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-   vBulletin 3.6 Template Modifications (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=192)
-   -   New Posting Features - GTSmiliebox - Move Smilies Below Editor (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=129306)

deezelpope 06-15-2007 03:34 PM

This is NOT the author's issue...it's yours...I told you to increase your number of smilies...I suggest you edit your above post.:mad:

radarhunter 06-15-2007 03:41 PM

i did the number from 100 to 30 the result is the same :mad:

deezelpope 06-15-2007 03:43 PM

<i>Ok...how many TOTAL smilies do you have installed in your smilie manager?</i>

radarhunter 06-15-2007 03:47 PM

okay there is my problem

Thanks a million Ma`am

deezelpope 06-15-2007 03:59 PM


iogames 06-16-2007 02:53 PM

Ok I read the whole thread, maybe someone was having the same problem...
The hack works flawless, but when you remove the smilies-box from the right the whole Editor stays in the same place, I mean... I want/need it centered... I went to Styles manager > Stylevars and it's a different solution... I don't want to change the size of the editor or adjust it to the box...
Now that the smilies-box is in the bottom, the space used for it before make my whole editor be aligned a little to the left...

I was clear? [lol]

iogames 06-16-2007 03:06 PM

Maybe the problem will be here [somewhere ;)]

editor_clientscript template:


<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_textedit.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var fontoptions = new Array($vBeditJs[font_options_array]);
var sizeoptions = new Array($vBeditJs[size_options_array]);
var smilieoptions = new Array(); smilieoptions = { $vBeditJs[smilie_options_array] };

var istyles = new Array(); istyles = { $vBeditJs[istyle_array] };

var smiliewindow_x = 240;
var smiliewindow_y = 280;

var ignorequotechars = $vboptions[ignorequotechars];

// vB Phrases
vbphrase["wysiwyg_please_wait"] = "$vbphrase[wysiwyg_please_wait]";
vbphrase["wysiwyg_initialized"] = "$vbphrase[wysiwyg_initialized]";
vbphrase["wysiwyg_command_invalid"] = "$vbphrase[wysiwyg_command_invalid]";
vbphrase["moz_must_select_text"] = "$vbphrase[moz_must_select_text]";
vbphrase["moz_edit_config_file"] = "$vbphrase[moz_edit_config_file]";
vbphrase["enter_tag_option"] = "$vbphrase[enter_tag_option]";
vbphrase["must_select_text_to_use"] = "$vbphrase[must_select_text_to_use]";
vbphrase["browser_is_safari_no_wysiwyg"] = "$vbphrase[browser_is_safari_no_wysiwyg]";
vbphrase["enter_option_x_tag"] = "$vbphrase[enter_option_x_tag]";
vbphrase["enter_text_to_be_formatted"] = "$vbphrase[enter_text_to_be_formatted]";
vbphrase["enter_link_text"] = "$vbphrase[enter_link_text]";
vbphrase["enter_list_type"] = "$vbphrase[enter_list_type]";
vbphrase["enter_list_item"] = "$vbphrase[enter_list_item]";
vbphrase["must_enter_subject"] = "$vbphrase[must_enter_subject]";
vbphrase["message_too_short"] = "$vbphrase[message_too_short]";
vbphrase["enter_link_url"] = "$vbphrase[enter_link_url]";
vbphrase["enter_image_url"] = "$vbphrase[enter_image_url]";
vbphrase["enter_email_link"] = "$vbphrase[enter_email_link]";
vbphrase["complete_image_verification"] = "$vbphrase[complete_image_verification]";
vbphrase["iespell_not_installed"] = "$vbphrase[iespell_not_installed]";
vbphrase["click_quick_reply_icon"] = "$vbphrase[click_quick_reply_icon]";
vbphrase["insert_all"] = "$vbphrase[insert_all]";


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clientscript/vbulletin_editor.css" />
<style type="text/css">
.vBulletin_editor {
background: {$istyles[pi_button_normal][0]};
padding: $stylevar[cellpadding]px;
.imagebutton {
background: {$istyles[pi_button_normal][0]};
color: {$istyles[pi_button_normal][1]};
padding: {$istyles[pi_button_normal][2]};
border: {$istyles[pi_button_normal][3]};
.ocolor, .ofont, .osize, .osmilie, .osyscoloar, .smilietitle {
background: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][0]};
color: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][1]};
border: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][3]};
.popup_pickbutton {
border: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][3]};
.popup_feedback {
background: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][0]};
color: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][1]};
border-right: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][3]};
.popupwindow {
background: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][0]};
#fontOut, #sizeOut, .popup_feedback div {
background: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][0]};
color: {$istyles[pi_menu_normal][1]};
.alt_pickbutton {
border-left: 1px solid {$istyles[pi_button_normal][0]};
.popup_feedback input, .popup_feedback div
border: 0px solid;
padding: 0px 2px 0px 2px;
cursor: default;
font: 11px tahoma;
overflow: hidden;

Princeton 06-18-2007 11:39 AM

on a default style, you just have to modify the editor $stylevars within the Style Manager / StyleVars / Sizes and Dimensions

iogames 06-18-2007 05:30 PM

Sorry, can you be more specific? [lol]
I moved all the VALUES in the section you mentioned, no result... and I'm working in the basic style, haven't install any skin/style, just modified the standard...

Princeton 06-19-2007 01:14 PM

here's some info that might help:

http://vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/stylevar_formwidth (form width)
http://vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/...r_messagewidth (message width)

http://vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/...rmwidth_usercp (usercp form width)
http://vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/...gewidth_usercp (usercp message width)

if changing the above options doesn't work than I suggest reverting your template and starting over

Silvio 06-20-2007 10:17 PM

Installed! Princeton you made really gorgeous templates mod. I installed them all on a vb3.6.7pl1 and I got really sattisfied!

Please Princeton - with your magic graphical phantasy - Redraw entirelly, for this folk, that hugly 'more' Window that opens when you would like to see more smiles.:p


pls accept my apologises for my itanglish.
and my best regards

take care

Silvio 06-21-2007 12:58 AM

Pls help me on PM writing pane.
In Post writing pane everithing is perfect is just in the PM one.

With mine itanglish will be difficult to explain what i need . lol so it is better to attach an image describing the problem.

ty really for attention


deezelpope 06-21-2007 08:23 AM

<i>Silvio~if you look a few posts back, the information you need is there.</i>

Princeton 06-21-2007 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Silvio (Post 1272863)
Pls help me on PM writing pane.
In Post writing pane everithing is perfect is just in the PM one.

With mine itanglish will be difficult to explain what i need . lol so it is better to attach an image describing the problem.

ty really for attention


To change the editor width, you will need to edit Style Manager / (your style) / StyleVars.

To change editor width:
http://vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/stylevar_formwidth (form width)
http://vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/...r_messagewidth (message width)

http://vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/...rmwidth_usercp (usercp form width)
http://vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/...gewidth_usercp (usercp message width)

obmob 06-21-2007 03:04 PM

Nicely done, thanks! :D

Silvio 06-23-2007 12:48 AM

Ty so much. really of help! I solved it.:up:

qqqqw 06-24-2007 11:34 AM

Well i have some problem,

i used that optional mod.

to move "more" link...

after editing editor_smilibox template

"more" link has been replaced by newthread link

it shows "more" button, button redirects to newthread :(

Princeton 06-24-2007 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by qqqqw (Post 1275313)
Well i have some problem,

i used that optional mod.

to move "more" link...

after editing editor_smilibox template

"more" link has been replaced by newthread link

it shows "more" button, button redirects to newthread :(

check the phrase "more" ...
other than that it could be caused by a search/replace via another modification

qqqqw 06-25-2007 11:31 AM

Will you help me more in this ?

i mean i couldnt find that phrase. I am sure that i have done any mistake in copy-paste method.

Princeton 06-25-2007 09:16 PM

if the phrase doesn't exist .. add it via Phrase Manager

o0Hubba0o 06-26-2007 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Princeton (Post 1275539)
check the phrase "more" ...
other than that it could be caused by a search/replace via another modification

Umm...the phrase more is there, but it has no reference to a link in it:


Varname $vbphrase[more]
Text More
Attatched is a screenshot while I was hovering over the more link, the pop up doesn't show but it's there saying "showing x amount of smilies out of x amount", so that's good. But the link you see below that shows up when you hover the more link. That url that's showing is the same as the url in the browser at that time.

I recently removed all mods and hacks to start fresh so the chances of that being the problem is extremely slim on this particular forum. I never noticed this (since I don't use the more link too often heh) until after upgrading to vB 3.6.7. Not saying that is the cause, but didn't notice having this problem until after the upgrade.

EDIT: This is an issue on my other forum too, also latest version of vB, but heavily modded.

Princeton 06-27-2007 01:35 AM

the url should be the same page (the link is an open window javascript) ... this is a default vbulletin feature .. this modification just moves it

qqqqw 06-27-2007 08:21 AM

I'm really a newbie here. Please tell me . What should i write while adding new phrase and what should be as setting ?

Princeton 06-27-2007 02:31 PM

<i>I'm assuming the phrase "more" doesn't exist in your site.
go into ADMINCP / Languages & Phrases / Phrase Manager (click Add New Phrase) /

add the following (leave everything else alone)..

Varname : more
Text: More

Ohiosweetheart 06-27-2007 04:14 PM

This is fantastic, really helps when designing a narrower vB theme.
Thank you Princeton!

qqqqw 06-28-2007 03:40 AM

Thank You Very Much For Your Help,

Its Working Very Well Now...

yaoren 07-24-2007 06:51 PM


And working fine on 3.6.7

Thanks :D

tminus 07-27-2007 05:51 AM

Installed and working on 3.6.8, just had to change the 'Message Area Width' & 'User Control Panel Message Area Width' in Admin Control Panel/Styles & Templates/Style Manager/StyleVars to expand the message area out again. Thanks!

Ohiosweetheart 07-30-2007 08:19 PM

How do I extend the text editor in the Private message area out?
I've done all of the fixes recommended at vb.com. Nothing helps this.

All of the other text areas are fine! New thread, New reply, quote, edit - everything is great. See screenie below.

But to compose a PM, reply or forward a PM - it looks like my screenie below.

Ohiosweetheart 07-30-2007 08:41 PM

ACK I found the problem. After applying this mod (and especially after the upgrade to 3.6.8), you have to go into StyleVars and increase the width (pixels) at User Control Panel Message Area Width

Bulent Tekcan 07-30-2007 09:31 PM

Announce new bug on editor_toolbar_on template


Wulfnoth 07-31-2007 11:48 AM

Are there any changes in 3.6.8 for this mod here?

Scalemotorcars 07-31-2007 08:01 PM

Works great thanks for sharing.:up:

SCRIPT3R 08-01-2007 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Wulfnoth (Post 1306128)
Are there any changes in 3.6.8 for this mod here?

yes there are; hopefully to be updated soon.

Hams 08-01-2007 10:53 PM

Nice, thanks Princeton

kaptanblack 08-01-2007 11:52 PM

Good good.thanx guy.installed

Kaycee123 08-06-2007 04:38 AM

This is a great little mod - I was just thinking today how this would be good, and here is the modification to do it!! Thanks:up:

Nickbe 08-06-2007 08:02 AM


I love this mod thanks

Princeton 08-08-2007 02:54 PM

thank you .. you may want to click MARK AS INSTALLED to receive any future notifications

helldorado 08-12-2007 12:49 AM

I downloaded my copy of vBulletin the night of the 29th, so I think I have the version after the message box fix. So my code looked a little different than the code listed in the search and replace.

The original code

<tr valign="top">
        <td class="controlbar" width="100%" style="padding-right:8px"><textarea name="message" id="{$editorid}_textarea" rows="10" cols="60" style="width:100%; height:{$editor_height}px" tabindex="1" dir="$stylevar[textdirection]">$newpost[message]</textarea></td>
        <if condition="$smiliebox"><td class="controlbar">$smiliebox</td></if>

Replaced with

<tr valign="top">

I also had to go vBulletin options in the Admin CP -> Message Posting Interface Options and change the options for number of smilies per row before they would perfectly line up.
        <td class="controlbar" width="100%" style="padding-right:8px"><textarea name="message" id="{$editorid}_textarea" rows="10" cols="60" style="width:100%; height:{$editor_height}px" tabindex="1" dir="$stylevar[textdirection]">$newpost[message]</textarea></td>
<if condition="$smiliebox">
        <tr><td class="controlbar" width="100%" style="padding-right:8px">$smiliebox</td></tr>

I also had to go to the Admin CP under vBulletin Options -> Message Posting Interface Options and update the numbers for smilies displays before they would appear in a row.

All times are GMT. The time now is 12:59 PM.

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Template Usage:
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