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nvhlinh 02-02-2006 03:10 PM

Thanks a lot!!!!

request these feature:
- Transaction history (donation history)
- Item Shop
- Richest user (stats)

Cyricx 02-02-2006 03:13 PM

Someone made the comment about changing others titles might piss people off.

One of the solutions I did was to let people buy an "exemption". When they purchase that feature it removes their usertitle and makes it to where noone can change their title, and they cannot change anyone elses.

Kinda lets them choose to not be in the title wars game :)

Of course they have to purchase an un-exempt to start joining in the wars again in the future :P

This theory could be applied to alot of other things so that those that find it fun to mess with each other can, and those that don't want to, can choose not to :)

Or even setting it up so that if someone is on your ignore list, or vice versa, you can't mess with any of their stuff and they can't mess with any of yours :)

JBMoney 02-02-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx
Someone made the comment about changing others titles might piss people off.

This was the most popular feature at my board. This and 'donate' were the two items UTTStore users regularly continued to use after the 'newness' wore off. They had a lot of fun with it. Only twice did I get complaints, but both from people who didn't even know what the store was (they thought I did it). After they knew, they did it back and had fun.

I just made sure that it was significantly more expensive to change someone else's title than your own. That way the victim was never put out too much in changing it back, and the perpetrator knew it was likely for short-term kicks.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-02-2006 03:36 PM

Lots of good ideas today, I'm working on v1.0.1 right now as you read this.

The following bugs will be fixed in the v1.0.1:

1) Users can only see options they are available to purchase in eStore.
2) Bank/Donate/Admin Donate gives an error for negative transfer amount in eStore.
3) eStore shows up in Who's Online now.
4) If you changed the ebux field name, it will display the proper points amount in postbit.

Gonna add some more admin features, then release.

In the Admin CP, each option has an "Active" field. You can disable bank/donate features for now until v1.0.1 is released.

Also dont forget when you edit an option, you can set usergroups that are allowed for that option and usergroups that are deined that option.


CrazyShooter 02-02-2006 03:42 PM

I want to be able to remove / reset everyones money... And i would also like to be able to remove one persons cash, without admin donate :) Thanks alot

Jay... 02-02-2006 03:58 PM

Well im just waiting for the vBookie tie-in then all systems go!

The Chief 02-02-2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
Lots of good ideas today, I'm working on v1.0.1 right now as you read this.

The following bugs will be fixed in the v1.0.1:

1) Users can only see options they are available to purchase in eStore.
2) Bank/Donate/Admin Donate gives an error for negative transfer amount in eStore.
3) eStore shows up in Who's Online now.
4) If you changed the ebux field name, it will display the proper points amount in postbit.

Gonna add some more admin features, then release.

In the Admin CP, each option has an "Active" field. You can disable bank/donate features for now until v1.0.1 is released.

Also dont forget when you edit an option, you can set usergroups that are allowed for that option and usergroups that are deined that option.


Thanks, hope it all goes well ;)

You going to include some new stuff in it or just fix some bugs?

nvhlinh 02-02-2006 04:51 PM

change, italic, bold, and glow username dont work!!

XtremeOffroad 02-02-2006 04:56 PM

Yea I know (It's Beta) and we're looking for bugs.
But maybe a nice feature for later on would be points for referrals.

Just my 2 cents.

XtremeOffroad clicks Install.

Snake 02-02-2006 05:07 PM

Man I'll definently check this out tonight! Thanks! :)

Nordinho 02-02-2006 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Aftermath
Man I'll definently check this out tonight! Thanks! :)

looking good! my suggestion..on option to buy gifts and give them to other users..used to be the most popular hack I had on my board, before upgrading to vb3.5

Keep up the good work!

lordnex 02-02-2006 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jay...
Well im just waiting for the vBookie tie-in then all systems go!

It's there already! In the admin setup for ebux it prompts you for the field, change it and you're set.
100% vbookie compatable. Done.

Screenshot of where to change it.

I've got this installed and working perfectly otherwise (the glow is a very cool effect). I'm looking forward to the bug fixes. There are some suggestions here that have great value but I think people should give the car a kick in the tires first to see if it works before wondering about tinkering under the hood! LOL!!

CrazyShooter 02-02-2006 06:28 PM

Any update on the new feactures yet?

lordnex 02-02-2006 06:47 PM

Posted just a few hours prior to your message shooter:

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-02-2006 06:49 PM

Its released, the new features are listed at the top, quite a bit of updates and some bugs fixed as well.


Also note, I have taken a lot of the ideas down for future shop items and will add more gradually over time.


ChurchMedia 02-02-2006 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Nordinho
looking good! my suggestion..on option to buy gifts and give them to other users..used to be the most popular hack I had on my board, before upgrading to vb3.5

Keep up the good work!

I'll try to re-write that when I can :)

cOuNtErFiET 02-02-2006 07:02 PM

is there any way that you can add a transaction hack for this store/bux system so that the members can see what has been donated and to who and a reason for donation like the one for ucash/ushop, i know this thread is for the shop but just wondering, and yes im new to the whole vb stuff just thought this post might fit in here if not them im sry, i currently run 3.0.8 and would like to upgrade to 3.5.3 but this hack and the no transactions hack(yet) for this bux/store hack are holding me back from it until they are released and working quite well so you plan on doing one of these or anyone soon?

also yea i think once 1.0.1 is releasse i might give it a go i need the admin donate and donate working well for my site...lol thanks

mikeylikesitz 02-02-2006 07:03 PM

i feel like a kid on christmas :up: :classic: :classic: :banana:

ChurchMedia 02-02-2006 07:03 PM

Great hack! I have only one little problem. I changed the Field for the points. E.G. I have 37221 points, but ebux says I only have 37 points. I've messed with the decimal places and there is no change. What am I missing?

Thanks for the hard work!

Jay... 02-02-2006 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by lordnex
It's there already! In the admin setup for ebux it prompts you for the field, change it and you're set.
100% vbookie compatable. Done.

Screenshot of where to change it.

I've got this installed and working perfectly otherwise (the glow is a very cool effect). I'm looking forward to the bug fixes. There are some suggestions here that have great value but I think people should give the car a kick in the tires first to see if it works before wondering about tinkering under the hood! LOL!!

now we're talking! Jay clicks install

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-02-2006 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by ChurchMedia
Great hack! I have only one little problem. I changed the Field for the points. E.G. I have 37221 points, but ebux says I only have 37 points. I've messed with the decimal places and there is no change. What am I missing?

Thanks for the hard work!

There was a slight issue in the plugin that calculated the "total points" to display in the postbit, it was using the 'ebux' name itself, I have changed it to use the vbulletin option 'ebux_pointsfield', so it should be reporting properly once you install the v1.0.1 version.


CrazyShooter 02-02-2006 07:38 PM

Why cant i remove everyones points :s

mcyates 02-02-2006 07:39 PM

I get black pages for the following links in my admincp

Mass Givaway
Mass Forum Settings
Ucash Intergration

Why is this? Are templates missing?

Jay... 02-02-2006 07:41 PM

Working spot on however, i do have one suggestion...

Thief - love that on uStore

mcyates 02-02-2006 07:44 PM

sorry, it was caused by some of my files not being fully uploaded.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-02-2006 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyShooter
Why cant i remove everyones points :s

There's an admin option for this under eBux Options -> Mass Giveaways to clear out everyones bank and/or points.


Originally Posted by mcyates
I get black pages for the following links in my admincp

Mass Givaway
Mass Forum Settings
Ucash Intergration

Why is this? Are templates missing?

It sounds like you may not have reuploaded the UPLOAD/admincp/estore.php file, try to reupload it and overwrite if your FTP asks.


lordnex 02-02-2006 07:51 PM

Minor bug.
If you deposit .5 it reduces a full 1 point from your listed points on hand (but increases your bank by .5) If you do it additional times it increases your bank account by the .5 but does not decrease your on hand balance. I've tried this quite a few times so I'm fairly certain about this one. I know this may seem trivial but I'm just thinking long term and if the bug is there perhaps there's another way to exploit it.

mcyates 02-02-2006 07:55 PM

It would be good if you could buy a weekly pass for the Arcade V3arcade!!

Thanks inadvance for a great hack.

lordnex 02-02-2006 08:07 PM

Just a minor addition to my note above. When looking over a user and the "eBux eStore Editing Options " the "Points" total seems to have no decimal places, yet the "bank" has 5 decimal places. This might be related to that point above. I have my forums setup for .5 points per page view so this may or may not be working.

lordnex 02-02-2006 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by mcyates
It would be good if you could buy a weekly pass for the Arcade V3arcade!!

Thanks inadvance for a great hack.

except for v3 arcade there is no hack that charges users to play in the arcade. Why have a weekly pass or do you mean that people would have to buy this to pay at all? That would suck.

ChurchMedia 02-02-2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
There was a slight issue in the plugin that calculated the "total points" to display in the postbit, it was using the 'ebux' name itself, I have changed it to use the vbulletin option 'ebux_pointsfield', so it should be reporting properly once you install the v1.0.1 version.


I'm still having the same problem in the store section. I have 47,000 points but it only shows that I have 47.... ????

I've updated all of the files.

DJ XtAzY 02-02-2006 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by XtAzY
im just wondering if its possible to use these points for attachments? Like everytime a member wants to download a attachement, they will need 'x' amount of points before they can download. If that member doenst have enought points, an error will say that he needs at list x points before that member can download. Is this feature possible?

just wanan bring this up again, is this a possible feature for future releases?

Sooner95 02-02-2006 08:20 PM

Coolness.. doing a nice job of updatign this already..

Saw one person state that this will work with vbookie? Is this true still if vbookie is using Ucash, or does it have to be using the vbookie cash?

See all the requests for integration with v3arcade, don't forget about IBpro Arcade, it has a large user base as well. (And no, it would not be stupid to have member purchase a week, or daily pass to play arcade games, its a great way of boosting participation. Forums suck when no one posts.)

keep up the fine work!

Frugal 02-02-2006 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx
Someone made the comment about changing others titles might piss people off.

One of the solutions I did was to let people buy an "exemption". When they purchase that feature it removes their usertitle and makes it to where noone can change their title, and they cannot change anyone elses.

Kinda lets them choose to not be in the title wars game :)

Of course they have to purchase an un-exempt to start joining in the wars again in the future :P

This theory could be applied to alot of other things so that those that find it fun to mess with each other can, and those that don't want to, can choose not to :)

Or even setting it up so that if someone is on your ignore list, or vice versa, you can't mess with any of their stuff and they can't mess with any of yours :)

These are great ideas, please say you are going to implement them :) the ability for people to buy an exemption would make the title wars totally workable on my forums. Also another great option would be if the admin could also exempt certain users or groups from title wars as I have some members with VIP titles that I would not like messed with.

Before I forget, great work with this.


ChurchMedia 02-02-2006 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by ChurchMedia
I'm still having the same problem in the store section. I have 47,000 points but it only shows that I have 47.... ????

I've updated all of the files.

When I switched the points field back to ebux it started working correctly....

Colejo 02-02-2006 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Colejo
The changes to the username don't show up if you use the Post Reply button but do show up if you use Quick Reply.

ETA: When you reply under a post it makes the username changes of the previous post not show up.

I'm still seeing this problem after the updates and didn't see anyone else mention it. Is this not happening for anyone else?

lordnex 02-02-2006 10:01 PM

Does not this just change the users name out right in the VB database? That's how the ushop did it. It permanently changed the name. How can it change your name and NOT change the name on a post or such?

Sai01 02-02-2006 10:02 PM

maybe it's best if i just wait for this to be stable...

rb290 02-02-2006 10:03 PM

i have vBookie installed, and i want the points to be with the casino so you can buy stuff from the store

lordofgun 02-02-2006 10:49 PM

It keeps telling me my user title is too long. how do i adjust the allowable length?

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