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Alfa1 01-22-2008 03:22 PM


Do you need to have new phrases translated for 2.2.9? Do you have any idea when it will go into beta phase?

obmob 01-22-2008 03:33 PM

Yeah, please tell us when you need translations! :D

AndrewD 01-22-2008 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1426702)

Do you need to have new phrases translated for 2.2.9? Do you have any idea when it will go into beta phase?

There will be new phrases to translate, certainly. I will not finalise 2.2.9 until vb 3.7 becomes reasonably solid - parts of the vb interface code have changed between their beta releases. As for the move from alpha to beta - there will be at least one more alpha once I've got all the new functionality coded - this code is mainly written, but I got a bit distracted over Christmas with the video site integration.

Rouzbeh1 01-22-2008 04:40 PM

hi Andrew,
is this feature implemented in the ldm-2.2.9?
SEO: Ability to use category names instead of the category ID numbers for SEO purposes (local_links/links/17 => local_links/links/music/); Add SEO ability to paging and category jumping links.

would be very helpful to have this

Alfa1 01-23-2008 12:21 AM

Are there any limitations set anywhere to the cat_icons? I am trying to get these displayed and although the category_new.gif disappears, It is not replaced by the new cat_icon. Any ideas?

AndrewD 01-23-2008 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1 (Post 1426759)
hi Andrew,
is this feature implemented in the ldm-2.2.9?
SEO: Ability to use category names instead of the category ID numbers for SEO purposes (local_links/links/17 => local_links/links/music/); Add SEO ability to paging and category jumping links.

would be very helpful to have this

It's not implemented yet - I'll take a look. There's a couple of potential traps - categories do not need to have unique names and the names can include bbcodes, etc.

AndrewD 01-23-2008 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1426988)
Are there any limitations set anywhere to the cat_icons? I am trying to get these displayed and although the category_new.gif disappears, It is not replaced by the new cat_icon. Any ideas?

Not as far as I know - you're trying the new 'oxygen' icons? I've just run a test and both the category and category_new icons display fine. Bear in mind that the new icons are pngs and you can't put them in the same directory as the old gif icons (i.e. upload them into another directory or delete the old icons).

nerofix 01-24-2008 02:38 PM

Hello, I still get this error when trying to download a file:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare update_settings() (previously declared in /www/htdocs/my/forum/admincp/vcharset/functions_vcharset.php:16) in /www/htdocs/my/forum/includes/local_links_misc.php on line 399

Can you help me to solve please?

AndrewD 01-24-2008 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by nerofix (Post 1428007)
Hello, I still get this error when trying to download a file:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare update_settings() (previously declared in /www/htdocs/my/forum/admincp/vcharset/functions_vcharset.php:16) in /www/htdocs/my/forum/includes/local_links_misc.php on line 399

Can you help me to solve please?

This is a conflict with vcharset.

You can fix it by changing the definition of update_settings and the calls to it in LDM. This is done in 2.2.9. In 2.2.8, you need to edit the following files:

local_links_actions.php(2508): if (!update_settings($catid, $_REQUEST, $errors)) {

local_links_actions.php(2712): if (!update_settings($catid, $_REQUEST, $errors)) {

local_links_admin.php(1171): update_settings(-1, $_REQUEST, $errors);

includes\local_links_misc.php(399): function update_settings($catid, $settings, &$errors) {

includes\local_links_misc.php(797): ldm_general_failure("update_settings/$name");

Just change update_settings to update_ldm_settings

nerofix 01-24-2008 05:45 PM

Perfect Andrew !! Thanks a lot !!

But I thought I've upgrated sucessful to 2.2.9 before ..
Anyway, works fine after the edit ;)

Rouzbeh1 01-24-2008 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1427076)
It's not implemented yet - I'll take a look. There's a couple of potential traps - categories do not need to have unique names and the names can include bbcodes, etc.

for me it would be enough to have a link in this format local_links/links/17 => local_links/links/c-17-music/
where c-17 stands for category 17....
:D thanks

Alfa1 01-25-2008 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1427078)
Not as far as I know - you're trying the new 'oxygen' icons? I've just run a test and both the category and category_new icons display fine. Bear in mind that the new icons are pngs and you can't put them in the same directory as the old gif icons (i.e. upload them into another directory or delete the old icons).

No, i am trying to use the same icons for my LDM categories as i have been using for my forum categories.
I just uploaded the prefix_forum_new.gif and prefix_forum_old.gif to the uploads folder and entered the files into LDM's admin.

I have a special LDM category for sponsors, that only they should have access to. But sponsors are an additional usergoup, not a primary usergroup. How can I grant access to sponsors only?

AndrewD 01-26-2008 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1428841)
No, i am trying to use the same icons for my LDM categories as i have been using for my forum categories.
I just uploaded the prefix_forum_new.gif and prefix_forum_old.gif to the uploads folder and entered the files into LDM's admin.

Currently, the code assumes that all icons are being specified relative to the forum directory and there's no check whether this is in fact the case - I realise that this is inconsistent with the handling of other directories such as uploads and thumbsdir. Either create a new image subdirectory somewhere underneath the forums or just drop your icons into your regular LDM icons dir.

If you do the first, specify the category icon in the form my/new/icon/subdir/mycaticon.gif

If you do the second, specify myiconsdir/mycaticoncat.gif


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1428841)
I have a special LDM category for sponsors, that only they should have access to. But sponsors are an additional usergoup, not a primary usergroup. How can I grant access to sponsors only?

LDM should take care of this fine. If you are using version 2.2.9, edit the category of interest, choose the user permissions tab, and take away *can_view_category* permission from all usergroups except sponsors (and perhaps admins, etc). Or, with version 2.2.8 or 2.2.9, associate the category with a forum which is only visible to the sponsors usergroup

Alfa1 01-26-2008 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1429104)
If you do the first, specify the category icon in the form my/new/icon/subdir/mycaticon.gif

Thanks that worked well. I am eager to see how this looks when the forum like layout of 2.2.9 is added.


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1429104)
LDM should take care of this fine. If you are using version 2.2.9, edit the category of interest, choose the user permissions tab, and take away *can_view_category* permission from all usergroups except sponsors (and perhaps admins, etc). Or, with version 2.2.8 or 2.2.9, associate the category with a forum which is only visible to the sponsors usergroup

I am currently using 2.2.8, but will be upgrading as soon as 2.2.9 beta is out. I'll edit usergoup settings at that time. Thanks.

beishe8 01-26-2008 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1421680)
no normal compression. perhaps a corrupt download?

check the file size - 1,492,517 bytes

Yes,only part of the file would come down.
Solution: When downloading the file don't use "Save", use "Open" instead.

lovevn 01-26-2008 12:42 PM

Can I export database and import to another site? In this case how about the user names (of users who posted the links)?


AndrewD 01-26-2008 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by lovevn (Post 1429296)
Can I export database and import to another site? In this case how about the user names (of users who posted the links)?


You can transfer the database in two ways - either use an sql utility to backup all the tables called "local_" and import these into your new database. This will transfer all settings

LDM also has an xml export/import facility on the admin page. The xml file contains all information on your categories and entries but (at least not until the final version of 2.2.9) the admin settings.

The transfer will retain the usernames and userids from the source machine. Of course these may not correspond to usernames and userids on the new machine. Depending on the number of users who have submitted entries, this would be a fairly quick task to fix using a bit of sql. Its not yet included as one of the 'mass edit' features in LDM.

lovevn 01-26-2008 01:52 PM

Thanks for your quick reply. I want to use the LDM xml file. As you said it still does not contain the "admin settings", after I import this xml file in to the new forum can I set it via a admin control panel? If there are some "same " user id, is there any error when I importing it?

AndrewD 01-26-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by lovevn (Post 1429317)
Thanks for your quick reply. I want to use the LDM xml file. As you said it still does not contain the "admin settings", after I import this xml file in to the new forum can I set it via a admin control panel? If there are some "same " user id, is there any error when I importing it?

Yes, you simply go to the ldm admin and reapply the settings you want

There will be no problems with userids - just mismatches between the displayed usernames and the current ones - as far as I can see

Alfa1 01-27-2008 08:00 AM

Where can I set moderators per category and where can I define where the broken link emails go?
Is it possible to create categories that only contain subcategories? i.e. it should not be possible to add entries/files to these categories.

If possible, then I would like to display these categories similar to how a category is displayed in vbulletin. (vbulletin forum settings: Act as Forum (Will act as category if no))
Is this an option?

Will 2.2.9 add LDM statistics to the statistics tab of vbulletin member profiles? (vb 3.7)

Apolyton 01-27-2008 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1429909)
Where can I set moderators per category and where can I define where the broken link emails go?
Is it possible to create categories that only contain subcategories? i.e. it should not be possible to add entries/files to these categories.

If possible, then I would like to display these categories similar to how a category is displayed in vbulletin. (vbulletin forum settings: Act as Forum (Will act as category if no))
Is this an option?

Will 2.2.9 add LDM statistics to the statistics tab of vbulletin member profiles? (vb 3.7)

I have basically the same question: when I clicked "report this link" on a test link, that report went to many users, including "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" which doesn't make sense to me. I can't see immediately how to correct this, however; that group has only the top two permissions (can view category, can access link).

AndrewD 01-27-2008 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1429909)
Where can I set moderators per category and where can I define where the broken link emails go?
Is it possible to create categories that only contain subcategories? i.e. it should not be possible to add entries/files to these categories.

If possible, then I would like to display these categories similar to how a category is displayed in vbulletin. (vbulletin forum settings: Act as Forum (Will act as category if no))
Is this an option?

Will 2.2.9 add LDM statistics to the statistics tab of vbulletin member profiles? (vb 3.7)

The basic logic in 2.2.8 is to email group a) plus group b)
a) if the category has an associated forum, then the email reports get sent to the moderators of that forum;
b) the report gets sent to all users with some level of vb admincp permissions

I am making a change between 2.2.8 and 2.2.9. In 2.2.8, group (b) is always selected.

In 2.2.9, group (b) is only selected if there are *no* associated forum* moderators *and* you have set *send post reports* on your vb admincp to email admins and moderators. In addition, in 2.2.9, the email will be sent to all users in groups that have LDM *can_moderate_links* permission in the respective category. (I think they should always have received these emails, but I seem to have overlooked them.)

I'm open to suggestions, within reason.

It is possible to close a category so that it will not accept new entries, but it is not currently possible to define a category in the way that vb does.

However, in 2.2.9, it will be possible to give subtitles for groups of entries (and groups of categories) with the same display orders.

Again, I am open to suggestions, within reason.

Apolyton 01-28-2008 12:25 AM

Thanks for the quick response!

It would be helpful to be able to manually set which usergroups or useres are able to receive these reports, either in a text list (like the vB lists 5,7,23,26 of users) or as one of the permissions settings separate from 'can moderate links'.

We for example have admins, forum moderators, and people who you could call 'content mods' for different types of content, all of which we'd want to be able to moderate links, but not necessarily all of them we'd want to be able to moderate *all* links. It would be helpful to have a setting for that, if it's possible.

yahoooh 01-28-2008 12:49 AM

i hope there is addition feature for download by unregistered by adding captcha or timer to download because some sites just copy link of download and the visitors will download without visiting my site

AndrewD 01-29-2008 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by yahoooh (Post 1430475)
i hope there is addition feature for download by unregistered by adding captcha or timer to download because some sites just copy link of download and the visitors will download without visiting my site

The secure-urls extra in the LDM release gives you the means to prevent these downloads by unregistered users

yahoooh 02-01-2008 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1431348)
The secure-urls extra in the LDM release gives you the means to prevent these downloads by unregistered users

i see extra secure url

but i do not need it for play i just need it for download link
and i think the captcha or timer to download more benifits than this

thanks for support

Alfa1 02-09-2008 02:43 PM

I am having trouble with X-PHP-Script: /forum/local_links_actions.php
Somehow spammers manage to use this to send out bulk spam. I have already limited the can_send_to_friend permission to members only, but now I am experiencing the same again. Is there another setting that needs to be changed? Can you please add human verification to the send to friend form?

BTW: http://www.trapvid.com/ is closed.

AndrewD 02-11-2008 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1439457)
I am having trouble with X-PHP-Script:
Somehow spammers manage to use this to send out bulk spam. I have already limited the can_send_to_friend permission to members only, but now I am experiencing the same again. Is there another setting that needs to be changed? Can you please add human verification to the send to friend form?

BTW: http://www.trapvid.com/ is closed.

We got hit by something very similar a few weeks ago. I've added human verification to the next alpha - sorry that it's taking time to appear.

Yes, I know that trapvid closed down. Most irritating, given that I devoted much of my Christmas vacation to this!

Alfa1 02-11-2008 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1440748)
- sorry that it's taking time to appear.

Apologies are definitely not needed. Your effort is much appreciated. I still dont understand why you do not charge for your excellent software.


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1440748)
Yes, I know that trapvid closed down. Most irritating, given that I devoted much of my Christmas vacation to this!

Is there an alternative?

hydn 02-14-2008 12:27 PM

so if we upgrade to vb 3.7 once final then we will have to use this version to keep using LDM? Of can 2.2.8 work with 3.7? thanks

Alfa1 02-15-2008 12:00 AM

Use this:

Version 2.2.8

The 2.2.8 release version of LDM, available in this thread, works correctly in most respects.

To use this version, install (or keep) the 2.2.8 code and replace the initialisation file with the includes/local_links_init.php file attached to this thread. I have found only one problem, which is with the member profile integration features in LDM.

AndrewD 02-17-2008 06:32 PM

I'm pleased to report that (all being well) the next version of LDM will be uploaded some time this week for testing.

This is a quite substantial rewrite of the code to implement a consistent function naming scheme and (hopefully) avoid conflicts with other hacks. In addition, these features are implemented:

- a flash based uploader with progress bar, handling uploads to 100MB
- nominations for 'entry of the month/year/etc'
- new statistics options and a redesign of the statistics layouts on the home page
- an optional collapsible category explorer display (see attached image)
- extensions to the filmstrip extra to include various hit parades on home page.

and so on.

Give the extent of the changes, and the fact that more work is still needed to interface fully with VB3.7, this release will remain alpha code for some time still.

Has anyone tried the gold release of vbadvanced 3.0? I'm having problems with modules on windows (but not on Linux).

hydn 02-17-2008 07:14 PM

Looks really good. I also love the sound of the stats improvements. :up:

obmob 02-18-2008 03:48 PM

WOW! It looks awesome! ^^

Thanks Andrew, will be glad to start testing :D

pspcrazy 02-19-2008 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1445390)
I'm pleased to report that (all being well) the next version of LDM will be uploaded some time this week for testing.

This is a quite substantial rewrite of the code to implement a consistent function naming scheme and (hopefully) avoid conflicts with other hacks. In addition, these features are implemented:

- a flash based uploader with progress bar, handling uploads to 100MB
- nominations for 'entry of the month/year/etc'
- new statistics options and a redesign of the statistics layouts on the home page
- an optional collapsible category explorer display (see attached image)
- extensions to the filmstrip extra to include various hit parades on home page.

and so on.

Give the extent of the changes, and the fact that more work is still needed to interface fully with VB3.7, this release will remain alpha code for some time still.

Has anyone tried the gold release of vbadvanced 3.0? I'm having problems with modules on windows (but not on Linux).

Looking great as usual AndrewD :) Can't wait until we see this come out :) Of course for larger uploads will there be an alternative uploader? Thanks

AndrewD 02-19-2008 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by pspcrazy (Post 1446384)
Looking great as usual AndrewD :) Can't wait until we see this come out :) Of course for larger uploads will there be an alternative uploader? Thanks

The existing upload mechanism will continue to work as before. The flash based uploader is an optional extra, but it can only handle 100Mb max.

seangworld 02-19-2008 08:28 AM

how do i edit my php.ini file to allow for uploads larger than 2mb???

AndrewD 02-19-2008 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by seangworld (Post 1446471)
how do i edit my php.ini file to allow for uploads larger than 2mb???

Do you have full access to your web server? If not, you will have to ask your service provider to handle the changes on your behalf.

Assuming that you do have full access:

a) locate the php.ini file (e.g. vb/admincp/maintenance/php info)
b) download the file and edit a copy:

find the line starting post_max_size and edit, e.g.
post_max_size = 16M

find the line starting upload_max_filesize and edit, e.g.
upload_max_filesize = 16M

save and upload

restart your web server software (e.g. apache)

seangworld 02-19-2008 08:43 AM

and if i dont, can i edit my htaccess file instead?

seangworld 02-19-2008 08:49 AM

i followed this part:


a) locate the php.ini file (e.g. vb/admincp/maintenance/php info)
and am looking right at it, but i dont see how you can download/edit it.

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