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-   -   Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130946)

Zoints 11-07-2006 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by thenetbox
Do you know if this can get integrated well with Photopost and Vblogetin

I am 98% sure that is possible.


Originally Posted by thenetbox
Also, do current local VB buddy lists get transfered over to the zoints local profile?

No, they don't.


Originally Posted by thenetbox
And is it possible to send users VB PMs from their zoint local profile and is there a last logged in information? Basically, can everything be done that could have been done with the VB default profile system? Thanks

Yes. All messaging uses the vBulletin PM system. While it does not presently display last logged, that can definitely be done. There is already a block that shows posts per day, number of posts, and other information that was in the default profile.

abramelin 11-07-2006 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by abramelin
does this module have its own blog system ? dchapman can you give a demo that web can look to all features?

what about that?

Zoints 11-07-2006 09:44 PM

Demo Information

Forum: http://zointsdemo.com/vbulletin/
Admin Panel: http://zointsdemo.com/vbulletin/z/zadmin.php
Login info: admin/admin

You can also create your own account and play with the profile system :)

To see how well people are starting to integrate vbulletin and profiles, see here:

Forum: http://www.writersbeat.com
Profile: http://www.writersbeat.com/z/DFischer/

abramelin 11-07-2006 10:30 PM

what is social actions?

FleaBag 11-07-2006 10:39 PM

Looks great, I can't make the switch though as I can't afford to lose all the extra plugins I have installed on my current profile - I'm just not capable of 'converting' them to blocks. Real shame though, looks good. Also a shame that it doesn't allow for use of the vB buddy system - as I have other modifcations which do and maintaining two lists would be a pain. Also am I right in thinking the profiles can be installed for domain.com/username - without the /z/? Or is that not allowed?

TRR 11-07-2006 10:49 PM

I am a little confused. I am one of the 300 forums on zoints. I don't really understand if there are any benefits to going local. Is the future going towards localizing?

Ted S 11-08-2006 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by TRR
I am a little confused. I am one of the 300 forums on zoints. I don't really understand if there are any benefits to going local. Is the future going towards localizing?

The main benefit is that you get to run all of the feature on your own site and add to it as you see fit. Basically some of the fears of passing people to another site go away with the benefit of more features and functions now and in the future.

I'm sure there's more reasons that I'm unaware of but if you're pleased with the current system, the functions and the way it works that might be a good option too.

Zoints 11-08-2006 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by eNforce

I think I found another problem, I'm trying to add a custom block, it works, but when I go to view the custom block I just made it won't show up in the list.

No blocks to display.

Did you add it via the "Simple HTML block" area or did you upload it?

Zoints 11-08-2006 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by abramelin
does this module have its own blog system ? dchapman can you give a demo that web can look to all features?

Yes, it has its own blog system :) A demo is linked in the first post and FAQ. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Zoints 11-08-2006 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by daystorm
One I installed the 3.5 version on my 3.6... Does this matter? Is there a difference?

Two, how do I pull my navbar and header into the zoints local so that it has the same look and feel of my vb?

1. No, that doesn't matter. If you would have done it the other way around, it would have mattered though.

2. We provide an area in the zadmin panel you can spcify header information. Example of one implementation:

Forum: www.writersbeat.com
Profiles: http://www.writersbeat.com/z/DFischer/

Zoints 11-08-2006 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by SirAdrian
We will provide integration (especially blocks), but not until I can get some free time.

Good to hear. If we can provide block standardization, that would be awesome for the community at large! :cool:

Zoints 11-08-2006 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by abramelin
what is social actions?

A social action is a simple way to send a message to someone. With a single click, you can message them with a poke, kiss, hug, etc.

Zoints 11-08-2006 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
Looks great, I can't make the switch though as I can't afford to lose all the extra plugins I have installed on my current profile - I'm just not capable of 'converting' them to blocks. Real shame though, looks good. Also a shame that it doesn't allow for use of the vB buddy system - as I have other modifcations which do and maintaining two lists would be a pain. Also am I right in thinking the profiles can be installed for domain.com/username - without the /z/? Or is that not allowed?

1. Which other plugins?

2. What exactly does the vb buddy system do? I'm not familiar with it :(

3. Correct. Do to the interconnective nature of the system, there needs to be a small degree of standarization to avoid confusion for people traveling from site to site.

Dream 11-08-2006 03:37 AM

Well looks great, im not sure if I like it overriding the normal vB profile though.


5. Import and configure the Zoints Profile vBulletin product from the second attached zip file.
I couldn't find where to configure. Does that mean configuring my personal Zoints space etc?

Edit: One of the things I didn't like is that I have alot of custom profile fields that weren't carried over to Zoints.

Adrian Schneider 11-08-2006 03:38 AM

I hate to butt in...

2 - Nothing! Well, actually it does a bit. When a buddy is online, they are shown with a + in front of their name. It's more of a centralized location to view all of your buddies and PM them. Generally, it is put to far better use by a few plugins here. I'm sure you guys could come up with a way to synchronize them though if it becomes a popular request.

TRR 11-08-2006 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S
The main benefit is that you get to run all of the feature on your own site and add to it as you see fit. Basically some of the fears of passing people to another site go away with the benefit of more features and functions now and in the future.

I'm sure there's more reasons that I'm unaware of but if you're pleased with the current system, the functions and the way it works that might be a good option too.

Thanks for the reply!

Here is my next issue. I already have one of my forums set up on zoints. I am attempting to do the "local" install for another one of my sites but I am getting this message during the install when I attempt to register:

Zoints Message
You have already registered a forum and may not do so again

If I own more than one forum, can I only register one?

Ted S 11-08-2006 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman
1. No, that doesn't matter. If you would have done it the other way around, it would have mattered though.

2. We provide an area in the zadmin panel you can spcify header information. Example of one implementation:

Forum: www.writersbeat.com
Profiles: http://www.writersbeat.com/z/DFischer/

Any chance we'll be able to add a footer in the future (so we can use a table or other semi-confined layout)?

Zoints 11-08-2006 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dream
Well looks great, im not sure if I like it overriding the normal vB profile though.

The next product will allow mods/admin to access the default profile since there are some administrative features there. As for the other features, put a block request in at http://dev.zoints.com :)


Originally Posted by Dream
I couldn't find where to configure. Does that mean configuring my personal Zoints space etc?

When you import the vBulletin product in the vbulletin admincp, there will be settings in vbulletin options > Zoints Profile Options

Zoints 11-08-2006 04:36 AM

Just to let you guys know, I just talked to an engineer and we're now in the process of writing a block that will automatically pull all custom profile fields :)

Zoints 11-08-2006 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by TRR
Here is my next issue. I already have one of my forums set up on zoints. I am attempting to do the "local" install for another one of my sites but I am getting this message during the install when I attempt to register:

Zoints Message
You have already registered a forum and may not do so again

If I own more than one forum, can I only register one?

At present, we only support one forum per account (sorry, this is on our list of things to change). To register another one, simply logout at Zoints then go to http://zoints.com/forum.z

Zoints 11-08-2006 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S
Any chance we'll be able to add a footer in the future (so we can use a table or other semi-confined layout)?

That will be in the next feature build. :)

jaks 11-08-2006 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman
The local version is installed on YOUR forum. 99% of everything goes on at your site.

The centralized version is just that. Everything takes place on Zoints.com (the profiles are there) and you simply link to your member's profiles. At present, we're not allowing anymore forums to use the central version except by special invitation. Sorry.

Maybe this has been asked before but what is the 1% that goes on at zoints for the local version? If zoints.com is down how will that affect my members?

With all the constant changes in Vb code and hacks being supported and then not being supported I am EXTREMELY leery about installing a hack that not only relies on another site (Psionic Vision's vS-Hide Hack Resurrection rings a bell) but that would end up being such a big chunk of my site if I choose to go this route.

Just looking for some reassurances I guess. i see alot of detail about the nice features but not alot on the finer details.

memomemo 11-08-2006 05:01 AM


Sir path write D:\Domains\herseyim.info\wwwroot\forum\upload
But next click Blank Page. No install
Please help...

Zoints 11-08-2006 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by jaks
Maybe this has been asked before but what is the 1% that goes on at zoints for the local version? If zoints.com is down how will that affect my members?

If Zoints goes down, then global search will not work. As long as your members check the "search this community only" box when searching, then there will be no problem at all. And of course if they click a link to go to Zoints.com they'll get the message stating we're down.


Originally Posted by jaks
With all the constant changes in Vb code and hacks being supported and then not being supported I am EXTREMELY leery about installing a hack that not only relies on another site (Psionic Vision's vS-Hide Hack Resurrection rings a bell) but that would end up being such a big chunk of my site if I choose to go this route.

Understandably. That's what is nice about this product. It is separate enough from vb's code where we can update for changes within minutes. And Zoints Inc. is a well funded corporation and this is one of our main products. We're not going anywhere :)


Originally Posted by jaks
Just looking for some reassurances I guess. i see alot of detail about the nice features but not alot on the finer details.

I'm more than happy to answer any additional questions you have.

Zoints 11-08-2006 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by memomemo

Sir path write D:\Domains\herseyim.info\wwwroot\forum\upload
But next click Blank Page. No install
Please help...


Can you please submit a support ticket to http://zoints.com/support.z and:

1. Link to this post
2. Provide a temp admin and temp ftp account.

We'll then take a look for you. If you know how to turn on error reporting, that would be great too (please do that first).

Zoints 11-08-2006 06:17 AM

As requested, a block that pulls all your custom profile fields is now available. Take a look. :cool:

This system is capable of doing pretty much whatever you want.

memomemo 11-08-2006 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman

Can you please submit a support ticket to http://zoints.com/support.z and:

1. Link to this post
2. Provide a temp admin and temp ftp account.

We'll then take a look for you. If you know how to turn on error reporting, that would be great too (please do that first).

Ok I am submit this information you sport forum.
Thank you...

Zoints 11-08-2006 07:34 AM

1.0 RC2 has been released. We're hopeful that the next release will be 1.0 Gold :)

Upgrade Instructions

1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files

2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser

3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0 RC2"

That's it! :)


2006/11/07: 1.0 RC 2
* ImageMagick settings pulled from forums
* Fixed bug with cURL redundancy not returning proper data
* Fixed bug in CFPLS handler
* Can now properly add custom blocks for other tabs
* Search age bug
* Quick Comments block fix
* Media block fix
* Misc additional bugs

Zoints 11-08-2006 07:40 AM

2.0.7 of the vBulletin product has also been uploaded. This version allows forum owners to specify if they want their mods/supermods/admin to be able to access the default vBulletin profiles for the administrative tools there. See the bottom feature in the screenshot:


To upgrade, download and unzip then upload the .xml file via the vBulletin admincp product manager. Please select "yes" to overwrite.

TRR 11-08-2006 08:05 AM

The rewrite function isn't working for me. My local zoints is sitting at the redirect forums.sportbikesite.com/z/
(which is really sportbikesite.com/forums2/z/)

When I turn rewrite off, it works just fine. I am not savvy enough to fix this on my own; can you provide assistance, Sir? :)

Martin Belak 11-08-2006 08:17 AM

Doesn't work. Please replace all <? with <?php


Zoints 11-08-2006 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by TRR
The rewrite function isn't working for me. My local zoints is sitting at the redirect forums.sportbikesite.com/z/
(which is really sportbikesite.com/forums2/z/)

When I turn rewrite off, it works just fine. I am not savvy enough to fix this on my own; can you provide assistance, Sir? :)

Did you upload the .htaccess file in the rewrite folder to /z/ ?

pokerie 11-08-2006 09:02 AM

Hi, this looks great:)
Could you just tell me how easy it is to update though? I want to get it installed on my forum, but my developer will need to do it as I don't really know how to do all that technical stuff. I'm ok, I've installed a bb code and stuff before:D So I'm just wondering is updating much easier than the initial install and is it just a case of uploading something without having to change templates or anything complicated?

If you could describe the update process please so I know whether or not I should wait or if I can install now and be able to update myself as I please. There seems to be a lot of updates coming out so I'll probably need to do it a few times?

Hopefully vBlogetin will be integrated with this soon:) 2 great tools which are literally just out, patience is a must;)

TRR 11-08-2006 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by dchapman
Did you upload the .htaccess file in the rewrite folder to /z/ ?

Yes, it is uploaded. As best as I can tell, here is the problem:

It works on one of my sites, because the forum and zoints is set up like this:


But, my other site is set up in a subdirectory. While it actually sits in

users access it by going to

Again, it works, when rewrite is turned off. For instance, I am at:

but if I try to set rewrite to "on", it can't find

so I think that my ".forums." subdirectory might be causing confusion during the rewrite, although I really haven't a clue what I am talking about... :cross-eyed:

memomemo 11-08-2006 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by memomemo
Ok I am submit this information you sport forum.
Thank you...

Please helpp sir

Zoints 11-08-2006 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by pokerie
Could you just tell me how easy it is to update though? I want to get it installed on my forum, but my developer will need to do it as I don't really know how to do all that technical stuff. I'm ok, I've installed a bb code and stuff before:D So I'm just wondering is updating much easier than the initial install and is it just a case of uploading something without having to change templates or anything complicated?

If you could describe the update process please so I know whether or not I should wait or if I can install now and be able to update myself as I please. There seems to be a lot of updates coming out so I'll probably need to do it a few times?

Updating is extremely easy. The steps are:

1. Upload the new files.
2. Browse to /z/install/manager.php
3. Click a button


Zoints 11-08-2006 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by TRR
so I think that my ".forums." subdirectory might be causing confusion during the rewrite, although I really haven't a clue what I am talking about... :cross-eyed:

It sounds like you have some super funky redirects going on there. If it was a proper forums.domain.com/z/ it would be fine as we have a few forums doing that.

Can you please submit a support ticket to http://zoints.com/support.z with:

1. A link to this post
2. A temp admin account
3. A temp ftp account
4. Please be sure to make the temp admin an admin on /z/ by searching for the username in zadmin.php and making them an admin there.

No promises, but hopefully we can get a custom rewrite working for you.

TRR 11-08-2006 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman
It sounds like you have some super funky redirects going on there. If it was a proper forums.domain.com/z/ it would be fine as we have a few forums doing that.

Can you please submit a support ticket to http://zoints.com/support.z with:

1. A link to this post
2. A temp admin account
3. A temp ftp account
4. Please be sure to make the temp admin an admin on /z/ by searching for the username in zadmin.php and making them an admin there.

No promises, but hopefully we can get a custom rewrite working for you.

I think I figured it out. In the website url block (in admin settings) I took out forums.sportbikesite.com/z/ and put in sportbikesite.com/forums2/z/ and it now works. Of course, the rewrites show up as:
as opposed to:
but at least it cleaned it up!

Thank you for your help, btw. Once y'all are less busy I might put in a ticket anyway.. :)

TRR 11-08-2006 10:09 AM


I just tried to network with one of my fellow users, and after I filled in the message block and clicked "add member" I got a 500 error:


Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, support@supportwebsite.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Sorry to keep you so busy...

TRR 11-08-2006 10:10 AM

I think the submission is going through though, because when I try to submit again I get a red box that says:


Zoints Message
You have already requested to add this member to your network. Your request is still pending approval. Until approved, you may not try to add this member again or add them to any additional groups.

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