and releasing new versions of other coder's work.

I may, however, make a box that will display recent status updates that can be displayed on the forum home page.

snake-boy 06-08-2008 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1544534)
I'm afraid that I won't integrate this into other third party modifications. It is too much of a hassle, and would require modifying and releasing new versions of other coder's work.

Thats a shame, but I get your reasoning...


I may, however, make a box that will display recent status updates that can be displayed on the forum home page.
Now that would be ideal :)

TimberFloorAu 06-09-2008 12:11 AM

We use a marquee, that pulls the latest threads in our Betting shop, onto the forumhome page.
Similar system, for latest edits to status would be so funny.

Some people have a weird sense of humour, that we could then integrate a voting system,for best status message.

Or even setup a forum, called My Status Message for example.

And soon as someone edits their status message it writes that to the forum, as a new thread.

Similar to Staggers, latest high score in ib arcade.

Either would be fun


snake-boy 06-09-2008 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1544545)
We use a marquee, that pulls the latest threads in our Betting shop, onto the forumhome page.

Would that be this mod?


Similar system, for latest edits to status would be so funny.
Agreed :)

Since this is a "Facebook Concept", the way they do it is pretty cool - have like the latest 3 status updates reflected somewhere on the homepage. (Ideally I'd like to see it just to the left of the block in the upper right that contains the "Welcome username" "Last Visit" and "Pm Status" etc) There's quite a big "block" of screen real-estate over there that never gets used for anything...

Attilitus 06-09-2008 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by snake-boy (Post 1544557)
Since this is a "Facebook Concept", the way they do it is pretty cool - have like the latest 3 status updates reflected somewhere on the homepage. (Ideally I'd like to see it just to the left of the block in the upper right that contains the "Welcome username" "Last Visit" and "Pm Status" etc) There's quite a big "block" of screen real-estate over there that never gets used for anything...

Yea that would be the direction that I would take.

LisaD1 06-09-2008 08:39 PM

Very nice!! Thanks for the work, I like the inline editing, it is so easy!!

Martell 06-09-2008 11:08 PM

Problem :confused:



Can you fix ?

Or where to correct?

Attilitus 06-09-2008 11:25 PM

I'm afraid that I do not know how to handle charset related errors, as I have only developed/worked with english-based websites. If someone has an easy way to fix these character set errors, please send me a PM.

imam1 06-10-2008 01:06 PM

the mod do not Support Arabic ! :(

can you fix it plz?

and thanx

NeuroLancer 06-11-2008 12:47 AM

Attilitus thank for this mod! :up:

I made a small change that suits me. With the postbit template edit i changed the first line of code to this:


<if condition="$vbulletin->options['vbstatus_active'] == '1' && $post['vbstatus_status'] != 'has no status.'">
in this way the has no status message doesn't display in the forum, yet still appears on the memberinfo page. I prefer this, especially in early stages when many people haven't updated their status yet.

Attilitus 06-11-2008 05:00 AM

That template edit will be different depending on the default status message user's specify in the admincp. Replace "has no status" with $vbulletin->options['vbstatus_defaultstatus']


<if condition="$vbulletin->options['vbstatus_active'] == '1' && $post['vbstatus_status'] != $vbulletin->options['vbstatus_defaultstatus']">
That code will work even if you change the default status in the admincp.

However, I don't see why you want to remove that message. Seeing the "has no status" message will motivate users to set their status.

imam1 06-11-2008 12:04 PM

araaaaaaaaaaaaabic plz :(

solidlink 06-11-2008 01:42 PM

I cant find this if condition="$prepared['usertitle']"> in MEMBERINFO

cookiepants 06-11-2008 04:19 PM

awesome, thank you so much!

Is it possible to make this bold in the postbit? Do I just use html in the template?

edenx 06-11-2008 05:04 PM

Any chance to have a single page with the recent updates of your friends?

Attilitus 06-11-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by edenx (Post 1546824)
Any chance to have a single page with the recent updates of your friends?

Possible, but unlikely. The next thing that will likely be added is a module displaying recent updates for the whole board.

g0dfather1984 06-12-2008 03:16 AM

I am having a problem, great feature, but my problem is, I can't change the status. I click the edit button and nothing happens.

Please help!

Thank you.

LisaD1 06-12-2008 03:48 AM

When I installed this wonderful mod, it worked great. But now today, one of my mods told me that it doesn't work for her so I tried it out again and now it doesn't work for me. When you edit it, it is fine but then when you go the "save" it you get this messege.


vBulletin Message
You did not select any posts to which the action you picked can be applied.

Any ideas?

Attilitus 06-12-2008 03:58 AM


I am having a problem, great feature, but my problem is, I can't change the status. I click the edit button and nothing happens.

Please help!

Thank you.
Make sure that you set the permissions for the vbstatus folder so that it is web-accessible. There is javascript in that folder which is loaded by the browser in that folder, and if it can't be assessed then the javascript won't work. Chmod the vbstatus folder to 777 to see if that is the problem.


When I installed this wonderful mod, it worked great. But now today, one of my mods told me that it doesn't work for her so I tried it out again and now it doesn't work for me. When you edit it, it is fine but then when you go the "save" it you get this messege.
There is no "save" link/button. If you are using in-line editting you click edit, change the status, then click edit again. If you are using the popup you click edit, edit the status in the popup, and click the "Edit" link within the popup.

If it worked before it ought to still work, unless something changed. My guess is that nothing changed but you/your mods forgot which button to click.

LisaD1 06-12-2008 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by Attilitus (Post 1547262)

There is no "save" link/button. If you are using in-line editting you click edit, change the status, then click edit again. If you are using the popup you click edit, edit the status in the popup, and click the "Edit" link within the popup.

If it worked before it ought to still work, unless something changed. My guess is that nothing changed but you/your mods forgot which button to click.

:o OK the reason why I shouldn't try to figure things out when I an tired. My brain stops working and others have to think for me!
It works. I forgot to click edit again. I am use to the facebook one where you can just click somewhere else on the page or hit enter and have it save.

Shill360 06-12-2008 08:23 AM

This is a fantastic mod.

Just wondering how easy it would be to show status on memberlist.php ?

karnevil 06-12-2008 12:51 PM

Daft question - i have tried with inline and the pop up - after typing in the inline box how do you actually send the text so it shows I'd have thought Enter but it doesn't work, also in the pop up it only has a Cancel bit ? What am I missing ?


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