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tidy_boy 11-27-2005 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by John
Try the attached file?

Thanks john it works woohooo you the man

blackpudding 11-27-2005 12:10 PM

john, re...

"please make sure that you've removed all old arcade templates from your vBulletin forum before you begin."

how do i do this? i have lots of arcade templates in the system but i can't see a way to delete them?


danb00 11-27-2005 12:11 PM

were can i find games for this?

Trosun 11-27-2005 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by John
Try the attached file?

That worked!!
Thanks alot!

John 11-27-2005 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by blackpudding
john, re...

"please make sure that you've removed all old arcade templates from your vBulletin forum before you begin."

how do i do this? i have lots of arcade templates in the system but i can't see a way to delete them?


I think the most straightforward way to do it would be to select each one and click "revert" - with a bit of luck it should disappear.

Abbas 11-27-2005 12:15 PM



Originally Posted by tidy_boy
Log into your admincp > Plugin Systems > Manage Products > Add/Import Product

blackpudding 11-27-2005 12:17 PM

thanks john

pyro.699 11-27-2005 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by pyro.699
damit nvm /;

PHP Code:

Warningmysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /includes/class_core.php on line 635 

got this when updating my usergroups

another thing, it sets all my arcade values, back to 0 (no) so if i set them all to 1 (yes), hit save, i get that error, and go back to look, and there all 0's (nos)

Supes 11-27-2005 12:20 PM

I installed it but when I try to access it I get this message:

you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

jaffaman 11-27-2005 12:20 PM

Thanks John that worked ;) all i got to do is sort it out working on our normal server not the 1 i am testing it on lol

John 11-27-2005 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by pyro.699
another thing, it sets all my arcade values, back to 0 (no) so if i set them all to 1 (yes), hit save, i get that error, and go back to look, and there all 0's (nos)

I'll have to get back to you on that, I need to get some sleep now - I've only had 4/60 hours, I'm pretty exhausted. Back soon...

John 11-27-2005 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Supes
I installed it but when I try to access it I get this message:

you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Set your usergroup permissions?

nexus851 11-27-2005 12:22 PM

Would this work for 3.5.0??? also how can we get the MULTIPAYER games??? how many multiplayer do u got??? =D

MissKalunji 11-27-2005 12:23 PM

Can someone help me with an importer? imports games and scores?

---MAD--- 11-27-2005 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Detomah
[high]* Detomah upgrades to full release.

Is it safe to use with all of O.K's 3.5.1 beta v3arcade addons still, or are they going to need rebuilding? (aimed at O.K. more than John)



Reformed 11-27-2005 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Supes
I installed it but when I try to access it I get this message:

you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

You need to edit ur usergroup and set permissions, once you do that it should rebuild you bitfields, and then you should see the arcade permissions at the bottom.

Also thanks john, i love the way the games are so easy to install from your site.

Best hack ever.

nexialys 11-27-2005 12:25 PM

i just hope to see hundreds of games for this version, because ibPro version is not free... you have to pay to be able to download more than one game per day, this is not fair... even if they have a lot.

also, i think this wil lbe more supported, as it is built 100% from scratch for 3.5 with 3.5 code only...

yoyoyoyo 11-27-2005 12:25 PM

SO- in order to install the hack guests need to be able to view the arcade page? that sucks... guests can't get past the front door of my site, and that is the way I want it. I guess I will have to go with the other arcade system since I do not want guests to be able to access my arcade. Too bad- it looked like a good hack.

nexialys 11-27-2005 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
Can someone help me with an importer? imports games and scores?

read the docs, the importer is already included in the script...

nexialys 11-27-2005 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
SO- in order to install the hack guests need to be able to view the arcade page? that sucks... guests can't get past the front door of my site, and that is the way I want it. I guess I will have to go with the other arcade system since I do not want guests to be able to access my arcade. Too bad- it looked like a good hack.

this is stupid logic...

just after
PHP Code:

include_once "./global.php"

add this:
PHP Code:

    if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])

this will prevent ALL non-logged-in users to be locked out

when you have a need, just request it instead of telling it's a non-avenue!

and btw, if your users have no access to the board, they will not have more access to the arcade, as it is driven by vBulletin authentication...

FleaBag 11-27-2005 12:31 PM

Ho John, in the ACP when clicking to remove all 0 scores I get the following error...

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.1:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE arcade_games AS arcade_games SET sessioncount=4704, highscorerid=651, highscore=3295.000 WHERE gameid=1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'AS arcade_games SET sessioncount=4704, highscorerid=651, highscore=3295.000 WHER' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Sunday, November 27th 2005 @ 07:14:02 AM
Script : http://www.dragonninja.co.uk/admincp/arcadeadmin.php
Referrer : http://www.dragonninja.co.uk/admincp....php?do=scores
IP Address :
Username : FleaBag
Classname : vb_database
And also, when downloading a game from v3arcade.com I get the following errors.


Warning: fopen(/www/dragonninja/games/simon.swf): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /admin/arcadeadmin.php on line 225

Warning: fopen(/www/dragonninja/images/arcade/simon1.gif): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /admin/arcadeadmin.php on line 225

Warning: fopen(/www/dragonninja/images/arcade/simon2.gif): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /admin/arcadeadmin.php on line 225

Installing Simon
Obviously the game or the images are not installed and I now have a dud entry. Any idea why?

Any help is appreciated... Thanks. :)

Supes 11-27-2005 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by John
Set your usergroup permissions?

I forgot abut that, it works now! :D

nexialys 11-27-2005 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
Ho John, in the ACP when clicking to remove all 0 scores I get the following error...
Any help is appreciated... Thanks. :)

missing quotes in the SQL query!

divided_by_fear 11-27-2005 12:34 PM

when i click remove all high score it dont even remove them dont feel bad

waza 11-27-2005 12:34 PM

John, I can't verify my license on v3arcade.com.
I'm sure the url works and guest can see the arcade.

yoyoyoyo 11-27-2005 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys
this is stupid logic...

just after
PHP Code:

include_once "./global.php"

add this:
PHP Code:

    if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])

this will prevent ALL non-logged-in users to be locked out

when you have a need, just request it instead of telling it's a non-avenue!

and btw, if your users have no access to the board, they will not have more access to the arcade, as it is driven by vBulletin authentication...

I don't see how this will help... in order to verify the license the site checks to see if the arcade.php is viewable by guests - if it is not it will not verify your license. My USERS have access to the board - just not GUESTS.

tcs 11-27-2005 12:36 PM

Do you still have to open up your server or site with allow_url_fopen to get games?

Abbas 11-27-2005 12:36 PM

I tried installing and although the Product Added fine, when I try to access the arcade.php page, I get a "You dont have sufficient privelages" message from vBulletin and an email with the following error comes to my inbox:

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'language.phrasegroup_arcade' in 'field list'

Help would be appreciated!


FleaBag 11-27-2005 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys
missing quotes in the SQL query!

Ah, I suspected as much. So that's at least 1 bug hehe. :D Any idea what I replace nex?

RWDF1 11-27-2005 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by John
You already had an arcade_challenges table to begin with? :ermm:

The current version number you've got installed is 1.0.0, right? If so, run this:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS arcade_challenges

And then this:

CREATE TABLE arcade_challenges (
challengeid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
fromuserid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
touserid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
winnerid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
loserid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
gameid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
datestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
fromsessionid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
tosessionid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
fromscore float(15,3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0.000',
toscore float(15,3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0.000',
status tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (challengeid)

Ok this may sound stupid, but where do I run this? in my mySQL database, in the vB Cpannel?

Beav` 11-27-2005 12:38 PM

John, I've run an import of my old arcade (went fine), but is there any option to remove every score for every game? Or can I just empty the gamessession table?


nexialys 11-27-2005 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
I don't see how this will help... in order to verify the license the site checks to see if the arcade.php is viewable by guests - if it is not it will not verify your license.

AH, you did not explain it well..

to verify the license, the script wait for you to click the button... at this moment, you just have to open the GUEST access for a minute, click the button on v3arcade.com, and after verif, just close the Guest access again...

that's what most of the people do...

btw, the licensing system is not obligatory, and you can download games anyway... this system is for announcements and some other gadgets not needed for you usually...


Snake 11-27-2005 12:38 PM

Great just installed the arcade and its working fine.

www.metalgearforum.net/arcade.php :)

nexialys 11-27-2005 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by RWDF1
Ok this may sound stupid, but where do I run this? in my mySQL database, in the vB Cpannel?


you have access to a complete Documentation center when you are licensed to vBulletin...

divided_by_fear 11-27-2005 12:40 PM

it dont remove scores from when you upgrade plus when i click on a username it dont bring me to profile it gives my a i-e error instead of taking them to the profile


Snake 11-27-2005 12:41 PM

Whoops actually I am getting this error while accessing the arcade...


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT arcade_challenges.*, touser.username AS tousername, fromuser.username AS fromusername, arcade_games.title FROM forum_arcade_challenges
LEFT JOIN forum_user AS touser ON (touser.userid=arcade_challenges.touserid)
LEFT JOIN forum_user AS fromuser ON (fromuser.userid=arcade_challenges.fromuserid)
LEFT JOIN forum_arcade_games AS arcade_games ON (arcade_games.gameid=arcade_challenges.gameid)
WHERE (status=0 AND touserid=1) OR (status=1 AND touserid=1 AND tosessionid=0) OR (status=1 AND fromuserid=1 AND fromsessionid=0);

MySQL Error : Unknown table 'arcade_challenges'
Error Number : 1051
Date : Sunday, November 27th 2005 @ 02:40:41 PM
Script : http://www.metalgearforum.net/arcade.php
Referrer : http://www.metalgearforum.net/index.php
IP Address :
Username : Aftermath
Classname : vb_database

jaffaman 11-27-2005 12:44 PM


Whoops actually I am getting this error while accessing the arcade...

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT arcade_challenges.*, touser.username AS tousername, fromuser.username AS fromusername, arcade_games.title FROM forum_arcade_challenges
LEFT JOIN forum_user AS touser ON (touser.userid=arcade_challenges.touserid)
LEFT JOIN forum_user AS fromuser ON (fromuser.userid=arcade_challenges.fromuserid)
LEFT JOIN forum_arcade_games AS arcade_games ON (arcade_games.gameid=arcade_challenges.gameid)
WHERE (status=0 AND touserid=1) OR (status=1 AND touserid=1 AND tosessionid=0) OR (status=1 AND fromuserid=1 AND fromsessionid=0);

MySQL Error : Unknown table 'arcade_challenges'
Error Number : 1051
Date : Sunday, November 27th 2005 @ 02:40:41 PM
Script : http://www.metalgearforum.net/arcade.php
Referrer : http://www.metalgearforum.net/index.php
IP Address :
Username : Aftermath
Classname : vb_database
Try re downloading it and overwrite the arcade.php m8 i think there was a bug in the 1st 1

husain 11-27-2005 12:44 PM

cron file is missing from the package.

yoyoyoyo 11-27-2005 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys
AH, you did not explain it well..

to verify the license, the script wait for you to click the button... at this moment, you just have to open the GUEST access for a minute, click the button on v3arcade.com, and after verif, just close the Guest access again...

that's what most of the people do...

btw, the licensing system is not obligatory, and you can download games anyway... this system is for announcements and some other gadgets not needed for you usually...


Thanks for the clarification nex - did John recruit you to be the support for this thread while he sleeps? :) thanks much.

djlotus 11-27-2005 12:45 PM

Thnak you, from every single one of my forums members, and myself.

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