![]() |
Good job :) it take me 2 minutes:) done permission mods, supers, admins only :)
thanx again |
Thanks alot ChU v2, I appreciate your help!
Quick install, super easy and fun! Great job
Somehow I cant get this to work. Here is my POSTBIT template: Code:
<if condition="in_array($post['usergroupid'], array(6,23)) OR in_array($post['membergroupids'], array(6,23)) AND $post[field21]" > Can it be that the myspace profile rewrite is messing with this hack? (Since it parses youtube videos through custom profile fields as well) Can someone help? |
Hi all
Hack will not work with MEMBERINFO template vb 3.7.0 Beta3 Different Codes Please be advised Regards |
That's why it's in the 3.6 section.
I marked as installed ,I will wait till its a littl more mature
This Is Great.................thanks
Installed and working on VBulletin 3.6.8 PL2 :)
I have 3.6.8 PL2. It won't work heres the code
$stylevar[htmldoctype] <html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]"> <head> $headinclude <style type="text/css"> #additionalinfo_list, #membergroups_list { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } #additionalinfo_list dd, #membergroups_list dd { margin: 0px 0px $stylevar[cellpadding]px 0px; } </style> <title>$vboptions[bbtitle] - $vbphrase[view_profile]: $userinfo[username]</title> </head> <body> $header $navbar <!-- main info - avatar, profilepic etc. --> <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center"> <tr> <td class="tcat">$vbphrase[view_profile]<span class="normal">: $userinfo[username]</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt2"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid $stylevar[tborder_bgcolor]" width="100%" colspan="2"> <if condition="$userinfo['rank'] OR $userinfo['reputationdisplay']"> <div style="float:$stylevar[right]; padding:4px"> <if condition="$userinfo['rank']"><div align="center">$userinfo[rank]</div></if> <if condition="$userinfo['reputationdisplay']"><div align="center">$userinfo[reputationdisplay]</div></if> </div> </if> <div class="bigusername">$userinfo[musername] $userinfo[onlinestatus]</div> <if condition="$userinfo['usertitle']"><div class="smallfont">$userinfo[usertitle]</div></if> </td> <if condition="$show['profilepic']"> <td valign="top" align="$stylevar[right]" rowspan="2"> <img src="$userinfo[profilepicurl]" $userinfo[profilepicsize] alt="<phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[xs_picture]</phrase>" border="0" style="border:1px solid $stylevar[tborder_bgcolor]; border-top:none" /> </td> </if> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <if condition="in_array($post['usergroupid'], array(5,6,7,12,14)) AND $post[field5]"> <td> <object width="150" height="123.5"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/$post[field5]"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/$post[field5]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="150" height="123.5"></embed></object> </td> <else /> <if condition="$show['avatar']"> <td><img src="$userinfo[avatarurl]" $userinfo[avatarsize] alt="<phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[xs_avatar]</phrase>" border="0" style="border:1px solid $stylevar[tborder_bgcolor]; border-top:none" /></td> <else /> <td> </td> </if> </if> </if> <td class="smallfont" valign="bottom" align="$stylevar[right]"> <if condition="$show['lastactivity']"> <div>$vbphrase[last_activity]: $userinfo[lastactivitydate] <span class="time">$userinfo[lastactivitytime]</span> </div> </if> <if condition="$show['currentlocation']"> <div>$userinfo[action] $userinfo[where]<if condition="$show['detailedtime']"> - <else /> @ </if> $userinfo[time] </div> </if> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- / main info - avatar, profilepic etc. --> $template_hook[memberinfo_pos1] <!-- button row --> <if condition="$show['profilelinks']"> <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center" style="border-top-width:0px"> <tr align="center"> <if condition="$userinfo['showvcard']"> <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]do=vcard&u=$userinfo[userid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[download_vcard]</a></td> </if> <if condition="$show['member']"> <td class="vbmenu_control"> <if condition="$show['addbuddylist']"> <a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addlist&userlist=buddy&u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[add_x_to_buddy_list]</phrase></a> <else /> <a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removelist&userlist=buddy&u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[remove_x_from_your_buddylist]</phrase></a> </if> </td> <td class="vbmenu_control"> <if condition="$show['addignorelist']"> <a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addlist&userlist=ignore&u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[add_x_to_ignore_list]</phrase></a> <else /> <a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removelist&userlist=ignore&u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[remove_x_from_your_ignorelist]</phrase></a> </if> </td> </if> <if condition="can_moderate()"> <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="moderator.php?$session[sessionurl]do=useroptions&u=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[user_options]</a></td> </if> <if condition="$show['giveinfraction']"> <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="infraction.php?$session[sessionurl]do=report&u=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[give_infraction]</a></td> </if> </tr> </table> </if> <!-- / button row --> <br /> $template_hook[memberinfo_pos2] <if condition="$show['infractions']"> <!-- infractions row --> <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center"> <tr> <td class="tcat" colspan="$colspan"><span style="float:$stylevar[right]" class="smallfont"><phrase 1="$userinfo[ipoints]">$vbphrase[x_points_total]</phrase> </span>$vbphrase[infractions]</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="thead"> </td> <td class="thead">$vbphrase[post]</td> <td class="thead">$vbphrase[date]</td> <td class="thead">$vbphrase[expires]</td> <td class="thead">$vbphrase[points]</td> <td class="thead">$vbphrase[reason]</td> <td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">$vbphrase[posted_by]</td> <if condition="$show['reverse']"><td class="thead">$vbphrase[details]</td></if> </tr> $infractionbits </table> <if condition="$pagenav"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" style="margin-top:3px"> <tr valign="bottom"> <td align="$stylevar[right]">$pagenav</td> </tr> </table> </if> <!-- / infractions row --> <br /> </if> $template_hook[memberinfo_pos3] <if condition="$show['signature']"> <!-- signature row --> <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center"> <tr> <td class="thead">$vbphrase[signature]</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt1" title="$vbphrase[signature]">$userinfo[signature]</td> </tr> </table> <!-- / signature row --> <br /> </if> $template_hook[memberinfo_pos4] <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center"> <tr> <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[forum_info]</td> <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[contact_info]</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="panelsurround" align="center"> <div class="panel"> <div align="$stylevar[left]"> <div class="fieldset"> <div style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px"> $vbphrase[join_date]: <strong>$userinfo[datejoined]</strong> </div> </div> <fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend>$vbphrase[posts]</legend> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0"> <tr> <td> $vbphrase[total_posts]: <strong>$userinfo[posts]</strong> (<phrase 1="$postsperday">$vbphrase[x_posts_per_day]</phrase>) </td> </tr> <if condition="$vboptions['profilelastpost']"> <tr> <td> $vbphrase[last_post]:<br /> <a href="$userinfo[lastposturl]">$userinfo[lastposttitle]</a><br /> $userinfo[lastpostdate] <span class="time">$userinfo[lastposttime]</span> </td> </tr> </if> <tr> <td><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=finduser&u=$userinfo[userid]" rel="nofollow"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[find_all_posts_by_x]</phrase></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=finduser&u=$userinfo[userid]&starteronly=1" rel="nofollow"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[find_all_threads_started_by_x]</phrase></a></td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> <if condition="$vboptions['usereferrer']"> <div class="fieldset"> <div style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px"> $vbphrase[referrals]: <strong>$referrals</strong> </div> </div> </if> <if condition="$show['usernotes']"> <div class="fieldset"> <div style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px"> $vbphrase[user_notes]: <if condition="$show['usernoteview']"> <strong>$usernote[total]</strong> [<a href="usernote.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[view]</a>] </if> <if condition="$show['usernotepost']"> [<a href="usernote.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newnote&u=$userinfo[userid]">$vbphrase[post_user_note]</a>] </if> <if condition="$show['usernoteview']"> <br />($vbphrase[last_note]: $usernote[lastpostdate] <span class="time">$usernote[lastposttime]</span>) </if> </div> </div> </if> $template_hook[memberinfo_foruminfo] </div> </div> </td> <td class="panelsurround" align="center"> <div class="panel"> <div align="$stylevar[left]"> <div class="fieldset"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0"> <if condition="!$show['contactlinks']"> <tr> <td><strong><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[x_has_no_contact_info]</phrase></strong></td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$show['homepage']"> <tr> <td> $vbphrase[home_page]:<br /> <a href="$userinfo[homepage]" target="_blank" dir="ltr">$userinfo[homepage]</a> </td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$show['email']"> <tr> <td> $vbphrase[email]:<br /> <a href="sendmessage.php?$session[sessionurl]do=mailmember&u=$userinfo[userid]" rel="nofollow"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[send_message_via_email_to_x]</phrase></a> </td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$show['pm']"> <tr> <td> $vbphrase[private_message]:<br /> <a href="private.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newpm&u=$userinfo[userid]" rel="nofollow"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[send_private_message_to_x]</phrase></a> </td> </tr> </if> </table> </div> <if condition="$show['hasimicons']"> <fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend>$vbphrase[instant_messaging]</legend> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0"> <if condition="$show['textimicons']"> <if condition="$userinfo['showicq']"> <tr> <td>$vbphrase[icq]</td> <td>$userinfo[icq]</td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$userinfo['showaim']"> <tr> <td>$vbphrase[aim]</td> <td>$userinfo[aim]</td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$userinfo['showmsn']"> <tr> <td>$vbphrase[msn]</td> <td>$userinfo[msn]</td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$userinfo['showyahoo']"> <tr> <td>$vbphrase[yahoo]</td> <td>$userinfo[yahoo]</td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$userinfo['skype']"> <tr> <td>$vbphrase[skype]</td> <td>$userinfo[skype]</td> </tr> </if> <else /> <if condition="$userinfo['showicq']"> <tr> <td>$userinfo[icqicon]</td> <td><a href="#" dir="ltr" onclick="imwindow('icq', '$userinfo[userid]', 500, 450); return false;">$userinfo[icq]</a></td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$userinfo['showaim']"> <tr> <td>$userinfo[aimicon]</td> <td><a href="#" dir="ltr" onclick="imwindow('aim', '$userinfo[userid]', 400, 200); return false;">$userinfo[aim]</a></td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$userinfo['showmsn']"> <tr> <td>$userinfo[msnicon]</td> <td><a href="#" dir="ltr" onclick="imwindow('msn', '$userinfo[userid]', 400, 200); return false;">$userinfo[msn]</a></td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$userinfo['showyahoo']"> <tr> <td>$userinfo[yahooicon]</td> <td><a href="#" dir="ltr" onclick="imwindow('yahoo', '$userinfo[userid]', 400, 200); return false;">$userinfo[yahoo]</a></td> </tr> </if> <if condition="$userinfo['showskype']"> <tr> <td>$userinfo[skypeicon]</td> <td><a href="#" dir="ltr" onclick="imwindow('skype', '$userinfo[userid]', 400, 285); return false;">$userinfo[skype]</a></td> </tr> </if> </if> $template_hook[memberinfo_iminfo] </table> </fieldset> </if> $template_hook[memberinfo_contactinfo] </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[additional_information]</td> <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[group_memberships]</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="panelsurround" align="center"> <div class="panel"> <div align="$stylevar[left]"> <if condition="$show['extrainfo']"> <dl id="additionalinfo_list"> <if condition="$show['birthday']"> <dt class="smallfont"><strong>$vbphrase[birth_date]</strong>:</dt> <dd class="smallfont">$userinfo[birthday]</dd> </if> <if condition="$show['age']"> <dt class="smallfont"><strong>$vbphrase[age]</strong>:</dt> <dd class="smallfont">$userinfo[age]</dd> </if> $customfields </dl> <else /> <em>$vbphrase[n_a]</em> </if> $template_hook[memberinfo_additionalinfo] </div> </div> </td> <td class="panelsurround" align="center"> <div class="panel"> <div align="$stylevar[left]"> <if condition="$show['membergroups']"> <dl id="membergroups_list" class="smallfont"> $membergroupbits </dl> <else /> <div class="smallfont"><strong><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[x_is_not_a_member_of_any_public_groups]</phrase></strong></div> </if> $template_hook[memberinfo_groups] </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> $footer </body> </html> |
Please port this awesome hack to vb 3.7. I'll donate if you do.
Thanks alot 4x4 Mecca fot this Hack!
I Love it :D In my Board the User-Avatar display in navbar template to. I add the Code in navbar t. too but dont work. If i visit a user-profil page it works but i see the Video from the User in the Navbar not my Video. Cracy :D How can i change this? Edit: Ok found the problem now it works ;) |
Is there any way I can allow members who have over 2,000 posts on my forums to use this? how could i set that up?:D
Also, just to make things easier, you might want to use [CODE], [PHP] or [HTML] tags next time. Makes it easier to read. ;) |
Well, inexplicably this stopped working on my forum one day. No rhyme or reason. I'm double checking now, but I can't imagine why that happened.
I followed the video carefully and edited the postbit, postbit legacy, and MEMBERSINFO.
I did something right though because this shows up on the EDITPROFILE option in the USERCP http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/1069/picture11nt2.png But the videos dont show up. Help? Code:
$template_hook[postbit_start] |
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
I think the majority of the problems people are having with this not showing up is there's no clear instruction telling them that they have to change the array(5,6,7,12,14) to the Usergroup ID numbers they want using this.
Hi, I love this hack I have been using it for about 2 weeks now but took it off recently. I would like to put it back up but I have a question. I noticed that only Admins are able to view the video as my avatar. Other like regular members don't see the video avatar they only see my old regular avatar. I think this is because I did not set the viewing permissions to everyone. I tried to edit it but I can't seem to find where to go to fix my problem. Could anyone help me?
Thank You |
just perfect... works perfect.. you are great man.. thanks
instaled and motm |
Not necessarily. If you have it wrapped in a conditional that's permission based, then that would cause the same effect. I'm speculating of course. Post your template code like the others did and we may be able to see what's causing it. Often times its something small like a character out of place.
sweet works good!
Please upgrade this to vb 3.7.
Anyone plz ? :) |
Thanks for the video!!!!:)
It's different.
most excellent works fine on 3.7 gold .now if you can give me instructions on how to do continuous play that would be even better., first response in a thread has this option is "the only one that plays continuous"
This did not work for me on Vbulletin 3.7. It was close, but the template edits were a bit off. It messes up the entire postbit. Anyone have any ideas?
was it already modified before you tried to do this if so let me get a copy of that and i will take a look most likely it is something small and easy to work around 98% of this stuff is |
I have it working on 3.7.0. Same/similar code. In what way does it mess up the template? A common theme is the avatar appearing above the user info (ranks etc). The way around this is to look at your original template and find the bit in between:
<if condition="$show['avatar']"> Code:
<a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]"> Code:
<td class="alt2"> Code:
<div class="smallfont"> Be sure to change the closing tag from div to td if this is the case. It's very early, I'm not sure if that made any sense. :/ |
Probably right. Post your postbit code so we can have a look?
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Template Usage:
Phrase Groups Available:
Included Files:
Hooks Called: