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Steggy 08-12-2001 11:08 AM

Isn't there someone who'd like to take over the project from Sisko. Because it's clear that he hasn't had the time to work on a new version. It's clear that it still needs a lot of work. For example the admin function. It's very hard to find links because there is no sort order and I'd like a function to see if there are duplicate links.

This is one of the best hacks for vBulletin..!

the_sisko 08-13-2001 01:52 PM

I must a apology myself, but I realy don't have the time.
If there is someone who likes to go on with the hack, can do so.
And I will do my best to get in contact with this person, if there is any question about my code.

DevilsMania.com 08-13-2001 03:17 PM

the first ZIP file (post 1) is NOT COMPLETE, there are missing texts in tsome of the templates, so when you install it you have some problems not seeying something

could you please post all the templates, with the right texts to put inside ?

(all the tempates)

Pingu 08-19-2001 10:55 PM

Is there a way to change/move the templates I already have to custom templates?

SirSteve 08-22-2001 07:46 PM

Running 2.0.3 and here are a few bugs (ADMIN FUNCTIONS):

When editing a link, the: "To upload a banner click here" or "Banner 1" link does not provide the pop-up to upload.

The URL of the site awaiting approval needs to be hot linked to the corresponding site.

Banner needs displayed if it was uploaded.

A file size restriction needs added.

Still unsure why that "Forums Link" field is in there...

MApI 08-24-2001 09:57 PM

SirSteve , did u installed the hack on the 2.0.3 ? 'couse when i call the first file (install_vblinks.php can't go over the first one msg & then re-ask my login ...
Someone with this prob ?

SirSteve 08-25-2001 01:01 AM


Originally posted by MApI
SirSteve , did u installed the hack on the 2.0.3 ? 'couse when i call the first file (install_vblinks.php can't go over the first one msg & then re-ask my login ...
Someone with this prob ?

Yes I did. Not sure what is going on with yours though...

MApI 08-25-2001 10:42 AM


Yes I did
Upgrade or first inst. ?

SirSteve 08-27-2001 12:53 PM

First install.

A few suggestions as well:

The links on the main page, could this be set to look sorta like yahoo? ie.

* Star Wars (25)
* GI Joe (4)

Trading Cards
* Poke Mon (2)
* Star Wars (5)

get it? The current way has ALL the links on the main page with banners. Not sure if it cuts off and goes to another page and even so, it would look even better going with my suggestion.

MApI 08-27-2001 10:23 PM

My prob. is different; I can't continue with install hack 'couse install_vblinks.php loops around my username and pwd. In other words, in can read only this page:

vB Links (version 1.0)

This script will help you to install the vB Links hack.
It will tell you what changes you need to make to your vBulletin and insert the necessary templates
and create the necessary new tables for the vB Links hack to work.

Do you want to continue?
and the Install button. When I click Install , my username & pwd are required. When I re-input what asked, I've again first one page as quoted above.

One more thing; just finished installing stars hack with the same method (install_****.php), so cannot be cookies.
Help pleeease. :( :( :(
Sorry for bothering u but this is a very important hack for me.

Thx again.

Kengan 08-30-2001 12:15 AM

Any demo please ?

MApI 08-30-2001 10:28 AM


Any demo please ?
Here and hope early in mine if have help. :p :p :p


Kengan 09-09-2001 12:25 PM

After Installed ! I can not see anything on the links.php pages.

I can not see any files in CP too....... what is the problem ?

SirSteve 09-30-2001 03:52 PM


Originally posted by Delhaze
I changed the templates and made them "Custom Templates".
Now when I upgrade VB there is no need to redo everything, apart from the admin part.

I've also made a few other changes that make it more in keeping with the feel of VB itself.

The category select auto jumps, and remembers where you have jumped to. (code taked from VB itself)

Also made the buttons the default "Go" ones from VB.

Added a "New Link" button

Changed the tables to look more VB like.

You can have a look at http://www.ckcsforums.com/links.php

If any of you want the changes needed for the Auto Jump/Remember here it is:

about line 81 find:

PHP Code:

//################### Kategorien < ################### 
$links_categorys $DB_site->query("SELECT vb_links_category.* FROM vb_links_category ORDER by sortorder");
while (
$link_category $DB_site->fetch_array($links_categorys))

"\$links_category .= \"".gettemplate("links_category")."\";");

replace with:

PHP Code:

//################### Kategorien < ################### 
$links_categorys $DB_site->query("SELECT vb_links_category.* FROM vb_links_category ORDER by sortorder");
while (
$link_category $DB_site->fetch_array($links_categorys))
     if (
$link_category[id]==$category) {
    } else {
"\$links_category .= \"".gettemplate("links_category")."\";");

change the "links_category" template to:


<option value="$link_category[id]" $optionselected>$link_category[name]</option>
change the following in the "links template"


<select name="category">


<select name="category" onchange="window.location=('links.php?funktion=bereich&category='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">
enjoy! :D

I really like the changes. Can you send the code so I can make mine as nice as yours?


SirSteve 09-30-2001 03:53 PM

A small bug... when you go to the Who's Online? page, it shows "Unknown Location" when visitors are viewing the Links pages. Can someone fix this?

PogeR 09-30-2001 05:09 PM


Originally posted by DevilsMania.com
the first ZIP file (post 1) is NOT COMPLETE, there are missing texts in tsome of the templates, so when you install it you have some problems not seeying something

could you please post all the templates, with the right texts to put inside ?

(all the tempates)

thats my prob too!!!!....i missing some templates!!!...i cant see anything about categorys, but i made some!!:confused:

YourHostSucks 09-30-2001 07:23 PM

I installed it just fine, but ti does not seem to use my forums
colors, yet it uses its own..
anyone know what files to edit to get it to look like the forums

Seems to be working.. will test more and get back with you :-)
I like this thou..

YourHostSucks 09-30-2001 08:00 PM

Well I already started by fixing the admin CP look of the links,

I am sure eveyone knows how to do this, but I will post what i did just incase...

PHP Code:

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" id="navtable">
<?php maketableheader("vB Links"); ?>
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=add"> Add </a>|
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=modify"> Modify </a>|
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=offline"> Approve </a>

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" id="navtable">
<?php maketableheader("vB Links Category's"); ?>
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=addcat"> Add </a>|
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=modifycat"> Modify </a>|
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=ordercat"> Arrange </a>


I added this above

PHP Code:

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" id="navtable">
<?php maketableheader("Announcements"); ?>
<a href="announcement.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=add" class="newa"> Add </a> |
<a href="announcement.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>&action=modify"> Modify </a>

afterlab 10-01-2001 12:21 AM


Originally posted by SirSteve
A small bug... when you go to the Who's Online? page, it shows "Unknown Location" when visitors are viewing the Links pages. Can someone fix this?
I need help with this too.. Can anyone do this?

Delhaze 10-01-2001 01:13 AM


Originally posted by SirSteve
A small bug... when you go to the Who's Online? page, it shows "Unknown Location" when visitors are viewing the Links pages. Can someone fix this?
Look in online.php:

Around the 200 lines mark your see lots of "case" statements

You need to add something like this:

PHP Code:

    case 'links':
$userinfo[where] = "Viewing the <a href='links.php?s=$session[sessionhash]'>Links</a>";

Also around the 500 lines mark you see more "case" statements

You need to add something like this:

PHP Code:

  case 'links.php':
$userinfo[activity] = 'links';

SirSteve 10-01-2001 01:34 AM


Originally posted by Delhaze

Look in online.php:

Around the 200 lines mark your see lots of "case" statements

You need to add something like this:

PHP Code:

    case 'links':
$userinfo[where] = "Viewing the <a href='links.php?s=$session[sessionhash]'>Links</a>";

Also around the 500 lines mark you see more "case" statements

You need to add something like this:

PHP Code:

  case 'links.php':
$userinfo[activity] = 'links';

Worked great! Thanks!

afterlab 10-01-2001 01:37 AM

Yup worked here too! Thanks for helping me with this.. I now figured how to work this with my other hacks. Thanks again! :)

PogeR 10-01-2001 03:32 PM


YourHostSucks 10-01-2001 04:21 PM

Here are the templates...

RyanGatewood 10-23-2001 01:54 AM

Whats the latest version with all the fixes and is it avail. in one zip file??

Pk 10-23-2001 10:57 AM


Originally posted by marl

add this:
PHP Code:

if (!eregi("http://",$url)) $url "http://".$url

PHP Code:

$time time(); 

Anyone got a pic for this? =)

Sadie Frost 12-22-2001 08:01 PM

Could someone tell me which file I need to edit with the code that YourHostSucks suggested to change the admin cp look?


And Ryan, I used the zip in the first post and it worked fine for me (I'm running 2.2.1).


FWC 12-24-2001 10:01 PM

I love this hack. I have one problem. The redirection breaks if there is a & in the URL. Does anyone know how to fix that?

Lionel 12-26-2001 03:47 AM

Display a list of the categories on two or three columns instead of having a drop down box?

Lionel 12-26-2001 12:02 PM

in admin cp. I think it is because I am missing this code in header
<script language="javascript">function upload(upload) { var MainWindow = window.open (upload,"_blank","toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=n o,scrollbars=no,width=320,heig ht=150,resizeable=no,status=no");}</script>

where can I place it?

mvigod 01-02-2002 03:39 PM

Changing admin cp for 2.2.1

The admin control panel should be changed as follows:

Go into admin/index.php


PHP Code:

makenavselect("Statistics & Logs","<hr>",$df); 

and below it place this:

PHP Code:

//**** Links.php Nav Section
makenavselect("vB Links Category's"); 
makenavselect("Vb Links","<hr>"); 

That's it.

Lionel 01-02-2002 04:14 PM

it is a javascript error when you try to click on banner to upload one. line 1 character 1 ../linksupload.php

Dalius 01-02-2002 04:44 PM

whats the point of the hack?

Lionel 01-02-2002 04:49 PM

In adminlinks.php, I had to ad this under cpheader();

echo "<script language=\"javascript\">function upload(upload) { var MainWindow = window.open (upload,\"_blank\",\"toolbar=no,location=no,menuba r=no,scrollbars=no,width=320,h eight=150,resizeable=no,status=no\");}</script>";

Okiewan 01-02-2002 06:14 PM

Humm... get
"Fatal error: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='') in /home2/public_html/forums/links/links.php on line 3"

Path is correct too... any ideas?

FWC 01-02-2002 07:54 PM


Originally posted by Okiewan
Humm... get
"Fatal error: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='') in /home2/public_html/forums/links/links.php on line 3"

Path is correct too... any ideas?

links.php should be in your forums directory, not the links directory.

Okiewan 01-02-2002 08:10 PM


FWC 01-02-2002 08:15 PM

You're welcome. :)

xug 01-03-2002 03:12 AM

When I entered the right information into the forum link erea the script cuts the 'ht' off 'http://..."

So the link looks like this :


What could be the problem here !!

Moonwolf 01-06-2002 02:31 AM

I'm trying to download the .zip file but the link in post #1 is showing 404 ... anyone know where this has gone?


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