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Mr Peabody 06-20-2008 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by newguy (Post 1554332)
v3.8 - Jun 19. 2008 has a bug.

After I installed v3.8 on Jun 19 all my members check I agree and click submit and nothing happens. The page does not do anything and they can't agree. I have turned this mod off until you can check into this.

yes we get a blank page + when installed there are 2 instances of the mod installed, it doesnt over write the old one.

Valter 06-20-2008 11:58 AM

vBulletin does not accept uppercase characters in product IDs anymore.

This means if you have installed older version of some hack, which used uppercase characters in ID, they may not be upgraded properly.

So save Forum Rules to your computer, to some txt file, then uninstall all instances of hack, then install latest version and update settings.

Mr Peabody 06-20-2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1554457)
vBulletin does not accept uppercase characters in product IDs anymore.

This means if you have installed older version of some hack, which used uppercase characters in ID, they may not be upgraded properly.

So save Forum Rules to your computer, to some txt file, then uninstall all instances of hack, then install latest version and update settings.

I ended up having to do this last time, only issue I have is everybody had to accept the rules again, then i get 100 pms asking me if they did something wrong.
Is there a way to set everybody as accept?

Valter 06-20-2008 09:14 PM

Run this query to set acceptance status to YES for all existing users:
PHP Code:

UPDATE user SET cfrules_read_status '1' 

Mr Peabody 06-20-2008 10:48 PM

Ok that works cheers. Maybe add a option to set the read status to 1 for all users for the next update :)
Thank you.

cmedic101 06-20-2008 10:54 PM

Great Mod!



Big-K 06-21-2008 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1554922)
Run this query to set acceptance status to YES for all existing users:
PHP Code:

UPDATE user SET cfrules_read_status '1' 

SHould the query be

UPDATE vb3_user SET cfrules_read_status = '1'

Valter 06-21-2008 02:50 PM

For "vb3_" prefix, yes.

newguy 06-21-2008 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1554457)
vBulletin does not accept uppercase characters in product IDs anymore.

This means if you have installed older version of some hack, which used uppercase characters in ID, they may not be upgraded properly.

So save Forum Rules to your computer, to some txt file, then uninstall all instances of hack, then install latest version and update settings.


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1554922)
Run this query to set acceptance status to YES for all existing users:
PHP Code:

UPDATE user SET cfrules_read_status '1' 

I did as you said and all seem fine for me now. Thanks Cybernetec!

PeteBlume 06-22-2008 06:03 PM


i have a problem. The users would not forced to agree to the forum rules. I don't kno, where's the error.

Can you help me?

I use vbulletin 3.7.1
vbseo rc7

rockinaway 06-23-2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Chimpie (Post 1533679)
In my Forum Rules page there is a 'body >' above the rules, but the template looks fine.




Originally Posted by Chimpie (Post 1540783)
Thanks... the problem was corrected last week. Thanks for replying though.

How did you fix that then?

infinityloop 06-24-2008 04:50 AM

this is once again a wonderful modification!
thank you very much. :)

Amiga Harrison 06-24-2008 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1553728)
Save your rules to your computer (to txt, doc etc... document), then uninstall all instances of Forum Rules hack, then install latest version and update settings.


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1553514)
To upgrade:
-Import XML, allow overwrite
-Revert hack templates if any modified

I've found that upgrading never works for this mod. Every time you try to import the latest version and allow overwrite it always installs it as a completely new version and you end up with both the old and new versions installed.

The only way to upgrade each time that actually works is to first make sure you have a backup copy of all of your site rules, and the rest of the settings in the mod, then completely uninstall the existing version, install the new one, and then re-enter all of the settings and rules.

Is this happening because each new version is actually named differently? So vB thinks it is a completely different product when you install it? i.e each version has the version number in the name of the file at the end such as 3.7, 3.8 etc. If this version number wasn't in the filename then would the mod update correctly and overright the existing mod instead of installing another one alongside the existing one? Would make life much easier if you could get it to do this.

I forgot to also add that having to uninstall an old version, and then install the new one means it resets members having to accept the rules again. This really annoyed some of my existing forum members.

Valter 06-24-2008 12:54 PM

No, this mod always had the same ProductID.

There was only few uppercase characters in ID till version 3.7.

Ingress 06-28-2008 05:34 PM

Encountered a very strange behaviour while implementing this.

The "Submit"-Button is jammed if you enter translations for (a) certain phrase(s). It just remains at 20.0 and not clickable, no matter how long you wait.

Verified this with deleting all my phrases for this product after which it worked perfectly again. My phrases just contain plain text, no HTML, GFX or whatsoever. Maybe it could be a charset-issue with UTF-Chars but for now this is only a supposition.

I will do further investigation which phrase(s) actually seem(s) to cause the jamming of the button.


anderow 06-28-2008 07:47 PM

Thanks Cybernetec

Great Mod. Top work :)

Ingress 06-28-2008 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ingress (Post 1561405)
Maybe it could be a charset-issue with UTF-Chars but for now this is only a supposition.

I found the cause, it was the character " included in the phrase "cybfrules_not_agreed".

Having replaced it with a ' the whole thing works fine now.

Is this a design flaw or did you want it to work like this? Maybe this deserves a deeper look.

Thanks for the mod, I really appreciate your work!


EagleNick 06-29-2008 12:34 AM

To upgrade, I'm assuming we uninstall the current version and then re-install the latest.

However, will doing so delete the settings and rules text I have set and entered?

Valter 06-29-2008 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Ingress (Post 1561632)
I found the cause, it was the character " included in the phrase "cybfrules_not_agreed".

Having replaced it with a ' the whole thing works fine now.

Thanks for the info, I'll fix this in next version.


Originally Posted by EagleNick (Post 1561650)
To upgrade, I'm assuming we uninstall the current version and then re-install the latest.

However, will doing so delete the settings and rules text I have set and entered?

Save your Rules to txt file, then try to upgrade normally. If it add new item instead of replacing old product in Product Manager, then uninstall it and install latest version, then restore rules from txt, check other settings and update if needed, then save.

Chimpie 06-30-2008 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Ingress (Post 1561632)
I found the cause, it was the character " included in the phrase "cybfrules_not_agreed".

Having replaced it with a ' the whole thing works fine now.

Can you break down your fix a little more please? I have ran into the same problem and could not find that phrase to be able to fix it.


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1562038)
Thanks for the info, I'll fix this in next version.

Do you know when that will be? I've had to disable to the mod until the fix has been made.

Ingress 06-30-2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Chimpie (Post 1562534)
Can you break down your fix a little more please? I have ran into the same problem and could not find that phrase to be able to fix it.

Log into your ACP.
Under "Languages & Phrases" choose "Search in Phrases"
Fill in the search form:
Search for Text: cybfrules_not_agreed
Product: Cyb - Advanced Forum Rules
Search in ... : Phrase Variable Name Only
After clicking "Find" you should see the phrase, click on edit and replace or erase every " that you might have used in the translation of the phrase, that should do the trick.


Chimpie 06-30-2008 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ingress (Post 1562976)
Log into your ACP.
Under "Languages & Phrases" choose "Search in Phrases"
Fill in the search form:
Search for Text: cybfrules_not_agreed
Product: Cyb - Advanced Forum Rules
Search in ... : Phrase Variable Name Only
After clicking "Find" you should see the phrase, click on edit and replace or erase every " that you might have used in the translation of the phrase, that should do the trick.


I followed your instructions and when clicking on Find it takes me to this...

Ingress 06-30-2008 06:54 PM

Ok then, did you alter any of the phrases? If not, I have no idea what causes the behaviour with your board. With mine I can definitely reproduce it when I use a phrase with ".


Ingress 07-05-2008 02:53 PM

Noticed that quoted text is not displayed correctly if you view the forum rules while registration (i.e. "replace with forum rules" is switched on. If you view the forum rules via /do=cfrules it displays just fine) with Opera 8 or MSIE 7 - Firefox 2.x displays fine. The div with the quote is very, very narrow. Happens even in default style for me.

Any idea what the cause may be? Had no problems with this under 3.5.8.


epoc fitness 07-05-2008 03:58 PM

Question I had to reinstall my vbulletin last night. I did a whole backup and when I went to install this plugin again it erased all my rules. I was curious can I take my backup of my while and find the file which the rules were written into and just copy that file to my new install? If so what file am I looking for and where would it be?

Valter 07-05-2008 07:40 PM

Rules are stored in database.

Ingress 07-05-2008 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by epoc fitness (Post 1567453)
If so what file am I looking for and where would it be?

The rules are entered via the according part of the ACP. You need to copy them from there to a text file for backup purposes or you might extract them from a database backup you hopefully made before you reinstalled - the files from the webserver alone don't hold much of all the vB-data and they definitely don't hold your forum rules.


epoc fitness 07-07-2008 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Ingress (Post 1567657)
The rules are entered via the according part of the ACP. You need to copy them from there to a text file for backup purposes or you might extract them from a database backup you hopefully made before you reinstalled - the files from the webserver alone don't hold much of all the vB-data and they definitely don't hold your forum rules.


Thanks, I do have a backup of the database before I reinstalled. Do you mean if I log into my webhost and do a full backup that isn't a good method or are you saying that going into vbulletin and doing a backup isn't a good method.

Ingress 07-07-2008 07:51 AM

To be honest: I can't tell ;-)

It depends on what a "full backup if I log into my webhost" actually means. Does it backup files on the webserver? Does it backup the database? Does it both? In which format does it store the backups and how are they restored? This are questions that only your webhost can answer.

Database backups that are done via the ACP may cause problems on some hosts and with big databases when you try to restore them - just do a search on backing up your forum or moving it to another host, there are plenty of threads that deal with this here and on vbullettin.com.


Doomday 07-07-2008 06:16 PM

Is there anyway to show this only in some sections in the forum?maybe to add the id of the forum to show it only there?

CurtisK 07-08-2008 12:53 PM

can we put html im the forum rules box or is it bbcode only?

ShackMaster 07-09-2008 05:23 AM

Where can I place a space [ ] in front of the "Forum Rules" link that is placed in the Navbar?


Ingress 07-09-2008 08:26 AM

Any ideas about the quotation-problem I posted here?


RACHR 07-10-2008 08:25 AM

User donĀ“t go on the Rules after Log in......all on NO...........about view forum and so on

No Groups excluded for this.................

When I make a Force Read Thread, how can i change the Thread ID for the Rules.....

And i dont can view who accept this........Fehlerbeschreibung: Table 'eselfaqc_eff.user' doesn't exist

I am German,sry for the English

Xenofox 07-10-2008 09:08 PM

Does this degrade gracefully? If javascript is turned off it appears the rules are unable to be agreed to.

RACHR 07-11-2008 07:58 AM

All on.

I must accept them, but not other people. In the Evening i make a new install for test

ShackMaster 07-12-2008 07:52 AM


Any reason why this would be blocking all members from posting and the submit button being hung on 30 seconds?

Unfortunately I have had to disable it until I can figure out what's going on.

Chimpie 07-12-2008 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by ShackMaster (Post 1573398)

Any reason why this would be blocking all members from posting and the submit button being hung on 30 seconds?

Unfortunately I have had to disable it until I can figure out what's going on.

You're not the only one. Others have had to disable the mod until the original coder fixes it.

redlabour 07-12-2008 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by epoc fitness (Post 1567453)
Question I had to reinstall my vbulletin last night. I did a whole backup and when I went to install this plugin again it erased all my rules. I was curious can I take my backup of my while and find the file which the rules were written into and just copy that file to my new install? If so what file am I looking for and where would it be?

Better save your Rules next Time into a *.txt. :rolleyes:

It was saved in the Database. Just search in your mySQL Backup.

ShackMaster 07-12-2008 03:28 PM

I think that may have been my issue... upgrading to Patch Level 1 of vBulletin. I am not sure, but it is shortly after that when a user had the issue and I logged in as various users and noticed no one could post and the submit button was hung.

I uninstalled the mod (of course I did save everything first) and then reinstalled it... and all seems to be okay now. I also did not have all the usergroups listed in the field to disable the mod for certain usergroups, so I added those. Hopefully that will help prevent situations like this again. Fortunately it was almost 4am and not many users were online posting at the time.

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