Welshy2008 |
03-03-2009 05:12 PM |
Firstly, Sorry for bumping an old thread...
Originally Posted by E2E
(Post 622814)
Ooh, ooh, I can answer this one! =) Erm, well, I think I can at any rate: you can add strikethrough as a custom BB code via the Admin CP:
1. In your AdminCP, go to Custom BB Codes and click Add New BB Code
2. Enter the following info in the appropriate fields:
Title: Strikethrough
Tag: Strike
Replacement: <strike>{param}</strike>
Complete the rest of the fields as you like (to be honest, I believe the only field that you "must" set up as I've described is the "Replacement" one, as that's the one that tells vBulletin what html code you want to use for this bb code).
That oughta do it - good luck!
I tried that Way, but it didn't work for me. :(
Originally Posted by bada_bing
(Post 947211)
Can someone post a detailed description on how to install this and how to pull up the BB Code in a new thread? Also how do you do the CSS version.
I would like to know this too, If someone would be kind enough as to have the patience t explain.
Many Thanks.