Originally Posted by futureal
I am *still* waiting for access to vbulletintemplates.
I consider myself a pretty patient guy, but this is ridiculous. I own two vB licenses and yet no one seems to care that I'm being denied access to one of the member sites that seem to be a right upon purchasing a license.
If Jelsoft is willing to brand a site like this as a "sister site" and remove any template modification area from vbulletin.com and vbulletin.org, they had better take some responsibility towards the administrator(s) granting selective access to the site.
I am still waiting on my account to be udated to admin, I guess he is going to do it when we upgrade to RC 1. Saintdog seems real busy as of late, and he hasent responded to my last email yet, altho he did post on vBt the other day and said we would be upgrading soon.
If anyone is having problems with vBt you can send a email to me at brad[at]kousetsu.net and I will resolve all the problems I can once my account has been updated.