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tubedogg 05-26-2001 07:54 PM


Originally posted by RobAC
Where is the correct location to place the line of code he is talking about? [/B]
right below
PHP Code:

       $message str_replace("\\'","'",$message); 

julius 05-26-2001 08:01 PM

How can I change last post time to -> server time + 6 hours (GMT+1)?
Thanks :)

tubedogg 05-26-2001 08:05 PM

The time will be displayed as whatever you set in your User CP - the server time is automatically adjusted by vB.

julius 05-26-2001 08:25 PM

In Admin CP I have:
Time Zone Offset
Time (in hours) that the server is offset from GMT. = GMT -5 hours
In My User CP I have: GMT +1 (Central Europe)

The last post time in the Community bulletin is GMT -5.

Don't know way. :(

RobAC 05-26-2001 08:54 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg

right below
PHP Code:

       $message str_replace("\\'","'",$message); 

I can't find that line in the commbull97.php file at all.

tubedogg 05-26-2001 09:01 PM

That's because vB removed the two backslashes.

Try this

$message = str_replace("\\'","'",$message);

EXCHANGE 05-27-2001 03:46 AM

First of all: Great Hack :D

But I had a problem when letting the Script create a new Thread. Actually my "News and Announcements" Forum is moderated, so I?m getting this Error when trying to use the "Create Thread" function in the bulletin mailer. The thread and post tables are updated correctly, but updating the forum table causes a problem.

chrispadfield 05-30-2001 09:42 AM

I am getting this SQL error:


<!-- Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM user WHERE SUBSTRING(birthday,6)>='05-30' AND SUBSTRING(birthday,6)<='06-13' ORDER BY SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Wednesday 30th of May 2001 02:19:18 AM
Script: /forums/admin/commbull.php

the_sisko 05-30-2001 10:48 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by The_Sisko
Turn Birthdays to 0!!!
Your mysql version is not up to date and doesn't support SUBSTRING!

chrispadfield 05-30-2001 12:22 PM

arr. ok thank you.

Santa 05-30-2001 02:08 PM

I get this error after I tried to send the mails out.

Could not execute mail delivery program in /homepages/31/d11193551/htdocs/forum/admin/commbull.php on line 541

any tips for me ??


etones 05-31-2001 11:35 AM

great hack.. hats of the both kiew and tubedogg.

One possibility... can you add the automaric javascript forwarding thing when sending out?


Blue2000 05-31-2001 03:17 PM

this is great works very well on my board, installed without any problems (then again how could you have problems with such an easy way to install)

Well done to both of you, i know for one i will be using this hack.

There is one little thing tho it auto picks up your url, but i dont what a Dlink to the board i want to put my main domain name in as i have phpnuke running on my site, is there anyway to do this in the next ver maybe? or tell me know i can do that now?

Thanks and great work dudes

Pingu 05-31-2001 10:41 PM

More errors for me. I already had to set birthdays to 0 and now this one pops up (commbull097):

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET WHERE
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE userid='1'' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064

The line I found in commbull is, I think:
$d = $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET ".iif($foruminfo[countposts],"posts=posts+1","")." WHERE userid='$id[id]'");

So, what's this? More version misery?

tubedogg 05-31-2001 10:44 PM

mmm...I didn't really think that one one through. I'll fix it up hopefully by this weekend.

Eficrx 06-01-2001 01:29 PM

cant wait to add it when its fixed !!!:D

tubedogg 06-03-2001 03:28 AM

I updated the script so it fixed that stupid bug. Sorry I didn't think about that before. :o

RobAC 06-03-2001 03:32 AM

oh NOW you update the script Kevin....after I just downloaded the old version again and made the script change to correct the email formatting problem....which still didn't work. Great timing Kev! :D :D :D

supernut 06-03-2001 03:24 PM

the install worked but then when you go to send this happens, the output is posted in the forum but thats it, no emails are sent ?


Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET 'posts=posts+1' WHERE userid='1'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ''posts=posts+1' WHERE userid='1'' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Sunday 03rd of June 2001 12:22:17 PM


Eficrx 06-03-2001 03:30 PM

i just installed it . Everything works even tested it by sending emails out.

tubedogg 06-03-2001 03:32 PM

Fixed. Download the zip file and reupload commbull.php.

cobradude 06-03-2001 04:52 PM

tubedogg & Kier, thank you for this hack! It's awesome!!!

supernut 06-03-2001 05:45 PM

WOW.... great fix

Sinema 06-11-2001 04:20 AM

This looks great and I can't wait for it to work but I got this error and I do not know enough about mySQL or php to figure where it came from

After installing the hack and setting up the preferences .. I clicked the okay or whatever and it sent me this error

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM user WHERE SUBSTRING(birthday,6)>='06-10' AND SUBSTRING(birthday,6)<='06-24' ORDER BY SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064

Not sure what to do to fix it..

tubedogg 06-11-2001 05:19 AM

Set birthdays to 0.

aldamon 06-11-2001 04:23 PM

Thank you thank you thank you!

This hack rules!!!

amykhar 06-11-2001 04:59 PM

I love watching who's online after I send out the weekly bulletin. People that I thought had died show up on the board and poke around.

Thanks for this great hack. :)

Now, I can't resist picking on you a little bit and asking for this hack to be upgraded so that it maintains the settings (the forums not to include, how many threads to include, etc.) so that all I have to do is tell it to send once a week.


KeithMcL 06-14-2001 10:53 AM

When I try previewing the mail I get the database error.

Anyone got any ideas?

Tiss ok, I see the post above about it. Thanks

Joe 06-18-2001 12:38 AM

Im having problems with the Threads posted most recently option, im showing the first few threads posted, not the last threads posted. Is this a v.98 bug, or am i using this wrong? :)

Byron 06-18-2001 02:20 AM

- Will adding the new field to user database cause any conflict in future vb release?

- Just in case if we do not want to use this script after adding the new field to user database, how do we revert back any changes to the database?

- Hope that hack will appear in the next vb release.

Cold Steel 06-18-2001 03:36 AM

This is great.


tubedogg 06-18-2001 04:06 AM


Originally posted by Byron
Will adding the new field to user database cause any conflict in future vb release?
Not unless this hack becomes part of vB itself, in which case Kier or I (or somebody) will try to make sure that some sort of contingency exists for those that already installed it.


Just in case if we do not want to use this script after adding the new field to user database, how do we revert back any changes to the database?
DROP receivebulletin FROM user;
Run that query from telnet or phpMyAdmin.


Hope that hack will appear in the next vb release.
Maybe. ;)

Byron 06-18-2001 04:38 AM

Thanks tubedogg!

VirtueTech 06-20-2001 02:42 PM

The hack installed great, but when ever I try and run the hack...it timesout.....I have over 150 forums, maybe that is why.

Too bad...I really want to use it. :(

tubedogg 06-21-2001 10:17 AM

Does it timeout after the first screen or when going to send emails?

Dave# 06-21-2001 09:11 PM

ooops - ignore

mjames 06-22-2001 01:58 AM


Thanks for this wonderful hack. I went through all the steps and got to the part where I can specify when it goes out, to who, etc., but I got the "There seems to have been a slight problem with the database..." error and this e-mail:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM user WHERE SUBSTRING(birthday,6)>='06-21' AND SUBSTRING(birthday,6)<='07-05' ORDER BY SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,10' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Thursday 21st of June 2001 10:51:46 PM
Script: /community/boards/admin/commbull.php
Referer: http://www.sports-central.org/commun...n/commbull.php
Any idea? Thanks!

tubedogg 06-22-2001 06:04 AM

Unfortunately that's a limitation of some older versions of MySQL that don't allow sorting by substring. For right now the workaround is to set birthdays to 0 and not send them until I can figure out some other way to do it. :(

Dave# 06-22-2001 08:58 AM

Damn I am having problems:

I have set the comm to only use data from the 1st of June onwards but look at the dates in this snip from the preview.

NB dates are in European format date:month:year


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tubedogg 06-22-2001 09:08 AM

Double-check that you have "Only include threads that have been started or replied to since this date?" set to Yes. It is set to No by default.

All times are GMT. The time now is 04:17 AM.

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