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RedTyger 02-02-2007 09:46 AM

Uninstall the modification, then install the new one. It was in the instructions! Anyone upgrading from 1.0 or 1.1 to a later version should do so or they'll get errors.

GNeRaL 02-02-2007 09:55 AM

Thanks, installed.

Nathan2006 02-02-2007 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1172852)
Uninstall the modification, then install the new one. It was in the instructions! Anyone upgrading from 1.0 or 1.1 to a later version should do so or they'll get errors.


Great, all working good now thanks :)

I looked through all the info on the 1st post and the update email
and did not see any info about upgrading :(

RedTyger 02-02-2007 10:00 AM

It was in the update information. :) No worries.

TrIn@dOr 02-02-2007 11:59 AM

Group by url?, im having multiple records of the same master url...

URL Text - foros.3dgames.com.ar
URL Link - http://foros.3dgames.com.ar/member.php?u=37691

URL Text - foros.3dgames.com.ar
URL Link - http://foros.3dgames.com.ar/showthread.php?t=359960

The table down our forum shows 2 times "foros.3dgames.com.ar" separated, and NOT counted like (2)

http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/472...ot00019fv0.jpgNOTE: I edited cron job to do the cleanup monthly, for that you can redd month in the phrase.

EDIT: you can see it by your self in spanish (default), http://www.clandelsur.com/foro/index.php

Thanks in advance.

EDIT 2: My actual version is 1.51 of the mod, needed to redo template mod again??

RedTyger 02-02-2007 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by TrIn@dOr (Post 1172900)
Group by url?, im having multiple records of the same master url...

URL Text - foros.3dgames.com.ar
URL Link - http://foros.3dgames.com.ar/member.php?u=37691

URL Text - foros.3dgames.com.ar
URL Link - http://foros.3dgames.com.ar/showthread.php?t=359960

The table down our forum shows 2 times "foros.3dgames.com.ar" separated, and NOT counted like (2)

That is correct, because they are separate pages the visitor is coming from. If you had 2 visitors from http://foros.3dgames.com.ar/member.php?u=37691 then the count would go to 2. You can trim this down a bit by using the "Trim URL variables" option which cuts off anything after the ? which means any visitor from http://foros.3dgames.com.ar/member.php would be grouped together regardless of which member's page they arrived from. The option to cut URLs down even further is not available at this time.

You can alternatively use the "Use referring page title" option so the links will have different names and be more obviously separate. Despite the warning you should not see any performance difference.

SVZ 02-02-2007 04:24 PM

Anyway to limit the number of sites it lists?

Also when I put google in my ban list, it still shows up. Does it need to go through an update cycle or something?


RedTyger 02-02-2007 04:29 PM

Wow, heh. Good list! That was actually half the point of this modification, as an indicator of activity. You're the first I've seen it works well.

No, you can't limit the number of sites it adds. Bans are done before a URL is added to the list, so if it already exists then it will continue to count up until the next clearance, at which point it should not appear again. If it does then I've broken the blockwords filter again.

SVZ 02-02-2007 04:54 PM

Here's my blocklist so far

"google, images.google.ca, google.com., google.co., search.yahoo.com,, ask.com, search.msn.com, google.ca, , images.google.com"

And then I click on the (Remove all referrals) links, but it still comes back.

SVZ 02-02-2007 04:55 PM

Oh the reason why I want to block search engines, is because I want to provide backlinks for blogs, etc that link to us.

And thanks for the plugin :) I really like it!

Stangsta 02-02-2007 05:31 PM

Has anyone been able to successfully get this working on 3.5?

I got everything working, was just too lazy to "wait for referrers" and uninstalled it after seeing a post in this thread about it being incompatible with 3.5. I know there is a way to make it work, any ideas? Is it just the cron that wont work?

EDIT: Disregard, reinstalled and working like a champ on 3.5. If the cron dont work, ill just fdo it manually.

cannabis-world 02-03-2007 05:01 AM

I am getting a huge string of listings from our site...looks like this:

https: (2), https: (3), https:, https:, https:, google.se, https: (3), https: (2), https: (8), https:, https:, https:, https: (2), https:

the first link for instance looks like this:

we have both http:// and https:// users, and there are both http:// and https:// links throughout the forums that folks are clicking on, some users will logon as an http:// and follow https:// links for instance

is it possible that I set something wrong, or is there a way for it to ignore referrals coming from our own site?

thanks in advance

cooldude714 02-03-2007 06:33 AM

None will ever show up :confused: Any ideas why? Or what I might have to change in any of the files, say put my forum's link???

RedTyger 02-03-2007 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by cannabis-world (Post 1173471)
I am getting a huge string of listings from our site...looks like this:

https: (2), https: (3), https:, https:, https:, google.se, https: (3), https: (2), https: (8), https:, https:, https:, https: (2), https:

the first link for instance looks like this:

we have both http:// and https:// users, and there are both http:// and https:// links throughout the forums that folks are clicking on, some users will logon as an http:// and follow https:// links for instance

is it possible that I set something wrong, or is there a way for it to ignore referrals coming from our own site?

thanks in advance

Ah. That would be my fault, it never occurred to me that anyone would be using https:// in their URL. I'll have to fix that in an update.


Originally Posted by Stangsta (Post 1173109)
Has anyone been able to successfully get this working on 3.5?

I got everything working, was just too lazy to "wait for referrers" and uninstalled it after seeing a post in this thread about it being incompatible with 3.5. I know there is a way to make it work, any ideas? Is it just the cron that wont work?

EDIT: Disregard, reinstalled and working like a champ on 3.5. If the cron dont work, ill just fdo it manually.

It should work fine, I just suspect that the timings wouldn't be set up and you'd have to do it yourself via Scheduled Tasks.


Originally Posted by cooldude714 (Post 1173503)
None will ever show up :confused: Any ideas why? Or what I might have to change in any of the files, say put my forum's link???

Um. No, I'm afraid I don't know. There's nothing you have to do to get them showing up.

Biby 02-03-2007 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1173053)
Wow, heh. Good list! That was actually half the point of this modification, as an indicator of activity. You're the first I've seen it works well.

No, you can't limit the number of sites it adds. Bans are done before a URL is added to the list, so if it already exists then it will continue to count up until the next clearance, at which point it should not appear again. If it does then I've broken the blockwords filter again.

I have the same prob. This is my Blocklist:


xbox360-tribe,console-tribe, google,ps3.console-tribe.com,ds.console-tribe.com ,psp.console-tribe.com
I have cleared all referrers with schedule task and Kill all Referrers on homepage too.
This is the result:


psp.console-tribe.com [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], ps3.console-tribe.com (3) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (3) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], sylviaimports.cocolog-nifty.com [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], google.it [X], psp.console-tribe.com [X], console-tribe.com [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], google.it [X], ps3.console-tribe.com (2) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X], psp.console-tribe.com (2) [X]
I've added these domain cause are all mine and I don't care about it...

SVZ 02-03-2007 02:07 PM

Yeah the blocklist doesn't seem to work at all, and I would really like to be able to limit the amount of referrers, I had about 800 yesterday lol...it was a bit long!

cannabis-world 02-03-2007 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1173520)
Ah. That would be my fault, it never occurred to me that anyone would be using https:// in their URL. I'll have to fix that in an update.

Excellent thank you!

I am also having another minor problem, getting these mysql errors in my email ->


INSERT INTO vb_referrers
(url, count)
('https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mydomain.com%2Fcw%2Fshowthread .php%3Fp%3D52285', 1);

MySQL Error : Duplicate entry
I've gotten about 7 of them so far
thank you for your time

cannabis-world 02-05-2007 06:38 PM

I am up to 1400 references, it seems to be collecting references from when I first installed the plugin

PinkDaisy 02-05-2007 08:11 PM

is there a way to unblock the letters t and l ??

cooltechie 02-05-2007 11:50 PM

I just gave it a try. I set the viewable to id:1 and logged out but it still shows for all guest users.

RedTyger 02-06-2007 06:58 AM

That's because Guest users are usergroup 1.

Icehawk002 02-07-2007 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by SVZ (Post 1173670)
Yeah the blocklist doesn't seem to work at all, and I would really like to be able to limit the amount of referrers, I had about 800 yesterday lol...it was a bit long!

Same problem and many are from the same sites repeated many times rather than once indicating the number of visitors from site.

RedTyger 02-07-2007 10:07 AM

Just popping in to say I'm aware of the problems, I'm just waiting for a window to sit down and fix it, sorry for the delay. I'll have a look at allowing for a "Show last X" number referrers as requested too, but no problems.

Icehawk002 02-07-2007 10:29 AM

Thanks and if you want a live board to debug or it would be helpful let me know :)

Guest210212002 02-07-2007 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Icehawk002 (Post 1176677)
Same problem and many are from the same sites repeated many times rather than once indicating the number of visitors from site.

I end up with ~100 or so instances of google by the end of the day.

RedTyger 02-11-2007 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Chris-777 (Post 1176809)
I end up with ~100 or so instances of google by the end of the day.

If you are getting what appears to be many different results then I recommend you use the "Page title" option. That way each Google result will be displayed using the terms that were searched for to get to your forum. Despite the warning, there should be no speed difference at all. Try it yourself.

Pottsy 02-11-2007 01:12 PM

The first letter in some of my links is missing, so


is shown as


RedTyger 02-11-2007 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Pottsy (Post 1179869)
The first letter in some of my links is missing, so


is shown as


Thanks, that's been caught and hopefully fixed in the next version.

To those who are having trouble with the blocklist not working, do you have any other modifications that use a blocking system installed?

masterme 02-13-2007 09:57 AM

This keeps giving mysql errors, but when disabled I have no prob. Had the latest, tried it couple times, but no succes.
Also, it is not nice to see 10 time the same site, there must be done something about that so you just see one name and the numbers of times a visitor came from. Not lets say
google(4) and later on again google(3) etc etc.

Installed an normal tracker.

RedTyger 02-13-2007 01:00 PM

A mere 3 posts higher...


Biby 02-14-2007 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1179880)
To those who are having trouble with the blocklist not working, do you have any other modifications that use a blocking system installed?

no, only your script!

Lord Kirken Mor 02-24-2007 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1170384)
You've done the template edit wrong. :p Remove it all and try again.

Nope its the skin I am using that is conflicting where the bar 'Total websites who have referred visitors today: 16 ' maybe you could help me?

RedTyger 02-25-2007 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Kirken Mor (Post 1189542)
Nope its the skin I am using that is conflicting where the bar 'Total websites who have referred visitors today: 16 ' maybe you could help me?

Not really I'm afraid. You're missing the first line of the template edit according to what you posted in your original post, if that's not there I'd add it and perhaps try removing the <thead></thead> tags?

BigJimTheLug 02-27-2007 03:17 PM

I must say, this is the best hack for any serious SEO-minded individual.

You won't believe how this is transforming my forum. Using this with vbseo is a definite benefit. In fact, this feature should be incorporated into vbseo.

This is fantastic.

Install this ASAP and learn how to use it properly, it helps a lot!

Great work.

RedTyger 02-27-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by MARKETPROFITS (Post 1191967)
I must say, this is the best hack for any serious SEO-minded individual.

You won't believe how this is transforming my forum. Using this with vbseo is a definite benefit. In fact, this feature should be incorporated into vbseo.

How so? I'm looking at your forum now and referrals aren't visible to Guests/Search Engines.

BigJimTheLug 02-28-2007 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1192018)
How so? I'm looking at your forum now and referrals aren't visible to Guests/Search Engines.

I set it to only display for admins.

Guest and other don't need to see where my traffic comes from.

This mod gives me exact phrases that leads people to my forum.

This is very important.

I know what to capitalize on and its great.

I feel it is an edge.

RedTyger 02-28-2007 09:21 AM

Ohhhhh, I see. That's the sort of thing that your server stats software (i.e. AWStats) will do in much more detail though.

BigJimTheLug 02-28-2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1192512)
Ohhhhh, I see. That's the sort of thing that your server stats software (i.e. AWStats) will do in much more detail though.

Yes, but it is right there immediately available at the forum. :)

Very convenient. ;):up:

One funny thing about this mod and my site, when I get over 500 referrals and do not delete them, my site gets slow.

I'm deleting referrals about every two to three days.

Nonetheless, great mod.

rolfw1 02-28-2007 08:12 PM

Thanks, nice mod, installed today and works well, apart from the missing w at the start of URLs, looking forward to the fix. :)

RedTyger 03-01-2007 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by MARKETPROFITS (Post 1192680)
Yes, but it is right there immediately available at the forum. :)

Very convenient. ;):up:

One funny thing about this mod and my site, when I get over 500 referrals and do not delete them, my site gets slow.

I'm deleting referrals about every two to three days.

Nonetheless, great mod.

Yes, you'd be pulling over 500 entries from the database! Not good. If the scheduled task isn't executing because you don't have traffic at midnight, consider changing the time it runs to a time when you have plenty of visitors or it won't run.

Alternatively, in the new update you can restrict how many recent referrals are displayed which also limits the number which are retrieved from the database which effectively solves your problem anyway.

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