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sinisterpain 08-19-2007 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by tekguru (Post 1320924)
Superb :)

Only one problem we modified the template as in this post to make it cleaner and now we get a slight piece of red at the start of the bar, and no closing box at the end as you can see here.

Any ideas?

Superb responce to the request though :) If the template can't be fixed I'll go back to the original template :)

I have tested this on my test board and I do not have a problem with the end box not closing. From looking at your template you have modified the original quite a bit you may try to remove the class from the table for the donor bar. As far as the bit of red thats normal, I did not see this as a big issue but if you think it is then I will have to adjust the code to remove it.

tekguru 08-19-2007 02:58 PM

Can you post the original template on site please so I can revert and see if that improves the look of it.

The red part I can live with but as three users have PM'ed me asking about it - it might be an idea to fix it if you can :)

sinisterpain 08-19-2007 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by tekguru (Post 1320957)
Can you post the original template on site please so I can revert and see if that improves the look of it.

The red part I can live with but as three users have PM'ed me asking about it - it might be an idea to fix it if you can :)

Fixed the issue with the small piece of the red bar showing to the left. Edited the templated and removed class= "alt2" from the donation bar <td> so box is closed. If you prefer you can remove the class= "tborder" from the table around the donation bar and put back the td class= alt2" its your choice.
Import the updated XML file from above overwrite.

tekguru 08-19-2007 05:13 PM

This update has fixed the red colour (our thanks) but even thouh we overwrote the XML completely the bar is still not closed using the Aria Sand+ Theme.

Any ideas?

sinisterpain 08-19-2007 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by tekguru (Post 1321060)
This update has fixed the red colour (our thanks) but even thouh we overwrote the XML completely the bar is still not closed using the Aria Sand+ Theme.

Any ideas?

You must have used your original template, because I have removed class= "alt2" from the template in the XML.

Remove the red highlighted from either here:


<td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap" align="left"><img src="http://www.your website.com/forums/images/your style/polls/bar1-l.gif" alt="" width="3" height="10">
or here but not both:


<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" "border=0" width="500">
<br />

Try editing one see how it looks then try by editing the other and see which one looks the best for your site.

tekguru 08-19-2007 08:51 PM

Cheers for that :)

We went with :


<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
                                    <td align="center" class="alt2">
                            <br />   
 <br />
            We have received a total of $$vboptions[donormoney] in donations towards our goal of $$vboptions[goal]
  <br />
<table  cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" "border=0" width="500">
<br />
  <td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap" align="left">$barimag_left$barimag$barimag_right</td>
      We have received a total of $donorbar%
                                        <br />
                                          <br />
                                        $vboptions[bbtitle] would like to say thank you for helping to reach our goal.

Which seems to work for us :)

sinisterpain 08-21-2007 12:24 AM

If you recently updated as of Aug 19th there is no further update at this time. The mod thread reflects updated due to an issue with the "last updated" date at the top of the page showing "never" instead of 8/19/07 which has been now corrected.
Sorry for any inconvience.

cpgaming 08-23-2007 09:14 PM

I've installed this mod and everything works fine with the main module although when i attempt to install the vbadvanced cmps version I end up with it not working and showing some very odd code at the top of the main vbadvanced page. As I don't see any instructions in the download or in this thread that specifically explains how to install it into the vbadvanced settings and the download i extracted was a basic module I attempted to install it as such and chose php as the file type. Is it possible to have you explain the proper method to install the vbadvanced (running the 3.0 version on vbulletin 3.6.8) so that i can tell if I'm doing the installation of this module properly?

Code that is showing above the vbadvanced main page header is as follows:


a:2:{s:6:"module";a:11:{s:5:"title";s:12:"Donation Bar";s:10:"identifier";s:9:"donorbars";s:8:"filename";s:11:"donationbar";s:7:"inctype";s:8:"template";s:12:"templatelist";s:22:"adv_portal_donationbar";s:6:"parent";s:0:"";s:7:"colspan";s:1:"0";s:8:"formcode";s:0:"";s:8:"useshell";s:1:"1";s:4:"link";s:0:"";s:7:"options";s:1:"0";}s:9:"templates";a:1:{s:22:"adv_portal_donationbar";s:1278:" $vboptions[donationtitle] We have received $$vboptions[donormoney] in donations towards our goal of $$vboptions[goal]


$donorbar% of our goal has been reached.

Thank You from $vboptions[bbtitle]

Any help is appreciated as we like this mod are really want to use it on both pages (main page and forums head page)

cpgaming 08-23-2007 09:34 PM

I have this sorted out I was uploading it manually and it wasn't adding the proper code to the templates i chose the upload/download module this time to see if that worked and it is working great and fixed the code error i was receiving at first. My apologies for not thinking of that initally and posting here and thanks for this and several other great mods you've made that my client is using they are really enjoying them so far and like the look of them. Great work :) :up:

sinisterpain 08-23-2007 09:43 PM

I am glad you got it sorted out. No need for apologies, and thanks for the kind words.

baby41 09-06-2007 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1303344)
You have to edit the template in admincp called donorbar
Maybe I will add an option to change currency symbol

This product is working fine on my forum but I do not have any donorbar file in the admincp ????? Can you see if that is the correct location and if I can translate this to portuguese aswell and if it is the same file,regards.

sinisterpain 09-07-2007 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by baby41 (Post 1333896)
This product is working fine on my forum but I do not have any donorbar file in the admincp ????? Can you see if that is the correct location and if I can translate this to portuguese aswell and if it is the same file,regards.

If you are trying to change the currency symbol. You have to edit the template called donorbar. Admincp->styles/templates->donorbar.

baby41 09-07-2007 03:42 PM

Thanks I have found and easy to change.;)

cagbaazee 09-07-2007 06:12 PM

where do i put it

Post Installation:
Make sure when entering the form code for your Paypal button the links are formated as follows:

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="business"
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-butcc-donate.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"></form>If you do not use this format for the links your button will not show. Please do not copy and past my info above you must fo to your Paypal account and create a button with your account code and email info.
If you wish instead of a paypal button link you can put the URL to your donation page.

how do i put my paypal ID for that...

baby41 09-07-2007 06:37 PM

You need to go to your paypal account and click on Merchant Tools --> Key Features (donations) and follow the instructions,regards.

sinisterpain 09-07-2007 08:34 PM

What I mean by the link format is the slashes. ie (highlighted in red)
should look like this for links:

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
I do not mean that your info has to be the same as my example, just the link slashes.

dizzine 09-24-2007 11:07 AM

does this work on 3.5.4 with v2 by any chance.??..great add-on..!!

sinisterpain 09-24-2007 08:16 PM

I have not tested it with 3.5.4. The plugins may cause you problems

Creed3020 09-26-2007 02:13 PM

Is it possible to display somewhere other than forumhome, like inside a specific forum?

If yes what sort of changes would be needed.

Thanks! :D

sinisterpain 09-26-2007 08:27 PM

Just add the $donationbar into the template you wish to display it.

wpeloquin 10-13-2007 05:11 AM

how hard would it be to create something like this so that it does tie in with, for example, Cyb-PayPal Donate mod? that mod already creates tables in the database (i have not looked at them yet as of this post, but it has a page to display who's paid how much and when, so i am assuming its in the database somewhere). can we set up your bar to pull numbers out of there? i can see how it would be a bit involved, but if it queries by date and totals, it should work right?

sinisterpain 10-13-2007 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by wpeloquin (Post 1358768)
how hard would it be to create something like this so that it does tie in with, for example, Cyb-PayPal Donate mod? that mod already creates tables in the database (i have not looked at them yet as of this post, but it has a page to display who's paid how much and when, so i am assuming its in the database somewhere). can we set up your bar to pull numbers out of there? i can see how it would be a bit involved, but if it queries by date and totals, it should work right?

I have not looked at the mod in detail but I would have to say it could be done.

Phosphorus 10-16-2007 12:29 PM

ok installed
changed the current monney to € instead $

template to edit is "donarbar" like posted before

for the cmps u have to edit the "adv_portal_donationbar" template

For people they duno where to chnage :
just find and replace the $ with the € on this line :
<td class="alt1">We have received a total of $vboptions[donormoney] in donations towards our goal of $vboptions[goal]

AWJunkies 10-16-2007 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by wpeloquin (Post 1358768)
how hard would it be to create something like this so that it does tie in with, for example, Cyb-PayPal Donate mod? that mod already creates tables in the database (i have not looked at them yet as of this post, but it has a page to display who's paid how much and when, so i am assuming its in the database somewhere). can we set up your bar to pull numbers out of there? i can see how it would be a bit involved, but if it queries by date and totals, it should work right?

It can be done! :)

I look forward to the integration once approved by both groups.

sinisterpain 10-16-2007 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by AWJunkies (Post 1361705)
It can be done I have it done! :)

I don't have it looking pretty though kinda hacked to figure out the code. I will clean it up and present it to CYB as well as here. I want them to integrate them both. It is a progression in the CYB mod.

So stay tuned for it.

If you request it I will convert it to cyb paypal and get his permission to offer it.

unforsaken 10-17-2007 01:52 AM

everything seems to be working great on it, however it doesn't show the percentage of the donations/goal. it shows the dollar amount, but the bar doesn't appear and the percent is blank. btw i just installed it and haven't had any donations to it yet, but what i did was in the config of it, put the goal amount and what we currently had donated towards it, and that is all i got out of it. any thoughts/suggestions/tips would be greatly appreciated...and i love the idea of this

sinisterpain 10-17-2007 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by unforsaken (Post 1362004)
everything seems to be working great on it, however it doesn't show the percentage of the donations/goal. it shows the dollar amount, but the bar doesn't appear and the percent is blank. btw i just installed it and haven't had any donations to it yet, but what i did was in the config of it, put the goal amount and what we currently had donated towards it, and that is all i got out of it. any thoughts/suggestions/tips would be greatly appreciated...and i love the idea of this

Please PM me a link to your site so I can see what you have.

wpeloquin 10-18-2007 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1358875)
I have not looked at the mod in detail but I would have to say it could be done.

im sure it can be done, but im not a very experienced coder, and it'd take me awhile to figure it out (if it's even in my capacity). i do know his mod creates tables, and they are pretty basic, so i can't imagine it'd be too difficult. but like i said, im more of a template-edit kinda guy :)


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1361843)
If you request it I will convert it to cyb paypal and get his permission to offer it.

it seems to be the major question of the mod. everyone seems to like the idea, and i can understand the reason on making it the way you did for the end-user ease. just seems like people want the integration, and there really seem to be only 2 major paypal mods, bill's and cyb's. its your time, but i'd use it if available.

sinisterpain 10-19-2007 08:01 PM


it seems to be the major question of the mod. everyone seems to like the idea, and i can understand the reason on making it the way you did for the end-user ease. just seems like people want the integration, and there really seem to be only 2 major paypal mods, bill's and cyb's. its your time, but i'd use it if available.
Ill look at it this weekend

Jdm Ej1 Coupe 10-22-2007 03:48 PM

will the donation bar move on its own or do you manually have to change it in the admin pc when people donate?

Edit: read thru the first few pages of this thread and found the answer! Thanks "clicks installed"

sinisterpain 10-22-2007 11:51 PM

glad it worked for ya

member007 10-23-2007 12:24 AM

Just a question whether you can make a donation add-on for each moderator who moderates their forums. This is to help motivate moderators to help your site.:)

tekguru 10-23-2007 04:42 AM

Are you also looking at modifying this to work with Bills Donation Mod?

irishblue 11-02-2007 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1366348)
I have created a seperate install for those who wish to have the donation bar automated to use Cyb Paypal donate. Go here

the donor bar with cyb is in the mod graveyard. the files aren't there anymore. is there an updated one?

sinisterpain 11-02-2007 08:15 PM

Sorry meant to remove that link. No its not been updated.

DEADLY S0LDIER 11-16-2007 02:05 AM

This may be a stupid question to you guys, but I need help with the paypal code

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
 <input type="hidden" name="business"
                            <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-butcc-donate.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"></form>

How do I edit it to my paypal email: hilda_inc@yahoo.com

sinisterpain 11-16-2007 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by DEADLY S0LDIER (Post 1383486)
This may be a stupid question to you guys, but I need help with the paypal code

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
 <input type="hidden" name="business"
                            <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-butcc-donate.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"></form>

How do I edit it to my paypal email: hilda_inc@yahoo.com


<input type="hidden" name="business"

The best way to do this is to generate the code by creating a donation button through your paypal account. All your pertanant information that you wish to add to the button will be added and paypal generates the code for you to use.

Stryker412 11-17-2007 05:08 PM

Is there anyway to have the bar reset on a certain date? We have monthly fees and I'd like to set a date by which all donations would have to be in by.

Stryker412 11-18-2007 03:53 PM

Also, how do you link it to your current donation system (in my case Bill's)? Or do you have to manually edit all the donations?

AWJunkies 11-29-2007 11:56 AM

sinisterpain let me know if you need help.

I have already merged cyb and yours to auto update the bar instead of having to go to the ACP each time. Instead at the moment i have it so you have to change it to whatever month it is once a month and it will auto update for full month while in that month. Instead of changing the amount for every donation you get daily or hourly like current setup. Working on the per month reset system. So it goes back to 0 each month. Also adding more features to cyb to see per month stats not total etc.

THIS IS PRIVATE NOT PUBLIC (so up to original coders to approve a public version)

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