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-   -   Add-On Releases - Rewrite eBay To ShoppingAds (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=144468)

Dismounted 02-11-2008 03:24 AM

Those guys always seem to be down lol.

mototips 05-02-2008 01:53 AM

I noticed a revenue drop after changing the mod to shoppingads links and I just emailed them the other day and they told me my link structure was wrong... This is what a current link looks like

They say my link for the same item should look like



Which is different... How do i fix this to make it rewrite on the fly?

ekool 06-25-2008 02:04 PM

Does this seem to work with 3.7?

maryx 07-04-2008 02:00 PM

Has this mod been updated to 3.7?

Does it have the new link to shopping ads (instead of auction ads)?

This has been an absolutely great mod, effortless way to make $$$.

Someone help me here, I gotta know the answers to my questions.

cookiepants 07-04-2008 06:42 PM

I love this mod, thank you so much! I make about 120 a month without having my members look at any irritating ads! All thanks to you

StonePilot 08-23-2008 04:12 AM

That's my question too, is it ready for 3.7?

Dismounted 08-23-2008 11:03 AM

I have not tested it on 3.7 - but it should work.

Dismounted 10-03-2008 07:02 AM

Modification Updated!

3/10/2008 - Version 1.1
- Rewrite of Code to Streamline for Efficiency

eJM 10-10-2008 12:05 AM

I installed the update and now my links show an auctionads.com prefix, not shoppingads. What's the problem? Did I do something wrong? I allowed overwrite.



Dismounted 10-10-2008 05:21 AM

Thanks for picking that up.

Modification Updated!

10/10/2008 - Version 1.2
- Fixed Incorrect Rewrite To ShoppingAds
- Fixed Case Sensitivity Error

cookiepants 10-31-2008 10:35 PM

I'm just uploading the newest version, as some of my members can't click on eBay links. For the rest, this has been awesome. It easily pays for my server each month.


heatherw610 12-21-2008 04:03 AM

Has anyone had any issues with this mod since AuctionAds is moving to a new data center?

All my numbers (clicks, impressions) are off big time but earnings is staying the same.

nascartr 12-21-2008 04:13 AM

I believe everything is ok. It's probably on their end. My numbers are off as well but earnings are normal.

heatherw610 12-23-2008 05:05 AM

Now mine isnt working at all. When I click a link, it tries to open the link but says "Page Cannot Be Displayed."


ludachris 01-23-2009 10:23 PM

Anyone tried this on a 3.5 installation?

heatherw610 01-24-2009 01:10 AM

Right now ShoppingAds has EVERY accounts earnings on hold. :(

Dismounted 01-24-2009 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by ludachris (Post 1722795)
Anyone tried this on a 3.5 installation?

I won't bother repeating myself. ;)


nascartr 01-24-2009 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by heatherw610 (Post 1722868)
Right now ShoppingAds has EVERY accounts earnings on hold. :(

So you got the message too? I was wondering if it was just me.

ludachris 01-24-2009 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dismounted (Post 1722927)
I won't bother repeating myself. ;)


My apologies.

ludachris 01-25-2009 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by siliconfinance (Post 1432866)
FYI, it started working on vBadvanced without any tweaking! :D

Anyone know what version of vBadvanced this works with? I checked it on our vBadvanced pages and it doesn't seem to be working.

Dismounted 01-26-2009 04:13 AM

The modification should work on everything that uses the vBulletin BB Code Parser. vBAdvanced may cache data that has already been parsed, so you may have to wait for the cache to expire or clear the cache for the modification to come into effect.

ludachris 01-26-2009 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dismounted (Post 1724861)
The modification should work on everything that uses the vBulletin BB Code Parser. vBAdvanced may cache data that has already been parsed, so you may have to wait for the cache to expire or clear the cache for the modification to come into effect.

So if I have an RSS feed set up on a vBa page, the links should be rewritten? It doesn't seem to be working that way. Could it be because I have it set up as a php module? I tried changing it to a template module and that didn't seem to do it.

Dismounted 01-27-2009 03:30 AM

My guess is that the RSS feed is not passed through the vBulletin BB code parser (with good reason, RSS feed content is in HTML). The links wouldn't be rewritten in this case.

ludachris 01-27-2009 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Dismounted (Post 1725827)
My guess is that the RSS feed is not passed through the vBulletin BB code parser (with good reason, RSS feed content is in HTML). The links wouldn't be rewritten in this case.

Anyway you can think of that I could rig it to work? Would it even be possible to write a hack that would make it work? Maybe I'll attempt my first hack... for example, could I create a custom vb page/script as described here:

and then apply an htaccess file for that page to do a rewrite? Or might there be an easier way? Thanks for the replies.

Dismounted 01-28-2009 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by ludachris (Post 1726154)
Anyway you can think of that I could rig it to work? Would it even be possible to write a hack that would make it work?

It's possible, but not without some major changes how the RSS feed is imported. (Is there an option to turn the RSS feed's HTML into BB code? vBulletin allows this in its RSS feed manager, I'm not sure about vBAdvanced.)

Originally Posted by ludachris (Post 1726154)
Maybe I'll attempt my first hack... for example, could I create a custom vb page/script as described here:

and then apply an htaccess file for that page to do a rewrite? Or might there be an easier way? Thanks for the replies.

That would not work. You are looking to modify the display of the URLs (what this modification does), not URLs hitting your server (this is what mod_rewrite does).

ludachris 01-28-2009 01:08 PM

Thanks for the replies. This goes beyond the realm of your hack so I'll not take it anymore off topic. Maybe I'll just post a request if I can't figure it out. Thanks again for answering my questions.

Reece^B 02-19-2009 03:48 PM

Using this mod, love it.

But I get an error each time someone clicks a active link:

This Listing Is Unavailable

This listing () has been removed or is no longer available. Please make sure you entered the right item number.
If the listing was removed by eBay, consider it cancelled. Note: Listings that have ended more than 90 days ago will no longer appear on eBay.

Paul M 02-19-2009 07:32 PM

There is a bug in this, which sometimes screws up the generated url (giving the above error).

To fix it I added a line in functions_rewrite_ebay_auctionads.php

I changed this ;


        // encode URL
        $encodedlink = urlencode($rightlink);

To this ;


        // encode URL
        $encodedlink = urlencode($rightlink);
        $encodedlink = str_replace('%26amp%3B','&',$encodedlink); // Paul M Fix, 04/02/2009

Dismounted 02-20-2009 03:36 AM

That error occurs when the encoding "doubles up". (I remember I fixed this, but it seems not.)

DieselMinded 03-05-2009 03:33 AM

Is this going to be updated for vb 3.8+

Dismounted 03-05-2009 04:32 AM

It should already work for 3.8.x.

DieselMinded 03-05-2009 05:04 AM

Good because i already have it installed and im trying to update all my mods to 3.8 before i move to 3.8 on vbulletin , amazingly i ahve been able to update about 1/2 my mods to 3.8 versions already Sweet !!!

Paul M 03-09-2009 09:06 PM

Sadly (like many others I suspect) I got this today ;



In the final hour of evaluation, it has been determined by eBay and ShoppingAds that your account must be deactivated. We know that many of you have been working back and forth with us to try and improve the situation, and we thank you kindly for your efforts. Unfortunately, as warned (that there were no guarantees), we had to take this course of action.

We thank you for your partnership up through this point and wish you the best of luck.

We are in the process of making an aggressive case on your behalf to eBay of having you paid for February’s earnings, and will let you know as soon as we hear back. If you will be paid it will occur on April 1st, 2009.

As for our ads- we strongly suggest that you take down our ad code IMMEDIATELY as you will no longer be paid for hosting them.

Thank you,

Therefore I have now removed this mod. Nice while it lasted, Thanks DM.

Dismounted 03-10-2009 05:19 AM

Will leave this mod up (maybe for a few days, maybe more) - so people can get it if they want, or fetch uninstall instructions.

SuperJETT 03-10-2009 10:05 AM

Really strange because I specifically asked them last week if having this mod installed was ok and they said it's fine because the links still say Ebay. This was on March 3rd, and they paid me as usual on the 4th.

I do have a Shoppingads banner on all thread pages.

I can see Ebay's thinking, they are going to get the traffic from those links anyway, why pay SA a commission?

Reece^B 03-10-2009 12:38 PM

Just out if curosity, that e-mail doesnt say anything about a 3rd party modifcation?

How do you know that we can't use this mod? This mod is what earns most of my revenue!

SuperJETT 03-10-2009 02:55 PM

Here's my contact with them from last week:


This is the first notice I've had of needing to contact you. I did read the guideline update, and feel that I'm within the guidelines.

www.mysite.com is where I run the ads, at the bottom of all threads above the quick reply box. http://www.mysite.com/showthread.php?t=51395 just scroll to the bottom of the thread. It's a standard Shoppingads banner. I switch positions with the Adsense ads at the top periodically as well.

I also have the rewrite mod installed to add my shoppingads referrer onto links posted and the links still appear like the original showing ebay in the text: http://www.mysite.com/showpost.php?p=674384&postcount=1

I don't have an ad showing on the front page, only on the forum pages currently.

What do I need to change if anything? Is the link rewrite mod not allowed? Shoppingads works very well with our forum and I'd like to keep running them.

Thanks, myname[Quoted text hidden]
ShoppingAds Support <support@shoppingads.com> Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:07 AM To: SuperJETT
Hi there,

I apologize if it’s the first communication and therefore for the “urgency” of the tone. Unfortunately, there are a number of publishers for whom this is about the 5th, so it required a sternness as you could imagine.

Thank you kindly for following up. You are all set now and in good standing- as you’ve always been.


I specifically asked about this mod and they said everything is fine and I'm still a client as of today with revenue coming in daily.

Reece^B 03-10-2009 09:33 PM

I really want to find out, can we use this mod?

Honestly can't see why it puts anyone out of pocket!

SuperJETT 03-10-2009 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Reece^B (Post 1765236)
I really want to find out, can we use this mod?

Honestly can't see why it puts anyone out of pocket!

Ebay makes less. If a link is posted and clicked and an action taken, then Ebay gets all of the fees. If you use the rewrite, then they have to share a portion with Shoppingads (then you get your's).

I can see how Ebay would have a problem with it, though SA told me it was fine to use.

DieselMinded 03-10-2009 10:48 PM

[high]* DieselMinded Uninstalls [/high]

i got this email on the 3rd



You are being contacted as a final attempt to keep you within our network. Either you have not yet informed us where you are currently running our ads on your site, or the site you have indicated

a) Does not have our ads running on it currently
b) Throws an error/ Address not found

If this is the first email of its kind that you are receiving, we apologize but unfortunately we are down to the wire and need this information as quickly as possible.

Please indicate to us IMMEDIATELY which url/s you are running our ads on, and where on the site we can find them. Note that it is in your best interest to be running ACTUAL banners generated by Shoppingads. If you are running links generated by ShoppingAds, they must have the word “eBay” somewhere within the link content. Your referrer url’s (the url’s from which your ads/clicks are coming) must NOT be hidden or cloaked, it is against our TOS.

Note as well that the submission of a URL is then followed by a final evaluation, in which we determine whether your site is up to network quality. Failure to respond with a valid URL currently running our ads may result in termination and possibly loss of commissions.

Thank you kindly for your cooperation, we hope that this is the last email of this kind.

Thanks again.

ShoppingAds Support
Monetize your site with live merchant listings

I replied


yes im running your ads they work great , view them on any showthread page

Thank You ,
they then replied

Hi there,

Glad to hear it. Thank you for following up. You’re all set for now.
And the next day i got paid , So i uninstalled this mod to prevent from being black listed

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