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rrottman 01-11-2004 08:00 PM

Additionally, you say that

$globaltemplates = array('main');

is for caching templates? How does this work? To me it appears as if you just declare a local array? The fetch_template function in functions.php does not reference any var named $globaltemplates. Could you possibly explain why you init this array in the page?

And I'm still not getting the template :-(


rrottman 01-11-2004 08:03 PM

Some more troubleshooting steps it now appears as if the fetch_template does not return any content. It's empty... hmm... HELP!

Zachery 01-11-2004 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by rrottman
Some more troubleshooting steps it now appears as if the fetch_template does not return any content. It's empty... hmm... HELP!

sorry ive been working on stuff, you can wait more than 3 min for a nother post too ;D

yes $globaltemplates cach's the template

do you HAVE a template called main in the database?

rrottman 01-11-2004 08:22 PM

Faranth, my capitalized "help" was in no way ment to offend you in any way. It's just I was in such a despair...

Do I have a template called "main"... honestly, I don't know. Maybe. Is there any standard template, comming with the clean default vB3 RC2 install I could test instead?

And: I understood that you were saying that the $globaltemplates array is done to cache templates but I don't know how it does so. Is there a GLOBAL variable named $globaltemplates in the vB system? I mean, if I put this statement at the top of my script, all it does is create an array with a single string value but how does this "instruct" vb to cache a template?

Zachery 01-11-2004 08:25 PM

lol thats most lily your problem you dont have another tempalte atm lol ^^

make a new template called main and add anything you like to it :)

rrottman 01-11-2004 08:29 PM

And one more question, Faranth (sorry, knowing that you're online is just too attractive.. :-) ):

Why do I have to use eval(...). Couldn't I just do a

$output = fetch_template(...);
echo $output;


Zachery 01-11-2004 08:31 PM

why two lines?

eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('main') . '");');

one simple line, plus this is how its done for all files in vb

rrottman 01-11-2004 08:34 PM

Hmm. I see. I might not have asked my question the right way. (I'm not a native English speaker. Sorry again.)

I was wondering why to use the eval() at all?
Why not:

echo fetch_template("FORUMHOME");

but instead:

eval('echo "'.fetch_template(...).'");');

So my main question was: Why do we use eval here? Is it, because templates might contain php code, too? or vars?

(Btw.: You were right with the "main" template. If I replace it with e.g. FORUMHOME, it works great.)

I still do not understand how the declaration of the local variable $globaltemplates helps caching...

Zachery 01-11-2004 08:35 PM

ah yes, actually , if conditions are inlaid php :) all of the tempaltes are stored in php format to boot

VodkaFish 01-12-2004 08:35 PM

If I slap your (longer) example into a blank .php page and use the shell_blank as my template (unchanged); I get an "object expected" error when the page tries to run this script:

<script type="text/javascript">
        // Main vBulletin Javascript Initialization

* The page I wrote was in a different directory, so I used this:
PHP Code:


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