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Evolution06 02-01-2008 04:26 PM

Did you have time to do the update? Just wondering I mean it seems to work fine but I hate uploading stuff when it gives me a error.

sweede 02-01-2008 09:41 PM

Ya, i havent had time to get it updated. having work ftw .

I noticed a slight issue before i do the next update and i want to get the VBSEO thing figured out.

Right now when you enter an item and make a new post, all is well. However if you go to Edit that post later, the item name ([item]Belt of Blasting[/item] ) has changed to the itemid instead ( [item]42423[/item] )

While the item mouseover itself is not effected in any way, it's something that isnt needed if you're trying to update say, a list of loot received in raids.

Saturday morning (i swear!) , i'm going to update it so that it changes [item]Belt of Blasting[/item] to [item=12312]Belt of Blasting[/item] . This way you won't run into an issue in the event you want to link a Warglaive (or any item that has duplicate name)

sweede 02-04-2008 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by mikeylikesitz (Post 1432226)
i think i narrowed it down, it seems to be a vbSEO confliction

Both were taken from the same thread as i noticed it wasnt an issue on my dev server which does not have vbseo enabled.

VBSeo uses supplied methods of adding the base tag to the template cache. I'll ask on the vbseo forums if its possible to get around the issue.


Originally Posted by CremeEgg (Post 1432356)
Sounds ace, I noticed that it already works with http links to spells, but yeah would be great to see it with spell tags too.

Don't forget to add it to the editor :p

Added the item link to the editor (type a name, highlight it and hit the wowhead icon). Support for spells won't be available at this time because wowhead doesnt supply a XML feed for spells, just items. I may build a database of spells w/spell IDs though, but it wont happen right now.


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1434044)
Did you have time to do the update? Just wondering I mean it seems to work fine but I hate uploading stuff when it gives me a error.

I removed the part that i think was giving the error. it was install code that removed plugin that i added via database, which isnt really needed.

CremeEgg 02-04-2008 06:52 AM

Awesome stuff! Thanks again.

Wayne Luke 02-04-2008 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1432799)

It's to bad that it couldnt give me more information about whats going on here but i think i have an idea.

Expect a minor update tonight.

I don't know if you got that error fixed but unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING simply means you have an unclosed string somewhere.

sweede 02-04-2008 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Wayne Luke (Post 1436421)
I don't know if you got that error fixed but unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING simply means you have an unclosed string somewhere.

Ya, but the question was where. While the issue was easy to find, it isnt obvious as to what module or hook the error is happening in. you have to review source code to find that the eval call thats throwing the error is part of the plugin install routines, etc.

Of course, there isnt anything you can do about it in vbulletin. I don't think php has (or can) added that type of error handeling to where it will tell you the info you need.

Caerydd 02-05-2008 04:57 AM

new upate working great for me :)

sweede 02-05-2008 07:50 PM

For those that have been visiting my site, http://dramaloot.com/ , you may have noticed the vbadvanced block above the news.

i've taken that mod and cleaned it up to upload here to vb.org ,
Stay tuned for that !

CremeEgg 02-05-2008 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1436962)
For those that have been visiting my site, http://dramaloot.com/ , you may have noticed the vbadvanced block above the news.

i've taken that mod and cleaned it up to upload here to vb.org ,
Stay tuned for that !

The progresson chart? That would be ace.

Also a bit off topic but I have a question for you, on your Officers and CL's page how did you create those mouse overs?

Oh and I have another favor to ask, could you take a look at my question in the Form Hack mod? No one over theres seems to have an answer. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...126676&page=59

sweede 02-06-2008 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by CremeEgg (Post 1437097)
Also a bit off topic but I have a question for you, on your Officers and CL's page how did you create those mouse overs?


sweede 02-06-2008 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by CremeEgg (Post 1437097)
Oh and I have another favor to ask, could you take a look at my question in the Form Hack mod? No one over theres seems to have an answer. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...126676&page=59

I have an idea for that, but im raiding atm so it'll be a while.

Caerydd 02-06-2008 08:16 PM

Definite donation coming your way, your work is fantastic :D

sweede 02-06-2008 08:21 PM

i really need to get a new paypal account setup before people start sending me money !

Caerydd 02-07-2008 07:09 AM

Yus, yus you do :P

Cinjun 02-07-2008 01:39 PM


Man thank you for this. I was using the old Itemstats and found it to be very cumbersome and slow hitting Allakhazam. This is definitely a great plugin -- again thank you!


BlackRabbit1971 02-11-2008 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1437654)
i really need to get a new paypal account setup before people start sending me money !

Yes... very muchly..

sweede 02-11-2008 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1437654)
i really need to get a new paypal account setup before people start sending me money !

not that i'm greedy or anything but i updated my paypal donation email address ;)

BlackRabbit1971 02-11-2008 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1440568)
not that i'm greedy or anything but i updated my paypal donation email address ;)

Clicked and sent ;)

sweede 02-12-2008 09:06 PM

Good news everyone, i finally understood why if you rebuild your post cache, my custom bbcode tags arent updated.

Rebuilding the post cache will re-enable all existing item links again.

xxshatteredsoul 02-15-2008 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1393751)
I'm also working to get it where if you post a wowhead URL , instead of making the URL clickable, it grabs the item name from the URL and create the item link accordingly

HTML Code:

turns into
HTML Code:

I have it working on my forums currently but i had to modify another addon entirely to get it to work.

When I try doing the following what you said I type "http://www.wowhead.com/?item=18609" in a reply and it just shows up as a url. When I type [item]Anathema[/item] it shows up how its supposed to. Isn't the URL supposed to turn into [item]?

xxshatteredsoul 02-15-2008 05:50 PM

I am also getting a Operation Aborted error in IE when I put my mouse over the item link which brings me to a Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage page I press back and it gives me the same error again when I put my mouse over it press back once more and it works. Can you fix this error or tell me if I forgot to do something besides upload the product file? I am using Internet Explorer 7

Caerydd 02-15-2008 08:24 PM

weird, I was getting that message while I was at work, but only when I tried to browse to my gallery pages....

sweede 02-15-2008 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by xxshatteredsoul (Post 1443889)
I am also getting a Operation Aborted error in IE when I put my mouse over the item link which brings me to a Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage page I press back and it gives me the same error again when I put my mouse over it press back once more and it works. Can you fix this error or tell me if I forgot to do something besides upload the product file? I am using Internet Explorer 7

This happens when you mouse over a link before the page is fully loaded (including images).

sweede 02-15-2008 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by xxshatteredsoul (Post 1443681)
When I try doing the following what you said I type "http://www.wowhead.com/?item=18609" in a reply and it just shows up as a url. When I type [item]Anathema[/item] it shows up how its supposed to. Isn't the URL supposed to turn into [item]?

Thats odd, you do have the latest version install right? It may be a conflict of another mod though..

xxshatteredsoul 02-15-2008 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1444012)
Thats odd, you do have the latest version install right? It may be a conflict of another mod though..

Yup just downloaded and installed today.

sweede 02-16-2008 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by xxshatteredsoul (Post 1444030)
Yup just downloaded and installed today.

Can you go to your plugin list page


and Ctrl+A , copy paste that whole list to me in a PM ?

Caerydd 02-17-2008 10:03 PM

Okay, i can now report that this addon causes my photoplog installation to be inaccessible to IE users when wowhead bbcode is enabled. I disable the bbcode product and IE users are able to access the photoplog installation again. (I did a report to photoplog here: http://www.photoplog.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2140)

As you can see from the link, I found a bug in IE7 that causes this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927917/en-us

I don't know how many of my users use IE yet, we're still testing, but this is a fairly major down. I can't afford photopost atm. :(

xxshatteredsoul 02-17-2008 10:59 PM

Ok I PMed you everything in my plugin.php let me know if you figure anything out.

Caerydd 02-20-2008 04:58 PM

Seems to be a problem with where the wowhead script is placed.


If placed before the base url thingy, it apparently stopped giving those errors.

Caerydd 02-20-2008 05:03 PM

For me, specifically, it breaks it in gallery templates because for the gallery, and the gallery only, it goes after the line


<base href="http://athanatoi.quillsabroad.com/forums/index.php" />
<!-- WoWHead Mouseover-Tooltips -->
<script src="http://www.wowhead.com/widgets/power.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

And it needs to go before it. Searching for a way to get it inserted before the base url, but not finding it :( (On forum pages it is inserted first.)

Double the edit. I fixed the problem by editing the shell_blank template


<html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
<script src="http://www.wowhead.com/widgets/power.js" type="text/javascript"></script>



Of course, I think I have the wowhead script url twice on my page now, so have to find where the addon inserts it >>

mikeylikesitz 02-20-2008 11:07 PM

this is an ongoing issue with any mod that places the <base url=""> tag before the js causes this error, this was my issue because vbseo does the same. Hopefully either wowhead or sweede finds a fix work around

acrine 02-21-2008 12:53 AM

I'm having the same IE issue and my page doesn't seem to have any of the issues that others listed. My wowhead script is right after the head tag on every one of my forum pages, yet I'm still having IE crash if you mouse-over an item before the page loads.

Anyone have any thoughts?

is where my forum is.

Caerydd 02-21-2008 05:25 AM

Until they do, the fix in my last post appears to eliminate th problem - place the script line BEFORE $headinclude in shell_blank template. This does not require you to remove what sweede's addon inserts.

Martinjepsen 02-21-2008 01:08 PM

Im having troubles with the eqdkp hack, any page that should list an item, is going blank,
i think it might be the setting in vbulletin_wowhead.php that does this, but i'm not sure what to set it to.

sweede 02-22-2008 08:13 AM

I'll have to go over the EqDKP addition and fix it.

As for the other problem, i think i might have a solution for it, but i couldnt test it because i didnt want to buy vbseo.

I do have a copy of photoblog but i dont use it. Since this mod also causes issues, i'll be able to fix the template issue correctly.

Just as a note, I generally don't want to have to have anyone modify templates to use this addon.

Caerydd 02-22-2008 08:21 AM

^^ Thanks for keeping up sweede. I would prefer not to have the shell_blank template edit indeed, it was just a temporary solution that allowed me to have both functioning :)


Martinjepsen 02-22-2008 11:28 PM

well i got them sorta working, but im getting :

Fatal error: Call to undefined method SQL_DB::escape_string_like() in /forum/includes/init.php(329) : eval()'d code on line 30

i had to remove all the Function definitions in vbulletin_wowhead.php as it was firing them twice

Ive looked through the code in the vbulletin_wowhead.php and it seems to steal a lot of info from VB, but wouldn't it be simpler to just have it fetch the data directly from the database? now I'm not good at php or coding in general, so my opinion isn't worth much, I'm just looking for a solution that works.
Thank you for this great add-on.

sweede 02-23-2008 01:41 AM

It should be importing the vbulletin global file and associated data such as the database class and vbulletin registry. The main reason i did this is so that you wouldnt have to configure anything but the path in vbulletin_wowhead.php

i'll look at it later tonight / tomorrow morning and get an update out.

CremeEgg 02-29-2008 09:29 AM

Just a quick post, have you put any thought into using WoWDB in a mod like this?

As far as I can see it's almost the same as WoW Head.


sweede 02-29-2008 09:35 AM

wowdb doesnt provide XML feeds of their items like wowhead does. to actually support wowdb i would have to hit wowhead (or the armory) to get the item id from the item name, then i can generate the code for wowdb.. but, why would you want to do that? If the item existed in say, wowdb and not in wowhead, your users would have to know the item ID before they can link it via wowdb.

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