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-   -   "Coders discussion" forum is now a private forum. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=111676)

Zachariah 04-03-2006 03:23 PM

/me blushes.

It's a place for geeks to "FLEX" in their Geekdom. :glasses:
We are the Borg.

Logikos 04-03-2006 05:15 PM

[high]* Logikos bows to Stefan :p[/high]

Freesteyelz 04-03-2006 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Xenon
This thread is an interesting read really...

I think that's why I'm involved in it; mainly for conversational purposes. :)

SaN-DeeP 04-03-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Xenon
This thread is an interesting read really...

I will just make some final statements here, naming our reasons whay this forum has been added in the way it is now:

vbulletin.org was a board for coders at first, normal members were always welcome to get hacks/support and were thankful. Coders enjoyed the time here as there were a lot of them, so it was a meeting point of specialists.

that was the beginning, but that has changed, the ratio between coders to members has been strongly evolved into members direction, and so changed also the way of talking/posting on vbulletin.org. That's a natural thing on sites like this, and you cannot see it as a positiv or negativ aspect, just the way it is.

But that change leads to problems of course. Coders miss the "old days" where they could talk to each other on a professional base. That's why we wanted to give them a place where they could talk to each other like in the old days, and we made it the way it was, that anyone could join the group.

But that didn't make out as we want it. A lot of people just joined that group and asked questions which could have been in the other forums already, but they thought now they have more attention by coders, so we restricted it to coders only. And the reson it is private now, is because a lot of coders mentioned, that they want to talk about unfinished projects in there, which should not yet been known to the public. And as coders ARE the heart of vbulletin.org on the long run, it is the best to make their stay here as positive as possible, and so we made it a private forum, and as i can say from my own point of view: Regarding to the threads in that forum now, it was the best descission we could make, and we won't change it.

nice clarification... thanks Xenon :).

Quillz 04-04-2006 04:53 AM


Brandon Sheley 04-04-2006 05:25 AM

I'm not thrilled that I can't see what your talking about, but I do understand..

hope the Sr coders are able to share the knowledge with the younger coders and produce more product for me to try :D

Paul M 04-04-2006 07:00 AM

You really should change the description for it .....


All users can read but you must join the coders usergroup to post. Need help? click here!

kall 04-04-2006 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by ZIKI-SET
I did as you said and still cannot see it

That's probably because you are not a coder.

On-topic: I agree with the decision to make it non-public. I couldn't understand why it was public in the first place. Went in, took a look at the number of non-coder posts and didn't stick my head in again.


tgreer 04-04-2006 04:02 PM

Hmm. I'm definitely a professional coder. I've made my living programming and teaching others to program, for decades. I wrote the printing industry's first complete eCommerce platform... I've been doing web development since there was a web - in fact I was a Compuserve Sysop prior to the 'Net. In terms of PHP and vBulletin, I've coded my own complete plugins, as well as re-written and fixed a few that I've found here. However, because I choose not to release my code to the community, with all of the attendant support problems that would entail, I'm not considered a "coder", and so cannot benefit from discussion with other vBulletin/PHP programmers?

That being the case, I hardly understand the raison d'etre of vbulletin.org!

The problems you describe can be fixed with proper forum moderation... the decision to hide the primary resource/reason for the forum, from forum members such as myself, based on an arbitrary classification, is not the right way to handle the situation.

Thomas D. Greer
Professional Coder, Consultant, Trainer

amykhar 04-04-2006 04:20 PM

Thomas, I have to disagree. Coding ability really has nothing to do with the equation in my book. It's a reward for those who take the time to contribute to the site. If you aren't going to share your work, why should you be entitled to benefit from mine?

Sooner95 04-04-2006 04:26 PM

Personally, I think its a fine idea. Without these peepz who create these cool addons/hacks for vb, software would be kinda boring.

As a non-coder I really see no reason for members like myself to have access. Give them their privacy, hell might even have them coding more..

tgreer 04-04-2006 04:27 PM

amykhar: I respect your opinion. Disagreement is a healthy thing, I think.

My point is that, as a professional developer, I might just be able to contribute to "the site", and to a coder's subforum in particular, in a positive, beneficial way, regardless of whether I release plugins or not. Who knows? Reading and discussing ongoing projects with other PHP programmers might tempt me to collaborate, or share similars mods of my own with other coders. In fact, I'd be much more willing to share my work among other skilled programmers, than I would be to release a plugin to the public. I commend you for taking on that burden, and if you want a reward for that beyond the satisfaction of a job well done: PM me your address, I'll send you a cookie.

If I simply wanted to benefit from your work, I can do that already, can I not? So that, to me, is a non-argument.

AWS 04-04-2006 05:23 PM

Thomas, programming is your profession. You do as a means to live. You understand what it takes to support your work. You understand that you have to support the work you release.
Most of the hack coders are are hobbiest, there are exceptions and this isn't meant to slight them. They think that having the coder tag makes them larger than life. Some of them have egos as big as Mount Everest and some are arrogant enough to say I won't support this hack if you can't understand how to install it. They don't know what it is like to develope and support an enterprise peice of software where you have to hand hold the majority of people who buy and use the product.
The coder forum gives them validation.
As far as all the argueing about it being private. Why does anyone care? It isn't going to get you a job programming. It doesn't make you a coder. After all you are only hacking forum software and that isn't something you can put on your resume.
There are a few professional programmers that visit here that have never released a hack for one reason or another. My reason is the same as yours. I wouldn't have time to support it in the way it should be supported.
Let them have the private forum. I doubt it would be benificial to the real programmers anyway.

tgreer 04-04-2006 06:05 PM

Yes, I'm a professional developer. However, I don't take quite the same antagonistic stance on this issue as you do. I've downloaded/installed some of these plugins, looked at the code, and wanted to ask a few questions as to why this was hard-coded, instead of phrased, etc. I'm not as familiar with the underlying vBulletin code as many here. I've implemented a few things on my own, but wanted to discuss optimization; I've looked at some of the PHP code and wanted to know where certain variables got their default vaules... you know, CODING DISCUSSIONS.

I've found vBulletin.org to be distinctly lacking in those kinds of discussions, and have often wondered why there wasn't an active coders section. Now I know why: there is, but because I haven't contributed a dubious hack/plugin, I'm barred from participation. That, in my opinion, is an awfully close-minded and ultimately self-defeating decision.

I may not be the paragon of programming, so banning my participation might not be such a big loss to the community. However several other very expernienced programmers and vbulletin programmer/operators are similarly disqualified. What a shame.

Paul M 04-04-2006 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by tgreer
I may not be the paragon of programming, so banning my participation might not be such a big loss to the community. However several other very expernienced programmers and vbulletin programmer/operators are similarly disqualified. What a shame.

Perhaps you should try the "PHP / MySQL / JS / (X)HTML" forum then, that is a general purpose coding forum for everyone, the purpose of the coders forum is for coders who have contributed to this site to speak to each other, away from the distractions of the main forums. :)

Osterling 04-04-2006 08:38 PM

It's not like you cannot gain access, all you have to do is create and release your own hacks and eventually you will gain your right to access that area.

tgreer 04-04-2006 08:44 PM

I'm afraid you misunderstand me. I can see that forum. In fact, I moderate similarly broad forums on www.daniweb.com, one of the foremost, most succesful forums and, btw, vbulletin implementations. (I find it ironic that Dani herself, a phenomenal PHP programmer and vBulletin coder, couldn't see the coder forum if she came here). I don't seek PHP/MySQL/JS/XHTML help. I seek discussions about authoring vbulletin plugins and modifications, and I wish to have those discussions with experienced PHP/vbulletin programmers.

One would think vbulletin.org would be the perfect place for such discussions, but apparently the mission statement has changed?

If the purpose of vbulletin.org, however, is for plugin coders to dole out their plugins while they cloister together in a private little insular group, marginalizing everyone else, then I really don't see any reason to stay and participate. In fact, my participation is apparently NOT WANTED.

Forum admin: please terminate/ban my account.

Paul M 04-04-2006 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by tgreer
I seek discussions about authoring vbulletin plugins and modifications, and I wish to have those discussions with experienced PHP/vbulletin programmers.

and there is nothing stopping you doing that in the many forums already used for that here. Still, feel free to spit out your dummy, and please remember to close the door on your way out. :cross-eyed:

tgreer 04-04-2006 08:55 PM

Thank you for re-affirming and validating my decision. If you represent the typical "Master Coder", in terms of quality of discussion, then I'm certainly not missing much.

KW802 04-04-2006 08:59 PM

Looks like some people's egos are getting bruised.

If the forum name was "Code Contributors" and it was private, would you still be complaining?

Paul M 04-04-2006 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by tgreer
Thank you for re-affirming and validating my decision. If you represent the typical "Master Coder", in terms of quality of discussion, then I'm certainly not missing much.

Perhaps you should re-read your own contributions before questioning the quality of others ;)

noppid 04-04-2006 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by amykhar
Thomas, I have to disagree. Coding ability really has nothing to do with the equation in my book. It's a reward for those who take the time to contribute to the site. If you aren't going to share your work, why should you be entitled to benefit from mine?

The fact that this breeds the attitude you are entitled to anything is proof the whole concept is flawed.

Either release free code on the .org as such and move on or sell your wares and reap the profits if your code holds it's water.

The attitude, that if I work hard doing free stuff I'm entitled to something, breeds contempt. I don't find it acceptable at all.

Your posts may mean well, but they are in fact painting you into an elitest light. They are also encouraging crap work to be rushed to publish for the sake of this so called privledge and that serves the community in no way shape or form.

Stop asserting your burden or stop releasing free code like I did. Trust me, if we start analysing this so called elitist code, things will be painted in a different light.

This goes against the grain of the entire concept of .org. But it's not the first or only instance of such actions. My contributions have suffered and will contiue to be elsewhere while this club, formally know as vbulletin.org, get's it act together.

It's amazing how people forget where they came from and then suddenly advise people to leave and shut the door behind them cause they've moved on to being smarter and can't be bothered anymore.

Long live the little people, just not here.

Zachariah 04-05-2006 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by amykhar
It's a reward for those who take the time to contribute to the site.

I did not know that. :ermm:

I thought it was a "think tank area" where we could team up for some sweet mods.

Freesteyelz 04-05-2006 06:07 AM

I wonder if that was my bad, as I did mention in a prior post that the Coders forum is a benefit/reward. I should have articulated a bit more what I meant by the reference. It is possible, however, that the concept of the forum has a different meaning to the members involved. *Sigh*

Speaking of which, where do Templaters fit into the scheme of things? :D

Xenon 04-05-2006 09:12 AM

Ok, no i don't really like the tone in here anymore. That thread is not here to post about each others ego.

I'll close this thread now. If any of you have problems with each other, use the pm system, but please don't do so in public....

Erwin 04-06-2006 01:36 AM

I've kept out of the discussion but wanted to post a comment.

This Coders Discussion forum is a totally NEW forum created only a few weeks ago. If you are not a coder or have released a hack here, the fact that you cannot access this forum should make no difference to you, as it never existed in the first place. The mistake we made was to make it open in the first place, then made it private.

We still have plenty of other forums for people who have not released hacks - this forum is merely a forum to make those who have contribute to the site feel a bit more "special". Is that so wrong?

Since we have not made any changes to the CURRENT forums, I don't understand how anyone could say that this site has "changed its mission".

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