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ringleader 08-10-2007 07:08 AM

Me three. I just ignored it since there's nothing out of date for me.

AzzidReign 08-10-2007 12:00 PM

Andreas - AWESOME MOD! I love it. At first it's a little weird to get use to or figure out...mainly b/c I hadn't really looked at it much but once I started working with it, DAMN IT'S AWESOME! I'm surprised more people aren't using this...this is by far the best mod I've worked with. After the initial set up (which I did before I upgraded to 3.6.8), it took some time, but when I updated vB, it took me a total of 5-10 minutes to update vB and get the site up and running with the templates! Much better than 5-10 hours with all my template edits! So thank you for making our lives easier! :)


Originally Posted by Tulsa (Post 1313695)
I'm getting an odd error on the main page of the admincp.

Same here.

Broceliande 08-10-2007 12:22 PM

i can not use it on 3.6.8
when i say edit template it does nothing

AzzidReign 08-10-2007 12:43 PM

You have to reupload all the files. That happened at one of my friend's site, and all he had to do was reupload and overwrite all the files.

Andreas 08-10-2007 01:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The '1 Out-of-Date Template Modifications found' message can safely be ignore - it's just a little bug.
To fix it: Delete the plugin 'Veraltete Template-modifikationen suchen' on Hook admin_index_main1.
Afterwards, import the attached plugin XML.
That should fix it.

Tulsa 08-10-2007 02:00 PM

Fixed it! :)

bshutter 08-13-2007 04:24 AM

Works great Ty

Michael Biddle 08-15-2007 01:01 AM

Amazing mod Andreas, thanks for this, makes products so much easier on user side of things.

Alfa1 08-15-2007 11:05 PM

I just noted that the TMS adds branding to my BFO vbulletin. How can this be removed?

Tulsa 08-15-2007 11:54 PM

A question...

I just did an upgrade to two different mods I have installed and had template changes made and working in this mod. In order for those those template edits to work again, I had to resave the edit. I didn't change it, just had to resave it before it would effect the template. Is this normal?

slowphantom 08-16-2007 04:07 AM

what is this mean pls
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT IF(templateedit.product='vbulletin', 1, product.active) AS productactive, templateedit.active AS editactive, templateedit.version AS editversion, template.version AS templateversion, templateeditlocation.product, templateeditid, templateedit.styleid AS tstyleid, template.styleid, template.title AS template, templateeditlocation.title, template.template_un, searchstrregex, IF(templateeditlocation.product='vbulletin', 'vBulletin', product.title) AS product, templateedit.replacestr
FROM templateedit AS templateedit
INNER JOIN templateeditlocation AS templateeditlocation ON (templateeditlocation.varname=templateedit.varname )
INNER JOIN template AS template ON (template.title=templateeditlocation.template)
LEFT JOIN style AS style ON (style.styleid=template.styleid AND FIND_IN_SET(templateedit.templateeditid, style.templateeditlist))
LEFT JOIN product AS product ON (product.productid=templateeditlocation.product)
WHERE (NOT ISNULL(style.styleid) OR (templateedit.styleid = -1 AND template.styleid = -1))
AND (templateedit.product = 'vbulletin' OR product.active = 1)
AND templateedit.active = 1
AND templateeditlocation.varname != 'tmsbranding'

AND templateeditlocation.product = 'tms'
ORDER BY style.displayorder ASC, style.styleid ASC, template.title ASC, product.title ASC, templateeditlocation.title ASC;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'searchstrregex' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Thursday, August 16th 2007 @ 08:05:49 AM
Script : http://xxx.com/vb/admincp/templateed...oductid=tms&s=
Referrer : http://xxx.com/vb/admincp/index.php
IP Address : ............
Username : ...........
Classname : vb_database

now evrything is stop
cant remove any thing
help pls

Delphiprogrammi 08-16-2007 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1318508)
I just noted that the TMS adds branding to my BFO vbulletin. How can this be removed?

you can't ....


This work is Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Andreas Kirbach.
The license holder is allowed to use and modify the script for his own use.
However, removing or editing the branding is NOT allowed!
also read readme.txt there is some info that migt become usefull ...

TCattitude 08-17-2007 06:40 PM

- Option to don't specify a "Search for Text" in selected template; instead, another two options to "put at the very top" and "put at the very bottom" of the selected template. Just to be lazy, really (and not put the part of the html in certain template that belongs to the very top, and then select "insert text above".
- Search in template modifications. With a lot of TMS installed, would be nice to search like if that modifications are actually templates; similar (a clone) of the search in templates.

Thanks... again... Andreas, for this every-day-more-really-awesome-upgrade-pain-saver mod!

Michael Biddle 08-18-2007 07:06 PM

Hey Andreas, how could I get this to work with your advanced plugin manager?

Like the dropdown doesnt show how to export the txt files?

Thanks in advanced.

Andreas 08-19-2007 06:34 PM

Search is already planned.
Inserting at the top/end probably would need some significatin changes to the design and I don't think it is that important?

Stoebi 08-19-2007 06:59 PM

open advplugins.php and search for

                case 'productexport': page = "plugin.php?do=productexport&productid="; break;
Add below:

                case 'tmsdeleteedits': page = "templateedits.php?do=deleteall&productid="; break;
                case 'tmstestproduct': page = "templateedits.php?do=test&productid="; break;
                case 'tmsexport': page = "templateedits.php?do=files&productid="; break;

Search for

        $options['productexport'] = $vbphrase['export'];
Replace with:

        if ($vbulletin->products['tms'])
            $options['productexport'] = $vbphrase['export'] . '<optgroup label="' . $vbphrase[templateedits] . '"><option value="tmstestproduct">' . $vbphrase[test] . '</option><option value="tmsdeleteedits">' . $vbphrase[delete] . '</option><option value="tmsexport">' . $vbphrase[export] . '</option></optgroup>';
            $options['productexport'] = $vbphrase['export'];

Kind Regards,


Michael Biddle 08-19-2007 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Stoebi (Post 1321125)
open advplugins.php and search for

                case 'productexport': page = "plugin.php?do=productexport&productid="; break;
Add below:

                case 'tmsdeleteedits': page = "templateedits.php?do=deleteall&productid="; break;
                case 'tmstestproduct': page = "templateedits.php?do=test&productid="; break;
                case 'tmsexport': page = "templateedits.php?do=files&productid="; break;

Search for

        $options['productexport'] = $vbphrase['export'];
Replace with:

        if ($vbulletin->products['tms'])
            $options['productexport'] = $vbphrase['export'] . '<optgroup label="' . $vbphrase[templateedits] . '"><option value="tmstestproduct">' . $vbphrase[test] . '</option><option value="tmsdeleteedits">' . $vbphrase[delete] . '</option><option value="tmsexport">' . $vbphrase[export] . '</option></optgroup>';
            $options['productexport'] = $vbphrase['export'];

Kind Regards,


Awesome, Thanks bro

slowphantom 08-22-2007 07:09 PM

neeeeeeeeeed help pls
my database is ++++t up
cant remove or add any products
it keep giveing me


come on my forum is stop
pls help

saininja 08-25-2007 08:23 AM

gibt es diesen HAck auch in german ????


ragtek 08-25-2007 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by saininja (Post 1325304)
gibt es diesen HAck auch in german ????


[ot]ja, gibt es!sobald das neue offizielle deutsche hackboard online geht, "bin ich mir sicher"/(wissen kann mans ja nie) das andreas den dort auch wieder reinstellt[/ot]

Delphiprogrammi 08-27-2007 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1325320)
[ot]ja, gibt es!sobald das neue offizielle deutsche hackboard online geht, "bin ich mir sicher"/(wissen kann mans ja nie) das andreas den dort auch wieder reinstellt[/ot]

english only in here :p

Centrix 08-27-2007 06:21 PM

These days the readme says "in navbar, search:" but for all the templates I had so far it was not found in Navbar, but Header....

I think this mod is good for new people

Elenna 08-28-2007 03:51 AM

This sounds like a god-send, thanks ever so much!

Just one teeny question... when I do an upgrade, and the templates are not upgraded, would it be best-practice to revert those templates (to get the official updates) and then have TMS do its thing? I'm sure that this is a very newbie question, but I've never done a vBulletin upgrade before, and would love to take this mod through its paces and give an upgrade a try!

AzzidReign 08-28-2007 02:52 PM

Here's what I've done. I've taken a look at all my template modifications and compared them to the default template. Figure out where the edits go, and add them to TMS, but keep them disabled. If you are doing this for your whole skin, then what I did was copied the skin so that I can have a new and old skin, reverted all the templates on the new, closed the board, enabled all the TMS edits, then checked to see if the edits were working properly on the board. If they are, open your board with the "new" skin as your default and disable the old skin.

Magnumutz 09-01-2007 09:49 PM

Question: I used TMS to modify the templates for vBCredits... and i was unsatisfied on how it edited, and now i want to delete the modifications on the templates, but it won't remove them. WHAT do i do?

Alfa1 09-02-2007 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi (Post 1318790)
also read readme.txt there is some info that migt become usefull ...

Yes, I emailed andreas to inquire for options to get rid of the branding, but got no reply at all.

ringleader 09-04-2007 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Magnumutz (Post 1330388)
Question: I used TMS to modify the templates for vBCredits... and i was unsatisfied on how it edited, and now i want to delete the modifications on the templates, but it won't remove them. WHAT do i do?

Revert the template edit in the TMS admin screen.
This will stop the edit set through TMS being carried out.

evesve 09-11-2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by ringleader (Post 1311861)
Just to let you know, it's working for me with mySQL v4.0.26-standard.

The only thing is I keep getting this error:


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1984105 bytes) in [MyPath]/includes/adminfunctions_templateedits.php on line 970
I'll put up with having to come up with workarounds for this to keep this fantastic mod, however!




Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi (Post 1311887)
That error has nothing todo with tms that's caused by your PHP configuration increase your memory limit in php.ini (root access requirerd or you can't do this)


Originally Posted by ringleader (Post 1311892)
Ah grand so. I'll try that.

It just keeps coming up in relation to TMS, like when adding/editing modifications in certain templates:

Updating Template-Modifications for Stye 'MASTER' and its Child-Styles ...

    * MASTER ... (Templateedit-IDs)
      Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1984105 bytes) in [mypath]/includes/adminfunctions_templateedits.php on line 970

I have same error...only together with TMS.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 20971520 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24617813 bytes) in /hsphere/local/home/xxxxx/xxxxxx.xx/vbforum/includes/adminfunctions_templateedits.php on line 970
Where can I find how to do? Do I have to contact the Webserver support? (I cant find any php.ini)

If I try yo uninstall TSM what happans to my modification (OK, I have only one, ibproarcade)

Alfa1 09-11-2007 08:21 PM

Ah, that's where it comes from. I keep getting the same error as well. I never had that before I installed TMS.
I have lots of modifications, lots of members, lots of traffic. So I should have seen this before if it wasn't caused by TMS.

JokeAss 09-14-2007 05:30 PM

This mod is really a gift from heaven..

Whenever I install a mod, instaed of changing the templates, I make a set of template mods. Upgrades propably go beautifully :)

Totti 09-15-2007 12:07 PM

hey, this mod is absolute outstanding!! I'm so glad, i found this :)

thincom2000 09-15-2007 05:54 PM

Yeah, still have a long way to go with adding all my template edits to this so I can finally revert them all.

I used to have that memory error... Forgot what I did to fix it. TMS caused a number of other problems for me as well. I ended up removing most of its plugins, and only keeping the following:

Veraltete Template-Modifikationen suchen
Template-Modifikationen neu erzeugen
Event-Handler: Style aktualisieren
Edits prüfen
Benötigte Felder laden
Event-Handler: Template compilieren

This maintained basic functionality and eliminated the chaos that was occurring in my AdminCP.

evesve 09-16-2007 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1339638)

I used to have that memory error... Forgot what I did to fix it.

Please, try to remember!!!
I cant enter my adminside anymore...

Alfa1 09-16-2007 10:53 AM

This mod sure could use a new release or a total rewrite. The idea is brilliant.

hrk 09-16-2007 11:00 AM

does this support latest 3.6.8 versions?

Totti 09-16-2007 03:59 PM

i'm running it on 368 ... looks good

Alfa1 09-16-2007 04:57 PM

It works on 3.68 but will cause errors now and then. It has branding on it.

Delphiprogrammi 09-16-2007 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1340263)
It works on 3.68 but will cause errors now and then. It has branding on it.

i don't understand what the f..... your problem is with branding ? the author has put allot of time and affort into it and he doesn't charge money the only thing he asks is that you leave the branding in place that is not to much to ask after all nobody is forcing you to use it if you don't want it uninstall and stop +++++ing about the branding

ragtek 09-16-2007 05:59 PM

for 15€ you can delete the branding

Alfa1 09-16-2007 11:26 PM

The only problem is that the author doesn't respond to my email. I'd be happy to pay the €15.
I do value the time and effort that Andreas has put into this work. Please do not misunderstand me. It's just that I have paid Jelsoft and various other coders combined quite a lot to make my board branding free. So not being able to get rid of branding would indeed be a reason to uninstall a good hack.

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