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Gryphon 06-05-2007 03:09 PM

There is an option to remove it in the vB options. And it will not be removed from cached tooltips, only new tooltips.

Finger78 06-05-2007 11:53 PM

ya thanks for that fixed it right up. TY

nsaklas 06-06-2007 12:26 AM

Hmmm - latest version of the mod works great for me with vbulletin alone, but my news feeder to my Vbadvanced CMS isn't picking up the items. Any advice? Not terribly sure which files I need to mod to get itemstats to work on my news posts...

nsaklas 06-06-2007 03:24 PM

NM -- figured it out, had to add some changes to the headerinclude file

Kimimaru 06-07-2007 02:23 PM

can you include this in the mod, http://forums.eqdkp.com/index.php?showtopic=9342&st=0

Zaeolos 06-09-2007 02:17 PM

I am having trouble getting the socket images to show up. Does anyone have any ideas for me?

istvan 06-13-2007 08:49 PM

would it be possible to make something in the plugin to reset the database / to force an update since some of the items change in patches the stats wont be correct i think

nykshawn 06-15-2007 04:29 AM

having some issues with this .. when i post a new thread, it takes me to a blank page. Also, when replying to a post containing the item code, it also takes me to a blank page. thoughts, anyone?

Didzi 06-15-2007 09:55 AM

can you include this in the mod http://forums.eqdkp.com/index.php?showtopic=9439

matt2cacnio 06-16-2007 02:50 PM

this looks like a good addon and good job with it. Just one problem. When I do [item]tags and post, that topic is giving me a white page with this error:

Fatal error: Class 'ParseAllakhazam' not found in /XXXXXXX/forum/includes/functions_gitemstats.php on line 200

It would show up on preview topic/post but if I dont use the addon (IE [item]) in the post, the post will be fine. Any way I can get this working Blackjack?


nykshawn 06-16-2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by matt2cacnio (Post 1269794)
this looks like a good addon and good job with it. Just one problem. When I do [item]tags and post, that topic is giving me a white page with this error:

Fatal error: Class 'ParseAllakhazam' not found in /XXXXXXX/forum/includes/functions_gitemstats.php on line 200

It would show up on preview topic/post but if I dont use the addon (IE [item]) in the post, the post will be fine. Any way I can get this working Blackjack?


This is exactly the same issue I'm having. I'm running vbulletin 3.6.7

KipLarson 07-08-2007 02:59 PM

Will there be a fix for the problems that crop up when you try to edit a post with an item already in it?

I know you have it listed as a Known Issue, but just wondering if this will be fixed.

The Fathom 07-17-2007 09:38 AM

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:

### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
INSERT INTO xzxplugin
(`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
('1', '5', 'gIS: Itemstats - AdminCP', 'admin_global', 'if (!defined(\'ITEMSTATS_LOADED\') && file_exists(DIR . \'/includes/functions_gitemstats.php\'))\r\n{\r\n require_once(DIR . \'/includes/functions_gitemstats.php\');\r\n}', 'gItemStats');

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Tuesday, July 17th 2007 @ 12:37:47 PM
Script : http://forum.xazax.com/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer : http://forum.xazax.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : XXXXXXXXX
Classname : vb_database

Don't know what i am doing wrong :(

Gryphon 07-17-2007 03:32 PM

You are trying to install a mod for vBulletin version 3.6 on vBulletin 3.5.

Try this addon, it will allow you to install 3.6 mods on 3.5.

The Fathom 07-17-2007 04:54 PM

ok script runs now. but now i see this on top of my webpage

Failed to update item: Cape of the Brotherhood (Table 'xzxvbull.xzxgitemstats' doesn't exist)
Failed to update item: Cape of the Brotherhood (Table 'xzxvbull.xzxgitemstats' doesn't exist)
Failed to update item: Cape of the Brotherhood (Table 'xzxvbull.xzxgitemstats' doesn't exist)
Failed to update item: Cape of the Brotherhood (Table 'xzxvbull.xzxgitemstats' doesn't exist)

Gryphon 07-17-2007 05:21 PM

Itemstats, code I did not write which is included in the mod, handles the creation of a cache table in the database. For some reason it is not creating the table, you will have to create it manually, the structure is found in itemstats/includes/itemcache.php

The Fathom 07-17-2007 05:46 PM

I realy have no idea how hahahha

Deepdog009 07-19-2007 10:34 PM

Gryphon great job with this one...

I have a minor update that uses the WOWHEADS feed, let me know if its worth doing?

Its another bbcode that uses less resources...

Keep the ball rolling...:up:

Phr057 07-23-2007 06:19 AM

I can't seem to get mine to either install correctly or work with vBadvanced. Anyone getting the same problem or know a fix?

Noxious 07-23-2007 01:18 PM

anyone know how to fix the enchants as i can't seem to get this mod to show any of the enchants using the [item] tags

sweede 07-24-2007 01:13 PM

Noxious: You can't add item enchants or socket data too itemstats codes. I'm sure that it may be possible, but currently it isnt (of course, i havent checked itemstats source in a long time).

Deepdog009 , care to share your changes? One thing that i did was instead of having a mouseover link (i.e. [itemname] ) , i changed it so that it pastes the HTML tooltip itself where ever you add the item bbcode ( )

Deepdog009 07-27-2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by sweede (Post 1300151)
Noxious: You can't add item enchants or socket data too itemstats codes. I'm sure that it may be possible, but currently it isnt (of course, i havent checked itemstats source in a long time).

Deepdog009 , care to share your changes? One thing that i did was instead of having a mouseover link (i.e. [itemname] ) , i changed it so that it pastes the HTML tooltip itself where ever you add the item bbcode ( )

Hey Sweede,,,

Sure no prob,,,

I posted here because I had the code, but I didn't want 2 post unless its ok with Gryphon...

Its a little different than this mod so I was going 2 release as add-on...

Gryphon Mod is outstanding,,, show yo love and support it folks

N-E ways PM me and I will give U more info...

Ciderhelm 07-29-2007 06:01 AM

Any ideas on how to get this to work with the arcade? I'm getting the following error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare cleanhtml() (previously declared in .../public_html/forums/arcade.php:5292) in .../public_html/forums/includes/functions_gitemstats.php on line 742

pewp 07-30-2007 05:10 AM

deepdog i sent you a PM

i found that there is a wowhead mod made for the original itemstats code


so if there is anyway to integrate this into it. i tried installing it the way they say, but it doesn't seem to work.

Deepdog009 07-31-2007 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by pewp (Post 1305076)
deepdog i sent you a PM

i found that there is a wowhead mod made for the original itemstats code


so if there is anyway to integrate this into it. i tried installing it the way they say, but it doesn't seem to work.

Yeap, It works like that one, but its not completely the same. It needs some improvements so Im sending it over 2 Gryphon so he can work his magic on it.

One problem is that I cant find the code on my computer. I will check again on the morrow...

When I find it I will send it...

Breid125 08-21-2007 04:16 AM

There's something strange in how VBull is parsing the information that it's passing to Itemstats.

My database has a number of entries that look like the following:
Gloves of the Fallen D efender
Gloves of the Fallen H ero

I've also noticed that when I click on the link to "Update" the item, the shortcut that it's giving me is including those spaces and such.

For example:
/vbull/itemstats/updateitem.php?item=Gloves%2Bof%2Bthe%2BFallen%2BD efender
/vbull/itemstats/updateitem.php?item=Pauldrons%2Bof%2Bthe%2BVanquis hed%2BDefender
vbull/itemstats/updateitem.php?item=Helm%2Bof%2Bthe%2BFallen%2BCha mpion

Any thoughts?

manub 09-01-2007 09:35 AM

I would really like to see the wowhead version :)

anyway thumbs up, great mod!

maelfius 09-02-2007 09:52 PM

I would love to see a couple changes to this mod.

1) Ability to assign a absolute path to the itemstats directory and/or xmlcache directory. I use VBadvanced and do not have my forums in the same directory as my "entry" page. I had to do a minor edit to ensure everything loaded every time.

2) I'd like to see support for the [itemico] tag (shows the item icon vs. the text [Epix Item blah] in the post).

Other than that, this is pretty slick not needing to edit the files directly to get it working.

Last thing, the view_cache, clear_cache etc files need the config.php edited to match your vbulletin install (and gitemstats table) or you cannot perform the maintenance actions. Perhaps you might want to hook these into the VBulletin information as well with the next release (should be just hacking the config.php file).


dangre 09-07-2007 11:09 PM

Great mod man! Love it.

There`s only one thing i couldn`t work out.

The item links work perfectly except for one thing, the picture of the item itself doesn? t show up.

All i get is red X`s

Caerydd 09-09-2007 09:47 AM

To get it working with vba (which would be nice for my purposes, but at present the link to the thottbot item is fine) it needs the global variable entered in vba's config

I'm not entirely sure what the global variable for gitemstats would be.

It isn't gItemstats.

manub 09-10-2007 09:43 PM

I also need some info to get it work with vbAdvanced.

Can someone help me? :)

Caerydd 09-11-2007 10:05 AM

I'm going to do some experimenting tonight (although I'm a non-coder, so...um..) so I'll let you know if I get it to work.

manub 09-11-2007 09:55 PM

Thank you.

troyani 09-27-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Gryphon (Post 1261799)
There is an option to remove it in the vB options. And it will not be removed from cached tooltips, only new tooltips.

Could you give me a hint where to disable the "itemstats.free.fr" link in the tooltip? Couldn't find anything.
Really great Addon, thanks for his!

manub 09-30-2007 08:24 AM

No news for getting it to work in homepage with vbAdvanced?

pestilence 10-08-2007 04:43 AM

same it works on my forums but on my vbadvanced homepage it causes an error

jluerken 10-08-2007 04:05 PM

Hi Gryphon, thanks for this mod, its working fine for me except one thing.

Itemstats is not showing the socket images, instead its showing the text like YELLOW SOCKET.

Any Idea how to fix this?

MaxBentum13 10-12-2007 05:51 AM

Hi all,

I'm having the same problem with the socket images not showing up. In the admincp I changed the Allakhazam Socket Image Path but the spit out HTML stays the same, whatever I fill in there.

Generated HTML

<span class=\'esock\'><img src=\'/images/redsocket.png\' alt=\'red\' />&nbs
I have the images local stored in right path: http://www.instance51.com/instance51.../redsocket.png

URL of my forum.

Hope someonce can help me out here.


MaxBentum13 10-12-2007 06:33 AM

I found out that in the table "gitemstats" in field "item_html" the path to the images is wrong.


<span class='esock'><img src='/images/redsocket.png' alt='red' />& ........cut
When I change this manually with phpmyadmin to:

<span class='esock'><img src='images/redsocket.png' alt='red' />& ........cut
it does work. It seems that change the path in admincp doesn't seems to affect any. I deleted the record, filled the field with some bullshit but the same HTML is generated. I even changed the function_gitemstats.php but also that doesn''t seems to affect the generated html. Anyone?


HunterZ 10-12-2007 07:18 PM

Is it possible to disable or alter the item link coloring? My forum's default style/theme has a light background and you can't see the white text used for common quality items.

Edit: My forum just choked on an incorrect tag formation. I want to post details but I don't want it to be used as an exploit to cripple forums.

Also, the itemico tag doesn't seem to work - I guess it's not supported?

Lastly, I would also like to see wowhead support.

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