badnans |
11-18-2005 10:33 AM |
Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Could you please try to explain what you want to achieve. This sounds like it is getting very close to the borders of the license agreement.
Was that message for my query? If a registered user has to create a Forum Topic, is it violation of vBulletin Agreement??? :surprised:
By the way, I figured it out:
$forum = array(
'title' => 'My Forum Topic,
'description' => '',
'link' => '',
'displayorder' => 1,
'daysprune' => -1,
'parentid' => 1,
'newthreademail' => '',
'newpostemail' => '',
'options' => array(
'moderatenewpost' => 0,
'moderatenewthread' => 0,
'moderateattach' => 0,
'warnall' => 0,
'styleoverride' => 0,
'canhavepassword' => 1,
'cancontainthreads' => 0,
'active' => 1,
'allowposting' => 0,
'indexposts' => 0,
'allowhtml' => 0,
'allowbbcode' => 1,
'allowimages' => 1,
'allowsmilies' => 1,
'allowicons' => 1,
'allowratings' => 0,
'countposts' => 0,
'showonforumjump' => 1),
'styleid' => -1,
'password' => '',
$forumdata =& datamanager_init('Forum', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_CP);
foreach ($forum AS $varname => $value)
if ($varname == 'options')
foreach ($value AS $key => $val)
$forumdata->set_bitfield('options', $key, $val);
$forumdata->set($varname, $value);
$forumid = $forumdata->save();