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C Braithwaite 02-12-2007 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by rezapci (Post 1180699)
whats wrong with this!? why cant I update or reinstall it?

ive removed the onoff setting - i was attempting to make it so you could switch the plugin on or off. ill add that later.

djbaxter 02-12-2007 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1180700)
reupload the php file - it was a bug in the coding.

I'll retry in a moment - got an error saying I couldn't access the download here.

By the way, I have the EZ Bounce add-on installed for other forum emails. For some reason, it didn't work with the bounced emails generated by your add-on. I made it work via the following edits to remindermail.php:



                $headers .= "To: $username <$email>" . "\r\n";
                $headers .= "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" . "\r\n";

Add after:


$bounceurl                = $vbulletin->options['ezb_admincpurl'] . "/ezbounce.php?u=" . $userid;
$bouncestring        = "<a href=\"$bounceurl\" target=\"_blank\">$bounceurl</a>";
                $headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' . $bouncestring . $delimiter;

NOTE: This will fail unless you have the EZ Bounce add-on installed. It's a quick way to automatically uncheck "Receive emails from admin" for invalid email addresses, which you are invariably going to get eventually using this inactive users add-on.

rezapci 02-12-2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1180702)
ive removed the onoff setting - i was attempting to make it so you could switch the plugin on or off. ill add that later.

I cant, I cant reinstall it I cant update it, it give me DB error

PinkDaisy 02-12-2007 03:46 PM

If we are updating this, do we re-install it entirely even if it seems to be working okay ??

jordanjj 02-12-2007 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by PinkDaisy (Post 1180717)
If we are updating this, do we re-install it entirely even if it seems to be working okay ??

I was wondering the same thing. Best thing is to probably uninstall everything.. Make sure you remember all your information like the text in the email, then install the new one. Ill give it a shot.

PinkDaisy 02-12-2007 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by jordanjj (Post 1180720)
I was wondering the same thing. Best thing is to probably uninstall everything.. Make sure you remember all your information like the text in the email, then install the new one. Ill give it a shot.

lol let me know then if that works for you!! I'll let you be the guinea pig on it!! haha

jordanjj 02-12-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by PinkDaisy (Post 1180722)
lol let me know then if that works for you!! I'll let you be the guinea pig on it!! haha

Yep, Installed it again. Seems to be working fine, ofcourse i wont know.. because im not receiving the emails. Don't see why it wouldn't work.

Seems Good :up: Love The Mod.. Already Getting Member's Back! :cool:

projectego 02-12-2007 03:56 PM

Thanks for the patch. :)

C Braithwaite 02-12-2007 03:58 PM

there is no update option (i dont know how to do that yet - im just learning vbulletin products!)

It would prrobably be best to uninstall/reinstall but remember your settings and male a copy of your email if you have changed it.

as soon as i figure out how to make an upgrade, then ill make it upgradable.

sorry about any inconvinience.

rezapci 02-12-2007 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1180731)
there is no update option (i dont know how to do that yet - im just learning vbulletin products!)

It would prrobably be best to uninstall/reinstall but remember your settings and male a copy of your email if you have changed it.

as soon as i figure out how to make an upgrade, then ill make it upgradable.

sorry about any inconvinience.

good job, keep up your good work;)

C Braithwaite 02-12-2007 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by jordanjj (Post 1180728)
Already Getting Member's Back! :cool:

Im so happy to know that it's actually working :D

I'd like to see how it affects a big board actually.... so if anyone has one and uses this, please let me know

carpefile 02-12-2007 04:05 PM

@C Braithwaite--Please add your updates to the original post. It gets confusing trying to figure out what I need to update and when.
It would also be helpful to know if I have to reupload the php or just overwrite the xml.

C Braithwaite 02-12-2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by carpefile (Post 1180743)
@C Braithwaite--Please add your updates to the original post. It gets confusing trying to figure out what I need to update and when.
It would also be helpful to know if I have to reupload the php or just overwrite the xml.

just let me know the format you want it in.

carpefile 02-12-2007 05:03 PM

Using this as an example;
Initial Version for vBulletin 3.5

Added Rule(s) from URL
Fixed typo in Phrase

Fixed bug with new registration
-> to upgrade, import product-rulesagreement.xml and set Allow Overwrite to yes

Fixed bug with Reseting Rules every 12 hours
-> to upgrade, import product-rulesagreement.xml and set Allow Overwrite to yes

Fixed bug with with TABLE_PREFIX missing
-> to upgrade, import product-rulesagreement.xml and set Allow Overwrite to yes

Adding something along these lines would eliminate a lot of confusion and allow those wary of bugs posted in comments to see when they are resolved.

s0lidgr0und 02-13-2007 09:45 AM

How do I go about removing the link that this mod added to the footer of my board without permission or without notification in the description of the modification?

C Braithwaite 02-13-2007 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by s0lidgr0und (Post 1181373)
How do I go about removing the link that this mod added to the footer of my board without permission or without notification in the description of the modification?

uninstall the mod

AdminCP -> Manage Products -> Uninstall

WEBDosser 02-13-2007 10:06 AM

hmm.. i use a skin for my forum and it don't show that link, is that ok or do i have to have the link there?..

C Braithwaite 02-13-2007 10:15 AM

I'm not going to make a big deal about it if it doesn't show for whatever reason so dont worry about it, WEBDosser.

Originally Posted by WEBDosser (Post 1181386)
hmm.. i use a skin for my forum and it don't show that link, is that ok or do i have to have the link there?..

It annoys me however when people will download my code for their forum and then make demands of me, complain or wish not to give credit where credit is due.

WEBDosser 02-13-2007 10:43 AM

credit is given by clicking install.. however, i will edit the code for the emails sent out to include your link.. if that is ok with you?.

just IMO the footer is not a good place to force a link on someone website.

djbaxter 02-13-2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by WEBDosser (Post 1181398)
credit is given by clicking install.. however, i will edit the code for the emails sent out to include your link.. if that is ok with you?.

just IMO the footer is not a good place to force a link on someone website.

I don't see anything added in my footer but I agree with this. If an add-on affects the entire forum sitewide (e.g., Zoints SEO), I can see a footer link. But in general, I don't think it's appropriate.

I think the suggestion of adding a line or two at the bottom of sent emails is more appropriate.

djbaxter 02-13-2007 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by s0lidgr0und (Post 1181373)
How do I go about removing the link that this mod added to the footer of my board without permission or without notification in the description of the modification?

You don't seem to have the vBulletin copyright notice in the footer of your forum either.

s0lidgr0und 02-13-2007 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1181405)
You don't seem to have the vBulletin copyright notice in the footer of your forum either.

I never noticed it wasn't there. I simply had the font color and the background color set to the same color. I updated it - thank you.


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1181392)
I'm not going to make a big deal about it if it doesn't show for whatever reason so dont worry about it, WEBDosser.

It annoys me however when people will download my code for their forum and then make demands of me, complain or wish not to give credit where credit is due.

It annoys me when people hide advertisements for their own site in a simple modification that my regular members will never even see due to the very nature of the modification.


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1181379)
uninstall the mod

AdminCP -> Manage Products -> Uninstall

I'll just edit it out, I found where it's been added. I don't think it would kill you to simply stick a sentence in the description of the mod stating that you'll be advertising for free on the site of whoever downloads and installs it. Seems like a slight lack of integrity.

C Braithwaite 02-13-2007 02:50 PM

an install doesn't benefit me, but a link on a site does as google will spider it and boost my pr

I can't stop people from editing it out.

but I coded it, I coded it my way, and if people choose to use my code then they can either accept the link or edit it out themselves.

as for putting a link in the emails that is not needed. a nice little discrete link at the bottom of the page will be sufficient.

now I will not discuss this further.

any suggestions or bugs feel free to comment

djbaxter 02-13-2007 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by s0lidgr0und (Post 1181446)
It annoys me when people hide advertisements for their own site in a simple modification that my regular members will never even see due to the very nature of the modification.

I'll just edit it out, I found where it's been added. I don't think it would kill you to simply stick a sentence in the description of the mod stating that you'll be advertising for free on the site of whoever downloads and installs it. Seems like a slight lack of integrity.

That seems a little harsh to me.


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1181549)
an install doesn't benefit me, but a link on a site does as google will spider it and boost my pr

I can't stop people from editing it out.

but I coded it, I coded it my way, and if people choose to use my code then they can either accept the link or edit it out themselves.

Your choice, I suppose, and you're correct - those who object can edit it out. You might want to know, though, that it doesn't seem to be working - I don't see a link even in the vBulletin default theme and I haven't edited anything like that out of your add-on.

s0lidgr0und 02-13-2007 03:17 PM

I wasn't being harsh, I was being honest. I've only been doing this for two years but I've never known any of the other mods I've downloaded to chimp in a plug for themselves, especially without notifying the installer that they'd be doing so. I edited it out because I think it looked terrible. The modifications I have to my board aren't any of my members' concern nor will I allow it to be used as spider food to boost his site.

Dj, the link shows up way at the bottom near the JelSoft information.

djbaxter 02-13-2007 03:27 PM


Dj, the link shows up way at the bottom near the JelSoft information.
No it doesn't - not on my forum. have a look for yourself: http://forum.psychlinks.ca

C Braithwaite 02-13-2007 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1181577)
No it doesn't - not on my forum. have a look for yourself: http://forum.psychlinks.ca

dont worry yourself about it - honestly - it's not important.

airborneCAL 02-13-2007 03:55 PM

Do the groups specified have to be primary groups or can they be additional groups? Also, what if a user that would receive an email is a member of more than one group you specify in the admin panel - would they get more than one email?

s0lidgr0und 02-13-2007 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1181577)
No it doesn't - not on my forum. have a look for yourself: http://forum.psychlinks.ca

Lucky you.

C Braithwaite 02-13-2007 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by airborneCAL (Post 1181595)
Do the groups specified have to be primary groups or can they be additional groups? Also, what if a user that would receive an email is a member of more than one group you specify in the admin panel - would they get more than one email?

each member will only receive 1 email despite being a member of multiple. it will send out to them if they are secondary members of your specified usergroups.

does this cause a problem?

airborneCAL 02-13-2007 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite (Post 1181732)
each member will only receive 1 email despite being a member of multiple. it will send out to them if they are secondary members of your specified usergroups.

does this cause a problem?

I don't think so - my main concern was preventing duplication of emails based on multiple group memberships.

SCRIPT3R 02-13-2007 07:54 PM

unadvertised hotlinking/self-promotion is SPAM IMO... as much as i hate it, it's done rather often with hacks released here. i always just remove the occurance if i decide to use the hacks... AND rate negatively appropriately.

djbaxter 02-14-2007 02:31 AM

All this seems like a gross overreaction to me.

I think this is a useful add-on, bugs and all (which the author seems to be gradually working out). Between this and the EZ Bounce add-on, it has made the job of bringing back old members and deleting defunct members a whole lot easier. For that, the author should be commended.

I don't get the carping - if you don't like it, don't use it. Or create your own as a competitor. Or do as the author said and edit out the link if it shows up.

C Braithwaite 02-14-2007 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1182017)
All this seems like a gross overreaction to me.

I think this is a useful add-on, bugs and all (which the author seems to be gradually working out). Between this and the EZ Bounce add-on, it has made the job of bringing back old members and deleting defunct members a whole lot easier. For that, the author should be commended.

I don't get the carping - if you don't like it, don't use it. Or create your own as a competitor. Or do as the author said and edit out the link if it shows up.

I like you.
Right attitude.

Snake 02-14-2007 10:10 AM

Haha I can tell you that he's an idiot. :D

Anyway, thanks for the update, C. Seems to work just fine for me.

carpefile 02-14-2007 10:29 AM

I kinda resent the "carping" reference:p

Seriously, this is one of the most useful hacks I've ever installed. I mean its no IbProArcade or VBA, but it has shown to be very effective in doing its job. In the last few days, my lately very slow board has had tons of renewed activity.
I credit this hack for it, and don't mind a little link at the bottom that for the most part only search engines ever even see. I mean if your users are constantly scrolling to the footer of your pages to see what copyright links and what not are there, your board has bigger issues to deal with (like perhaps a lack of more engaging content).
Thanks Chris, I give this a MOTM nomination.:up:

WEBDosser 02-14-2007 10:31 AM

hehe.. this is great

C Braithwaite 02-14-2007 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by carpefile (Post 1182237)
I kinda resent the "carping" reference:p

Seriously, this is one of the most useful hacks I've ever installed. I mean its no IbProArcade or VBA, but it has shown to be very effective in doing its job. In the last few days, my lately very slow board has had tons of renewed activity.
I credit this hack for it, and don't mind a little link at the bottom that for the most part only search engines ever even see. I mean if your users are constantly scrolling to the footer of your pages to see what copyright links and what not are there, your board has bigger issues to deal with (like perhaps a lack of more engaging content).
Thanks Chris, I give this a MOTM nomination.:up:

Thankyou. :D

PinkDaisy 02-14-2007 11:12 AM

I've had TONS of members come back because of this!! I love it and it really shows the community that you really do miss them around the boards - at least on my board members do!

C Braithwaite 02-14-2007 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by PinkDaisy (Post 1182272)
I've had TONS of members come back because of this!! I love it and it really shows the community that you really do miss them around the boards - at least on my board members do!

I'm over the moon that people are not only using it, but finding it useful.

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