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Rover416 05-11-2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Murty
Hey, just install this and vbjokes as well. and for some reason when i go into vbcheats, the very top heading says ': site name : - Main Jokes Page' as well as the navbar ladder thing. Any thoughts?



Murty 05-12-2006 01:35 AM

Thanks alot :)

pumarjr 05-24-2006 09:38 PM

b4 i even get started, can you or sum1 plz clarify sumthing for me.
where do i do this part and how? see attached code:

PHP Code:

To do

Templates to add 2
Files to upload 1

First add this template
template name    (  adv_portal_new_cheats  )

td class="alt1" align="center" colspan="2">Have you seen these new cheats?<br>

Second Template to add (  cmps_new_cheats  )

td class="$classalign="center" colspan="2"><a href="javascript:NewWindow=window.open('http://www.michealmilton.com/forums/vbcheats.php?do=viewcheatidpopup&cheatid={$newcheat['cheatid']}','newWin','width=650,height=600,left=0,top=0,
NewWindow.focus(); void(0);"

File to upload   (  new_vbcheats  )

Now to add the module to your cmps

micheal332001 05-25-2006 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by pumarjr
b4 i even get started, can you or sum1 plz clarify sumthing for me.
where do i do this part and how? see attached code:

PHP Code:

To do
Templates to add 2
Files to upload 1
First add this template
template name adv_portal_new_cheats )
td class="alt1" align="center" colspan="2">Have you seen these new cheats?<br>
Second Template to add cmps_new_cheats )
td class="$classalign="center" colspan="2"><a href="javascript:NewWindow=window.open('http://www.michealmilton.com/forums/vbcheats.php?do=viewcheatidpopup&cheatid={$newcheat['cheatid']}','newWin','width=650,height=600,left=0,top=0,
NewWindow.focus(); void(0);"
File to upload new_vbcheats )
Now to add the module to your cmps

Here is what you have to do

First add this template to your style in admincp
template name ( adv_portal_new_cheats )
PHP Code:

td class="alt1" align="center" colspan="2">Have you seen these new cheats?<br>

Second Template to add ( cmps_new_cheats )
PHP Code:

td class="$classalign="center" colspan="2"><a href="javascript:NewWindow=window.open('http://www.michealmilton.com/forums/vbcheats.php?do=viewcheatidpopup&cheatid={$newcheat['cheatid']}','newWin','width=650,height=600,left=0,top=0,
NewWindow.focus(); void(0);"

Add these templates to your style as these are the templates for the module you will use to show newest cheats on you main cmps page.

pumarjr 05-25-2006 01:36 PM

when you say add a template, how do i accomplish that, do i create a file in note pad, paste in the code, and give it a .php extension?

pumarjr 05-25-2006 02:08 PM

ok, so i uploaded the files that the instructions said to, then i went and edited the navbar like it said, then i pressed f5 to refresh the button on the left shows up, when i click on it it gives me a 404 error page not found, so then i went to styles and templates and added then new templates, but still, no go.

help plz

pumarjr 05-25-2006 11:54 PM

any 1 plz, help!

guwebby 05-26-2006 12:02 AM

is there anyway on this hack a feature can be added in to where in the UserCP we can set a profile field in a drop down menu to display all of the games and when a user selects one, it will display the game and any cheats with it on their profile page?

pumarjr 05-26-2006 01:13 AM

At least yours works, when i try to activate the board in the cp, i just get page cannot be displayed.

pumarjr 05-26-2006 02:20 AM

hell, if u can help me out, i'll donate to your cause

pumarjr 05-26-2006 03:16 AM

i have uninstalled this hack, and reinstalled this hack, still no luck, when i'm in the AdminCP and i click on VBCheats>settings or any other link, i get page cannot be displayed, and when i'm at my forum home, and i click on vbcheats it just re-directs me back to the same page, this is the only hack of yours that i have installed, is it a pre-requsite to have the vbjokes installed to make this work. i really would like this to work, and like i said in a previous post if you can help me understand this problem and to dignaose this problem/issue i will goto your site that i have saved in my fav. and make a donation.

also if we are successful in getting past the page cannot be displayed where do i add the module? or this part of your install file:

PHP Code:

File to upload   (  new_vbcheats  )

Now to add the module to your cmps


Add Module 

[PHP File

Module Title                 Newest Cheats

Column                       you choose

Display Order                you choose

Active                       yes

Update All Pages             yes

File to 
Include              new_vbcheats.php

Module Parent                leave 
as is

Identifier                   newvbcheats

Templates Used               leave 
as is

Clean File Output            no

Use Module Shell Template    no

choose what Usergroups can view 
or not

click save 

Done enjoy 

plz your help will be greatly appreciated! and i applaud all coders of whom make this and all hacks available to us. i just wish that more of them had a donate button.

pumarjr 05-26-2006 03:24 AM


i'm embarrased to state how i solved it , but i did.
ok can't hurt, when i extracted the .zip file i guess one of the files did not extract the first time around which was the admin folder. well i added that php file to my admincp folder in my forum root, and wola, sry for the posts, i am going to donate in a few minutes.

pumarjr 05-26-2006 04:42 AM

ok, everythinhg works perfectly, but where do i chane where it says:
Make A New Joke

that's what it says when i click on add a cheat, how can i just make that say add new cheat?

i already saw where to change the main jokes page, but nothing on where to change this.

thx, m8

pumarjr 05-26-2006 01:16 PM

nm, i found where to edit the files, thx 2 me.

micheal332001 06-01-2006 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by pumarjr
nm, i found where to edit the files, thx 2 me.

Sorry i have not got back to you,
But i have just got out of hospital after having 2 ops in 1.
Im glad you fixed the problems that you had.
If you have any other questions please ask and i will answer.

pumarjr 06-01-2006 07:35 PM

hope u r feeling better

Gn_Snake 06-30-2006 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by pumarjr
i have uninstalled this hack, and reinstalled this hack, still no luck, when i'm in the AdminCP and i click on VBCheats>settings or any other link, i get page cannot be displayed, and when i'm at my forum home, and i click on vbcheats it just re-directs me back to the same page, this is the only hack of yours that i have installed, is it a pre-requsite to have the vbjokes installed to make this work. i really would like this to work, and like i said in a previous post if you can help me understand this problem and to dignaose this problem/issue i will goto your site that i have saved in my fav. and make a donation.

also if we are successful in getting past the page cannot be displayed where do i add the module? or this part of your install file:

PHP Code:

File to upload   (  new_vbcheats  )

Now to add the module to your cmps


Add Module 

[PHP File

Module Title                 Newest Cheats

Column                       you choose

Display Order                you choose

Active                       yes

Update All Pages             yes

File to 
Include              new_vbcheats.php

Module Parent                leave 
as is

Identifier                   newvbcheats

Templates Used               leave 
as is

Clean File Output            no

Use Module Shell Template    no

choose what Usergroups can view 
or not

click save 

Done enjoy 

plz your help will be greatly appreciated! and i applaud all coders of whom make this and all hacks available to us. i just wish that more of them had a donate button.

after to have uploaded file php (new_vbcheats.php)in the dir module Vbulletin and create new Module via CMPS, my home page it is BLANK!! :cross-eyed: :confused:
plz help me !!!

I have installed vbadvancd and I would want to have the module of the new cheats active in Home Page

micheal332001 06-30-2006 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Gn_Snake
after to have uploaded file php (new_vbcheats.php)in the dir module Vbulletin and create new Module via CMPS, my home page it is BLANK!! :cross-eyed: :confused:
plz help me !!!

I have installed vbadvancd and I would want to have the module of the new cheats active in Home Page

Ill have alook at this for you but it should be working.
Have you done what the install files says for installing the module to the letter.
Have you added the new templates for the module as well.

this is what you should have done.

PHP Code:

Adding of the newest cheats module for your cpms
To do
Templates to add 2
Files to upload 1

First add this template
template name    (  adv_portal_new_cheats  )
td class="alt1" align="center" colspan="2">Have you seen these new cheats?<br>

Second Template to add (  cmps_new_cheats  )
td class="$classalign="center" colspan="2"><a href="javascript:NewWindow=window.open('http://www.michealmilton.com/forums/vbcheats.php?do=viewcheatidpopup&cheatid={$newcheat['cheatid']}','newWin','width=650,height=600,left=0,top=0,
NewWindow.focus(); void(0);"
File to upload   (  new_vbcheats  )
Now to add the module to your cmps
Add Module 
[PHP File
Module Title                 Newest Cheats
Column                       you choose
Display Order                you choose
Active                       yes
Update All Pages             yes
File to 
Include              new_vbcheats.php
Module Parent                leave 
as is
Identifier                   newvbcheats
Templates Used               leave 
as is
Clean File Output            no
Use Module Shell Template    no
choose what Usergroups can view 
or not
click save 

Gn_Snake 06-30-2006 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by micheal332001
Ill have alook at this for you but it should be working.
Have you done what the install files says for installing the module to the letter.
Have you added the new templates for the module as well.

this is what you should have done.

PHP Code:

Adding of the newest cheats module for your cpms
To do
Templates to add 2
Files to upload 1

First add this template
template name    (  adv_portal_new_cheats  )
td class="alt1" align="center" colspan="2">Have you seen these new cheats?<br>

Second Template to add (  cmps_new_cheats  )
td class="$classalign="center" colspan="2"><a href="javascript:NewWindow=window.open('http://www.michealmilton.com/forums/vbcheats.php?do=viewcheatidpopup&cheatid={$newcheat['cheatid']}','newWin','width=650,height=600,left=0,top=0,
NewWindow.focus(); void(0);"
File to upload   (  new_vbcheats  )
Now to add the module to your cmps
Add Module 
[PHP File
Module Title                 Newest Cheats
Column                       you choose
Display Order                you choose
Active                       yes
Update All Pages             yes
File to 
Include              new_vbcheats.php
Module Parent                leave 
as is
Identifier                   newvbcheats
Templates Used               leave 
as is
Clean File Output            no
Use Module Shell Template    no
choose what Usergroups can view 
or not
click save 

Thanks, fact but is equal :smoke: :confused:

Gn_Snake 07-11-2006 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Gn_Snake
Thanks, fact but is equal :smoke: :confused:

Help Me:tired:

micheal332001 08-06-2006 09:56 AM

I will be sorting this out to work on 3.6 when i have some time.
At the moment i have not tested this on 3.6 when i have i will add it to the 3.6 add-ons

Chicago_VLNU_4s 08-24-2006 03:15 AM

umm yeh i have a question, why did u make it say "Main Jokes Page" instead of something affiliated with Cheats... how do i change this

micheal332001 08-24-2006 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Chicago_VLNU_4s
umm yeh i have a question, why did u make it say "Main Jokes Page" instead of something affiliated with Cheats... how do i change this

goto templates and look in the vbcheats template and the vbcheats_home

Hornstar 08-25-2006 01:40 AM

did you need a test board for 3.6? how long do you think it may be, as this is fantastic, wish i found this months ago.

micheal332001 08-25-2006 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337
did you need a test board for 3.6? how long do you think it may be, as this is fantastic, wish i found this months ago.

This will be released for 3.6 very soon

Chicago_VLNU_4s 08-28-2006 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by micheal332001
goto templates and look in the vbcheats template and the vbcheats_home

i still can't find where to change "Main Jokes Page".. help?

Rover416 08-28-2006 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chicago_VLNU_4s
i still can't find where to change "Main Jokes Page".. help?

Open vBcheats.php and find


$navbits[$parent] = 'Main Jokes Page';
Change it to

$navbits[$parent] = 'Main Cheats Page';

micheal332001 08-28-2006 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rover416
Open vBcheats.php and find


$navbits[$parent] = 'Main Jokes Page';
Change it to

$navbits[$parent] = 'Main Cheats Page';

Thanks for putting that up. :D

Chicago_VLNU_4s 08-29-2006 12:23 AM

^^Thanks 4 the help Rover and Micheal

Hornstar 08-31-2006 08:54 PM


1. Where it has the submitters name, maybe alow that to be linked to their profile.

2. add a block for vbadvanced for "Newest cheats added" and let us be able to select the max number to show. - edit- think you may already have this ^^

3. you spelt platforms wrong "Platforums" on http://www.michealmilton.com/forums/...hp?do=category

4. a) Maybe try and make the search feature have two options, the current and a more advanced option, where the user can search by category etc.

b) Where it says "What Cheat Are You Looking For Type In A Cheat Name"
maybe change that to "What Cheat Are You Looking For? Type in a Cheat Name." or maybe something different like "Search for a cheat by Name or Type of Cheat here"

5. In add a cheat where it says "Extra Cheat Code" maybe change that to "Extra Cheat Code (eg. game shark codes etc.) So the user may have a better idea of what to put in the main and extra sections.

6. In add a cheat section the title at the top says "Make A New Joke" from your jokes addon, needs to be "Add a New Cheat" - edit- found you fixed that above.

7. For the headings you spelt Categories wrong, you spelt it Categorys

8. I tried to come up with 10 helpful ideas but thats all for now :)

I know some of the above are small and silly, and maybe already fixed, but thought I would point them out to help you make the overall product better for the 3.6 release.

micheal332001 09-01-2006 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337

1. Where it has the submitters name, maybe alow that to be linked to their profile.

2. add a block for vbadvanced for "Newest cheats added" and let us be able to select the max number to show. - edit- think you may already have this ^^

3. you spelt platforms wrong "Platforums" on http://www.michealmilton.com/forums/...hp?do=category

4. a) Maybe try and make the search feature have two options, the current and a more advanced option, where the user can search by category etc.

b) Where it says "What Cheat Are You Looking For Type In A Cheat Name"
maybe change that to "What Cheat Are You Looking For? Type in a Cheat Name." or maybe something different like "Search for a cheat by Name or Type of Cheat here"

5. In add a cheat where it says "Extra Cheat Code" maybe change that to "Extra Cheat Code (eg. game shark codes etc.) So the user may have a better idea of what to put in the main and extra sections.

6. In add a cheat section the title at the top says "Make A New Joke" from your jokes addon, needs to be "Add a New Cheat" - edit- found you fixed that above.

7. For the headings you spelt Categories wrong, you spelt it Categorys

8. I tried to come up with 10 helpful ideas but thats all for now :)

I know some of the above are small and silly, and maybe already fixed, but thought I would point them out to help you make the overall product better for the 3.6 release.

Hi there many thanks for this, and yes this will help when i sort out the 3.6 version.
I will fix all of these and will be adding in some extras for the 3.6 version.

Hornstar 09-06-2006 02:47 AM

Cool, cant wait, if you need a beta tester let me know, as I could really give it a good testing.

Anyway hows the progress comming along? Do you think you may have a timeframe of when you expect this to be completed?

Hornstar 09-14-2006 05:26 AM

Just wondering if the update is comming along okay, or not.


Mr_Devlin 10-09-2006 11:39 AM

I would like to have the default vBEditor instead of the textarea for adding new entrys. Is it planned to include this for the 3.6-update?
If not, how can I change the sources for my own needs?

The reason for this modification is simple: In the default textarea most bbcodes will not work. I would like to use this hack as an link library for external downloads (NO UPLOADS!) and it should be able to use bbcodes as well.

I installed this hack on my clean local testboard and on the modified public board also and I can't get the bbcode-tags to work in this hack.

Additionally it would great to have the chance for adding sub-categorys and the permissions for confirming/approving of new cheats should be based upon the usergroups. For example there is no need to confirm admin entrys.... Therefore in the usergroup settings should be an additional setting like "new entry must be confirmed"....

Datenpapst 11-17-2006 09:36 AM

Is this hack working for 3.6 also?

micheal332001 11-17-2006 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Mr_Devlin (Post 1092998)
I would like to have the default vBEditor instead of the textarea for adding new entrys. Is it planned to include this for the 3.6-update?
If not, how can I change the sources for my own needs?

The reason for this modification is simple: In the default textarea most bbcodes will not work. I would like to use this hack as an link library for external downloads (NO UPLOADS!) and it should be able to use bbcodes as well.

I installed this hack on my clean local testboard and on the modified public board also and I can't get the bbcode-tags to work in this hack.

Additionally it would great to have the chance for adding sub-categorys and the permissions for confirming/approving of new cheats should be based upon the usergroups. For example there is no need to confirm admin entrys.... Therefore in the usergroup settings should be an additional setting like "new entry must be confirmed"....

There will be a pro version coming out that will have rate cheats and use the vbeditor system.


Originally Posted by Datenpapst (Post 1119252)
Is this hack working for 3.6 also?

As far as i know this works on 3.5.x up.

Datenpapst 12-18-2006 07:20 PM

When are you going to add the rating system, would be very important, so user could rate a cheat if it works or not. like serials.ws

peterska2 02-09-2007 09:24 AM

Serious vulnerabilities have been found in this modification. Files have been removed according to Official Policy: When Security Vulnerabilities in Hacks are Found

Author will be contacted to address these vulnerabilities. Thread closed until update provided by author.

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