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redlabour 11-02-2006 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by FPR
Awesome code.

How do I add the banner below the nav bar?


Read the Instructions.... ;)

sunnycher 11-02-2006 12:18 PM

Thanks, not sure what I'm doing wrong but it's not showing up.

sunnycher 11-02-2006 12:20 PM

ok now it's showing! Yay! Thank you!!

sunnycher 11-02-2006 01:11 PM

Ok, 10 slots isn't enough LOL

So if I want this rotating system to go in another place, I just add the Global, correct?

Luggruff 11-02-2006 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by sunnycher
ok now it's showing! Yay! Thank you!!

Now you could add a vanlign="middle" to the td tag where the banner is located and then wrap the bannerrotatortag with a [noparse]<p></p>[/norparse] tag and you will get some space between the two comercial banners, and they will align more symtetrical to your logo on the left. (at least I think the valign tag works xD)

sunnycher 11-02-2006 01:22 PM

Where exactly is this located that I would add that to?

Luggruff 11-02-2006 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by sunnycher
Ok, 10 slots isn't enough LOL

So if I want this rotating system to go in another place, I just add the Global, correct?

You add the same code, only that you can write $GLOBALS[banneradstwo] for another 5 banners somewhere else ;)

by writing $GLOBALS[bannerads or banneradstwo] you won't have to worry about the banners showing up, as you will have to if you only write $bannerads or $banneradstwo ;)

sunnycher 11-02-2006 01:32 PM

Where exactly would I put this?
and I noticed in FF, it's right on top of the convention baner but in IEit's not, they are seperated.

This code here would seperate it in FF? and not be on top of each other right? Will it affect IE?

[QUOTE=Luggruff]Now you could add a vanlign="middle" to the td tag where the banner is located and then wrap the bannerrotatortag with a [noparse]<p></p>[/norparse] tag and you will get some space between the two comercial banners, and they will align more symtetrical to your logo on the left. (at least I think the valign tag works xD)[/QUOTE]

Luggruff 11-02-2006 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by sunnycher
Where exactly would I put this?
and I noticed in FF, it's right on top of the convention baner but in IEit's not, they are seperated.

This code here would seperate it in FF? and not be on top of each other right? Will it affect IE?

First, change this:


    <td align="center">

<a href="http://www.acilab.com" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="images/LGP/aci.gif"  border=0></a>

<a href="http://www.lgpphotographers.com/convention/convention.htm"><img src="./images/convention.jpg" align="center" border="0"></a></p></td>

Into this:


      <td align="center" valign="middle">

<a href="http://www.acilab.com" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="images/LGP/aci.gif"  border=0></a>

<a href="http://www.lgpphotographers.com/convention/convention.htm"><img src="./images/convention.jpg" align="center" border="0"></a></p></td>

The $GLOBALS[banneradstwo], are to be put where ever you want it on your forum, just find the template you want it in (etc. footer) and put it there. Fine adjustments such as placements and such, are all up to you.

sunnycher 11-02-2006 02:16 PM

I added that, doesn't look any different to me in FF.

sunnycher 11-02-2006 02:16 PM

meaning, that the banner is laying right on top of the convention banner.

Luggruff 11-02-2006 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by sunnycher
meaning, that the banner is laying right on top of the convention banner.

Ok, read my post again. I made two changes.. I forgot to bold out this part:


    <td align="center" valign="middle">
<a href="http://www.studiocart.com/marketingkits.html" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="images/LGP/studiocart.gif"  border=0></a>

you currently have <br> and not <p>.

About the valign part, I can't say for sure it's not out of date, used to work back in the days ;P

sunnycher 11-02-2006 02:38 PM

Ok, got it that time! Thank you!!

gedsta 11-03-2006 11:16 PM

great hack :)

bada_bing 11-04-2006 01:46 AM

Any idea how I can get this to work on VBadvance if I want my banners to rotate in a center block ?

Frapegliko 11-05-2006 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by bada_bing
Any idea how I can get this to work on VBadvance if I want my banners to rotate in a center block ?

vBa CMPS > Add Module >
Title: Banners
Column: Center Column
Template to Include: adv_portal_vbbannerrotator
Style: Select Style
Template Content:

<tr><td class="$getbgrow" align="center">

Frapegliko 11-05-2006 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by redlabour
Hi, please add $GLOBALS[bannerads] to the Installinstructions.

With that it is working everywhere and still at navbar, footer etc. ! ;)

(Postbit, vBadvanced, Arcade etc.)

Danke ;)

hotmasala4u 11-05-2006 02:47 PM

what does "Insert your Banner Code "1" means

what is the code]u guy want the link or html

baker011 11-05-2006 05:07 PM

I have installed this hack and think its great. I have got it working fine for ad providers code and also for .jpgs. However, how do I add a .swf to the rotation?


Luggruff 11-05-2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by baker011
I have installed this hack and think its great. I have got it working fine for ad providers code and also for .jpgs. However, how do I add a .swf to the rotation?


Probably.. like you add a .swf to a webpage? -_-
www.google.com <- try.. say, ".swf embed html" or something?

tigrrra 11-06-2006 12:00 AM

ookk im new at this im using vBulletin 3.6.2 where do i find this product i mean where do i add my banner script

radarhunter 11-07-2006 01:01 AM

it`s not showing on my site i dunno why is there sum template modification i ned to so first

Luggruff 11-07-2006 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by tigrrra
ookk im new at this im using vBulletin 3.6.2 where do i find this product i mean where do i add my banner script

AdminCP -> vBulletin Settings -> vbBannerRotator by Frapegliko


Originally Posted by radarhunter
it`s not showing on my site i dunno why is there sum
template modification i ned to so first

Yes, you need to edit templates. Please read the instructions.
You have to put the code $GLOBALS[bannerads] (for bannerscript#1 with 10 banners) or $GLOBALS[banneradstwo] (for bannerscript#2 with 5 banners) at the location of your forum that you want them to be.

How else would they show up where you want them to be?

DPSR 11-07-2006 06:25 AM

Perfect! I was going to install phpadsnew... ;) It working perfect :)

voteforbird 11-07-2006 06:38 PM

I'm using both YPN and Adsense. To ensure that only one type displays on each page, I have a rotator in my header. I then use a conditional in the body that basically says <if condition="$banner_no==3">YPN<else />Adsense</if>

This works perfectly on my homepage, but on showthread the $banner_no variable does not carry and has no value. Why is this?

khfoong 11-10-2006 10:42 AM

please help

i have downloaded the xml file
i have click installed in the website

but how do i get the stuff into the forum ?
edit codes??

which file to start?
i dunno how to go about starting ?

urgent !


project-Buckfas 11-10-2006 11:24 AM

Go to your admin cp --> Products --> upload product

Put $GLOBALS[bannerads] in the template where you want you ad's to show.

Your done!

khfoong 11-10-2006 12:00 PM

thanks for your reply.
but what do u mean by put global in the template?

i am new to vbulletin

please guide me

libertate 11-10-2006 12:17 PM

Frapegliko, thank you very much. This is an excellent mod.


Originally Posted by voteforbird
I'm using both YPN and Adsense. To ensure that only one type displays on each page, I have a rotator in my header. I then use a conditional in the body that basically says <if condition="$banner_no==3">YPN<else />Adsense</if>

This works perfectly on my homepage, but on showthread the $banner_no variable does not carry and has no value. Why is this?

Perfect! This was one of my concerns, and I believe you just fixed it. This works with $GLOBALS[bannerads] (i.e. in non-vB pages like vBA), or do I have to reference banner_no through $GLOBAL[] too?

Luggruff 11-10-2006 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by khfoong
thanks for your reply.
but what do u mean by put global in the template?

i am new to vbulletin

please guide me

It means that you go to your adminCP -> styles and templates -> style manager -> pick the style you want to include the banners in (since you're new, I can only gues you only have one styles to choose from) -> in the dropdown, selcect "edit templates" and then find the template you want the banners to be in.

(an example, if you want the banners to be in the HEADER, then you edit the god for the HEADER template and write $GLOBALS[bannerads] or $GLOBALS[banneradstwo] where ever in that template you want it to show up in)

..this of course means you have to be familiar with HTML, if not, ask someone you know.

confused about the difference between $GLOBALS[bannerads] and $GLOBALS[banneradstwo]? Read the instructions the creator of the hack has made. Pretty simple. Top post on all pages of this thread.

And to add banners, just go to the vBulletin settings at the top of the menu in your adminCP.

NathanMc 11-10-2006 08:54 PM

I keep getting ## INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
INSERT INTO forumplugin
(`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
('1', '5', 'bannerrotator_cache', 'cache_templates', '$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array(\'bannerbns\'));\r\n$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array(\'bannerbnstwo\'));', 'bannerrotator');

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'

when i try to upload the .xml

michaelsilvia 11-11-2006 05:50 AM

So, I can assume it just rotates between the banners? So if I have ten different banners active it will just cycle through each one? This is great for profite sharing on a site. Allows moderators to have their code in there and get paid. Brilliant idea!


Luggruff 11-11-2006 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by michaelsilvia
So, I can assume it just rotates between the banners? So if I have ten different banners active it will just cycle through each one? This is great for profite sharing on a site. Allows moderators to have their code in there and get paid. Brilliant idea!


Yes, it circles through 10 different banners. I don't know, but you might be able to put the conditional for the banneradstwo (five other banners).. as a banner itself? ^^

Then you'll get 15 banners, in the same place, only 5 that will be random each 10th time, wich will make them less unlikely to show up (could use for sponsors that doesn't pay as much as others?)

The moderators can only use this if you are nice and give them advertising space, of course you'll have to put their banners in there for them but sure.. why not.

VBUsers 11-13-2006 07:42 AM

just what i was looking for and thank you. clicked install

DDad 11-13-2006 07:03 PM

Sounds like a great product and I want to install this but I have a stupid question. I read every post and may of missed it.

If I want 10 banners install the first one?
If I want 5 banners install the second one?
Or both?
Sorry in advance!

Luggruff 11-13-2006 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by DDad (Post 1116533)
Sounds like a great product and I want to install this but I have a stupid question. I read every post and may of missed it.

If I want 10 banners install the first one?
If I want 5 banners install the second one?
Or both?
Sorry in advance!

yes, for 10 banners, install the first one. For 5 more, install the second one also. ;)
so.. both, to get a total of 15.

What I'm going to do is use this to have 9 premium banners, and in the 10th I'm putting the $GLOBALS[banneradstwo] (if it works with php? can anyone verify this?) for 5 not so important banners ;P

DDad 11-13-2006 07:36 PM

Thank you!! quick too!!

Sjakie 11-15-2006 10:28 PM

Is it possible for me to put $bannerads in a language/phrase file. I tried, but it just shows the text. In stead of executing the code.

Please look at the attached file to see what I mean...

barbiedoll 11-16-2006 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Luggruff (Post 1114206)
It means that you go to your adminCP -> styles and templates -> style manager -> pick the style you want to include the banners in (since you're new, I can only gues you only have one styles to choose from) -> in the dropdown, selcect "edit templates" and then find the template you want the banners to be in.

(an example, if you want the banners to be in the HEADER, then you edit the god for the HEADER template and write $GLOBALS[bannerads] or $GLOBALS[banneradstwo] where ever in that template you want it to show up in)

..this of course means you have to be familiar with HTML, if not, ask someone you know.

confused about the difference between $GLOBALS[bannerads] and $GLOBALS[banneradstwo]? Read the instructions the creator of the hack has made. Pretty simple. Top post on all pages of this thread.

And to add banners, just go to the vBulletin settings at the top of the menu in your adminCP.

I am not seeing the vBulletin settings at the top of the menu n your admin cp.. What did I do wrong??

I see vbulliten options.. Please help>> sorry for the dumb questions but this is my first time working with this.. :)

also where should I be downloading the html file to ??

Luggruff 11-16-2006 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by barbiedoll (Post 1118547)
I am not seeing the vBulletin settings at the top of the menu n your admin cp.. What did I do wrong??

I see vbulliten options.. Please help>> sorry for the dumb questions but this is my first time working with this.. :)

also where should I be downloading the html file to ??

Yeah, well, vBulletin options ;P I've got a translated version and it says settings in my lang (:

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