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-   -   Miscellaneous Hacks - NoSpam! - an alternative to CAPTCHA images (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124828)

msu2k 10-29-2006 12:27 PM

Great hack! Can we get a similiar hack for the Contact Us form please?

m_k 10-29-2006 01:22 PM

wow thanks!

working like a charm on ver 3.5.4 after i used the version you posted here --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....6&postcount=36

and the template modification here --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....6&postcount=40

great hack :-)

m_k 10-29-2006 03:01 PM

installed on second forum, but had to be a bit creative to get it working with the AquaSoft template :-)

buro9 10-29-2006 03:37 PM

This is so simple, and so genius... installed.

PoetJA-1975 10-29-2006 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975
Very nice share = Jacquii clicks INSTALL
Thanx -

I do have a question though - http://JPiCForum.info - You'll see I am making use of the QuickRegister on the JPiC portal... How can I get this to work for that?

I'm also using image verification for non-members on the Contact Us page - It would be excellent if NoSpam! work for that page as well.

At anyrate - Thanx = wonderful modification - EASY install :)



Is this hack supported?
Looking forward to answers for MY concerns ;)


adwade 10-29-2006 10:11 PM

He addressed part of it back on page 4...


Originally Posted by antialiasis
Well, as a quick non-tested solution for now to add it to the contact us form:

1. Edit the "Cache the NoSpam! template" plugin to say:


if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'register' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'sendmessage')
  $globaltemplates[] = 'nospam';

2. Copy the entire text of the "Check if NoSpam! question has been answered correctly" into another plugin located at the sendmessage_docontactus_start hook

3. Make a new plugin on the sendmessage_contactus_start hook with the following code:


if ($vbulletin->options['nospam_onoff'])
  $vbulletin->templatecache['contactus'] = str_replace('$imagereg', '$nospamfield\n\n$imagereg', $vbulletin->templatecache['contactus']);
  $questions = explode("\n", $vbulletin->options['nospam_questions']);
  $nospamnumber = array_rand($questions);
  $qanda = explode(":",$questions["$nospamnumber"]);
  $nospamquestion = $qanda[0];

  eval('$nospamfield = "' . fetch_template('nospam') . '";');

And that should be it. Again, note that it's not tested.

and later went on to say it'd be incorporated in a future release...


Originally Posted by antialiasis
Well, to copy the text of a plugin into another one, you go to "Plugin Manager" in the Admin CP menu (under Plugins and Products, close to the bottom), find the plugin with the right name (using the browser's search function is probably the easiest way to do this), click its name, copy the "Plugin PHP Code" and then click "Add New Plugin" (the link under "Plugin Manager") and paste it into the "Plugin PHP Code" instead. Select the hook with the specified name in the "Hook Location" drop-down, and I suggest also selecting "NoSpam!" in the "Product" drop-down. Lastly, set "Plugin is Active" to Yes. To just add a new plugin with predefined text, do everything from the part where I tell you to click "Add New Plugin" again.

If you still find it confusing, it won't be long before this is all in the product itself anyway.

dsmoke 10-30-2006 04:58 PM

will this work with 3.5.4? thanks

PoetJA-1975 10-30-2006 09:55 PM

Tried the template mods on page 4 - to work for the Contact Us page and the Quick Registration... Please help for 3.5.4 - Thanx


schanulleke 11-04-2006 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by antialiasis
I am working on a version that works with all places where CAPTCHA is used in vBulletin - it's working fine for guest posts and contact forms, but I'm having problems with the guest search for some reason. I'm hoping to get it out soon.

I am looking forward to that. ;)

user02934123123 11-08-2006 05:31 AM

This hack has worked beautifully and solved in one motion my problems with spammers using scanning software that can read CAPCHA images. Many thanks.

Coldhands 11-08-2006 07:05 PM

I . . . . HATE . . . . SPAM! and I love this hack. Thanks! Clicking install now.

P.S. I created a new plugin so it shows up on my contact us form, but the vB NoSpam phrase doesn't show for some reason. You can see what I'm talking about here: http://www.actuarialoutpost.com/actu...endmessage.php

Where can I edit that phrase in the template to show up?

AzzidReign 11-10-2006 07:12 PM

I'm running a 3.6.3 board and this installed good. I just didn't realize I had to turn off the image verification at first :P DOH!

IHateLiberals 11-11-2006 10:15 PM

I installed in 3.5.4, works good. But, I have one style that is not a child of my other styles and the template didn't apply to that style. So if some goes to register and would change to that style, this hack doesn't show.

How can reapply this to that one other style?


oddmusic 11-13-2006 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1114389)
I'm running a 3.6.3 board and this installed good. I just didn't realize I had to turn off the image verification at first :P DOH!

I have it running on 3.6.3 (new forum still in testing mode and offline) and you can use it along with image verification if you want to use both, unless I misunderstood what you meant in your reply.

My only problem was forgetting to turn "on" NoSpam! DOH! :P

Great hack! <clicks installed>

JohnGBSA 11-16-2006 08:07 PM

Ideally the solution here would be to ask the person to select the correct option from say 4 different ones. Something like, "which one of these is not a vegetable?"


Makes it a lot simpler and less problematic for cultural differences.


Top Nurse 11-17-2006 06:27 AM

Gotta love this mod as no spammers for over a month now. :D

Got one tiny problem. We have a dual language setup in English/Spanish. How would I go about converting it so it displays in Spanish?

PimvanJ 11-17-2006 11:14 AM

Is there a way to maintain this to the "tell us about our site page? (sendmessage.php)
I'm getting more and more spam from that page.
(Running vB 3.5.4)

NexDog 11-19-2006 06:21 AM

Just a quick thank you message. Spam has been getting out of control so I hope this helps. Forum members started complaining when the pr0n spambots started to hit so something had to be done. Installed on 3.5.x. Cheers.

jalmz 11-21-2006 04:00 AM

it works like a superman.. =) installed.... 3.5.4

benpaul10 11-21-2006 12:03 PM

Hi, This is a great idea! I run a forum with a narrow topic and can invent a bunch of questions that a non member would not be able to answer easily.

Unfortunately when I try to install I get:


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:

Invalid SQL:

### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
        (`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
        ('1', '5', 'Cache the NoSpam! template', 'cache_templates', 'if (THIS_SCRIPT == \'register\')\r\n{\r\n  $globaltemplates[] = \'nospam\';\r\n}', 'nospam');

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date        : Tuesday, November 21st 2006 @ 01:55:50 PM
Script      : http://fencingforum.com/forum/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer    : http://fencingforum.com/forum/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address  :
Username    : wingnutLP
Classname    : vb_database

Any suggestions? Sorry I am no forum guru and my understanding of PHP is slim to nil!

jalmz 11-21-2006 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by benpaul10 (Post 1122224)
Hi, This is a great idea! I run a forum with a narrow topic and can invent a bunch of questions that a non member would not be able to answer easily.

Unfortunately when I try to install I get:


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:

Invalid SQL:

### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
        (`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
        ('1', '5', 'Cache the NoSpam! template', 'cache_templates', 'if (THIS_SCRIPT == \'register\')\r\n{\r\n  $globaltemplates[] = \'nospam\';\r\n}', 'nospam');

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date        : Tuesday, November 21st 2006 @ 01:55:50 PM
Script      : http://fencingforum.com/forum/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer    : http://fencingforum.com/forum/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address  :
Username    : wingnutLP
Classname    : vb_database

Any suggestions? Sorry I am no forum guru and my understanding of PHP is slim to nil!

try this one
For ver 3.5.4

template modification


benpaul10 11-22-2006 06:31 AM

OOPS, I didn't see the version number on the mod. Thanks!

Unfortunately the two links you posted take me to here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/portal.php

were you linking to a similar mod for earlier versions of VB?

benpaul10 11-22-2006 07:22 AM

Ah I see you were refering to the posts earlier in this thread


Thanks for pointing this out...

Unfortunately I am still a bit lost still

"There in may lay the problem - there is no "$imagereg" See template code below:

I added in a $nospamfield just above this, and it all came togther - thanks!"

I have found the template I need to alter can someone please clarify whet I need to add and where I need to put it in the template please?

Sorry to be so ignorant!

TLove 11-22-2006 05:42 PM


Yeah, any chance on clarification on this? What is the exact code for the template mod?

kanadian 11-24-2006 02:41 PM

thank you for this simple and excellent mod!

Panzer Max 11-24-2006 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by benpaul10 (Post 1122807)
Ah I see you were refering to the posts earlier in this thread


Thanks for pointing this out...

Unfortunately I am still a bit lost still

"There in may lay the problem - there is no "$imagereg" See template code below:

I added in a $nospamfield just above this, and it all came togther - thanks!"

I have found the template I need to alter can someone please clarify whet I need to add and where I need to put it in the template please?

Sorry to be so ignorant!

I think what you do is, go into the Edit template, Register templates, open the one called simply "register".

Then do a search for regimagecheck and you will see:


<if condition="$show['regimagecheck']">
                        <fieldset class="fieldset">

I just added $nospamfield above the line like this:


<if condition="$show['regimagecheck']">
                        <fieldset class="fieldset">

Seems to work for me with 3.5.4
I updated both of my templates that way.

mutus123 11-25-2006 03:11 PM

I was starting to get about 5 spam registrations a day. Even though most of them never made it beyond "Awaiting Email Confirmation" status... It was still annoying to delete them all the time.

Since I installed this plug-in... not even one spam reg..... nothing.

I have to say a big thank you for this one. :up:


farooqaaa 11-25-2006 05:15 PM

Ahh it will help me alot :).

In my server GD isnt enabled, and CAPTCHA images aren't working. Using this will solve my problem.


somedevil 11-25-2006 06:06 PM


Thanks for this, it should be a big help!

Basscat 11-25-2006 09:25 PM

<font color="SeaGreen">*Basscat installs mod</font>

Great mod! Thanks!

Pestillence 11-26-2006 09:09 AM

Very nice Mod.
Thank you very much. :)

Smoothie 11-26-2006 12:53 PM

There should be a petition to have this added into vBulletin as a standard feature. The more ways we can figure out how to prevent these +++++++s from spamming our forums, the better.

makaiguy 11-26-2006 01:29 PM

[Clicks INSTALL]
Have been getting hammered with pr0n spammers lately. Just added this to my 3.5.4 test board (via the info on page 3 of this thread) and it seems to be working great. Now off to put in into my 'real' board. (I'll get around to installing 3.6.x one of these days ...).

Thank you for a wonderful contribution to the vB community!

Loso 11-27-2006 09:51 PM

Installed it and works fine

Thank you very much

mrpotatohead 11-27-2006 11:00 PM

I've just tried to install this and got this error back:


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:

Invalid SQL:

### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
(`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
('1', '5', 'Cache the NoSpam! template', 'cache_templates', 'if (THIS_SCRIPT == \'register\')\r\n{\r\n $globaltemplates[] = \'nospam\';\r\n}', 'nospam');

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Tuesday, November 28th 2006 @ 01:59:52 AM
Script : http://www.bigbrotherforums.net/foru...ncp/plugin.php
Referrer : http://www.bigbrotherforums.net/foru...?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : Big Brother
Classname : vb_database
Any ideas?!

- Joe

benpaul10 11-28-2006 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Panzer Max (Post 1124343)
I think what you do is, go into the Edit template, Register templates, open the one called simply "register".

Then do a search for regimagecheck and you will see:


<if condition="$show['regimagecheck']">
                        <fieldset class="fieldset">

I just added $nospamfield above the line like this:


<if condition="$show['regimagecheck']">
                        <fieldset class="fieldset">

Seems to work for me with 3.5.4
I updated both of my templates that way.

Works great thanks Panzer :)

xKillswitchx 11-28-2006 07:51 PM

This will be very useful for me, as the past two days I have been banning members left and right for posting porn and drive cleaner links. Thanks alot!

Moturdrn 11-29-2006 06:20 AM

Out of two forums so far, one hasn't had a single spammer back (touch wood), and the other has only had one (which we suspect was human input and then setting the bot loose) in the past five days (whereas previously we were banning roughly 3, 4, or 5 a day. Again, touch wood).

Easy to install, easy to use, and an absolute gem in the use against spammers :)

beansbaxter 11-29-2006 02:22 PM

what question(s) are you guys using on this?

will 2+2 work? do new users see this as dumb and trivial and not sign up?

i really like this idea, not knocking it, just curious if its hurting the rate of new user signups??

adwade 11-29-2006 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by beansbaxter (Post 1128092)
what question(s) are you guys using on this?

will 2+2 work? do new users see this as dumb and trivial and not sign up?

Not at all, mine LOVE it. Start a thread asking your users to develop some questions for it and you'll have a blast!

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