Kentaurus |
01-20-2004 12:42 PM |
Originally Posted by Ronin
I am also having the same issue. Doesn't seem to be updating. I ran the query. I even removed the entry and ran it again. Same thing. I double checked all the edits for the files and templates the phrases are there as well. But still no go! :(
I have tested it in at least 3 boards and it seems to be working. Did you make the changes in sessions.php? That could be the only reason it is not updating. In sessions.php.
In sessions.php this query:
SET lastactivity = " . TIMENOW . "
WHERE userid = $bbuserinfo[userid]
", 'lastvisit');
is changed to
$timespent = TIMENOW - $session['lastactivity'];
SET lastactivity = " . TIMENOW . ",
WHERE userid = $bbuserinfo[userid]
", 'lastvisit');
make sure it is that exact code you change, some lines above that there is another one that looks alike but also modifies lastvisit. (that is in the instructions already, it is not something new).
Gio Takahashi, did you do anything special besides the instructions? It seems to be working on your board.