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MissKalunji 10-23-2006 06:42 PM

Whats : MP3 Sound Buffer?

kylek 10-23-2006 07:25 PM

First off, thanks for this player, looks and works great.

My question has to do with the link showing when music is being played. I have my mp3's stored on another server which works great but at the same time I do not want members to know the link to the storage site as it deals with adult subject matter and is not suitable for all viewers. Is there a way to not have the info shown? See attached for what I mean:

Attachment 55048

syrus.xl 10-23-2006 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by kylek
First off, thanks for this player, looks and works great.

My question has to do with the link showing when music is being played. I have my mp3's stored on another server which works great but at the same time I do not want members to know the link to the storage site as it deals with adult subject matter and is not suitable for all viewers. Is there a way to not have the info shown? See attached for what I mean:

Thats not a problem, I'm sure we can fix that with a piece of javascript - nothing really major. That template I will be changing, so only the player will be showing nothing else. All adding of tracks, etc will be done from a dropdown menu in the navbar.

A number of updates and fixes will be released for this modification very shortly, taking into consideration all points raised.

syrus.xl 10-23-2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
Whats : MP3 Sound Buffer?


See this thread for details.

Setting the Stream & Buffer


kylek 10-23-2006 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
Thats not a problem, I'm sure we can fix that with a piece of javascript - nothing really major. That template I will be changing, so only the player will be showing nothing else. All adding of tracks, etc will be done from a dropdown menu in the navbar.

A number of updates and fixes will be released for this modification very shortly, taking into consideration all points raised.

Thank you, that would be great as the other server is hardly used and is perfect for storage.

Heres another dumb question, is it possible to have more than 5 playlists? So instead of 5 of 100 you could have 10 of say 20. Thinking that members could submit their own playlists and have the option of listening to a specific playlist instead of having it on to go through all tracks on one play list. I have some long time good active members and it would be a bonus for them to have the ability to have their own play list. Just wondering?

syrus.xl 10-23-2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by kylek
Thank you, that would be great as the other server is hardly used and is perfect for storage.

Heres another dumb question, is it possible to have more than 5 playlists? So instead of 5 of 100 you could have 10 of say 20. Thinking that members could submit their own playlists and have the option of listening to a specific playlist instead of having it on to go through all tracks on one play list. I have some long time good active members and it would be a bonus for them to have the ability to have their own play list. Just wondering?

The current player (Xeon) is only designed for 5 playlists, the internal player coding sets various parameter for tracks per playlist. Hence, it cannot be just changed, to 10 or 20 buttons - it would require major alterations to the database for playlist control and settings. Virtually all the current files would require updating.

We also have planned the 'vbE-Center', this will be a commercial project since it will be able to play mp3's, stream radio and have a sliding screen for video viewing. This is a huge project, and will have many features never seen before. We already have the video side working, and planning the radio stream next. It also allows uploading of videos.:cool:

JMH11788 10-23-2006 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
The current player (Xeon) is only designed for 5 playlists, the internal player coding sets various parameter for tracks per playlist. Hence, it cannot be just changed, to 10 or 20 buttons - it would require major alterations to the database for playlist control and settings. Virtually all the current files would require updating.

We also have planned the 'vbE-Center', this will be a commercial project since it will be able to play mp3's, stream radio and have a sliding screen for video viewing. This is a huge project, and will have many features never seen before. We already have the video side working, and planning the radio stream next. It also allows uploading of videos.:cool:

WOOT! When will vbE-Center beta be released?!?!?

MissKalunji 10-23-2006 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl

See this thread for details.

Setting the Stream & Buffer



when i click on the player it comes out as a blank page...what am i missing?

syrus.xl 10-23-2006 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
when i click on the player it comes out as a blank page...what am i missing?

If the flash movie is not showing it can be one of two things:

1. The xeon_mp3_beta.swf file is not in the root of your forum directory


2. The flashobject.js is not in the root of the forum directory

The popup template calls the flashobject.js file to invoke the main swf, therefore if either are missing or not readable, then it will fail to load.

Also, note you have Usergroup permissions set correctly, and the Mp3 Player Management is set to 'On'. More than likely it will be one of the aforementioned files.

MissKalunji 10-23-2006 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
If the flash movie is not showing it can be one of two things:

1. The xeon_mp3_beta.swf file is not in the root of your forum directory


2. The flashobject.js is not in the root of the forum directory

The popup template calls the flashobject.js file to invoke the main swf, therefore if either are missing or not readable, then it will fail to load.

Also, note you have Usergroup permissions set correctly, and the Mp3 Player Management is set to 'On'. More than likely it will be one of the aforementioned files.

*DOH!* i could swear i've turned it on THanks! and please keep me in your contact for the paid version!!

Thanks for all your help

syrus.xl 10-23-2006 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
*DOH!* i could swear i've turned it on THanks! and please keep me in your contact for the paid version!!

Thanks for all your help

hehe... Did you read the first post regarding installing? The first thing you should do is go to Mp3 Player Management and set the settings accordingly, and press 'Update'. If you don't it will cause an error if PM notification is enabled, due to the error cache not being emptied.

This is still a 'beta', therefore there maybe some issues that we haven't found - apart from the known issues listed.

Are you referring to the forthcoming vbE-Center:cool: ? or the Premium version of this modification?

MissKalunji 10-23-2006 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
hehe... Did you read the first post regarding installing? The first thing you should do is go to Mp3 Player Management and set the settings accordingly, and press 'Update'. If you don't it will cause an error if PM notification is enabled, due to the error cache not being emptied.

This is still a 'beta', therefore there maybe some issues that we haven't found - apart from the known issues listed.

Are you referring to the forthcoming vbE-Center:cool: ? or the Premium version of this modification?

The one with the video....im not sure wich one it is cause i was reading pretty quick

i found a bug even tho you put aprouve mp3 to NO it still requires aprouval

syrus.xl 10-23-2006 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
The one with the video....im not sure wich one it is cause i was reading pretty quick

i found a bug even tho you put aprouve mp3 to NO it still requires aprouval

Yeah, that would be the vbE-Center - the future development project we are designing for vBulletin. A multi-functional system to control mp3, video and radio streaming.

Strange, why that bug has appeared, I took all the files directly off my site where its been running for a few weeks. Someone else mentioned it, and it is being looked into.

We are hoping to have all fixes done within a few days.:)

Snake 10-24-2006 12:00 AM

syrus, any idea on what's going on with my player? I told ya it doesn't work, streak, load or anything...

Carmen27 10-24-2006 04:44 AM

Wow this is awesome. Works good for me 3.6.2, but like someone else said, I still have to approve even though I have it check off.. This is great though, we love it! Carmen

BOSS 302 10-24-2006 10:28 AM

I don't understand how to add music... Help? :(

syrus.xl 10-24-2006 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by BOSS 302
I don't understand how to add music... Help? :(

Either upload mp3's to your own server (depending on where your server is located), or external server.

You then enter all the full urls into any playlist using either the AdminCP or via the popup player link.

BOSS 302 10-24-2006 10:56 AM

I need a walkthrough or something. I don't know where to go to upload mp3's to my server. Nore a site that lets you upload music into a stream. It's not like I can upload a song to a file upload site and use that url, right? It has to be a site thats streaming the music live?

Is there a way I can just make a mp3 folder for my ftp and do something with that? I nee details. :(

fly 10-24-2006 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by BOSS 302
I need a walkthrough or something. I don't know where to go to upload mp3's to my server. Nore a site that lets you upload music into a stream. It's not like I can upload a song to a file upload site and use that url, right? It has to be a site thats streaming the music live?

Is there a way I can just make a mp3 folder for my ftp and do something with that? I nee details. :(

yes, upload via your FTP and provide the URL to the uploaded file.

syrus.xl 10-24-2006 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by BOSS 302
I need a walkthrough or something. I don't know where to go to upload mp3's to my server. Nore a site that lets you upload music into a stream. It's not like I can upload a song to a file upload site and use that url, right? It has to be a site thats streaming the music live?

Is there a way I can just make a mp3 folder for my ftp and do something with that? I nee details. :(

Give me about an hour and I'll document the procedure. Bit busy at the moment with work.


BOSS 302 10-24-2006 11:07 AM

I made a folder for my forum root dicectory called "mp3s" and I put an mp3 in it. But when I chose www.myforum.com/mp3s nothing happened there

Am I on the right track at all? Haha.

fly 10-24-2006 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by BOSS 302
I made a folder for my forum root dicectory called "mp3s" and I put an mp3 in it. But when I chose www.myforum.com/mp3s nothing happened there

Am I on the right track at all? Haha.

You don't choose a directory to play (although I wish you could), you pick a file.

http://www.myforum.com/mp3s/ParisHilton-MyVaginaIs Large.mp3 would be an example, as I understand it.

BOSS 302 10-24-2006 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by flypaper
You don't choose a directory to play (although I wish you could), you pick a file.

http://www.myforum.com/mp3s/ParisHil...+++IsLarge.mp3 would be an example, as I understand it.

I tried that.

My site is www.mustangmafia.com

My forum is www.mustangmafia.com/index.php

I uploaded a song called 2pac & Rhianna - We Ride

Sooo The song SHOULD be at


But nope. :( Check yourself.

fly 10-24-2006 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by BOSS 302
I tried that.

My site is www.mustangmafia.com

My forum is www.mustangmafia.com/index.php

I uploaded a song called 2pac & Rhianna - We Ride

Sooo The song SHOULD be at


But nope. :( Check yourself.

The proper link is actually:


To find that, I went into this directory and right-clicked on the MP3, then selected 'copy link location'


BOSS 302 10-24-2006 11:43 AM

Ohhh. Werd. 8-)

But even WITH the proper location, the song wont add now? Try yourself. Sigh. I don't know why. There's room on the playlist, proper url, I don't know... ><

BOSS 302 10-24-2006 11:51 AM

After viewing the song from the playlist in admin cp I realised you can "edit" it. So, I went in there and tried to change the song ID number and "approve" the song. But it said "Unable To Find Play List MP3 [ Go Back ]" :/

micheal332001 10-24-2006 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by BOSS 302
After viewing the song from the playlist in admin cp I realised you can "edit" it. So, I went in there and tried to change the song ID number and "approve" the song. But it said "Unable To Find Play List MP3 [ Go Back ]" :/

You cannot change the mp3 id number as for the problem with the approve part i will sort that out later today.

BOSS 302 10-24-2006 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by micheal332001
You cannot change the mp3 id number as for the problem with the approve part i will sort that out later today.

So as of now this hack is useless or what? I can seem to get it to play any music.

BOSS 302 10-24-2006 02:23 PM

Never mind. It works when I add songs from the navbar. Just doesn't work when I go threw the admin cp.

Thanks fellas. Lovely hack. :)

Biggles 10-25-2006 01:42 AM

Brilliant thanks, Syrus. Working fine on my site and looking forward to the fixes. Also keen on seeing the video, paid, version. Let me know, please.

For Boss 302, I don't know if it helps but there are a couple of tips here: first, if you have all your mp3s in a file on your server, you can in fact use a relative url. So, no need for the http:// myforum.com/forums ... or whatever. Try using [ ./mp3/musicfilename.mp3 ] without the brackets, of course. And the full stop (point) before the first forward slash is essential.

The second tip: highlight each mp3 file name, copy it and paste into the loader after you insert ./mp3/ . That way, you make no mistakes and don't need to insert %20 in blank spaces and so on. It also ensures you get the mp3 name, whatever it may be, correct. Naturally, you can insert whatever you like for the band/singer and the track name that you want to appear on the player's playlist.

Oh, one last thing. Make sure there are no quotes or apostrophes in your mp3 file name or you'll get a database error message about syntax. Syrus is fixing this, I understand - but it's easy to remove them and everything then works just fine.

Hope that helps.


Snake 10-25-2006 01:53 AM

I am still having issues while using this hack. I have even informed syrus, gave him info to my site to fix but still never heard a word from him again. :(

Biggles, you might be able to help me out here?


syrus.xl 10-25-2006 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Biggles
Brilliant thanks, Syrus. Working fine on my site and looking forward to the fixes. Also keen on seeing the video, paid, version. Let me know, please.

Yeah sure, will annouce it when near completion. Obviously, we cannot advertise it vbulletin.org.

The vbFLV Player uses a scrolling system where the user can choose video clips, from a small menu which can hold short descriptions and small thumbnails of videos available. Basically, it uses very similar coding to the current modification on this thread, but able to display video and audio compared to just mp3's.

The vbE-Center will be a major breakthrough though - that we are hoping to use mp3's, video, 'live' radio and tv..:cool: But along way off yet.

syrus.xl 10-25-2006 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Snake
I am still having issues while using this hack. I have even informed syrus, gave him info to my site to fix but still never heard a word from him again. :(

Biggles, you might be able to help me out here?


Sorry, Snake.. I was hoping to have a new admin.php file which I was going to use earlier. However, my co-auhor went offline early. I will look into it tomrrow morning, first thing, before work. I still have all the login details, etc. So I'll try again.

If your around I may need access to the database to do a manual fix, but I'll see how it goes tomorrow.

I apologise for the delay.

Biggles 10-25-2006 02:16 AM

Syrus, yes please. Let me know when you launch either or both of these video versions. Incidentally, it's great to know you're just up the road from me (I'm just south of Bristol near Cheddar). This Player is great. I've had your hack working since the first version. You're a star!

Snake, I'm not a coder's bootlace (retired airline pilot) but your problems seem to be unique in some respects. Not so in others. The 'MySQL' database error to which you refer is the one caused by syntax as I advised Boss 302. That's easy - take out any quotes (double or single) and any apostrophes. Look out for "I've" or "can't" or whatever and remove them.

I'll have a shot at some of these too, which you stated as follows:

-While adding a quote or multi quotes (such as: ' "), it should give you a mySQL page error. (See below.)
-Accessing the "http://www.yourdomain.com/mp3playerindex.php" page gives you a blank, white page.
-After editting the settings for the player, it gives me this error "Could not find phrase 'mp3player_cp_redirect'.".
-And finally, after adding a song/mp3 via the ACP, each time when you edit that song you will notice that the "Approve MP3" option automatically checks to "No" when it's supposed to say "Yes". It's kinda a pain in the ass to edit every song and set it to "Yes" inorder to get the song working in the player.

The first I've dealt with above. The second - try uploading the mp3playerindex.php file to your forum root again. It may have been corrupted during initial install. The third - it's been dealt with by Syrus for about three or four members. It is due to missing code BUT will not affect the player's operation. The code will be fixed by Syrus shortly.

Now the last. I had the same problem. Another similar snag is that if you use the buffer and set the buffer period to anything, say 5 or 10 seconds, you have to go back and check the box again when you return to approve. That is to say, once you've put in the track and its name (where you cannot approve or reject because the option's just not there until you click 'ADD') you MUST return via 'edit' on the playlist to approve AND to reset the buffer period. If you don't do this, nothing shows up on the playlist.

As for white pages, may I ask if you are running vBSEO? If so, I may have another clue for you.



engager 10-25-2006 02:31 PM

Hello, syrus.xl :)

Any chance of an addon so that this player can accept WMA & AAC/Mp4 media? Would be better; size wise, for my server!


MissKalunji 10-25-2006 04:08 PM

Found another bug
When you add ' to any song it causes a database error

example a song name D'angel causes an error cause of the appostrophe

here's the error msg


Invalid SQL:
update mp3playlist set





mp3name='Inevitable Riddim - D'angel - Good Girl',


where id='20';

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'angel - Good Girl',


where id='20'' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Wednesday, October 25th 2006 @ 01:04:42 PM
Script : http://www.dancehallareaz.com/xxxxxx...edit_playlist1
Referrer : http://www.dancehallareaz.com/xxxxx/...laylist1&id=20
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxx
Username : MissKalunji
Classname : vb_database

Intex 10-25-2006 04:17 PM

I can confirm this is working on 3.5.4. Note however that there's still an issue with adding MP3's from AdminCP, so this is a general bug.

If you add MP3's via the jukebox itself - it's fine. The AdminCP options redirect also needs adjusting.

itorrents 10-25-2006 05:15 PM

Works great for me, thanks for all your work m8 :)

syrus.xl 10-25-2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by engager
Hello, syrus.xl :)

Any chance of an addon so that this player can accept WMA & AAC/Mp4 media? Would be better; size wise, for my server!



At present Flash is unable to stream such formats, it cant even use midi. Unless when the new version comes out from Adobe, then we can't make anything to support unrecognized formats.

syrus.xl 10-25-2006 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
Found another bug
When you add ' to any song it causes a database error

example a song name D'angel causes an error cause of the appostrophe

here's the error msg

This error has been notifed, and I'll update the Known Issues after posting this message.

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