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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Photobucket Image Uploader (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=166286)

Dannyloski 04-06-2008 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Classico (Post 1481353)
I confirm it. :)

Great mod Dannyloski! :up:

Thanks :)


Originally Posted by qtouch (Post 1483301)
installed .......

Glad to hear it man, hope its working great for you and your Forum Members ...

CardinaLe 04-06-2008 09:10 AM

When i click to open on newthread its opening but i am autoamtically redirecting to Forumhome. What can be the problem....???

Dannyloski 04-06-2008 01:53 PM

^ I do not understand, can you explain a little better so that I can help you out.

GrAveTzT 04-07-2008 01:55 AM

Hey, this looks like something that would be an excellent benefit for me.

I'm having a little problem though.

I've installed it and went to the vbulletin settings but once I was finished there is no change whatsoever when I post or create a topic.

Is there something I may have missed?

Dannyloski 04-07-2008 02:42 PM

GrAveTzT, did you turn the Hack "On" via the Settings (First Option)? By default it is Off.

After you have it enabled, you should see this when Posting a Reply, Making a Thread, etc (depending on where you enabled it):


After you click that Link this should display:


Or if you're already logged in to PhotoBucket or Have it Saved to your Cookies, it will automatically log you on, like so:


GrAveTzT 04-11-2008 06:36 AM

Thanks Danny.

I did end up getting this to work there was a CHMOD problem.

Excellent addition to my forum.

Dannyloski 04-11-2008 02:54 PM

GrAveTzT, no problem. I'm glad to see you got it sorted and that its an excellent addition to your forum :up:

ArnyVee 04-11-2008 06:33 PM

I must be missing something. Probably something simple too. I've got it to the point where I've imported it, but it's not giving me any special options to enable other than the four in my attachment. Do I need to go somewhere outside of the Photobucket Image Upload setting group?

Dannyloski 04-12-2008 04:31 AM

ArnyVee, now you need to enter the Usergroup IDs of those who you wish to be able to use this Hack/Mod in the "Allowed Usergroups" Setting ... If you do not have anything there then it will NOT work (read the below quoted post for more info).


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1418096)

I want to make a note for those who said they were having trouble with this Hack, please make sure that you enter all the Usergroup IDs of the Usergroups who you want to be able to use this Hack in the "Allowed Usergroups" Settings Section.

I have a feeling that most of you left "0" in there. What the "0" does is "not force any usergroups". What that means is that no usergroup will be able to use the Hack, basically if you enter "0" there, then you are disabling the Hack completely.

I think that this is the solution to most (if not all) the problems for those who were claiming that this hack wasnt working. Please enter the Usergroup IDs and report back if it works for you or not.

PS. Some of you might be wondering how I figured this out, well one of the members on here who installed this Hack and was having problems, sent me a PM with Admin Login Info into their site and upon checking out the settings, this was the problem. They forgot to enter the Usergroup IDs in the specified Setting. I entered "6" for the USergroup ID to test if Administrators could view the Hack and voila, it worked!

ArnyVee 04-12-2008 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1488817)
ArnyVee, now you need to enter the Usergroup IDs of those who you wish to be able to use this Hack/Mod in the "Allowed Usergroups" Setting ... If you do not have anything there then it will NOT work (read the below quoted post for more info).

Ahh...okay. So, since I haven't assigned any usergroups yet. Is there like a 'default' to test things out or something?

I'm a complete newb, so be gentle. :)

Dannyloski 04-12-2008 07:49 PM

ArnyVee, yeah if you havent assigned any Usergroups the permission to view the Hack, then it will not display it. If you want to test the Hack, then enter "6" in the "Allowed Usergroups" Setting as that's the Usergroup ID for Administrators and then check if it works. If it does, then you can go ahead and enter the rest of the Usergroup IDs who you want to make the Hack visible to. To get the Usergroup IDs go to Admin CP > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > And you will see the Usergroup IDs under the "Controls" Column (they are in the Drop Down Menu).

ArnyVee 04-12-2008 08:19 PM

Thanks Dannyloski!

It works...and I went ahead and clicked 'installed'. :)

Dannyloski 04-13-2008 01:46 PM

^ Glad to hear that :up: ... Thanks for clicking installed!

hsv z clubbie 04-14-2008 10:05 AM

Excellent work, our members love it...marked as installed !!!

Dannyloski 04-14-2008 04:27 PM

^ That is awesome news to hear :up:

Code Monkey 04-15-2008 02:40 AM

In your javascript you should use vBulletin's fetch_object() function instead of document.getElementById() to take advantage of vBulletin's browser compatibility features.

Code Monkey 04-15-2008 03:09 AM

Also if you want to use href= in the links to get the link effects then you can use href="javascript:{}" instead of href="#". The latter is what causes it to jump to the top of the page when you click it. This way eliminates that problem. Technically you can add a js function to the href as well, such as href="javascript:{view();}". Though it is even better to just forget the whole href bit and just use css and use the onclick on the text container.

Dannyloski 04-15-2008 07:19 PM

^ Thanks for the tips ... I edited the "href" attribute on the Modification, to make it not jump to the top of the Page. I dont understand how to implement the fetch_object() function instead of document.getElementById() function, so I left it as is - seems to work perfectly so if its not broke, why fix it, lol.

Megatr0n 04-15-2008 07:38 PM

Compatible with 3.7?

Code Monkey 04-15-2008 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1491484)
^ Thanks for the tips ... I edited the "href" attribute on the Modification, to make it not jump to the top of the Page. I dont understand how to implement the fetch_object() function instead of document.getElementById() function, so I left it as is - seems to work perfectly so if its not broke, why fix it, lol.

It may not work with older browsers though.

Just replace

PHP Code:

function hide() {
document.getElementById('hidelink').className "hidden";
document.getElementById('viewlink').className "viewable";
document.getElementById('photobucket').className "hidden";


PHP Code:

function hide() {
fetch_object('hidelink').className "hidden";
fetch_object('viewlink').className "viewable";
fetch_object('photobucket').className "hidden";

This way your code will always use vBulletin's latest compatibility features.

Dannyloski 04-15-2008 09:24 PM

Megatr0n, it should, I dont see why it wouldnt. Matter of fact it should work with all vB Version ... Let me know though ...

Code Monkey, you rock bro, thanks! I updated the .XML File ... I changed the document.getElementById() to fetch_object() as well for the following part of the code, is that needed or not?

It was like this:
PHP Code:

function view() {
document.getElementById('hidelink').className "viewable";
document.getElementById('viewlink').className "hidden";
document.getElementById('photobucket').className "viewable";
document.getElementById('jwidget').src "http://photobucket.com/svc/jwidget.php?width={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_width']}&height={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_height']}&largeThumb=false&pbaffsite=272&bg={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_bgcolor']}&border=false&bordercolor=%23000000&url=&linkType=img&textcolor={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_color']}&linkcolor={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_linkcolor']}&media=both&btntxt=&searchenabled=true&searchlinkcolor=&searchbgcolor="
return false;

Now its like this:
PHP Code:

function view() {
fetch_object('hidelink').className "viewable";
fetch_object('viewlink').className "hidden";
fetch_object('photobucket').className "viewable";
fetch_object('jwidget').src "http://photobucket.com/svc/jwidget.php?width={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_width']}&height={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_height']}&largeThumb=false&pbaffsite=272&bg={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_bgcolor']}&border=false&bordercolor=%23000000&url=&linkType=img&textcolor={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_color']}&linkcolor={$vbulletin->options['photobucket_linkcolor']}&media=both&btntxt=&searchenabled=true&searchlinkcolor=&searchbgcolor="
return false;

I gave you credit in the First Post for the help ;) ...

Chet T16 04-15-2008 10:39 PM

One of my favourite mods, especially without the page jump now

Dannyloski 04-15-2008 11:14 PM

^ Thanks man, glad to hear that :up:

ArnyVee 04-16-2008 12:26 AM

Danny, do you simply uninstall the old xml file and then upload the new one?

Dannyloski 04-16-2008 01:35 AM

ArnyVee, you should actually be able to just Import the New .XML Product with the "Overwrite" option and be done with it. If you encounter a problem, then let me know. I just did the Overwrite and it worked.

Originally Posted by Danny
Upgrade Instructions:
1) Download the attached .XML Product.
2) Import the .XML Product via Admin CP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product] and Select the "Overwrite" option ...
3) Your Done! Its that easy ...

ArnyVee 04-16-2008 01:52 AM

Thank you sir! :)

Good to go with my site. Thanks again for the help.

qtouch 04-16-2008 02:55 AM

Thanks for the update, it works fine now

jambo_1969 04-16-2008 04:23 AM

Cheers for the update Danny..

Works like a dream now (not that it didn't before :D)

midirtrider 04-16-2008 05:33 AM

wow this is very impressive..

thank you so much for your efforts and allowing us all to use this awsome hack..

Dannyloski 04-16-2008 04:09 PM

Thanks for all the kind words guys, I appreciate it a lot ... Glad you all like the Hack now even more :up:

JimLink 04-17-2008 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by edytwinky (Post 1435370)
Would it ever be possible to add Google PiCasa uploader as well?

I for one would like to see this one too... Many places (ie work) block Photobucket but do not block Google.

Dannyloski 04-17-2008 03:54 PM

JimLink, as of now I am very busy with other things and do not plan on making another Uploader for any other site. If you want one done, try posting in the Paid or Unpaid Request Forum.

Classico 04-19-2008 03:47 PM

Danny congratulations.

Great upgrade. :)

Thanks!! :)

Keep on the good work, and... give us more of this... :D:D

bada_bing 04-20-2008 07:03 PM

Works great for 3.6.x but does not work for older 3.5.x too bad..

Dannyloski 04-21-2008 03:20 AM

^ Upgrade and then it'll work :up: ...

ArnyVee 04-21-2008 11:16 AM

Nothing personal bada_bing, I'm just wondering since I'm new. Is there a reason why folks don't upgrade their forums? Is it because they have things customized to the point that they like it and don't want to chance 'breaking' it?

Code Monkey 04-22-2008 05:43 AM

I only upgrade if I see features that I think will be useful to a site. Take vB 3.7 for example. It doesn't really have any new features I need for any of my sites. I could probably try the SN features on one of my gaming sites but it would probably bomb. It's a lot of work doing major updates on a custom styled site.

TRa5H 04-22-2008 06:55 AM

Ok ive done everything that i can.. and well its not running on our site .. it doesnt even load.. i added every user group and nothing.. please let me know whats going on im using 3.6.9 ....

if there is something im missing then let me know.. i have alt char in my usergroups might that be the issue?

RØÇ Member,RØÇ Leader,Super Moderators,Registered Users,Moderators,Administrators

those are the user groups i have added..

i am pretty new to the Vbulletin stuff but i read everything before trying anything and i have been following down to the last word so please help thanks you

ArnyVee 04-22-2008 11:52 AM

CodeMonkey, good point.

I was going to be adding a gallery and since 3.7.0 has the albums feature I figured that I'd go with it. I'm hoping that things don't go silly when I do the upgrade.

Dannyloski 04-23-2008 02:22 PM

TRa5H, I got your PM with the Login Details, but it says "This website is temporarily unavailable, please try again later" when I try to go to your site. However, I'm sure that the problem you are having is because in the "Allowed Usergroups" Settings Section you entered the Usergroup Names (R?? Member, R?? Leader, Super Moderators, Registered Users, Moderators, Administrators, etc) ... You're not suppose to do that, you're suppose to enter the Usergroup IDs.

To get the Usergroup IDs go to Admin CP > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > And you will see the Usergroup IDs under the "Controls" Column (they are in the Drop Down Menu). Hope that helps, please report back if that fixed your issue or let me know when your site is Online again and I'll take a look at it.

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