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bashy 04-09-2006 09:48 AM

I was so hoping that was you in there pmsl......;)

Thanks for the help m8, much appreciated :)

Ok, so deleteing the ads is not an option or is there away around this
for future reference?

As for the javascript error, i aint sure whats causing this, i have had it for
ages and i have tried to iliminate it by removing hacks and so on but it looks
like its here for the duration pmsl.....

PS still get the errors when you reupload a image (edit ad)


Originally Posted by gio~logist
I logged into your site and it you can't click delete ad because you have javascript errors in your site. Also, i just re uploaded the zip again (maybe it didn't update right last time) and i checked those errors that you told me about, they should be non existant now. As for clicking the title, i made the titles clickable.

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by bashy
I was so hoping that was you in there pmsl......;)

Thanks for the help m8, much appreciated :)

Ok, so deleteing the ads is not an option or is there away around this
for future reference?

As for the javascript error, i aint sure whats causing this, i have had it for
ages and i have tried to iliminate it by removing hacks and so on but it looks
like its here for the duration pmsl.....

PS still get the errors when you reupload a image (edit ad)

I just posted an ad called "troy", at first it had a picture of the movie troy, then i changed it. I didn't get any errors at all. Give it a shot..

Also, deleting an ad is an option. However, it doesn't function with your site because of your javascript errors. The only thing you can do i guess is change this:

<div><a href=javascript:deletead(); >Delete This Ad</a></div>
To this:

<div><a href="sr_classifieds.php?do=deletead&adid=$ad[classifiedid]" >Delete This Ad</a></div>
The only thing is that like that you don't even get a message, it'll just delete it straight. However, until you clear up the existing errors on your site, you will need to do it that way.

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 09:58 AM

Anyways, i will be leaving for now. It is 6:57AM here and i haven't been to sleep . I do not believe that there are any bugs left. However, if there are, i will be sure to fix them when i get back.

bashy 04-09-2006 10:09 AM

Ok m8 thanks alot, take care...

BTW, i did edit your image of troy and thats where i still saw the errors lol
I now know why i get the image issue, its cause i was trying it with a animated gif
G/night m8

Jon_Simmonds 04-09-2006 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Would it help if i made a system that would conver all itrader ratings to SR Classified ratings?

Aye :D

Very intrested in the premium edition to

Is it possible to make the adverts not visiable to certain usergroups? I have a no advert paid sugscription

bashy 04-09-2006 10:42 AM

I am having issues uploading any jpg
Here is the error at the top of the screen:

Array ( [0] => .gif [1] => .jpg [2] => .jpeg [3] => .png )

and it shows this

The image type .jpg is not supported. Please go back and upload a valid type. The supported types are listed when uploading a picture.

Whats ya thoughts (when ya wake up lol)

jellybaby 04-09-2006 11:04 AM

Great Mod thank you.

I have two problems:-

1. I cant delete the add, when I click on it nothing happens.

2. When I put 1.99 in it only shows 1, the pennies disappear!


Shack Networks 04-09-2006 12:57 PM

Problem I see is if Member A clicks the PP link and purchases the item then whats to stop Member B also clicking it and purchasing the item too ?

Result would be 2 payments made from 2 members for 1 item, this would no doubt cause loads of hassle with members claiming to of paid first etc..

Also since I am in the UK will be see any kind of multi currency option other than the $USD ?

Nice hack and I WOULD be looking for the pro version if I new it did what I wanted it to do. How about allowing items to be put into aution so that the highest bidder wins or the bidder who hits the buy it now price first ?

Excellent concept but a bit flawed if I am TBH.

V nice work though.

hugh_ 04-09-2006 02:26 PM

Is it just me, I don't see a way to edit an add when it's been posted?!

bashy 04-09-2006 02:40 PM

Go edit ya usergroup permissions ;)


Originally Posted by hugh_
Is it just me, I don't see a way to edit an add when it's been posted?!

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
I am having issues uploading any jpg
Here is the error at the top of the screen:

Array ( [0] => .gif [1] => .jpg [2] => .jpeg [3] => .png )

and it shows this

The image type .jpg is not supported. Please go back and upload a valid type. The supported types are listed when uploading a picture.

Whats ya thoughts (when ya wake up lol)

lol. You still don't have the latest version :p. Overwrite all the files with the ones in the zip and overwrite the product as well.

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Shack Networks
Problem I see is if Member A clicks the PP link and purchases the item then whats to stop Member B also clicking it and purchasing the item too ?

Result would be 2 payments made from 2 members for 1 item, this would no doubt cause loads of hassle with members claiming to of paid first etc..

Also since I am in the UK will be see any kind of multi currency option other than the $USD ?

Nice hack and I WOULD be looking for the pro version if I new it did what I wanted it to do. How about allowing items to be put into aution so that the highest bidder wins or the bidder who hits the buy it now price first ?

Excellent concept but a bit flawed if I am TBH.

V nice work though.

Thank you! Yes, there's just a few bugs that have been worked out along the way. I do not think there's any left. However, you never know :p

As for the bidding, that will be in the premium version. And the currency can be changed via template :p

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jon_Simmonds
Aye :D

Very intrested in the premium edition to

Is it possible to make the adverts not visiable to certain usergroups? I have a no advert paid sugscription

That will be in the premium version.

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by jellybaby
Great Mod thank you.

I have two problems:-

1. I cant delete the add, when I click on it nothing happens.

2. When I put 1.99 in it only shows 1, the pennies disappear!


lol. I'm having way to many problems having price field as INT. Lets alter the table and change it.

I will make sure to update the zip with this ASAP.

Run this query:

ALTER TABLE `sr_classifieds` CHANGE `paypal` `paypal` DECIMAL( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

arossphoto 04-09-2006 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
This script is not integrated with individual forums. This makes it so that you have your own classified section on your site. I will probably make it on the premium version so that it shows the categories and counts and such on forumindex if the admin will like.

This sounds great. Will you be able to upgrade from lite to premium and maintain existing ads? Do you have any estimates for a release date?

In the meantime, I'm having some issues with the category display. I have setup two categories but one is taking up much more space on the page than the other. See attached image.

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
This sounds great. Will you be able to upgrade from lite to premium and maintain existing ads? Do you have any estimates for a release date?

In the meantime, I'm having some issues with the category display. I have setup two categories but one is taking up much more space on the page than the other. See attached image.

May you link me to your site so that i can see this? I know it's just a little template fix, however, this is the first time i've seen it. I'll take a look if i can get a link.

As for the upgrade to the premium version, yes, you can upgrade without loosing information.

bashy 04-09-2006 03:32 PM

PMSL....I had done that, i also thought you had as well lol...Fun an games eh
Anyway just done it all again, will try it now :)
OOO A PM...2 secs...

Whoopsy lol i just got ya PM lol :o


Originally Posted by gio~logist
lol. You still don't have the latest version :p. Overwrite all the files with the ones in the zip and overwrite the product as well.

arossphoto 04-09-2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
May you link me to your site so that i can see this? I know it's just a little template fix, however, this is the first time i've seen it. I'll take a look if i can get a link.

Here's the link. I add another cat and it still the same problem. I also haven't upgraded to the latest version yet.


bashy 04-09-2006 03:36 PM

Aint that because one has a description and the other dont...

I noticed that if the descriptions aint the same lenght then the boxes do go out of sync so to speak!!!


Originally Posted by arossphoto
This sounds great. Will you be able to upgrade from lite to premium and maintain existing ads? Do you have any estimates for a release date?

In the meantime, I'm having some issues with the category display. I have setup two categories but one is taking up much more space on the page than the other. See attached image.

bashy 04-09-2006 03:50 PM

I have just had to add a Custom Link for the WOL as it wernt as it should be Gio, Just a heads up m8 as i dont suppose many use the custom hack :)

arossphoto 04-09-2006 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
I noticed that if the descriptions aint the same lenght then the boxes do go out of sync so to speak!!!

Yeah, you're right. If one description is longer than the others it throws everything out of whack. Couldn't they be setup to take up 50% each?



Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
I have just had to add a Custom Link for the WOL as it wernt as it should be Gio, Just a heads up m8 as i dont suppose many use the custom hack :)

I'll make it so that the hack ads the WOL feature.

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
Here's the link. I add another cat and it still the same problem. I also haven't upgraded to the latest version yet.


Will it be possible to set up a test account for me? Also, make sure to update to the latest version.

bashy 04-09-2006 04:27 PM

Looks like mine is pretty much sorted now Gio, thanks for ya help :)
Will possibly look into the premium when ya got it up an running :)

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
Looks like mine is pretty much sorted now Gio, thanks for ya help :)
Will possibly look into the premium when ya got it up an running :)

:p Glad to hear that. I will try my best to contact everyone interested the second it's up and running.

arossphoto 04-09-2006 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Will it be possible to set up a test account for me? Also, make sure to update to the latest version.

I just upgraded to the latest version, and made a few adjustments. I don't know if it's related, but now I'm seeing problems with heights of the cat headings and "go to" links as well. See attached image:

How do I set up a test account? Do I have to create a new user with admin priviledges for you?



Shack Networks 04-09-2006 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Thank you! Yes, there's just a few bugs that have been worked out along the way. I do not think there's any left. However, you never know :p

As for the bidding, that will be in the premium version. And the currency can be changed via template :p

I know about changing by template, I was looking more towards being able to select the currency via a dropdown box.

I look forward to the premium version, any idea on pricing ?

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Shack Networks
I know about changing by template, I was looking more towards being able to select the currency via a dropdown box.

I look forward to the premium version, any idea on pricing ?

I believe it will be around $35. PM me for more information if you are interested and i will add you to the list of people that will be contacted once it's done.

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
I just upgraded to the latest version, and made a few adjustments. I don't know if it's related, but now I'm seeing problems with heights of the cat headings and "go to" links as well. See attached image:

How do I set up a test account? Do I have to create a new user with admin priviledges for you?



That's probably just the cellpadding. Nothing really wrong with it.

arossphoto 04-09-2006 05:10 PM

I just realized that guests cannot view ads unless I give them permission to "use SR Classifieds system", but then they can post ads too. I want them to be able to see ads, and be able to contact the seller, but that's it. Can this be done?

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
I just realized that guests cannot view ads unless I give them permission to "use SR Classifieds system", but then they can post ads too. I want them to be able to see ads, and be able to contact the seller, but that's it. Can this be done?

Try overwriting sr_classifieds.php and tell me if it works. I made it so that guests cannot post ads or give new feedback at all in this file.

arossphoto 04-09-2006 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Try overwriting sr_classifieds.php and tell me if it works. I made it so that guests cannot post ads or give new feedback at all in this file.

That works. They also can't use the email feature, but that's probably a good idea anyway.

I just noticed a different problem. I've been using Firefox and just tested it in IE as well and noticed the path to the nocat image is: http://www.yoursite.com/images/misc/nocatimage.gif. Firefox doesn't show the empty placeholder, so I hadn't noticed this before.

I've been looking through the templates, but I can find anywhere to change this path.


Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
That works. They also can't use the email feature, but that's probably a good idea anyway.

I just noticed a different problem. I've been using Firefox and just tested it in IE as well and noticed the path to the nocat image is: http://www.yoursite.com/images/misc/nocatimage.gif. Firefox doesn't show the empty placeholder, so I hadn't noticed this before.

I've been looking through the templates, but I can find anywhere to change this path.


That's in SR Classifieds Options.

arossphoto 04-09-2006 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
That works. They also can't use the email feature, but that's probably a good idea anyway.

I just noticed a different problem. I've been using Firefox and just tested it in IE as well and noticed the path to the nocat image is: http://www.yoursite.com/images/misc/nocatimage.gif. Firefox doesn't show the empty placeholder, so I hadn't noticed this before.

I've been looking through the templates, but I can find anywhere to change this path.


Never mind! I'm an idiot! I sometimes forget to look in the obvious places first.

I hope this isn't another stupid question but I tried setting Categories Per Row to 1, and it look fine FireFox but in IE it looks like this. See attached image:

bashy 04-09-2006 05:53 PM

Hi again Gio.....Tis ok theres no issues to report YET! lol
Was just wondering if you had a list or even part list to drool over for the premium version?

Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
Never mind! I'm an idiot! I sometimes forget to look in the obvious places first.

I hope this isn't another stupid question but I tried setting Categories Per Row to 1, and it look fine FireFox but in IE it looks like this. See attached image:

Hehe. That was a simple arithmetic problem. Incase you were wondering, what happened was this. The width of the tables were set using this equation:

$catwidth = 1/$catsperrow;

So when you have 1/1(you set one category per row), it gives you 1, instead of 100. And even when you have 2 per row, it gives you .5 instead of 100. The quation has been changed to:

$catwidth = 1/$catsperrow * 100;

And now it gives you 100 if you set 1 and 50 if you set 2. Anyways, just thought i'd share that lol. You can either redownload the zip and upload that sr_classifieds.php or take the one i'll attach for you here.

arossphoto 04-09-2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Hehe. That was a simple arithmetic problem.

For some of us there's nothing simple about arithmetic :confused:

Here's another IE problem for you. When viewing the ad in Firefox the image appears fine, but in IE the space is blank. The thumbnail displays fine in the random ads as well as the cat listing, but not when viewing the ad. The problem was the same with the default image and after I uploaded a new image.

Here's the link to the ad in question:


Thanks again,


Gio~Logist 04-09-2006 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by arossphoto
For some of us there's nothing simple about arithmetic :confused:

Here's another IE problem for you. When viewing the ad in Firefox the image appears fine, but in IE the space is blank. The thumbnail displays fine in the random ads as well as the cat listing, but not when viewing the ad. The problem was the same with the default image and after I uploaded a new image.

Here's the link to the ad in question:


Thanks again,


Try editing sr_classifieds_viewad and change the <img src="$ad[image] to <img src="$vboptions[bburl]/$ad[image]"

See if that works.

I don't see why it doesn't show though, i mean, it's pulling up the info right.

Gizmo5h1t3 04-09-2006 07:51 PM

installed. and works a treat..
nice hack

bashy 04-09-2006 07:53 PM

Got an idea for an add on :)

How about when a new ad is placed, perhaps a marquee of some sort like i have on my forumhome showing the latest 10 or even a setting for random??

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