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-   -   Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Yet Another Mass Private Message System 1.0.1 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=141622)

marsauae.com 04-01-2007 09:18 AM

thanx mtha
can you add this function to moderator
im not allow moderator to log admincp so can you allow moderator send pm from modcp

jdebler 04-02-2007 12:58 PM

Just voted for this to be MOTM.


I encourage anyone else who has this installed to vote in the poll as well! If you like it even more, hit the Support Developer link above!


stinger2 04-02-2007 01:13 PM

me voted too for MOTM

sjcallas 04-09-2007 04:16 PM

I have over 800 members on my site. I did the 500 send. It only sent it out to 5. Clicking the "next" button just sent me back to the main YAMPMS page. I recently did a forum conversion from IPB and everything has gone smoothly, and no new users have registered since. Any ideas?

Nathan2006 04-12-2007 04:31 AM

Thank you mtha


Is there anyway to have URLS such as:
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/info.php?do=staff in Pm's?

They all don't show as a click able link.

Thank you for any help :)

quasan 04-12-2007 10:30 AM

on the mass pn the following error occurs


Warnung: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /private.php(1723) : eval()'d code (Zeile 20)

Warnung: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /private.php(1723) : eval()'d code (Zeile 22)

Nathan2006 04-13-2007 06:08 AM

If I add all the main user groups to send a pm to and set the amount to>
PM to send at once: 50 it will only send out 44

If I try to set the "PM to send at once:" to 2000 it will also send out 44 Pm's to the same members.

I have a total of Members: 1,846

So the 2000 should have well covered it :(

Things done:

Files uploaded/product installed.
Ticked all my Members, Admin & Moderators user groups.

But still sending out 44 Pm's :(

Is there going to be any fix for this?

Thank you for any help

Lizard306 04-13-2007 08:33 AM

Hi, we have about 85000 members on our board, do u think we should use this? or using this will bring the server down :D

rayw 04-19-2007 08:03 AM

Nicely mod. Installed and working nicely. Cheers! :D

CyberRanger 04-20-2007 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lizard306 (Post 1226507)
Hi, we have about 85000 members on our board, do u think we should use this? or using this will bring the server down :D

I've used it a few times on one of my boards that has 10,000 members, sending 500 at a time. Worked great. I just had to click 20 times to send all of them.

nocte 04-24-2007 07:23 PM

This Mod does not send Email-Notifications, right? Is there a way to make it do this?

chris1979 04-29-2007 05:56 PM

Does it really not send e-mail notifications? I was just about to install it but it's no good to me if it doesn't send e-mail notifications.

CyberRanger 04-30-2007 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by chris1979 (Post 1237712)
Does it really not send e-mail notifications? I was just about to install it but it's no good to me if it doesn't send e-mail notifications.

It does send it. From what I recall, it follows whatever email notification option the user has selected.

v12kid 04-30-2007 05:30 AM

installed and working great! nice work

Lizard306 04-30-2007 07:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
finally installed it today :D, followed the steps in the instructions file, but "Send PM to Users" link in "Users" section does not appear :(, i uploaded all the files under "UPLOAD" in the root & also under a folder called "upload" :D

another funny thing, when i import the plugin for the first time it does not say:

Updating style information for each style

* skin ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (CSS) (Replacement Variables) (Controls) Done.

but this message comes only when i import this product again with overwrite option.

is it mandatory to install the older version first & then upgrade?

Let me know,

thanks a ton in advance.

Rick 04-30-2007 03:27 PM

I'm having the exact same problems as the user above... No PM link in the "User" menu.:(

egyptsons 05-09-2007 09:12 AM

Thanks for releasing ;)

FReeSTER 05-11-2007 12:23 AM

I was wondering how everytime you send PMs to users will send emails notice of that PM. I know you can do this manually per user options but is there anyway to do this by user group?the problem is that my email system is working impropiate since someone hack my forum and spam emails from my server and now I thing is on the Blacklist.

So until I have this fix I will like to send massive PMs but a the same time will send email notification for the PMs I send to every member

Thank you for your help

h2ojunkie 05-25-2007 07:14 PM

I just installed, and sent a PM to anyone active within the last 30 days.

27,145 PM's sent without issue, and it does send the email notification.

Only suggestion I have is adding in an auto-redirect for next page. It's a PIA to keep clicking that next button for that many PMs

UNRE4L 05-29-2007 12:49 AM

This is a really useful tool, but a problem i'm having is that when PM's are sent the system doesnt recognise that there is a new PM in the inbox. Even though there is one there it still displays "No new messages" on the index.

Does anyone know how to solve this?

MSheraz86 05-30-2007 11:10 AM


Clicked Installed :)

DJ MDX 06-06-2007 11:33 PM

*** Installed ***

And tested - Love It!!!

I like it better than mass emails.

Thank you for a great mod, it was exactly what I was looking for!

SuperTaz 06-07-2007 06:40 AM

I can't find the Send PM's to users link in my admin cp...I did everything that it said to do.

SuperTaz 06-11-2007 03:27 AM

It does not work for me. I did everything it said to do exactly and refreshed the admin cp and it still will not show the "PM All" button in the users or usergroups area. What happened?

masterross 06-11-2007 02:24 PM

installed and has same problem like

"all usergroups with Super Mod options lost their rights!"


steve71 06-25-2007 03:21 PM

Does this automatically ignore quota if PM box was full?

Alfa1 07-04-2007 04:50 PM

I would love to be able to use this hack to send a PM to all Users Awaiting Email Confirmation, that have Hotmail or Yahoo email accounts. That would enable me to quickly resolve the problem of those members not being aware of their activation email going into their overzealous spamfilter.
Any change on a extra search criteria box for 'email'

John Diver 07-08-2007 09:53 AM

Im getting this error everytime I try to send:

Fatal error: Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_PM in /includes/class_dm.php on line 763

Anyone know whats wrong?


jdebler 07-09-2007 02:16 AM

I was just notified of a strange problem with this one.

I sent out a PM newsletter today and as always, I set the "Include users that have declined admin emails?" option to NO.

I got a PM from a member telling me that they have their account set to decline admin e-mails, yet has received the last two mass PM's that I sent out. (I tell users that if they don't want our mass PM's, the uncheck "Receive E-mail from Administrators" box)

I checked and they were right, their account was set to not receive them. I went to send a test mass PM to that user, and sure enough...it still would have went to him when it shouldn't have.

Thinking that it was an odd setting in his account, I then went into my own account and set my own option of "Receive Admin Emails" to NO, and then tried to send a test mass PM to my own account. It too still would have been sent to my account to me when it shouldn't have.

Since the mass PM plugin is so similar to the VBulletin "Generate Mailing List" function, I then went to generate an e-mail list using the exact same parameters as the tests above, and neither the member account mentioned above who has the problem nor did my own account show up in the generated mailing list as it is supposed to be.

I really need this to work right, I don't want anyone to be upset receiving mass PMs when they don't want them.

Can anyone help with this?:eek:

USAMustangs.com 07-10-2007 02:57 AM

i have installed this and it works great, but is there a way to set this up to allow supermoderators to mass pm as well?

jdebler 07-13-2007 03:17 PM

Can someone please give me a hand with the problem I mentioned a few days ago in post #109? If I have to pay someone to get this fixed, I will. I need this to work ASAP!

Heck, is anyone else even experiencing this same problem?

Any help is very much appreciated!

tokenyank 07-16-2007 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by jdebler (Post 1286320)
I sent out a PM newsletter today and as always, I set the "Include users that have declined admin emails?" option to NO.

I got a PM from a member telling me that they have their account set to decline admin e-mails, yet has received the last two mass PM's that I sent out. (I tell users that if they don't want our mass PM's, the uncheck "Receive E-mail from Administrators" box)

That's because "Receive Admin Emails" is different than "Receive Private Messages".

If you send your newsletters via PM's, they need to disable receive pms and/or "Send Notification Email When a Private Message is Received".

That'll be ?50 please! ;)

tokenyank 07-16-2007 08:05 PM

This hack doesn't work with special characters:

The following errors occurred when the system tried to send PM to the above users. No PM sent.:

    [0] => The following users were not found:

  1. Lily&#39
  2. s Mummy
  3. shelby&#39
  4. smum
  5. alfred&#39
  6. smum


Error is triggered on "Lilly's Mummy" but the ascii designation of the ' seems to break the hack. Did this once during testing with an ! sign too...

Due to this, I'm uninstalling until alphanumeric+symbol support is available.

jdebler 07-17-2007 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by tokenyank (Post 1293045)
That's because "Receive Admin Emails" is different than "Receive Private Messages".

If you send your newsletters via PM's, they need to disable receive pms and/or "Send Notification Email When a Private Message is Received".

That'll be ?50 please! ;)

I am not sure I understand then...when making the list of users to PM, the option is:

"Include users that have declined admin emails? Yes No "

When checking "no", people who have their account set to "decline admin emails" still get added to the list. In other words, it is not working for me and I am not sure how.

Thank you for the reply, if I am still missing something, don't hesitate to fill me in!

tokenyank 07-17-2007 02:45 PM

I don't have it installed anymore so I can't check for 100% accuracy.. But I reckon that the coder took the code from the email user option in the admincp as the fields are all the same and he just forgot to change the phrases.

To test this, set option to not send to users that do not accept PMs, set your test account not to accept pms, then send it... If it doesn't get there, than it's a phrase issue, if it does get there, then the hack is teh broke more than I said up there! ;)

jdebler 07-17-2007 04:12 PM

Okay, let's do a test scientifically. :) Here is what I did and I decided to share it with all of you...

I created a test user account called TEST.

In the TEST account, I set the following:
  • Receive Admin Emails = NO
  • Receive Private Messages = NO

I created a user group called TESTGROUP and placed TEST into TESTGROUP

--- PM TEST #1 ----------------------------

Then I went into the Private Message Manager, and made the following selections:
  • Test PM Only? = NO
  • Override "Receive Private Messages = NO" option? = NO

I selected the TESTGROUP usergroup to send to.

Then I selected:
  • Include users that have declined admin emails? = NO

Clicked "send" and got the "No Users Matched Your Query" message, just as I should have.

RESULTS: PM TEST #1 Successful. Function operating as it should.


I went back into the TEST account, and made the following selections:
  • Receive Admin Emails = NO (<-- UNCHANGED)
  • Receive Private Messages = YES (<-- CHANGED FROM PREVIOUS TEST)

--- PM TEST #2 ----------------------------

Then I went into the Private Message Manager, ran the EXACT SAME TEST AS PM TEST #1 ABOVE,

Clicked "send" and the PM went through.

RESULTS: PM TEST #2 Failed. User account TEST received PM even though TEST account was set to "Receive Admin Emails = NO" and PM TEST 2 option of "Include users that have declined admin emails?" was set to NO.


To ensure that the "Receive Admin Emails = NO" function was not broken sitewide and to verify that it was only broken in the Private Message Manager, I went back into the TEST account, and verified the following selection:
  • Receive Admin Emails = NO (<-- UNCHANGED)

--- E-MAIL TEST ----------------------------

Then I went into the Email Manager, ran the EXACT SAME TEST AS PM TEST #1 ABOVE,

Clicked "send" and got the "No Users Matched Your Query" message, just as I should have.

RESULTS: E-MAIL TEST Successful. Function operating as it should.


CONCLUSION: "Receive Admin Emails" fucntion does not operate properly in Private Message Manager ONLY

Now, wasn't that fun and educational? ;)

So here are my important questions...
  • Has anyone else had the same results by running the same test above?
  • Can anyone help me fix this??

If I missed something, please go easy on me. Again, any help is most appreciated!

sybakaos 07-18-2007 11:09 AM

Can you add a feature to mass pm via your UserCP with:
- forced e-mail notification
- forced PM notifications popup

If not, are you perhaps considering adding a message (bb/font etc) editor in your send pm page in admincp?

jdebler 07-23-2007 06:16 PM

I ran the same test that I posted above on a friend's board and I got the same results. I guess that I answered my own question.

However, is there anyone out there who knows how to fix this? The author hasn't posted in this thread since March and I need to be able to exclude people from the PM's who don't want them. Just want it to work right. :)

Tralala 07-25-2007 08:56 PM

I'd like to afford "Mass PM" ability to my registered users as well (I run a very small and well-behaved forum.) Can this, or any other hack out there, make this possible on vBulletin 3.6.x?


BigDog56 07-26-2007 12:24 AM

Just installed this, works great! Thank you!

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