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Pottsy 07-04-2007 08:49 AM

A quick question - does the email come for registration attempts that may have been otherwise (captcha) unsuccessful?

AnaB 07-07-2007 07:48 PM

sounds like a great mod. I'm installing it. Getting sick of spam registrations here.

quiklink 07-07-2007 07:52 PM

It works great! Blocked 72 of em in the past 5 days since I installed it. Most of them from Russia.

Paul M 07-07-2007 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Pottsy (Post 1282519)
A quick question - does the email come for registration attempts that may have been otherwise (captcha) unsuccessful?


v12kid 07-09-2007 07:25 AM

installed, will monitor to see what it catches :)

Torqued 07-09-2007 01:26 PM

Excellent mod. I caught 10 spambots in the 1st 24 hours this mod was running.

I'd like to add another vote for including the IP address in the email - it would be nice to know if I'm getting spambots repeatedly from an ip address or ip range.

Torqued 07-15-2007 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Torqued (Post 1286699)
Excellent mod. I caught 10 spambots in the 1st 24 hours this mod was running.

I'd like to add another vote for including the IP address in the email - it would be nice to know if I'm getting spambots repeatedly from an ip address or ip range.

Bumping to see if the author or anyone else could add IP address to the email?

I tried adding it, but I apparently didn't do it right.

I'm getting about 10-15 spambots/day and I suspect many of them are coming from the same ip addresses/ranges. It would be nice to be able to identify and block those IPs. :D

WreckRman2 07-18-2007 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Torqued (Post 1291814)
Bumping to see if the author or anyone else could add IP address to the email?

I tried adding it, but I apparently didn't do it right.

I'm getting about 10-15 spambots/day and I suspect many of them are coming from the same ip addresses/ranges. It would be nice to be able to identify and block those IPs. :D

This is exactly what I was hoping to see added... then we can block that IP. It would be great if that the system automatically added the IP to the blocked list. Is this possible?

webgod 07-19-2007 10:49 AM

To include the IP in the email.

Go to the Plugin Manager in your AdminCP
Click edit for "register_addmember_process" under Is Bot product

PHP Code:

$isbot_email htmlspecialchars_uni($vbulletin->GPC['email']); 

Below it add:

PHP Code:

$isbot_ipaddy IPADDRESS

next find:
PHP Code:

' (' $isbot_timediff ' ' $vbphrase['isbot_seconds_transpired'] . ')'

REPLACE it with:
PHP Code:

'  (' $isbot_timediff ' ' $vbphrase['isbot_seconds_transpired'] . ')'
'  The IP Address is: ' $isbot_ipaddy 

Torqued 07-20-2007 12:27 AM


Thanks, I'll give this a shot.. I just had a bot try to register 8 times w/ the same email address. :mad:

webgod 07-20-2007 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Torqued (Post 1296148)

Thanks, I'll give this a shot.. I just had a bot try to register 8 times w/ the same email address. :mad:

this is the email contents you should see:

The following user name with email address was blocked by the Is Bot mod: Reporter - asxosoooxoux@mail.ru (4 seconds transpired) The IP Address is:
if there's enough interest, I could modify it so the IP is added to the Ban IP list

Torqued 07-20-2007 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by webgod (Post 1296510)
this is the email contents you should see:

if there's enough interest, I could modify it so the IP is added to the Ban IP list


I don't know if autobanning them would be such a good idea. While I've had a ton from .ru and .ro domains, I have also had a fair number from domains like comcast.com and other "valid" ISP's.

Thanks for the IP addy modifications, though... it's working great!!!!!! :up::D

webgod 07-21-2007 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Torqued (Post 1296919)

I don't know if autobanning them would be such a good idea. While I've had a ton from .ru and .ro domains, I have also had a fair number from domains like comcast.com and other "valid" ISP's.

Thanks for the IP addy modifications, though... it's working great!!!!!! :up::D

The IP address that is listed, is the address of the user's PC and is almost never related to their email domain.. unless they are registering directly from their email server (not possible with apublic company like comcast, et all.)

quiklink 07-21-2007 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by webgod (Post 1297012)
The IP address that is listed, is the address of the user's PC and is almost never related to their email domain.. unless they are registering directly from their email server (not possible with apublic company like comcast, et all.)

True, but it's quite often a non-static IP address that they are using. So the IP they have today isn't necessarily the one they are using tomorrow, making IP bans useless in that case and risking locking out non-offenders instead.

Centrix 07-22-2007 10:17 AM

Let me get this straight

this prevents those bots who post loads of links to viagra sites and stuff to register on my site? those things annoy me so badly

almightyone 07-22-2007 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Centrix (Post 1298101)
Let me get this straight

this prevents those bots who post loads of links to viagra sites and stuff to register on my site? those things annoy me so badly

it times how long it takes from one page to the enxt to complete the registration and if it is under 15 seconds it blocks them a human can not fill the forms in as fast as a bot does

stratisdan 07-22-2007 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Centrix (Post 1298101)
Let me get this straight

this prevents those bots who post loads of links to viagra sites and stuff to register on my site? those things annoy me so badly

Really. I'm installing this mod now.

webgod 07-23-2007 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by quiklink (Post 1297027)
True, but it's quite often a non-static IP address that they are using. So the IP they have today isn't necessarily the one they are using tomorrow, making IP bans useless in that case and risking locking out non-offenders instead.

That's exactly why I'm not a big fan of IP banning, unless you IP WHOIS and find that it's a static IP.

I'd say 90% of residential internet users have a Dynamic IP (changes frequently) so IP banning isn't very useful.

webgod 07-28-2007 12:08 PM

Well the Bots are getting smarter.:mad:

just had the following occur:

@ 7:52am CST:

The following user name with email address was blocked by the Is Bot mod: jaulovvoys - ulovvoys-1@1chuan.com (5 seconds transpired) The IP Address is:
@ 7:56am CST:

The following user name with email address was blocked by the Is Bot mod: jaulovvoys - ulovvoys-1@1chuan.com (6 seconds transpired) The IP Address is:
@ 7:58am CST

There is a new user, jaulovvoys

Email Address : ulovvoys-1@1chuan.com
IP Address:

He got through.. note the IP address is different for all three attempts!

perfphysio 08-04-2007 06:03 AM

excellent idea indeed. This combined with the alternate to captcha mod is going to make my life sooooooooo much easier. No more free mobile phones, playstations and friggen discounted nike trainers. Well at least I hope so.

Congrats on making this great addition :)

Brew 08-07-2007 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by webgod (Post 1303825)
Well the Bots are getting smarter.:mad:

just had the following occur:

@ 7:52am CST:

@ 7:56am CST:

@ 7:58am CST

He got through.. note the IP address is different for all three attempts!

I figured it would only be a matter of time.

At least you KNOW this user is a spammer or at least a very potential one. I'd ban him straight away.

kira 08-08-2007 01:33 AM

This is excellent, calorie, thank you so much. In the last five days it's prevented 35 bot registrations. I moderate all new registrations, and it's a pleasure to have saved so much time now that I don't have to check on as many fishy new users.

Three cheers to you! :)

stratisdan 08-08-2007 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by kira (Post 1312348)
This is excellent, calorie, thank you so much. In the last five days it's prevented 35 bot registrations. I moderate all new registrations, and it's a pleasure to have saved so much time now that I don't have to check on as many fishy new users.

Three cheers to you! :)

Ditto. It's made it much easier to combat the spam bots. :up:

Munro 08-16-2007 01:29 PM

I love this hack. It's blocked over 800 signups in just one month. One suggestion I would like to make is for the blocked email addresses to be automatically added to the ban list.

Pottsy 08-16-2007 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Munro (Post 1318931)
I love this hack. It's blocked over 800 signups in just one month. One suggestion I would like to make is for the blocked email addresses to be automatically added to the ban list.

This to me makes a lot of sense. I only have 280 or so a month - but just occasionally some keep trying until they get through. If someone uses a bot to have a go at my site just the once, then I'm happy to block that email account for ever!

Torqued 08-20-2007 06:01 PM

Looks like the bots are trying to get smarter:

Blocked by IsBot:: omicheBiope - rxvcujbver6_12@mail.ru (1 seconds) The IP Address is:
Blocked by IsBot:: omicheBiope - rxvcujbver6_12@mail.ru (2 seconds) The IP Address is:
Blocked by IsBot:: omicheBiope - rxvcujbver6_12@mail.ru (5 seconds) The IP Address is:
Blocked by IsBot:: omicheBiope - rxvcujbver6_12@mail.ru (7 seconds) The IP Address is:
Blocked by IsBot:: omicheBiope - rxvcujbver6_12@mail.ru (2 seconds) The IP Address is:
Blocked by IsBot:: omicheBiope - rxvcujbver6_12@mail.ru (5 seconds) The IP Address is:
Blocked by IsBot:: omicheBiope - rxvcujbver6_12@mail.ru (13 seconds) The IP Address is:

kira 08-20-2007 06:06 PM

Ooh creepy, Torqued -- that same bot hit my forum this morning too, at 6:21 EST, trying five times to get past IsBot.

But IsBot vanquished it! Yay for IsBot. :)

BillP 08-23-2007 03:06 AM

Installed it on Pirate4x4.com and perfectunion.com, great mod!

jasculs 08-30-2007 12:52 PM

This is seriously the best mod ever...Everyone needs to install this mod because it has saved me a ton of headaches already with spammer....I don't get any spammers anymore really...How this mod was never nominated for "Mod of the Month" yet is beyond me.


BillP 08-31-2007 12:38 AM

Same from me. I administer two sites, one small and one huge, and it's stopping 95-98% of the spammers dead in their tracks.


wilburshere 09-09-2007 09:46 AM

question im still getting bots

once you import xml file what do ya do next there is no install instructions that i can see

michael_S 09-11-2007 02:20 AM

Installed! I am really liking this mod. Blocked 5 bots today. They were getting pretty bad for a while there. This has slowed it down a bit for me. Thanks a lot.

David Bott 09-11-2007 04:46 PM

I just installed this on AVSFORUM which is ver 3.6.8. I have not read anything on ver 3.6.8 here thus am I wondering....Will it work? :) I did a test register and the registration did work, but I am not fast enough to test it as me looking like a BOT. :)

So, thoughts on 3.6.8?

michael_S 09-11-2007 05:37 PM

Yes, I have it installed and working on 3.6.8

wilburshere 09-13-2007 09:08 AM

:eek::eek: found it cool works now need to edit template :up::up:

kira 09-17-2007 07:02 AM

Still working splendidly for me. But I have a question. I don't really need to see the "User Blocked" email. Is it possible to turn off email notifications? (Or is there some reason this might be unwise?)

I think it would be great if there were some way to choose how to get notified of these attempts -- perhaps in addition to email notification, another option might be writing to a log file.

Anyway it's just a minor annoyance, and if turning off notification isn't possible, I can always continue to delete the messages. More importantly, I really can't praise this mod enough. It's stopped hundreds of spambots from signing up on my forum. Thanks again, calorie!

misuse 09-18-2007 07:03 AM

Working awsome! Lets hope the bots don't figure out how to slow down...

Hicksatpd 09-18-2007 01:56 PM

Great idea, but if I'm the guy who makes spam bots, and I pick up on this, I tell my spam bots to take 120 seconds to register.....

beishe8 09-18-2007 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Hicksatpd (Post 1341740)
Great idea, but if I'm the guy who makes spam bots, and I pick up on this, I tell my spam bots to take 120 seconds to register.....

120 seconds to register and leave the posts after that period?
Would not be practical...
1 000 forums * 120 seconds = 120 000 seconds
120 000 / 3 600 = 33.33 hours

Hit and run is very important for them.

beishe8 09-18-2007 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by David Bott (Post 1337112)
...I did a test register and the registration did work, but I am not fast enough to test it as me looking like a BOT. :)


1) The default time difference is set to 15 seconds. If you want to change that time to
something else, open the product-isbot.xml file, look for the following line, and change
15 to some other number in seconds:

if ($isbot_timediff <= 15) // difference in seconds
Are you fast enough to register in ~149 seconds? :)

For the testing purpose make it ~150

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