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hotwheels 09-27-2007 03:57 PM


go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Redtube

In the description, Redtube xxx-rated Videos

In the display order, 418 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://www\.redtube\.com/([\w]+)

Replacement, insert: <embed src="http://www.redtube.com/_playerx/flash/client_players/redtube/xmoov-flv-player.swf" width="460" height="406" bgcolor="#000000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" allowfullscreen="false" flashvars="styleURL=/_playerx/flash/styles/va3.css?player_start=content&content_video=$p1&pos troll_link=http://www.redtube.com/$p1&autostart=false&detectFlash=8" /></embed>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: /_playerx/flash/styles/va3\.css\?

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 09-27-2007 04:10 PM

Per a request:

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Break.com

In the description, Break.com Videos

In the display order, 406 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://www\.break\.com/index/([\w-]+)\.html

Replacement, insert: <embed src="http://embed.break.com/$p1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="464" height="392"></embed></object>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: http://embed\.break\.com/([\w]+)

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


ammoskumar 09-27-2007 04:37 PM

Not at all :D not at all:D thanx Danny waiting for ir:up:

hotwheels 09-27-2007 05:04 PM

Per a request:

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, FileFront

In the description, FileFront Videos

In the display order, 414 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://files\.filefront\.com/([\w+/;]+)\.html

Replacement, insert: <object width="450" height="338"><param name="movieID" value="http://static4.filefront.com/ffv6/player/vp_embed.swf?v=$p1&autorun=false"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://static1.filefront.com/ffv6/player/vp_embed.swf?v=$p1&autorun=false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="338"></embed></object>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: http://files\.filefront\.com/([\w+/;]+)\.html

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


Dannyloski 09-27-2007 06:05 PM

Wow lots of new ones ... Awesome job hotwheels - you are getting ahead of the game, great job ... I will make these XMLs and add them to the .ZIP in a bit :up:

Dannyloski 09-27-2007 07:52 PM

Alright Guys ... New Update!

I went ahead and added all those RegExs that hotwheels has done up-to-date to the List + to the .ZIP File in .XML format for easy importing! In addition, I fixed the issues that were occurring with the below RegExs:
  • RealMedia Videos (.RM & .RAM Extensions)
  • Windows Media Player Videos (.WMV Extension)
  • QuickTime Videos (.MOV Extension)
  • SWF Videos Files
  • MP3 Files

In order to have the above RegExs work, you must do the following:
  1. Right Click the .XML File and Click Edit (Open in NotePad or WordPad)
  2. Look for YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE in the Code (appears only once for each .XML)
  3. Change YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE to your site's name. (ie: If your site is http://www.talkjdm.com, then you would replace YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE with talkjdm)
  4. Save .XML and Import to your Site - Done!

If you have any of the above RegEx's in your Site, you need to Delete Them and Reupload the most up-to-date version doing the changes to each as required and as stated here or you will begin to have issues with your site. There was a coding error in these RegExs and it will mess up your Site's Display Settings, so please do as I have stated to resolve the issue.

Well, that's it ... Enjoy!

Subah 09-30-2007 08:28 PM

Can you help me to play .3gp files ??
usually i play it with real player in my PC.

hotwheels 09-30-2007 08:49 PM

Not really sure what a 3gp file is, do you have a link to any site's that use it?

hotwheels 09-30-2007 08:53 PM

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Libero

In the description, Libero Videos

In the display order, 426 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://video\.libero\.it/app/play\?id=([\w]+)

Replacement, insert: <embed src="http://video.libero.it/static/swf/eltvplayer.swf?id=$p1.flv&ap=0" width="400" height="333" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: http://video\.libero\.it/static/swf/...yer\.swf\?id=([\w]+)\.flv

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 09-30-2007 08:56 PM

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Vidiac

In the description, Vidiac Videos

In the display order, 423 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://www\.vidiac\.com/video/([\w-]+)\.htm

Replacement, insert: <embed src="http://www.vidiac.com/vidiac.swf" FlashVars="video=$p1" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="428" height="352" name="ePlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 09-30-2007 08:58 PM

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, sharkle

In the description, sharkle Videos

In the display order, 422 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://www\.sharkle\.com/video/([\w/]+)

Replacement, insert: <embed src=http://www.sharkle.com/externalPlayer/$p1 wmode=transparent width=340 height=310 type=application/x-shockwave-flash></embed>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: http://www\.sharkle\.com/externalPlayer/([\w/]+)

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 09-30-2007 09:00 PM

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Funnyordie

In the description, Funnyordie Videos

In the display order, 421 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://www\.funnyordie\.com/videos/([\w]+)

Replacement, insert: <embed width="464" height="388" flashvars="key=$p1" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high" src="http://www2.funnyordie.com/public/flash/fodplayer.swf?1190885872" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 09-30-2007 09:03 PM

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Dorks.com

In the description, Dorks Videos

In the display order, 420 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://www\.dorks\.com/videos/([\w-]+)\.html

Replacement, insert: <embed src='$p1' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' width='320' height='267' name='player_v3' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: http://204\.14\.123\.30/player/player_v3\.swf\?vid=([\w]+)

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 09-30-2007 09:10 PM

Some of the ones i am working on, but having trouble with: Redtube, Garagetv.be, Porkolt, Current.tv, Youporn, NYC link.brightcove.

If you have any other requests, or find any that aren't working from the .xml list above, please let us know.

Subah 09-30-2007 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1350408)
Not really sure what a 3gp file is, do you have a link to any site's that use it?

Hi hotwheels and thanks for asking
The 3gp file is a kind of video file capture by the Nokia mobile system, and the new generation of Nokia mobile it use mp4 in video capture i hope i find XML file for it.
Thank you again :)

Dannyloski 10-01-2007 02:37 AM

wow! Lots of new ones hotwheels :up: ... Internet is coming and going in my house ... Stupid cable provider finally realized that the line is messed up and that too much noise is going into tit so the cable gets interrupted a lot. They should be replacing the entire line this week ... I'll get those added to .XML and the .ZIP soon ...

aztecboi2003 10-01-2007 04:05 AM

Thanks a lot guys but for some reason the ESPN and the Redtube don't work for me.

hotwheels 10-01-2007 07:36 PM

aztecboi2003, try using this addy real quick in one of your post's for espn and let me know if it works. All you should have to do is "copy shortcut" and paste it in a thread..... http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/...goryId=2459789 and the video's should come from this page on espn: http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/video/

Redtube is still in beta, several of these are a bit tougher then i thought they would be......

aztecboi2003 10-01-2007 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels (Post 1350932)
aztecboi2003, try using this addy real quick in one of your post's for espn and let me know if it works. All you should have to do is "copy shortcut" and paste it in a thread..... http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/...goryId=2459789 and the video's should come from this page on espn: http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/video/

Redtube is still in beta, several of these are a bit tougher then i thought they would be......

Thanks. I am using FF, I tried copy link location and it worked, but it gave me 2 of the video. In between it says " title="ESPN Videos" target="_blank">ESPN Videos

hotwheels 10-01-2007 09:34 PM

try setting "contain" to NO........I believe it is set to "yes" right now.....

aztecboi2003 10-01-2007 10:43 PM

Thanks that fixed it

hotwheels 10-02-2007 11:30 AM

Awesome aztecboi2003

cws 10-02-2007 11:37 AM

Is there any possibility to embed .mp4 or .divx video like the Quicktime ones?

This would be great to use my own video on my server.

simple Solution found:

Just rewrite the xml, change mov to mp4.
This seems to me the way to play all QT compatible formats.

SKULL1985 10-03-2007 02:30 AM

Thanks for the BrightCove and MegaVideo ones!

Digital Jedi 10-03-2007 04:50 AM

I didn't see a request for http://www.ign.com/, so I thought I'd throw that one on the pile. Thanks for all your hard work.

Borden 10-03-2007 12:15 PM

I accidentally delted DailyMotion. I was wondering If you can make it a XML file for me so I can upload it.


hotwheels 10-03-2007 12:27 PM

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Daily Motion

In the description, Auto link Daily Motion Videos

In the display order, 80 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: [http://]*[a-z]*?[\.]?dailymotion\.[a-z\.]+([&\w;=\+_\-\/]*)

Replacement, insert: <object width="425" height="335"><param name="movie" value="$p1"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><embed src="$p1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="335" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: value=&quot;([http://]*[a-z]*\.dailymotion\.[a-z]+/swf/[\w\d]+)&quot;

That should do it for ya Borden

redlabour 10-03-2007 04:09 PM


Change YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE to your site's name. (ie: If your site is http://www.talkjdm.com, then you would replace YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE with talkjdm)
And what about *.de Domains ??

Borden 10-03-2007 05:20 PM

DailyMotion and yahoo does not work. All the shows up is a blank box with the title of yahoo or dailymotion. A fix?

cws 10-03-2007 11:24 PM

Installed and everything seems to be ok.

Now I found that all videos from myvideo.de show the same video. whatever you post. it is always the same video shown.

But only when using the Internet Explorer, Firefox show the right video.
No problems on the Mac.

Dannyloski 10-04-2007 12:45 AM

redlabour, the extension does not matter (.com, .net, .us, .tv, etc)

redlabour 10-04-2007 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1352489)
redlabour, the extension does not matter (.com, .net, .us, .tv, etc)

Thanks! :)

Dannyloski 10-04-2007 04:33 PM

Borden, do you have the Extract Info box enabled. If you do not, then make sure that you do for those two, cause if not they wont work.

cws, I would have to take a look at the RegExs and determine if there is some type of error in them for myvideo.de. I didnt create it, so there could be some errors I dont know about. Its weird that it only happens on IE and on FF it shows perfectly.

redlabour, no problem ... Remember, do not type in the extension, just the site's name.

I will be adding the RegEx by hotwheels sometime this week to the .ZIP, still having Internet issues at my house, plus I got midterms and other things to worry about - college sucks!

cws 10-04-2007 07:45 PM

cws, I would have to take a look at the RegExs and determine if there is some type of error in them for myvideo.de. I didnt create it, so there could be some errors I dont know about. Its weird that it only happens on IE and on FF it shows perfectly.

I know about this and do not reproach anybody.
Thanks to you and all the other offering all this.

If you or anybody else could find out about the weird problem, would be nice.
It is not really an importend problem.

Borden 10-05-2007 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Dannyloski (Post 1352923)
Borden, do you have the Extract Info box enabled. If you do not, then make sure that you do for those two, cause if not they wont work.

cws, I would have to take a look at the RegExs and determine if there is some type of error in them for myvideo.de. I didnt create it, so there could be some errors I dont know about. Its weird that it only happens on IE and on FF it shows perfectly.

redlabour, no problem ... Remember, do not type in the extension, just the site's name.

I will be adding the RegEx by hotwheels sometime this week to the .ZIP, still having Internet issues at my house, plus I got midterms and other things to worry about - college sucks!

I have the box checked. I am running version 3.6.5. And more ideas?

hotwheels 10-05-2007 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Borden (Post 1352255)
DailyMotion and yahoo does not work. All the shows up is a blank box with the title of yahoo or dailymotion. A fix?

Try going into your admincp, ame cp, then display. Delete the dailymotion and the yahoo, and then back over on your ame cp, click import, and reimport dailymotion and yahoo xmls.

http://www.insanemustangs.com/forums...5&postcount=26 yahoo i just uploaded to my site........and http://www.insanemustangs.com/forums...4&postcount=25 dailymotion.......

Subah 10-05-2007 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Subah (Post 1350435)
Hi hotwheels and thanks for asking
The 3gp file is a kind of video file capture by the Nokia mobile system, and the new generation of Nokia mobile it use mp4 in video capture i hope i find XML file for it.
Thank you again :)

Any thing new for me :)

hotwheels 10-05-2007 10:30 PM

Per a request: (Note: Be sure when you want to embed a video from this particular site, that you copy and paste the url: to the right of the video player on their site. Just left click on the wording next to url: then right click and copy. Then just paste that url on your site and you are good to go.)

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Gameroom.mlgpro.com

In the description, Gameroom videos

In the display order, 440 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://gameroom\.mlgpro\.com/view/([\w]+)\.html

Replacement, insert: <object width="420" height="345"><param name="movie" value="http://gameroom.mlgpro.com/v/$p1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://gameroom.mlgpro.com//v/$p1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="420" height="345"></embed></object>

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: http://gameroom\.mlgpro\.com/v/([\w]+)

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


hotwheels 10-05-2007 10:33 PM

sorry subah, i totally forgot.........I have been working on a bunch of other video site's and have become very frustrated with some of the coding for this mode. It's not the mode itself, but the embed process some site's use. Basically anti leaching stuff.
I will start looking into your code though.......do you have any sites i can reference for the .mp4 and .3gp?

hotwheels 10-05-2007 10:36 PM

also, those wanting youporn, pornotube, etc.......are going to have to wait a bit. The coding from these sites end up pulling the actual video do to the 18 years or older click.......i am trying to figure out how to bypass this. Right now, i can get video uploaded from these site's, but after i clear cookies from my computer, the screen stops and you basically have to reenter the site........

One that i did get going at this time is Xvideohost.com

go to the ame cp in your admin control panel and open display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "add new".

In the title space, Xvideohost.com (This is for adult sites only)

In the description, Xvideohost

In the display order, 437 (or whatever number you want)

Active, set to yes

Contain, set to yes

Regular expression, insert: http://www\.xvideohost\.com/video\.php\?id=([\w]+)

Replacement, insert: <embed src="http://www.xvideohost.com/flvplayer.swf" flashvars="file=http://x1.xvideohost.com/vds/$p1.flv" quality="high" width="460" height="406" align="middle" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

Extract destination data, set to yes

Embedding Regexp, insert: [http://]*[\w]*?[\.]?[a-z]*[\.][a-z]*/[a-z]*/([0-9][-\w]*/[\w]*/[\w]*/[\w]*[&\d;=\+_\-\/]*)\.flv

Nothing else to do but click "save" and you are good to go........I am not very good with the actual xml stuff. So i have been doing these updates manually for my own site.


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