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thincom2000 09-20-2007 04:48 AM

Profile fields are admin definable. Hence I would not be able to make a general bitfield file that corresponds to more than one board. It should be possible to do this on your own if you did some coding.

I'm surprised no one has had any conflicts involving this mod yet. I've been sitting on a new reworked version that solves a few...

Sychev_S 09-20-2007 05:25 AM

Did some coding? Me? Yeah right:)

Reworked version you say? Can you share? ;)

One of the bugs I have noticed is when my users use <embed> tag to embed google video and it gets cut out due to max characters for this profile fields it break the tables in memberinfo template. Anyway around that?

Also is there a way to make the use of html in profile fields more secure?

I believe psionic have release his interactive profiles script with custom css feature that is somewhat protected from xss flaws. Can this be integrated into this mod?

thincom2000 09-20-2007 02:39 PM

The bug you mention is more of a limitation of vBulletin itself. In order to "fix" the max characters issue (I have done this on my site), you should alter the db fields for those profile fields. I believe they are set to VARCHAR(255). If you have MySQL 5 you can set the VARCHAR higher I think, but I just changed the fields to MEDIUMTEXT.

I will look at Psionic's mod one of these days and see what you are referring to... but honestly as long as script tags and comment tags exist, or the ability to define new HTML tags, I don't think there is a truly safe way to allow HTML.

Sychev_S 12-18-2007 07:14 PM

no worky with 3.7 =(

thincom2000 12-19-2007 09:08 AM

I will release an updated version as soon as I get around to installing 3.7. Right now I am still in the process of making my site upgrade friendly.

Sychev_S 01-03-2008 05:49 AM

Any update?

thincom2000 01-03-2008 03:52 PM

I have had no issues running this on 3.7. If you are having issues, try to contact me via AIM. Thanks.

Sychev_S 01-05-2008 11:27 AM

I don't have AIM. You got msn? That's the error i am getting when trying to access a profile:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions.php on line 3767

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_read_slave() on a non-object in /home/xxxx/public_html/beta/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php on line 217

thincom2000 01-05-2008 03:31 PM

I'm not sure how you are executing the member_customfields plugin, since in 3.7 member_customfields is missing.

EDIT: I found this thread at vb.com: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/proje...?issueid=23995

Until such time as vBulletin 3.7 GOLD is released, my profile fields feature is unsupported. A lot of changes were made in 3.7, so I will release a new version of this mod at such time. The 3.7 version of this mod is a bit smarter/faster, has even more compatibility with other hacks, and is much easier to integrate should the need arise.

cheesegrits 01-05-2008 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1343177)
I will look at Psionic's mod one of these days and see what you are referring to... but honestly as long as script tags and comment tags exist, or the ability to define new HTML tags, I don't think there is a truly safe way to allow HTML.

Have you looked at something like the HTML Purifier at:


I've been thinking about plugging this into vB for a while now. I've done some work with it in other systems (like a classified system I run), and it looks pretty damn solid. I ran a couple of the more comprehensive attack suites on it, and have yet to find anything damaging get through.

Although I do agree that there is no such thing as truly safe HTML enabled user input, especially when it comes to 'zero day' attacks using newly discovered vectors before things like HTML Purifier can be updated ... but these guys seem to be pretty much on the ball.

Certainly a better option than relying on roll-yer-own XSS cleaning scripts maintained by vB (or whoever), who don't really have the time to stay on top of this stuff on a day to day basis.

-- hugh

cheesegrits 01-05-2008 11:58 PM

Just FYI, although we now have the member_customfields hook back in 3.7b2, it has moved location (into fetch_profilefield_display() in functions.php), so to get the CES profile field stuff working, you need to add:


global $vbulletin, $userinfo;
... as the first line of the CES "Parse Profile Fields" plugin.

-- hugh

thincom2000 01-06-2008 01:47 AM

I'll look at the Purifier you posted, thanks.

As for the member_customfields plugin. Actually more changes than mentioned are necessary, just because of the new structure of member.php and that profile-block class. And according to my B2 & B3 ZIPs the hook needs to manually be added to that location, which is why I am not supporting the custom field parsing feature on 3.7 until gold.

cheesegrits 01-06-2008 09:01 PM

Sorry, I meant b3 not b2.

The hook is definitely there. All I did was download the latest b3 ZIP, installed it, and installed the CES ZIP from this thread. The globals were all I had to add to the plugin to get it working. I didn't have to touch vB's code. Here's the fetch_hook, line 1341 of functions.php in fetch_profilefield_display():


        ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('member_customfields')) ? eval($hook) : false;
Maybe they updated the b3 ZIP since your last download?

Obviously there are some other issues, like the AJAX based in-place editing on the Profile, which will blow away HTML formatting ... but that's just another SMOP. :)

EDIT - actually it doesn't trash the formatting, it just doesn't render as HTML on the AJAX response, because when vectoring through AJAX, $userinfo hasn't been set. So I just added ...


if (!$userinfo)
        $userinfo = $vbulletin->userinfo;

... the the start of the plugin, now the AJAX response comes back properly formatted.

-- hugh

mwilke 02-18-2008 11:04 PM

I recently installed this and after install all of my bbcode stopped working. I downloaded this to have my custom profile field #5 parsed as HTML. However directly after install my bbcode was turned off when all usergroups have bbcode as on. I then proceeded to the edit usergroups and I edited every user group that I was apart of to allow html as well as every other option. Still nothing. I do not know what to put in the

Profile Fields Appearing in the Postbits?
List the Profile Field IDs that you would like to be parsed in the Postbits.
Do you have to change the permissions for every usergroup that a member is apart of if you want that member to allow html?

thincom2000 02-19-2008 12:08 AM

You would put 5 in the option you asked about, but only if you have added that info in your postbit template. As for your next question, as long as a user is a member of at least 1 group with permission, they should be able to do whatever that permission allows. As for your BB-Code not working, this generally occurs as a result of a conflict with another modification, or a substantial update to vBulletin. Please get back to me regarding your version number.

thincom2000 02-19-2008 02:53 AM

Well I promised a new version a few months back, and rather than wait for 3.7 to go GOLD, I thought I would give everyone a Presidents' Day present.

This mod has been completely rewritten for the pending release of vBulletin 3.7.0. Permissions are now faster and more reliable. It is much easier for other coders to add support for their own mods or new vBulletin products.

cheesegrits directed me to HTMLPurifier in order to integrate it into this mod. This has been flagged for the next version.

nerofix 02-19-2008 05:41 AM

Does this work in vB 3.7 Visitor Messages?

I just tested with [IMG] tag but it didn't work, all usergroup permissions are set to allow IMG.. or did I miss something?

Edit: I also saw, that in profile fields, it's also not parsing the bbcode. What could be wrong?

Edit 2: The following errors occurred when this message was submitted: "BB code yt is not allowed." (How to fix allowing custom BB code?)

thincom2000 02-19-2008 06:15 AM

vBulletin 3.7 was hardcoded by Jelsoft to only allow simple BB-Codes like b, i, and url in Visitor Messages. The "support" this mod has for Visitor Messages is basically that it won't break them.

The only Profile Fields I have tested BB-Code in are on the About Me tab - Biography, Location, Interests, etc. Any other tabs use a different parser that I haven't investigated yet simply because I haven't gotten around to fixing up the profiles on my site yet. Even though I did test it first, it's possible that I broke the code because I manually created the product-xml and files rather than just exporting them from my site (I've been known to forget plugins from time to time). If you have a problem not addressed here, PM me a link to such a profile. Thanks.

nerofix 02-19-2008 06:38 AM

Okay, I hate the hardcoded BB-Code for visitor messages of jelsoft, I wonder why they allows links in visitor messages, very nice for spammers and I don't know how to disallow.

I got custom profile fields, could that be the reason (i.e.: field9), I'd like to parse BB-Code in it. Could you test it on your board please with custom profile fields, so we can be sure that this isn't my problem?

thincom2000 02-19-2008 06:47 AM

I will be looking into this. I also suspect that Profile Fields in the Postbit won't parse in a post that was JUST made via Quick Reply or that was JUST Quick Edited, so I will be testing and releasing another patch shortly.

Please confirm that Posts and postbits are parsing correctly.

thincom2000 02-19-2008 04:37 PM

Okay I have fixed this on the dev version. The problem was that $forumid wasn't getting passed through the function. To fix it temporarily on your site, you can add $forumid to the argument list for the function call in the bbcode_parse_start plugin. The code should be:

PHP Code:

$text ces_permissions_parse($this$text$forumid$dosmilies$dobbcode$dobbimagecode$dohtml); 

In includes/ces_permissions.php, find:

PHP Code:

function ces_permissions_parse(&$parser$text$dosmilies$dobbcode$dobbimagecode$dohtml

Replace with:
PHP Code:

function ces_permissions_parse(&$parser$text$forumid, &$dosmilies, &$dobbcode, &$dobbimagecode, &$dohtml

The fact that none of the "do" vars were not passed by reference before means that no vB functionality was broken, but that basically this mod did nothing. Apply this fix and it should be working. I will upload a new patch as soon as I fix the Quick Edit bug.

nerofix 02-19-2008 06:58 PM

Hello thincom,

I just installed the 2.0.1 and it's still not parsing [IMG] code in profile fields or visitor messages. I'm tinking about if something else is blocking this, but it's the first time I use your mod, so I'm not sure if it's meant to work there.


Please confirm that Posts and postbits are parsing correctly.
Where should I look, or better, what exactly should I do to test.
I also have project tools installed and of course your special xml therefor. (Just for info, don't know if it's important for you to know that).

Edit: I also got a 3.6.5 board, after installing CES_parser I get a database error when I go to the profiles:

Invalid SQL:

FROM infraction AS infraction
LEFT JOIN post AS post ON (infraction.postid = post.postid)
LEFT JOIN thread AS thread ON (post.threadid = thread.threadid)
WHERE infraction.userid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 5

Perhaps this could help you too.

thincom2000 02-19-2008 08:22 PM

Okay, as [IMG] code seems to be the only malfunctioning code on your board, it would appear that vBulletin is hardcoded in some way to circumvent its use on the profile. I will see if there is a possible workaround for this.

I will also look at the 3.6.5 member.php to see why that may occur, although I know these permissions don't touch infractions at all. At first glance, it looks like $userinfo might be cleared for some reason.

nerofix 02-19-2008 10:04 PM

Okay sorry, but I got 2 more things in 3.7

The inline-edit in about me doesnt show up anymore (which is less important)

.. but I have a major problem: when posting a visitor message on foreign profiles, the message is showing up in my profile only .. can you reproduce this?

Sorry to report you so many things, but I'd really like to help you and get your mod working because I've waited for a mod like yours. =)

thincom2000 02-20-2008 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by nerofix (Post 1446925)
The inline-edit in about me doesnt show up anymore (which is less important)

Sorry but I am not experiencing this issue.


Originally Posted by nerofix (Post 1446925)
I have a major problem: when posting a visitor message on foreign profiles, the message is showing up in my profile only .. can you reproduce this?

I can think of a possible cause for this without looking at the code, but I probably won't be able to look into this until tomorrow.


Originally Posted by nerofix (Post 1446925)
Sorry to report you so many things, but I'd really like to help you and get your mod working because I've waited for a mod like yours. =)

Thanks for that. I actually prefer more bug reports because I like being able to list a lot of things in the changelog between versions :p

thincom2000 02-20-2008 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by nerofix (Post 1446925)
I have a major problem: when posting a visitor message on foreign profiles, the message is showing up in my profile only .. can you reproduce this?

I haven't tested this, but just thought of it while I was out.

In includes/ces_permissions.php, find:
PHP Code:

global $vbulletin$post$userinfo$nuwiki

Replace with:
PHP Code:

global $vbulletin$post

That may even solve the 3.6.5 DB error. But then again I just thought of this a few minutes ago.

Thug 02-20-2008 02:55 AM

i get a blank white profile page after install for vbulletin 3.7 beta 4

thincom2000 02-20-2008 02:15 PM

Did you try the solution in my last post?

cheesegrits 02-20-2008 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1446359)
Well I promised a new version a few months back, and rather than wait for 3.7 to go GOLD, I thought I would give everyone a Presidents' Day present.

This mod has been completely rewritten for the pending release of vBulletin 3.7.0. Permissions are now faster and more reliable. It is much easier for other coders to add support for their own mods or new vBulletin products.

Ah, I was wondering about that. I was working on a hack last week to provide an HTML-enabled "About Me / Home Page" tab on the profile (replacing the default About Me), and it took a while to work how how the heck the $bbfoo variables I was setting were getting blown away! I presume handling of that stuff in bbcode_parse_start is what you mean by that last sentence. I'll load the new version this week and have another go at it.


cheesegrits directed me to HTMLPurifier in order to integrate it into this mod. This has been flagged for the next version.
The hack I mentioned above is basically a test for the HTMLpurifier. They've now added semi-sensible support for CSS as well, with the ability to restrict the scope of any CSS directives to a specific block ID. So far it's looking good. The cleaning process is pretty intense, lots of memory and CPU, and on larger sites I'm not sure it would be workable for common things like forum posts ... but for stuff like profiles, I think it's a winner.

My only real concern about using HTMLpurifier is convincing people who install it to keep it updated. All we can really do is put a big note in the mod description reminding people how important it is to mark the product "installed" so they can be informed of any security updates.

-- hugh

Thug 02-20-2008 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1447040)
I haven't tested this, but just thought of it while I was out.

In includes/ces_permissions.php, find:
PHP Code:

global $vbulletin$post$userinfo$nuwiki

Replace with:
PHP Code:

global $vbulletin$post

That may even solve the 3.6.5 DB error. But then again I just thought of this a few minutes ago.

Yes thincom2000 i treid this. blank profile page still.

thincom2000 02-20-2008 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by cheesegrits (Post 1447492)
The cleaning process is pretty intense, lots of memory and CPU, and on larger sites I'm not sure it would be workable for common things like forum posts ... but for stuff like profiles, I think it's a winner.

I thought this might be the case, so I was thinking of only running it when the post / profile is saved, and not on each post on showthread during run time.

thincom2000 02-20-2008 08:04 PM

Apparently there is some conflict with one of the modules available for vBadvanced. I'm not a vBa user, and since I don't have the time to go through all the addons for it, could someone experiencing the white page bug PM me login details for a test board with this issue? It has been reported by multiple users, so I would like to post a fix. Thanks.

cheesegrits 02-20-2008 08:57 PM

Do you have any idea which module? I'm a CMPS user, be happy to debug it for you.

-- hugh

cheesegrits 02-20-2008 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1447040)
I haven't tested this, but just thought of it while I was out.

In includes/ces_permissions.php, find:
PHP Code:

global $vbulletin$post$userinfo$nuwiki

Replace with:
PHP Code:

global $vbulletin$post

Just to confirm this does fix the issue with posting visitor messages to the wrong userid.

-- hugh

thincom2000 02-21-2008 01:56 AM

That's good to know. Thanks for confirming. Hard to believe that such a crazy bug could be caused by that. I'm still trying to figure out why IMG tags are completely stripped from Profile Fields.

nerofix 02-21-2008 08:52 AM

Yes I can also confirm this. Thanks for this fix!

Another question, what about custom BB-Code? When trying to post a visitor message with custom bb-code it always says:

The following errors occurred when this message was submitted

1. BB code yt is not allowed.

Is there a way to allow it? Its also ignored in "about me".

thincom2000 02-21-2008 01:29 PM

Yeah the reason for this was the way Visitor Messages were hardcoded. I suspect that the developers thought we wouldn't want users embedding videos and images and such on people's profiles. Of course it's always possible to block individual codes and not kill the whole list.

I have implemented a workaround for this in my dev version, so that IMG and custom BB-Codes are working. I just have to figure out why HTML and IMG aren't parsed immediately following the AJAX edit pencils (until page refresh).

cheesegrits 02-21-2008 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1448117)
I just have to figure out why HTML and IMG aren't parsed immediately following the AJAX edit pencils (until page refresh).

That's because of this code in ces_permissions_customfields():

PHP Code:

    if (FILE_VERSION >= '3.7.0')

$userinfo =& $blockobj->profile->userinfo;

Sllight variation of the same bug I mentioned in a previous post. When coming in through AJAX, a lot of the data structures that exist on a normal page load aren't there ... including $blockobj; I changed the above to just use $vbulletin->userinfo instead, and it works.

But I do need to test and make sure this doesn't screw up display perms when not using AJAX ...

EDIT - yup, it does need another change to work right in both cases:

PHP Code:

    if (FILE_VERSION >= '3.7.0')
        if (
$_REQUEST['ajax'] == 1)
$userinfo =& $vbulletin->userinfo;            
$userinfo =& $blockobj->profile->userinfo;

This seems to work. The assumption being if it's AJAX, we know we are editing the profile for the logged on user, so we can use $vbulletin->userinfo. If not AJAX, we can use the $blockobj->profile->userinfo, which will be whoever the profile belongs to.

-- hugh

thincom2000 02-21-2008 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by cheesegrits (Post 1448163)
The assumption being if it's AJAX, we know we are editing the profile for the logged on user, so we can use $vbulletin->userinfo. If not AJAX, we can use the $blockobj->profile->userinfo, which will be whoever the profile belongs to.

Right. Using $vbulletin->userinfo is still a problem, however. The function you have modified is also called in the postbits. Say an admin Quick Edits a post by someone with different profile field permissions. Using $vbulletin->userinfo when only checking that this is an AJAX request would result in the very minor bug that upon saving the edit, the admin would see the profile fields for that post parsed with the admin's permissions until he/she refreshed the page. Therefore, the fix I have implemented is similar, but slightly more specific in the criteria for setting $userinfo to $vbulletin->userinfo.

Thanks for your fix, though. It saved me some time looking this afternoon.

cheesegrits 02-21-2008 07:41 PM

Yeah, I figured there'd be some other gotchas.

I'd like to get my hands on your latest fixes ASAP. I have a different issue - profile fields will display correctly after an AJAX edit, but not on a regular profile page load. I'm working on a semi-related hack, which replaces the regular About Me tab (but shows the same About Me profile field info by default unless you crate an HTML profile). And I'm not sure if it's a bug in my code, or some weird interaction between mine and yours, but the default field display isn't parsed. Except when loaded via AJAX ... *sigh* ...

-- hugh

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