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-   -   Mini Mods - Ajax Fisheye Menu (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=160422)

djyarasa 10-20-2007 06:51 AM

There was some problem I found.
1. Fisheye folder, javascript and style.css etc. must be in public_html but images, must be in public_html/FORUM folder
(public_html/fisheye/js folder and iepngfix.htc and style.css)
(public_html/forum/fisheye/images/-images-.png etc.)

If they are on other local, it is not working safely (:

And, if you wanna use just bottom dock, in the templates, ajax.... afm_fisheye_menu -you must chance id to

<!--bottom dock -->
<div class="dock" id="dock2">
  <div class="dock-container2">

and on afm_fisheye_stylesheet maybe you must delete this code


/* dock2 - bottom */
#dock2 {
        width: 100%;
        bottom: 0px;
        position: absolute;
        left: 0px;


/* dock2 - bottom */
#dock2 {
        width: 100%;
        bottom: 0px;
        left: 0px;

because "position: absolute;" have some problem on the screen,
If it has not some graphy like be on screen bottom, not page bottom or codes area, you must delete it...

And BecomeUnbroken, I like your site's navigator menu (: can you give me codes? (: (:
It is not include on the alienblue thema...

apdcanari 10-20-2007 07:50 AM

Good hack !

View on my site : http://www.apdcanari.com/

View on my forum : http://www.apdcanari.com/forum/

Thanks !

C?dric ;)

MiahBeSmokin420 10-20-2007 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by djyarasa (Post 1364212)
There was some problem I found.
1. Fisheye folder, javascript and style.css etc. must be in public_html but images, must be in public_html/FORUM folder
(public_html/fisheye/js folder and iepngfix.htc and style.css)
(public_html/forum/fisheye/images/-images-.png etc.)

If they are on other local, it is not working safely (:

And, if you wanna use just bottom dock, in the templates, ajax.... afm_fisheye_menu -you must chance id to

<!--bottom dock -->
<div class="dock" id="dock2">
  <div class="dock-container2">

and on afm_fisheye_stylesheet maybe you must delete this code


/* dock2 - bottom */
#dock2 {
        width: 100%;
        bottom: 0px;
        position: absolute;
        left: 0px;


/* dock2 - bottom */
#dock2 {
        width: 100%;
        bottom: 0px;
        left: 0px;

because "position: absolute;" have some problem on the screen,
If it has not some graphy like be on screen bottom, not page bottom or codes area, you must delete it...

And BecomeUnbroken, I like your site's navigator menu (: can you give me codes? (: (:
It is not include on the alienblue thema...

ok look i tried that

it worked and made the second one apear


its not in the footer

so what im going to attempt to do is this

im going to redownload that whole thing

then im going to recode it with diffrent words mostlikly just changing afm to mfa or something

then im going to reinstall it and then just add it in the footer that way

seems alot easier then i will just have 2 products the same name and then ya tada

well ill let you know how it works when im done seeing as how you are the coder

but it should only take about 2 mins to do with dreamweaver so ya ima go do that peace

Konstantinos 10-20-2007 10:48 AM

very cool but there is a conflict with mod AJAX MOOD MANAGER. when this is installed mood manager doesnt change , when i disable it mood manager changes . Need a fix ;)

MiahBeSmokin420 10-20-2007 11:09 AM

seems like thats something to do with something on your end man

i have the mood manager

and i just got done recoding the entire mod so i could have it in the header and footer at the same time

all my stuff works great

here ill even give you a demo

Click Here For Demo That Wont Go Away

Konstantinos 10-20-2007 11:18 AM

try to change your mood ;) - keep in mind i have the fish code in header and not navbar

MiahBeSmokin420 10-20-2007 11:23 AM

i just did right after before i made that post

i would post something saying my stuff works fine if it dont

trust me i have had 15 staff members crawling around my site testing every feature

the reason for that is cause i have been doing alot of style edites to the templates and stuff like that

sorry man mine works great

what version of vb you on?

and also do you do manual template edits for all products or do you let most mods do auto edits?

Konstantinos 10-20-2007 11:32 AM

3.6.8 mostly manual

Konstantinos 10-20-2007 11:38 AM

definitely has nothing to do with templates cause i just checked with another style which doesnt have the fish code at all anywhere and still ajax mood manager doesnt change, when i disable fisheye it works. so its not a template thing

MiahBeSmokin420 10-20-2007 11:39 AM

see i use 3.6.7 cause i know that alot of stuff dont work right with 3.6.8

plus i dont want to have to go back through and do all the damn edits to the php files again

but anyways

where are you putting it at in the nav bar?

if you want whats the link to you site that you have it on and i can look at it

but there realy aint much i can do with out being in the admin cp and im not tring to get up in your stuff man no way

unless there is money involved lol

Konstantinos 10-20-2007 11:50 AM

i am putting it in header but as i said there are other styles without the fisheye code anywhere and mood manager doesnt change unless i disable fisheye product

MiahBeSmokin420 10-20-2007 11:56 AM

ya well idk man your not giveing me enough info

but seems like you are just putting the $afm_menu in the wrong spots

cause i know when i edit my nav bar from time to time i put something in certian spots and it wipes out my shout box and then i got to reinstall it

so idk just seems as if you are putting it in a bad spot

try doing this:


<div align="center">

try adding that at the very bottom of the header

Konstantinos 10-20-2007 12:15 PM

well as i said even if there is NOWHERE in the template the $afm_menu thingy mood manager doesnt update mood unless i disable the product fisheye

AzzidReign 10-20-2007 04:02 PM

Wow, this looks awesome!!! *clicks install* I'm going to have to find a way to implement this on my site now lol

BecomeUnbroken 10-20-2007 04:34 PM

I would love to help all you guys.. but I am in the middle of college midterms right now.. so, my time is extremely limited.. I can't promise support for this week.. School comes first (unfortunately)

yinyang 10-20-2007 11:02 PM

First off, thank you for a most wonderful mod.

I would like to put the menu descriptions on the top (when it is hovered) rather than the current bottom. How would I do that?

StuntFactoryX 10-20-2007 11:58 PM

heres a link for icons. not sure if they are compatible for this mod...


Adam21 10-21-2007 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by StuntFactoryX (Post 1364711)
heres a link for icons. not sure if they are compatible for this mod...


Good link,the dimensions you can specify them as you wish in the templates

Adam21 10-21-2007 06:44 AM

Strange,this mod interferes with my site's AJAX Quick edit in posts.Anyone has this similiar problem?

Konstantinos 10-21-2007 07:16 AM

i got a similar problem with mod AJAX mood manager

djyarasa 10-21-2007 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by MiahBeSmokin420 (Post 1364234)
ok look i tried that

it worked and made the second one apear


its not in the footer

so what im going to attempt to do is this

im going to redownload that whole thing

then im going to recode it with diffrent words mostlikly just changing afm to mfa or something

then im going to reinstall it and then just add it in the footer that way

seems alot easier then i will just have 2 products the same name and then ya tada

well ill let you know how it works when im done seeing as how you are the coder

but it should only take about 2 mins to do with dreamweaver so ya ima go do that peace

If you wanna do 2 menus, on navbar and footer. You must add afm codes on right place...
on header, maybe between div tags, and footer maybe can be between table tags. Its your decide, choose.

But, there was some mistake on your site, I found.
Firstly, your first fisheye menu is -where under the navbar,- compatible for footer, cause links are on top of images...
Secondary, your footer fisheye menu does not working good. Images coming big when mouse is about 200px up from menu...

So, what you must do ?
You can delete your second added menu, -mfa- and you must add $afm_menu second place like navbar and footer...


You can write first fisheye menus codes like --on right template, first menu template--



<img codes>
but I don't know how you can solve mouse problem, it is about "position" codes.
You will try and find...

AND I will going to solve this problems, before BecomeUnbroken (: (:
But, peacely... For us...

BecomeUnbroken 10-21-2007 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by citroenar (Post 1363935)
if I remove mine,then lightbox dont work like should work (open picture normal,but on close it like redirect me back on forumhome) and if I remove yours then both dont work.
I found another error - se picture

I just checked my editor and that weird code you are getting in the text size selector isn't coming from my mod, because mine looks normal.

As for the lightbox problem, I will install that mod on my site later and try to debug it..

BecomeUnbroken 10-21-2007 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by yinyang (Post 1364691)
First off, thank you for a most wonderful mod.

I would like to put the menu descriptions on the top (when it is hovered) rather than the current bottom. How would I do that?

Thank you! As for the text.. on top, you need to change it to dock container 2.. i will be more detailed if you need me to be, but can't right now i'm in a rush sorry


Originally Posted by Adam21 (Post 1364872)
Strange,this mod interferes with my site's AJAX Quick edit in posts.Anyone has this similiar problem?

strange my quick editor is working normally... try using it without the menu installed.. then again with it installed.. just to make sure its this mod causing it


Originally Posted by Konstantinos (Post 1364883)
i got a similar problem with mod AJAX mood manager

Mine's working fine... are you sure it's this mod.. try uninstalling and using mood manager then reinstalling and using mood manager

As for everyone else.. i will have a little time this afternoon to answer other questions in more detail... so i will try and answer as many questions as i can today

as i said before, i will be unavailable most of this upcoming week due to college midterm exams

Thanks to those of you helping out with the support and debugging, i really do appreciate it...:D

Konstantinos 10-21-2007 02:03 PM

i did reinstall fisyey but same. mood manager doesnt change mood unless fisheye is disabled

Konstantinos 10-21-2007 02:08 PM

i just registered at your site, mood manager doesnt change there as well


i did a recheck

Well it works with firefox but not in IE

in IE when fisheye is active mood doesnt chage

chompychan 10-21-2007 02:08 PM

As soon as I can find a use for it on my forum, I am gonna install this. It looks so awesome.

MiahBeSmokin420 10-21-2007 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by djyarasa (Post 1364935)
If you wanna do 2 menus, on navbar and footer. You must add afm codes on right place...
on header, maybe between div tags, and footer maybe can be between table tags. Its your decide, choose.

But, there was some mistake on your site, I found.
Firstly, your first fisheye menu is -where under the navbar,- compatible for footer, cause links are on top of images...
Secondary, your footer fisheye menu does not working good. Images coming big when mouse is about 200px up from menu...

So, what you must do ?
You can delete your second added menu, -mfa- and you must add $afm_menu second place like navbar and footer...


You can write first fisheye menus codes like --on right template, first menu template--



<img codes>
but I don't know how you can solve mouse problem, it is about "position" codes.
You will try and find...

AND I will going to solve this problems, before BecomeUnbroken (: (:
But, peacely... For us...

well hey its all good i already recoded the whole thing so now i have 2 products installed

fish eye menu top
fish eye menu bottom

if you want ill upload it all in a zip file with install details

cause i just put

$afm_menu in the header


$mfa_menu in the footer

im sure someone could code it to all be in one product

but i just didnt feel like doing all that

if someone wants to do that then ill gladly upload the one i recoded to work in the footer

BecomeUnbroken 10-21-2007 04:25 PM

i will have this in a future release :)

MiahBeSmokin420 10-21-2007 05:44 PM

ok sound good when i se it ill deffantly uninstall the ones i got and upgrade

BozzaJos 10-21-2007 07:12 PM

Looks like a fun hack to have! Will make my site look way cooler.
Can you tell us when the future release will be finished approx.? And I tried to download this version but when I want to unpack it with WinRAR it says "unexpected end of archive".

Also, would it be possible to use it on vBAdvanced homepage in a module on the left? So with all the menu icons below eachother?

Great hack, thanks in advance!

Scr00L00s3 10-22-2007 09:58 AM

Great hack. Works like a champ. <installed>

PabloAM 10-22-2007 01:13 PM

How to fix this?



Triky 10-23-2007 04:30 PM

I like it!

kether1 10-23-2007 11:56 PM

I have been working with this for a few days now and have not been able to get it to display in the vBadvanced CMPS of my site. I finally got it to work on the regular forums by putting the fisheye folder it two different locations: public_html and /forums.

Does anyone actually have this working on a vBadvanced page? Everything just piles up on one side on top of itself for me. I really would love to get this to work on the home page of my site as I feel this is an awesome modification! Nice work. I look forward to your future developments!

I am waiting to mark *installed* until I can actually implement it on the home page .

Warm regards,

iogames 10-26-2007 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by BecomeUnbroken (Post 1365180)
i will have this in a future release :)

and when is that? :(

MiahBeSmokin420 10-26-2007 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by kether1 (Post 1367100)
I have been working with this for a few days now and have not been able to get it to display in the vBadvanced CMPS of my site. I finally got it to work on the regular forums by putting the fisheye folder it two different locations: public_html and /forums.

Does anyone actually have this working on a vBadvanced page? Everything just piles up on one side on top of itself for me. I really would love to get this to work on the home page of my site as I feel this is an awesome modification! Nice work. I look forward to your future developments!

I am waiting to mark *installed* until I can actually implement it on the home page .

Warm regards,

yes i have it working on every singe page of my site in the header and footer

BecomeUnbroken 10-27-2007 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1369397)
and when is that? :(

I haven't forgotten about this, don't worry.. I just have more important things to tackle right now.. I will update this soon ;)

TheMilkCarton 10-27-2007 06:58 AM

Can someone smarter than me make a vertical version?

You can download the uncompressed fisheye source here

I've changed the JavaScript to work kind of... But I'm no math major, so the distance formula and grabbing the cursor's x,y position isn't exactly optimal.

It works fine vertically on my test, but it doesn't scale well if you change the magnification.

As for the problems with other JS and AJAX, this is going to continue until the $ in the JS is replaced with something else. I'm working on this myself.

Oh, and I've never downloaded this mod, I'm just using the original files, so other than porting this, have there been any actual code changes?

I managed to get it just the way I want it. I had to change a lot of code, obviously. I have to spend a while figuring out more accurate math for the JS though, since it won't scale properly with the icon size. And until I get it perfect, I don't think I'll be releasing it, sorry! (Not like anyone wants it... =p)

Screenshot: Attachment 71609

I've only made two icons so far, also.. Maybe when I finish them I'll at least release an icon add-on. :)

BecomeUnbroken 10-27-2007 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by TheMilkCarton (Post 1369563)
Can someone smarter than me make a vertical version?

You can download the uncompressed fisheye source here

I've changed the JavaScript to work kind of... But I'm no math major, so the distance formula and grabbing the cursor's x,y position isn't exactly optimal.

It works fine vertically on my test, but it doesn't scale well if you change the magnification.

As for the problems with other JS and AJAX, this is going to continue until the $ in the JS is replaced with something else. I'm working on this myself.

Oh, and I've never downloaded this mod, I'm just using the original files, so other than porting this, have there been any actual code changes?

I managed to get it just the way I want it. I had to change a lot of code, obviously. I have to spend a while figuring out more accurate math for the JS though, since it won't scale properly with the icon size. And until I get it perfect, I don't think I'll be releasing it, sorry! (Not like anyone wants it... =p)

Screenshot: Attachment 71609

I've only made two icons so far, also.. Maybe when I finish them I'll at least release an icon add-on. :)

Not many code changes other that CSS... I actually adapted (ported) this to vBulletin for personal use.. but thought it was cool, so decided to share it here and with help from the community help sort out the incompatibilities that arose.. that's why i released it as a Beta.. i plan on adding AdminCP options to make for easier configuration

This modification was just something random that I adapted to vBulletin..
The original source code isn't mine and I give credit, and a linkback to the original author in my post..

As for the original JS source, I really haven't had much time to do anything with it yet

74corvette 10-27-2007 10:12 PM

Just an FYI but I installed this on my 3.6.8 board and it killed my Inferno shoutbox. Too bad but I had to uinstall it.

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