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-   -   vBFriends - View your social network and surf to others in vBulletin 3.5 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=101470)

The Chief 01-10-2006 09:00 PM

Is somebody still working on improving this??

If so, will it be possible to only display a maximum of friends, and then the rest they click on Show All Friends or something??

can this be done?

silurius 01-10-2006 09:21 PM

I think we're still waiting for someone to pick this one up again.

D|ver 01-10-2006 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by j.jacobsen
Here we go with a little enhancement. I added a setup part into the code, so you don't need to search the text in the hard coded html. I also removed the foe part because I don't think someone wants to show these in his profile. You can choose if you want to use avatares or profilepics for the friends part (see attached images). The plugin still only shows friends. If you want to have the buddies only you have to edit it again to your needs.

Maybe I should start a new thread for this in the vB 3.5 plugin forum if I get permission from you, Cloud-Warrior, since it's basically your code a bit optimized :)

Heres the setup part of it

// Setup

$FFsetup = Array(

// these are the texts which are displayed

'friends' => "Freunde",
'has_these_users_on_his_list' => "Buddy-Liste",
'is_on_these_buddy_lists' => $userinfo['username']." ist auf den Buddy-Listen von",

// set these to TRUE or FALSE
// if you set fetch_avatar true you will get avatar picture, else you get profile picture if present

'show_counts' => false,
'fetch_avatar' => true


// End of setup

You see i commented a bit.

I hope it works for you, as it works for me. I'm using 3.5.3

EDIT: For those who haven't used it before I need to mention it again: Place

in the MEMBERINFO template wherever you want to display this.


great addon :)
i will use this :D

but is it possible to hide those information who you got in your buddy list and whohas added you to his buddy list?
so only the friends are shown?
that would be great :)

The Chief 01-11-2006 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by silurius
I think we're still waiting for someone to pick this one up again.

I can't wait, as my members are really starting to like it and I would hate it that this is not updated anymore...

jj 01-11-2006 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by D|ver
but is it possible to hide those information who you got in your buddy list and whohas added you to his buddy list?
so only the friends are shown?
that would be great :)

Here we go :) This is a complete rewrite of the plugin. Please remove the old one before installing the new one. Replace

in your MEMBERINFO template with

Also take a look at the extended setup part of the plugin code.

PHP Code:

// Setup
$FNB_setup = array(
'friends' => "Freunde",
'buddies' => "Buddies",
'has_these_users_on_his_list' => "Buddy-Liste",
'is_on_these_buddy_lists' => $userinfo['username']." ist auf den Buddy-Listen von",

'columns_to_show' => 5,

// set these to TRUE or FALSE
// if you set show_friends to false you will get buddies shown up instead of friends and extended info is removed even
// you set show_ext_info to true
// if you set show_ext_info to false the additional buddy-list and where the user is buddy on others lists gets hidden
// if you set fetch_avatar true you will get avatar picture, else you get profile picture if present

'show_friends' => true,
'show_ext_info' => true,
'show_counts' => true,
'fetch_avatar' => true

You can now additionally choose which list is shown, i.e. the friendslist or the buddylist with avatars or profilepics - as you like. If you choose the buddylist to be shown the extra information on who's on your buddylist and on whom's you are will be hidden. Even if show_ext_info is set true.

If you use file-based storage of profile pics, the profile-pics will NOT show up.

If you choose the friendslist to be shown, you can decide if you want to show the extra buddy info to be hidden or not with the show_ext_info array key.

Current xml: #102

docvader 01-11-2006 12:45 PM

J, I'm completely baffled.
Installed this hack without problems, using the original friends.xml plugins. All works well, except I get this error

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /member.php(651) : eval()'d code on line 359
You can see it here: http://russbo.org/vb/member.php?u=1&styleid=41

Now, if I disable or delete the plug in, my member profile page gets destroyed (even if I remove $FRIENDSFOES from the memberinfo template).

The new xml file, above, results in the same destroyed member profile; basically, I lose everything below the avatar and user name.

I'd like to get this to work, but, I don't understand why this error is coming up.
Any ideas???


jj 01-11-2006 01:01 PM

Please re-download the xml file and overwrite the installed plugin with it. The sql error should be gone then.

If I remove the input-variable from the MEMBERINFO template everything is fine, the profile page is working and the friends or buddie field doesn't show up.

docvader 01-11-2006 01:09 PM

which xml? From post 85? Will that overwrite the previous plug ins?


jj 01-11-2006 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by docvader
which xml? From post 85? Will that overwrite the previous plug ins?


Yes, the xml from #85, and it should overwrite the previous one, as it's the same name. Hope you have removed the first one I did. Had another name, so there should be only "Friends and/or Buddylist on Profile" under (Hook) : member_complete in plugins.

The Chief 01-11-2006 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by j.jacobsen
Here we go :) This is a complete rewrite of the plugin. Please remove the old one before installing the new one. Replace

in your MEMBERINFO template with

Also take a look at the extended setup part of the plugin code.

PHP Code:

// Setup
$FNB_setup = array(
'friends' => "Freunde",
'buddies' => "Buddies",
'has_these_users_on_his_list' => "Buddy-Liste",
'is_on_these_buddy_lists' => $userinfo['username']." ist auf den Buddy-Listen von",

'columns_to_show' => 5,

// set these to TRUE or FALSE
// if you set show_friends to false you will get buddies shown up instead of friends and extended info is removed even
// you set show_ext_info to true
// if you set show_ext_info to false the additional buddy-list and where the user is buddy on others lists gets hidden
// if you set fetch_avatar true you will get avatar picture, else you get profile picture if present

'show_friends' => true,
'show_ext_info' => true,
'show_counts' => true,
'fetch_avatar' => true

You can now additionally choose which list is shown, i.e. the friendslist or the buddylist with avatars or profilepics - as you like. If you choose the buddylist to be shown the extra information on who's on your buddylist and on whom's you are will be hidden. Even if show_ext_info is set true.

If you use file-based storage of profile pics, the profile-pics will NOT show up.

If you choose the friendslist to be shown, you can decide if you want to show the extra buddy info to be hidden or not with the show_ext_info array key.

will there be a way that you will only be able to show like 8 friends in the profile, and then the rest brings you to the friends page or something, can this be done?

what would be even better is that we can choose our top 8 but I know that that would be something hard to do...

jj 01-11-2006 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by gamebgs
will there be a way that you will only be able to show like 8 friends in the profile, and then the rest brings you to the friends page or something, can this be done?

See attachment, set max_show to 8 in the setup part. If you want to show a link to the friends page edit the line which shows
PHP Code:

if ($choicecounter >= $FNB_setup['max_show'] && $FNB_setup['max_show'] > 0$FNB_HTML .= "<a class=\"smallfont\" href=\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/member.php?u=".$userinfo['userid']."&amp;showall=1\">".$FNB_setup['show_all']."</a>"

currently it just hides all friends/buddies more than max_show and shows them on click and reload of profile page with &showall=1


Originally Posted by gamebgs
what would be even better is that we can choose our top 8 but I know that that would be something hard to do...

That would need some sort of saving the preference in a database field. Maybe somewhen later.

Current xml: #102

docvader 01-11-2006 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by j.jacobsen
Yes, the xml from #85, and it should overwrite the previous one, as it's the same name. Hope you have removed the first one I did. Had another name, so there should be only "Friends and/or Buddylist on Profile" under (Hook) : member_complete in plugins.

Well, with the superb and comprehensive help from our hack author here, my issue has been resolved. And it had NOTHING to do with this hack.

I overlooked a simple html tag in my memberinfo template. I am such a moron.

Quite interestingly though, for some reason, this hack's plug in helped keep my memberinfo template "alive"; without it, the whole page really kind of failed, which mistakenly made me think it was this plug in which had caused the problem.

Thanks J! You're an awesome guy.

vwturbo 01-11-2006 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by docvader
Well, with the superb and comprehensive help from our hack author here, my issue has been resolved. And it had NOTHING to do with this hack.

I overlooked a simple html tag in my memberinfo template. I am such a moron.

Quite interestingly though, for some reason, this hack's plug in helped keep my memberinfo template "alive"; without it, the whole page really kind of failed, which mistakenly made me think it was this plug in which had caused the problem.

Thanks J! You're an awesome guy.

j.jacobsen I uploaded your newest xml file and now my friends thing doesn't show up at all. Any idea's? Nothing else has changed.

jj 01-11-2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by vwturbo
j.jacobsen I uploaded your newest xml file and now my friends thing doesn't show up at all. Any idea's? Nothing else has changed.

re-read post #85 carefully, especially the part about the MEMBERINFO template ^^

vwturbo 01-11-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by j.jacobsen
re-read post #85 carefully, especially the part about the MEMBERINFO template ^^

Thanks for the quick reply. Thanks for all the help and coding that you've provided in numerous spots on this board. It's greatly appreciated.

yayvb 01-11-2006 05:57 PM

*BUMP* posted this a day or two ago but still the same problem and no fix. I also just removed old plugin and put new one from post 85.

The usernames are white so they appear invisible, I've tried manually changing the .xml file, the .php file, and my css settings. Anyone have this problem or know what I'm supposed to do? :(

Also if a user has no avatar I would like a 'no avatar' image, where would I stick that line of code in where?

Thanks in advance!!
Here's what I have so far: www.420boards.com/420kid

jj 01-11-2006 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by yayvb
The usernames are white so they appear invisible, I've tried manually changing the .xml file, the .php file, and my css settings. Anyone have this problem or know what I'm supposed to do? :(

If the usernames are white, you have to change you css setting for the hyperlinks in your style ;) The usernames got the right color on several styles on our board.


Originally Posted by yayvb
Also if a user has no avatar I would like a 'no avatar' image, where would I stick that line of code in where?

Find clear.gif and replace with your noavatar image. If it is placed for example in your images dir replace by images/noavatar.gif

yayvb 01-11-2006 06:31 PM

Thanks that helped.... I'll try to do this again but the thing is you can see that all the other text on the page, links and all, work just fine. For some reason this text shows white and it seems like no matter what I do it continues to remain white. :(

see www.420boards.com/420kid

Thanks for the noavatar image answer too, that helps!!
Grrr, I can't seem to figure out what the problem is.. :( Do you happen to know EXACTLY which css style? What I mean is if I go to my style options and see all the CSS options, etc. I can choose background color, font color, link color, visited link color, hover link color, etc. There are a lot of these that I can modify and all of them seem fine. I change ones that are transparent to green and nothing so I change back.

I think I'm going crazy. :) If you can't help further atleast thanks for your help to this point, this hack works great other than this.

jj 01-11-2006 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by yayvb
Thanks that helped.... I'll try to do this again but the thing is you can see that all the other text on the page, links and all, work just fine. For some reason this text shows white and it seems like no matter what I do it continues to remain white. :(

Try replacing all 4 occurances of alt1 in the code with panelsurround.

yayvb 01-11-2006 06:52 PM

Thanks... There were only 3 occurrences, and I switched them all to panelsurround but everything's still white or blank..... :( Do you think it's because I have a bad file or something? hehe let me try redownloading since you said 4 occurrences and there were only 3. I use textpad so I didn't just overlook it. :)

yayvb 01-11-2006 07:02 PM

Crap I saw a lot of differences in the .xml file that you uploaded today, but even after uninstalling the old plugin and replugging this new one the text is still messed up. This is weird because usually I'm not the one having problems. :) Did you want to look at my html output perhaps? ;) www.420boards.com/420kid

Crap, even just tried again to change the 4 alt1's to panelsurround but once again no help. Does this even make any sense? I guess it does since most of the time things can eventually be explained. Well if anyone comes up with anything please help.

jj 01-11-2006 07:12 PM

It's really weird, I don't find any reason why the links get white instead of that darkgreen on the contact info field. Would you mind downloading the plugin again ^^ I found an error with the html in there which I haven't seen since I posted the first version. The error is in Cloud-Warriors friends.php, too ^^

You can setup your noavatar picture url in the setup part now ;)

The plugin has it's own thread now: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=873179

yayvb 01-11-2006 07:33 PM

Thanks for trying. :) I tried this new one too and it still shows the white links text or whatever. :( I have no idea whatsoever. The html output should be able to easily tell me what's wrong but I can't see anything wrong.

jj 01-11-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by yayvb
Thanks for trying. :) I tried this new one too and it still shows the white links text or whatever. :( I have no idea whatsoever. The html output should be able to easily tell me what's wrong but I can't see anything wrong.

Maybe a last try, if you don't mind to test it. Here's a special xml for you, I added one of your css classes to the html anchor tags, i.e.
HTML Code:

<a class=\"page\"...

yayvb 01-11-2006 07:47 PM

Wow you're awesome... :)

I just tried changing my CSS settings for ALT1 again and it worked. In my settings it used to show transparent, so I changed them to another color and then it of course changed the colors of the forumhome links on front :(

I shoulda just waited for yours hehe.. Maybe I should still try it. hmmm, if it's no longer broken don't fix it..... hmmmm

Thanks so much!!! :)

D|ver 01-11-2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by j.jacobsen
It's really weird, I don't find any reason why the links get white instead of that darkgreen on the contact info field. Would you mind downloading the plugin again ^^ I found an error with the html in there which I haven't seen since I posted the first version. The error is in Cloud-Warriors friends.php, too ^^

You can setup your noavatar picture url in the setup part now ;)

its working great :D :D
thank you so so much :) :)

Emma 01-13-2006 06:07 AM

This may have been asked before, but Ive searched and searched and I haven't seen it. Is there anyway to get the users profile pics to display on the friends.php page instead of the the user avatars?

Much thanks!

vwturbo 01-13-2006 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Emma
This may have been asked before, but Ive searched and searched and I haven't seen it. Is there anyway to get the users profile pics to display on the friends.php page instead of the the user avatars?

Much thanks!

Download the xml file from j.jacobsen's post and it will give you that option to choose either or.

jj 01-13-2006 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by vwturbo
Download the xml file from j.jacobsen's post and it will give you that option to choose either or.

Emma asked for that option in the friends.php, so it will not work

agiacosa 01-13-2006 06:03 PM

I'm sorry. I'm a little slow today.

How is one added to the friends list?

Fallback 01-14-2006 11:17 AM

Has this been optimised? Does this still add one query for each friend on each page load?

jj 01-14-2006 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Fallback
Has this been optimised? Does this still add one query for each friend on each page load?

The plugin has been optimized, and has it's own thread now. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=873179

jj 01-15-2006 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by agiacosa
I'm sorry. I'm a little slow today.

How is one added to the friends list?

A adds B to his buddy list, and B adds A also to his buddy list. Done.

bogene2020 01-17-2006 10:55 PM

If I put in ....friends.php?u=1 or u=2 it works but what should I use as the link so that it pulls the members ID automatically when they are logged on . I am using one of those nav bar hacks that adds a 2nd nav bar and so I want to put the link on the navbar . I have to put www.domain.com/forum/friends.php/?u......

yayvb 01-18-2006 08:34 PM

Please see a user of my website's profile. The friends names are too long so it is breaking my skin. www.420boards.com/scottso

Can someone please tell me how I can make either only 4 allowed per row or even better yet how to not have this skin break by somehow limiting the names in the vbfriends thing.

davidw 01-18-2006 09:43 PM

<font color="SeaGreen">* christianb subscribes to this thread</font>

.Tim 01-18-2006 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by yayvb
Please see a user of my website's profile. The friends names are too long so it is breaking my skin. www.420boards.com/scottso

Can someone please tell me how I can make either only 4 allowed per row or even better yet how to not have this skin break by somehow limiting the names in the vbfriends thing.

Well first, I look at your profile and didn't see anything wrong with it but to change the per row option.....

Change this:


(($inoutcounter % 5


(($inoutcounter % 4
or whatever amount you want to show.

shadowdancer36 01-19-2006 08:37 AM

I can't get it to show up under my profile. I put the friendfoe variable there but its not showing up. I can bring it up in the browser no problem, but withing my profile, no. Any ideas to why?

Here is what I have in my memberinfo template


<html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
<title>$vboptions[bbtitle] - $vbphrase[view_profile]: $userinfo[username]</title>
<style type="text/css">
<table width="90%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]">
    <td colspan="2"><div align="center" class="bigusername">$userinfo[musername]</div><if condition="$userinfo['usertitle']"> 
              <div class="smallfont" align="center">$userinfo[usertitle]</div>
              <div align="center">$post[reputationdisplay]</div></td>
    <td valign="top" width="40%"><table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
          <tr class="tcat"> 
            <td class="text" colspan="2" style="" align="left" valign="bottom"></td>
          <tr class="alt2"> 
            <td> <div align="right"><if condition="$show['profilepic']"> <img src="$userinfo[profilepicurl]" $userinfo[profilepicsize] alt="<phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[xs_picture]</phrase>" 
                border="0" style="border:1px solid $stylevar[tborder_bgcolor]; 
                border-top:none" />
                <else />
                <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/no_pic.jpg"  alt="$userinfo[username]" border="0" style="border:1px solid $stylevar[tborder_bgcolor];" />
            <td align="left" valign="top" class="text">
              <strong>Sex:</strong> $userinfo[field8] <br /> <if condition="$show['age']"><strong>$vbphrase[age]:</strong> 
              $userinfo[age]</if> <br /> <strong>Location:</strong> $userinfo[field2]<br />
              <br />
<div><strong>Last Online:</strong> $userinfo[lastactivitydate] at $userinfo[lastactivitytime]</div><!-- DONATIONS -->
<if condition="$userinfo['donor'] AND $userinfo['showdonor'] == '1'"><br /><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/donate.php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/donate_donor.gif" border="0" alt="Donor" /></a></if>
      <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <tr class="tcat"> 
          <td colspan="2">Contacting $userinfo[musername]</td>
<if condition="$show[registerbutton]">
<if condition="$userinfo[field26]=No">
<tr class="alt2">
<else />
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="center" height="5" nowrap="nowrap" width="50%"> <div align="left"> 
              <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/note_go.png" alt="$vbphrase[profile_pm]" border="0" /> 
              <a href="private.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newpm&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]" rel="nofollow"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[profile_pm]</phrase></a> 
          <td align="center" height="5" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="50%"> 
            <div align="left"><if condition="$userinfo['showicq']"> $userinfo[icqicon] 
              <a href="#" dir="ltr" onclick="imwindow('icq', '$userinfo[userid]', 500, 450); return false;">$userinfo[icq]</a> 
              </if> </div></td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="center" height="5" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="50%"> 
            <div align="left"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/email_go.png" alt="$vbphrase[profile_email]" border="0" /> 
              <a href="sendmessage.php?$session[sessionurl]do=mailmember&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]" rel="nofollow"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[profile_email]</phrase></a> 
          <td align="center" height="2" nowrap="nowrap" valign="middle" width="50%"> 
            <div align="left"><if condition="$userinfo['showaim']"> $userinfo[aimicon] 
              <a href="#" dir="ltr" onclick="imwindow('aim', '$userinfo[userid]', 400, 200); return false;">$userinfo[aim]</a> 
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="center" height="5" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="50%"> 
            <div align="left"><if condition="$show['addbuddylist']"> <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/group_add.png" alt="$vbphrase[profile_addbuddy]" border="0" /> 
              <a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addlist&amp;userlist=buddy&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[profile_addbuddy]</phrase></a> 
              <else /><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/group_delete.png" alt="$vbphrase[profile_deletebuddy]" border="0" /> 
              <a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removelist&amp;userlist=buddy&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[profile_deletebuddy]</phrase></a> 
              </if> </div></td>
          <td align="center" height="5" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="50%"> 
            <div align="left"><if condition="$userinfo['showmsn']"> $userinfo[msnicon] 
              <a href="#" dir="ltr" onclick="imwindow('msn', '$userinfo[userid]', 400, 200); return false;">$userinfo[msn]</a> 
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="center" height="5" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="50%"> 
            <div align="left"><if condition="$show['addignorelist']"> <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/user_delete.png" alt="$vbphrase[profile_blockuser]" border="0" /> 
              <a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addlist&amp;userlist=ignore&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[profile_blockuser]</phrase></a> 
              <else /><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/user_add.png" alt="$vbphrase[profile_unblockuser]" border="0" /> 
              <a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removelist&amp;userlist=ignore&amp;u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[profile_unblockuser]</phrase></a> 
              </if> </div></td>
          <td align="center" height="2" nowrap="nowrap" valign="middle" width="50%"> 
            <div align="left"><if condition="$userinfo['showyahoo']"> $userinfo[yahooicon] 
              <a href="#" dir="ltr" onclick="imwindow('yahoo', '$userinfo[userid]', 400, 200); return false;">$userinfo[yahoo]</a> 
      <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <tr class="tcat"> 
          <td colspan="3" valign="middle">$userinfo[musername]'s Interests</td>
        <tr valign="top" class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"><span class="">General:</span></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">$userinfo[field19]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"><span class="">Music:</span></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">$userinfo[field20]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"><span class="">Movies:</span></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">$userinfo[field21]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"><span class="">Television:</span></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">$userinfo[field22]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"><span class="">Heroes:</span></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">$userinfo[field23]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"><span class="">Groups:</span></td>
          <if condition="$show['membergroups']"> 
          <else /> 
          <td><strong><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[x_is_not_a_member_of_any_public_groups]</phrase></strong></td>
      <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <tr class="tcat"> 
          <td class="text" align="left" height="10" valign="center" colspan="2"> 
            $userinfo[musername]'s Details</td>
        <tr valign="top" class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"> <div align="left">Status:</div></td>
          <td style="">$userinfo[field11]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"> <div align="left">Orientation:</div></td>
          <td style="">$userinfo[field12]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"> <div align="left">Hometown:</div></td>
          <td style="">$userinfo[field13]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"> <div align="left">Religion:</div></td>
          <td id="ProfileReligion:" style="">$userinfo[field14]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"> <div align="left">Zodiac 
          <td style=""><if condition="$show['zodiacsign']"> 
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"> <div align="left">Smoke 
              / Drink:</div></td>
          <td style="">$userinfo[field15] / $userinfo[field16]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"> <div align="left">Children:</div></td>
          <td style="">$userinfo[field17]</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"> <div align="left">Education:</div></td>
          <td style="">$userinfo[field18]</td>
    <td valign="top" width="60%"> <if condition="$show[journalinfo]"><table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <tr class="tcat"> 
          <td>$userinfo[musername]'s Latest Blog Entry</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td><if condition="$show[journalinfo]"> <if condition="$show[journal_lastentry]"><a href="journal.php?$session[sessionurl]do=showentry&e=$journal[lastentry_id]">$journal[lastentry]</a> 
            ($journal[lastentry_date])<br />
            <else />$vbphrase[private]</if> </if></td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td><if condition="$show[journalinfo]"> [<a href="journal.php?$session[sessionurl]do=showjournal&j=$journal[journal_id]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[visit_xs_journal]</phrase></a>] 
      <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <tr class="tcat"> 
          <td>$userinfo[musername]'s Blurbs</td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td valign="top"><strong>About Me:</strong><br />$userinfo[field9]</td>
          <td class="alt2"><strong>Who I'd Like to Meet:</strong><br />
<if condition="$userinfo[field25]">
      <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
        <tr class="tcat"> 
          <td class="text" wrap="" style="" align="left" height="10" valign="center" colspan="2"> 
            <span class="">$userinfo[musername]'s Shared Media </span> </td>
        <tr class="alt2"> 
          <td align="left" valign="top"> <div align="center"><EMBED SRC="$userinfo[field25]"></div></td>>
    <td colspan="8" align="right" valign="bottom">  <if condition="$show['profileviews']">
          <if condition="$show['profileviewsother']"><a href="#" onClick="openWindow('misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=profileviews&u=$userinfo[userid]', 300, 400); return false;">$vbphrase[profile_views]</a><else />$vbphrase[profile_views]</if>: $userinfo[profileviews]


jj 01-19-2006 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by shadowdancer36
I can't get it to show up under my profile. I put the friendfoe variable there but its not showing up. I can bring it up in the browser no problem, but withing my profile, no. Any ideas to why?


bogene2020 01-19-2006 01:05 PM

Is it possible to link to friends.php. I have it installed but how can I make it possible for a member to link to such that they can see there friends . I want to but it in my Navbar . Thanks

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